Beispiel #1
        public void OnPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject(string path)
#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
            // On Unity 2019.3+, the path returned is the path to the unityLibrary's module.
            // The AppLovin Quality Service buildscript closure related lines need to be added to the root build.gradle file.
            var rootGradleBuildFilePath = Path.Combine(path, "../build.gradle");
            var buildScriptChangesAdded = AddQualityServiceBuildScriptLines(rootGradleBuildFilePath);
            if (!buildScriptChangesAdded)

            // The plugin needs to be added to the application module (named launcher)
            var applicationGradleBuildFilePath = Path.Combine(path, "../launcher/build.gradle");
            // If Gradle template is enabled, we would have already updated the plugin.
            if (AppLovinIntegrationManager.GradleTemplateEnabled)

            var applicationGradleBuildFilePath = Path.Combine(path, "build.gradle");

            if (!File.Exists(applicationGradleBuildFilePath))
                MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("Couldn't find build.gradle file. Failed to add AppLovin Quality Service plugin to the gradle project.");

 private static void _ensureHaveSdkKey()
     if (_hasSdkKey)
         "MAX Ads SDK did not receive SDK key. Please call Max.SetSdkKey() to assign it");
Beispiel #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Show cross promo ad at a position determined by the 'CreateCrossPromoAd' call.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="adUnitIdentifier">Ad unit identifier of the cross promo ad to show</param>
    public static void ShowCrossPromoAd(string adUnitIdentifier)
        ValidateAdUnitIdentifier(adUnitIdentifier, "show cross promo ad");

        if (!IsAdUnitRequested(adUnitIdentifier))
            MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("Cross promo ad '" + adUnitIdentifier + "' was not created, can not show it");
    /// <summary>
    /// Show MREC at a position determined by the 'CreateMRec' call.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="adUnitIdentifier">Ad unit identifier of the MREC to show</param>
    public static void ShowMRec(string adUnitIdentifier)
        ValidateAdUnitIdentifier(adUnitIdentifier, "show MREC");

        if (!IsAdUnitRequested(adUnitIdentifier))
            MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("MREC '" + adUnitIdentifier + "' was not created, can not show it");
Beispiel #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Get the consent dialog state for this user. If no such determination could be made, <see cref="MaxSdkBase.ConsentDialogState.Unknown"/> will be returned.
    /// Note: this method should be called only after SDK has been initialized
    /// </summary>
    public static ConsentDialogState GetConsentDialogState()
        if (!IsInitialized())
                "MAX Ads SDK has not been initialized yet. GetConsentDialogState() may return ConsentDialogState.Unknown");

Beispiel #6
    public static ConsentDialogState GetConsentDialogState()
        if (!IsInitialized())
                "MAX Ads SDK has not been initialized yet. GetConsentDialogState() may return ConsentDialogState.Unknown");

        return((ConsentDialogState)MaxUnityPluginClass.CallStatic <int>("getConsentDialogState"));
    private static void _ensureInitialized()

        if (_isInitialized)
            "MAX Ads SDK is not initialized by the time ad is requested. Please call Max.InitializeSdk() in your first scene");
    // Allocate the MaxSdkCallbacks singleton, which receives all callback events from the native SDKs.
    protected static void InitCallbacks()
        var type = typeof(MaxSdkCallbacks);
        var mgr  = new GameObject("MaxSdkCallbacks", type)
                   .GetComponent <MaxSdkCallbacks>(); // Its Awake() method sets Instance.

        if (MaxSdkCallbacks.Instance != mgr)
            MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("It looks like you have the " + type.Name + " on a GameObject in your scene. Please remove the script from your scene.");
 /// <summary>
 /// Present the mediation debugger UI.
 /// This debugger tool provides the status of your integration for each third-party ad network.
 /// Please call this method after the SDK has initialized.
 /// </summary>
 public static void ShowMediationDebugger()
     if (!_isInitialized)
         MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("The mediation debugger cannot be shown before the MAX SDK has been initialized."
                                  + "\nCall 'MaxSdk.InitializeSdk();' and listen for 'MaxSdkCallbacks.OnSdkInitializedEvent' before showing the mediation debugger.");
         MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("The mediation debugger cannot be shown in the Unity Editor. Please export the project to Android or iOS first.");
    /// <summary>
    /// Check if rewarded interstitial ad ad is loaded and ready to be displayed.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="adUnitIdentifier">Ad unit identifier of the rewarded ad to load</param>
    /// <returns>True if the ad is ready to be displayed</returns>
    public static bool IsRewardedInterstitialAdReady(string adUnitIdentifier)
        ValidateAdUnitIdentifier(adUnitIdentifier, "check rewarded interstitial ad loaded");

        if (!IsAdUnitRequested(adUnitIdentifier))
            MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("Rewarded interstitial ad '" + adUnitIdentifier +
                                     "' was not requested, can not check if it is loaded");

