public void AssertionFailsWhenContainedObjectsAreNotEquivalent(Foo subjectValue, Foo expectationValue)
            // Arrange
            var subject     = new Some <Foo>(subjectValue);
            var expectation = new Some <Foo>(expectationValue);

            AssertionOptions.EquivalencySteps.Insert <MaybeEquivalencyStep>();

            var sut = new MaybeEquivalencyStep();

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expectation);

            // Assert
            act.Should().Throw <XunitException>().WithMessage($"Expected member Name to be*\"{expectationValue.Name}\", but *");
        public void CanAssertMaybesContainingEquivalentObjectsAreEquivalent(Foo value)
            // Arrange
            var subject     = new Some <Foo>(value);
            var expectation = new Some <Foo>(value);

            AssertionOptions.EquivalencySteps.Insert <MaybeEquivalencyStep>();

            var sut = new MaybeEquivalencyStep();

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expectation);

            // Assert
        public void AssertionFailsWhenExpectationIsNull()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new None <object>();

            AssertionOptions.EquivalencySteps.AddAfter <ReferenceEqualityEquivalencyStep, MaybeEquivalencyStep>();

            var sut = new MaybeEquivalencyStep();

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.Should().BeEquivalentTo((IMaybe <object>)null);

            // Assert
            act.Should().Throw <XunitException>()
            .WithMessage($"Expected subject to be <null>, but found *None*");
        public void AssertionFailsWhenContainedValuesAreNotEquivalent(int subjectValue, int expectationValue)
            // Arrange
            var subject     = new Some <int>(subjectValue);
            var expectation = new Some <int>(expectationValue);

            AssertionOptions.EquivalencySteps.Insert <MaybeEquivalencyStep>();

            var sut = new MaybeEquivalencyStep();

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expectation);

            // Assert
            act.Should().Throw <XunitException>().WithMessage($"Expected object to be*{expectationValue}, but *");
        public void AssertionFailsWhenSubjectIsNotAMaybe()
            // Arrange
            object subject = new object();

            AssertionOptions.EquivalencySteps.AddAfter <ReferenceEqualityEquivalencyStep, MaybeEquivalencyStep>();

            var sut = new MaybeEquivalencyStep();

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new None <Guid>());

            // Assert
            act.Should().Throw <XunitException>()
            .WithMessage($"Expected subject to be a {typeof(IMaybe<>)}, but it was a {typeof(object)}.*");;
        public void AssertionFailsWhenSubjectIsNull()
            // Arrange
            object subject = null;

            AssertionOptions.EquivalencySteps.AddAfter <ReferenceEqualityEquivalencyStep, MaybeEquivalencyStep>();

            var sut = new MaybeEquivalencyStep();

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new None <Guid>());

            // Assert
            act.Should().Throw <XunitException>()
            .WithMessage("Expected subject not to be <null>.*");
        public void CanAssertAEmptyMaybesOfIncompatibleTypesAreEqual()
            // Arrange
            var subject     = new None <int>();
            var expectation = new None <string>();

            AssertionOptions.EquivalencySteps.Remove <IEquivalencyStep>();
            AssertionOptions.EquivalencySteps.Insert <MaybeEquivalencyStep>();

            var sut = new MaybeEquivalencyStep();

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expectation);

            // Assert
        public void CanAssertAnEmptySubjectAndEmptyExpectationAreEqual()
            // Arrange
            var subject     = new None <object>();
            var expectation = new None <object>();

            AssertionOptions.EquivalencySteps.Remove <IEquivalencyStep>();
            AssertionOptions.EquivalencySteps.Insert <MaybeEquivalencyStep>();

            var sut = new MaybeEquivalencyStep();

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expectation);

            // Assert
        public void AssertionFailsWhenSubjectIsFilledAndExpectationIsEmpty()
            // Arrange
            var subject     = new Some <object>(new object());
            var expectation = new None <object>();

            AssertionOptions.EquivalencySteps.Remove <IEquivalencyStep>();
            AssertionOptions.EquivalencySteps.Insert <MaybeEquivalencyStep>();

            var sut = new MaybeEquivalencyStep();

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expectation);

            // Assert
            act.Should().Throw <XunitException>().WithMessage("Expected subject to be empty, but it was filled.*");
        public void CannotHandleObjectExpectation()
            // Arrange
            object expectation = new object();

            var context = new EquivalencyValidationContext
                Expectation     = expectation,
                CompileTimeType = expectation.GetType()

            var config = new EquivalencyAssertionOptions <None <int> >();

            var sut = new MaybeEquivalencyStep();

            // Act
            var actual = sut.CanHandle(context, config);

            // Assert
        public void CanHandleIMaybeExpectation()
            // Arrange
            IMaybe <Guid> expectation = new Some <Guid>(Guid.NewGuid());

            var context = new EquivalencyValidationContext
                Expectation     = expectation,
                CompileTimeType = expectation.GetType()

            var config = new EquivalencyAssertionOptions <None <int> >();

            var sut = new MaybeEquivalencyStep();

            // Act
            var actual = sut.CanHandle(context, config);

            // Assert
        public void CanAssertMaybesContainingEquivalentObjectsWithMaybePropertiesAreEquivalent(int id, string name)
            // Arrange
            var subject = new Some <Bar>(new Bar {
                Id = id, Foo = new Some <Foo>(new Foo {
                    Name = name
            var expectation = new Some <Bar>(new Bar {
                Id = id, Foo = new Some <Foo>(new Foo {
                    Name = name

            AssertionOptions.EquivalencySteps.Insert <MaybeEquivalencyStep>();

            var sut = new MaybeEquivalencyStep();

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expectation);

            // Assert
        public void AssertionFailsWhenContainedObjectsHaveMaybePropertiesAndAreNotEquivalent(int id, string subjectName, string expectationName)
            // Arrange
            var subject = new Some <Bar>(new Bar {
                Id = id, Foo = new Some <Foo>(new Foo {
                    Name = subjectName
            var expectation = new Some <Bar>(new Bar {
                Id = id, Foo = new Some <Foo>(new Foo {
                    Name = expectationName

            AssertionOptions.EquivalencySteps.Insert <MaybeEquivalencyStep>();

            var sut = new MaybeEquivalencyStep();

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expectation);

            // Assert
            act.Should().Throw <XunitException>().WithMessage($"Expected member Foo.Name to be *{expectationName}*but*{subjectName}*");