Beispiel #11
    /// <summary>
    /// Present loaded rewarded interstitial ad for a given placement to tie ad events to. Note: if the rewarded interstitial ad is not ready to be displayed nothing will happen.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="adUnitIdentifier">Ad unit identifier of the rewarded interstitial to show</param>
    /// <param name="placement">The placement to tie the showing ad's events to</param>
    public static void ShowRewardedInterstitialAd(string adUnitIdentifier, string placement)
        ValidateAdUnitIdentifier(adUnitIdentifier, "show rewarded interstitial ad");

        if (IsRewardedInterstitialAdReady(adUnitIdentifier))
            _MaxShowRewardedInterstitialAd(adUnitIdentifier, placement);
            MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("Not showing MAX Ads rewarded interstitial ad: ad not ready");
Beispiel #12
    /// <summary>
    /// Present loaded interstitial for a given placement to tie ad events to. Note: if the interstitial is not ready to be displayed nothing will happen.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="adUnitIdentifier">Ad unit identifier of the interstitial to load</param>
    /// <param name="placement">The placement to tie the showing ad's events to</param>
    public static void ShowInterstitial(string adUnitIdentifier, string placement)
        ValidateAdUnitIdentifier(adUnitIdentifier, "show interstitial");

        if (IsInterstitialReady(adUnitIdentifier))
            _MaxShowInterstitial(adUnitIdentifier, placement);
            MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("Not showing MAX Ads interstitial: ad not ready");
Beispiel #13
    /// <summary> ready to be
    /// Present loaded rewarded ad for a given placement to tie ad events to. Note: if the rewarded ad is not ready to be displayed nothing will happen.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="adUnitIdentifier">Ad unit identifier of the interstitial to load</param>
    /// <param name="placement">The placement to tie the showing ad's events to</param>
    public static void ShowRewardedAd(string adUnitIdentifier, string placement)
        ValidateAdUnitIdentifier(adUnitIdentifier, "show rewarded ad");

        if (IsRewardedAdReady(adUnitIdentifier))
            MaxUnityPluginClass.CallStatic("showRewardedAd", adUnitIdentifier, placement);
            MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("Not showing MAX Ads rewarded ad: ad not ready");
Beispiel #14
    private static bool CanInvokeEvent(Delegate evt)
        if (evt == null)

        // Check that publisher is not over-subscribing
        if (evt.GetInvocationList().Length > 5)
            MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("Ads Event (" + evt + ") has over 5 subscribers. Please make sure you are properly un-subscribing to actions!!!");

    /// <summary>
    /// Show banner at a position determined by the 'CreateBanner' call.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="adUnitIdentifier">Ad unit identifier of the banner to show</param>
    public static void ShowBanner(string adUnitIdentifier)
        ValidateAdUnitIdentifier(adUnitIdentifier, "show banner");

        if (!IsAdUnitRequested(adUnitIdentifier))
            MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("Banner '" + adUnitIdentifier + "' was not created, can not show it");
            GameObject stubBanner;
            if (StubBanners.TryGetValue(adUnitIdentifier, out stubBanner))
    /// <summary>
    /// Present loaded rewarded interstitial ad for a given placement to tie ad events to. Note: if the rewarded interstitial ad is not ready to be displayed nothing will happen.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="adUnitIdentifier">Ad unit identifier of the rewarded interstitial to show</param>
    /// <param name="placement">The placement to tie the showing ad's events to</param>
    public static void ShowRewardedInterstitialAd(string adUnitIdentifier, string placement)
        ValidateAdUnitIdentifier(adUnitIdentifier, "show rewarded interstitial ad");

        if (!IsAdUnitRequested(adUnitIdentifier))
            MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("Rewarded interstitial ad '" + adUnitIdentifier +
                                     "' was not requested, can not show it");

        if (!IsRewardedInterstitialAdReady(adUnitIdentifier))
            MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("Rewarded interstitial ad '" + adUnitIdentifier + "' is not ready, please check IsRewardedInterstitialAdReady() before showing.");


        if (_showStubAds)
 /// <summary>
 /// Show the user consent dialog to the user using one from AppLovin's SDK. You should check that you actually need to show the consent dialog
 /// by checking <see cref="SdkConfiguration.ConsentDialogState"/> in the completion block of <see cref="MaxSdkCallbacks.OnSdkInitializedEvent"/>.
 /// Please make sure to implement the callback <see cref="MaxSdkCallbacks.OnSdkConsentDialogDismissedEvent"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public void ShowConsentDialog()
     MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("The consent dialog cannot be shown in the Unity Editor. Please export the project to Android or iOS first.");
Beispiel #18
    public void ForwardEvent(string eventPropsStr)
        var eventProps = MaxSdkUtils.PropsStringToDict(eventPropsStr);

        var eventName = eventProps["name"];

        if (eventName == "OnSdkInitializedEvent")
            var sdkConfiguration = MaxSdkBase.SdkConfiguration.Create(eventProps);
            InvokeEvent(_onSdkInitializedEvent, sdkConfiguration);
        else if (eventName == "OnVariablesUpdatedEvent")
        else if (eventName == "OnSdkConsentDialogDismissedEvent")
        // Ad Events
            var adUnitIdentifier = eventProps["adUnitId"];
            if (eventName == "OnBannerAdLoadedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onBannerAdLoadedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnBannerAdLoadFailedEvent")
                var errorCode = 0;
                int.TryParse(eventProps["errorCode"], out errorCode);
                InvokeEvent(_onBannerAdLoadFailedEvent, adUnitIdentifier, errorCode);
            else if (eventName == "OnBannerAdClickedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onBannerAdClickedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnBannerAdExpandedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onBannerAdExpandedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnBannerAdCollapsedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onBannerAdCollapsedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnMRecAdLoadedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onMRecAdLoadedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnMRecAdLoadFailedEvent")
                var errorCode = 0;
                int.TryParse(eventProps["errorCode"], out errorCode);
                InvokeEvent(_onMRecAdLoadFailedEvent, adUnitIdentifier, errorCode);
            else if (eventName == "OnMRecAdClickedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onMRecAdClickedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnMRecAdExpandedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onMRecAdExpandedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnMRecAdCollapsedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onMRecAdCollapsedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnCrossPromoAdLoadedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onCrossPromoAdLoadedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnCrossPromoAdLoadFailedEvent")
                var errorCode = 0;
                int.TryParse(eventProps["errorCode"], out errorCode);
                InvokeEvent(_onCrossPromoAdLoadFailedEvent, adUnitIdentifier, errorCode);
            else if (eventName == "OnCrossPromoAdClickedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onCrossPromoAdClickedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnCrossPromoAdExpandedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onCrossPromoAdExpandedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnCrossPromoAdCollapsedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onCrossPromoAdCollapsedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnInterstitialLoadedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onInterstitialLoadedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnInterstitialLoadFailedEvent")
                var errorCode = 0;
                int.TryParse(eventProps["errorCode"], out errorCode);
                InvokeEvent(_onInterstitialLoadFailedEvent, adUnitIdentifier, errorCode);
            else if (eventName == "OnInterstitialHiddenEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onInterstitialHiddenEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnInterstitialDisplayedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onInterstitialDisplayedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnInterstitialAdFailedToDisplayEvent")
                var errorCode = 0;
                int.TryParse(eventProps["errorCode"], out errorCode);
                InvokeEvent(_onInterstitialAdFailedToDisplayEvent, adUnitIdentifier, errorCode);
            else if (eventName == "OnInterstitialClickedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onInterstitialClickedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnRewardedAdLoadedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onRewardedAdLoadedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnRewardedAdLoadFailedEvent")
                var errorCode = 0;
                int.TryParse(eventProps["errorCode"], out errorCode);
                InvokeEvent(_onRewardedAdLoadFailedEvent, adUnitIdentifier, errorCode);
            else if (eventName == "OnRewardedAdDisplayedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onRewardedAdDisplayedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnRewardedAdHiddenEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onRewardedAdHiddenEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnRewardedAdClickedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onRewardedAdClickedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnRewardedAdFailedToDisplayEvent")
                var errorCode = 0;
                int.TryParse(eventProps["errorCode"], out errorCode);
                InvokeEvent(_onRewardedAdFailedToDisplayEvent, adUnitIdentifier, errorCode);
            else if (eventName == "OnRewardedAdReceivedRewardEvent")
                var reward = new MaxSdkBase.Reward {
                    Label = eventProps["rewardLabel"]

                int.TryParse(eventProps["rewardAmount"], out reward.Amount);

                InvokeEvent(_onRewardedAdReceivedRewardEvent, adUnitIdentifier, reward);
            else if (eventName == "OnRewardedInterstitialAdLoadedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onRewardedInterstitialAdLoadedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnRewardedInterstitialAdLoadFailedEvent")
                var errorCode = 0;
                int.TryParse(eventProps["errorCode"], out errorCode);
                InvokeEvent(_onRewardedInterstitialAdLoadFailedEvent, adUnitIdentifier, errorCode);
            else if (eventName == "OnRewardedInterstitialAdDisplayedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onRewardedInterstitialAdDisplayedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnRewardedInterstitialAdHiddenEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onRewardedInterstitialAdHiddenEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnRewardedInterstitialAdClickedEvent")
                InvokeEvent(_onRewardedInterstitialAdClickedEvent, adUnitIdentifier);
            else if (eventName == "OnRewardedInterstitialAdFailedToDisplayEvent")
                var errorCode = 0;
                int.TryParse(eventProps["errorCode"], out errorCode);
                InvokeEvent(_onRewardedInterstitialAdFailedToDisplayEvent, adUnitIdentifier, errorCode);
            else if (eventName == "OnRewardedInterstitialAdReceivedRewardEvent")
                var reward = new MaxSdkBase.Reward {
                    Label = eventProps["rewardLabel"]

                int.TryParse(eventProps["rewardAmount"], out reward.Amount);

                InvokeEvent(_onRewardedInterstitialAdReceivedRewardEvent, adUnitIdentifier, reward);
                MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("Unknown MAX Ads event fired: " + eventName);
        private static void EnableVerboseLoggingIfNeeded(string path)
            if (!EditorPrefs.HasKey(MaxSdkLogger.KeyVerboseLoggingEnabled))

            var       enabled      = EditorPrefs.GetBool(MaxSdkLogger.KeyVerboseLoggingEnabled);
            var       manifestPath = Path.Combine(path, "src/main/AndroidManifest.xml");
            XDocument manifest;

                manifest = XDocument.Load(manifestPath);
#pragma warning disable 0168
            catch (IOException exception)
#pragma warning restore 0168
                MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("[AppLovin MAX] AndroidManifest.xml is missing.");

            // Get the `manifest` element.
            var elementManifest = manifest.Element("manifest");
            if (elementManifest == null)
                MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("[AppLovin MAX] AndroidManifest.xml is invalid.");

            var elementApplication = elementManifest.Element("application");
            if (elementApplication == null)
                MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("[AppLovin MAX] AndroidManifest.xml is invalid.");

            var descendants            = elementApplication.Descendants();
            var verboseLoggingMetaData = descendants.FirstOrDefault(descendant => descendant.FirstAttribute != null &&
                                                                    descendant.FirstAttribute.Name.LocalName.Equals("name") &&
                                                                    descendant.FirstAttribute.Value.Equals(AppLovinVerboseLoggingOnKey) &&
                                                                    descendant.LastAttribute != null &&

            // check if applovin.sdk.verbose_logging meta data exists.
            if (verboseLoggingMetaData != null)
                if (enabled)
                    // update applovin.sdk.verbose_logging meta data value.
                    verboseLoggingMetaData.LastAttribute.Value = enabled.ToString();
                    // remove applovin.sdk.verbose_logging meta data.
                if (enabled)
                    // add applovin.sdk.verbose_logging meta data if it does not exist.
                    var        metaData         = new XElement("meta-data");
                    XNamespace androidNamespace = "";
                    metaData.Add(new XAttribute(androidNamespace + "name", AppLovinVerboseLoggingOnKey));
                    metaData.Add(new XAttribute(androidNamespace + "value", enabled.ToString()));

            // Save the updated manifest file.