Beispiel #1
        public ICursor FetchAllNotes()
            var repo   = new RemoteRepository();
            var result = repo.GetAllEntries();

            string[] columns = new string[] { "_id", "title", "body" };

            MatrixCursor matrixCursor = new MatrixCursor(columns);

            foreach (var r in result)
                var set = new ArraySet();

            /*var set = new ArraySet();
            *  set.Add("1");
            *  set.Add("ZXC");
            *  set.Add("QWE");
            *  matrixCursor.AddRow(set);
            *  matrixCursor.AddRow(set);*/

            //return this.db.Query(DatabaseTable, new[] { KeyRowId, KeyTitle, KeyBody }, null, null, null, null, null);
Beispiel #2
        public override void DeliverResult(Java.Lang.Object data)
            if (IsReset)
                if (data != null)

            MatrixCursor currList = Android.Runtime.Extensions.JavaCast <MatrixCursor>(data);
            MatrixCursor oldList  = NowShowingList;

            NowShowingList = currList;

            if (IsStarted)

            if (oldList != null && oldList != currList)
        public override ICursor QueryDocument(string documentId, string[] projection)
            var result = new MatrixCursor(ResolveDocumentProjection(projection));

            IncludeFile(result, documentId, null, null);
        public override ICursor QuerySearchDocuments(string rootId, string query, string[] projection)
            // Create a cursor with the requested projection, or the default projection.
            var result = new MatrixCursor(ResolveDocumentProjection(projection));
            var parent = GetFileForDocumentId(rootId);

            if (query.Contains(System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar))
                using (var file = new File(query))
                    var parentDocId = GetDocIdForFile(file.ParentFile);
                    return(QueryChildDocuments(parentDocId, projection, (string)null));

            var queryLower = query.ToLower();

            // This example implementation searches file names for the query and doesn't rank search
            // results, so we can stop as soon as we find a sufficient number of matches.  Other
            // implementations might use other data about files, rather than the file name, to
            // produce a match; it might also require a network call to query a remote server.

            // Iterate through all files in the file structure under the root until we reach the
            // desired number of matches.
            // Start by adding the parent to the list of files to be processed
            var pending = new List <File> {

            // Do while we still have unexamined files, and fewer than the max search results
            while (pending.Any() && result.Count < MaxSearchResults)
                // Take a file from the list of unprocessed files
                var file = pending[0];
                if (file.IsDirectory)
                    if (!file.CanRead() || SystemDirectoryPaths.Contains(file.Path))

                    // If it's a directory, add all its children to the unprocessed list
                    var files = file.ListFiles();
                    if (files?.Length > 0)
                    // If it's a file and it matches, add it to the result cursor.
                    if (file.Name.ToLower().Contains(queryLower))
                        IncludeFile(result, null, file, GetDocIdForFile(file.ParentFile));
Beispiel #5
		public override bool OnCreateOptionsMenu (IMenu menu)
			//Used to put dark icons on light action bar
			bool isLight = SampleList.THEME == Resource.Style.Sherlock___Theme_Light;

			//Create the search view
			SearchView searchView = new SearchView (SupportActionBar.ThemedContext);
			searchView.QueryHint = "Search for countries…";
			searchView.SetOnQueryTextListener (this);
			searchView.SetOnSuggestionListener (this);

			if (mSuggestionsAdapter == null) {
				MatrixCursor cursor = new MatrixCursor (COLUMNS);
				Converter<string, Java.Lang.Object> func = s => new Java.Lang.String (s);
				cursor.AddRow (Array.ConvertAll<string,Java.Lang.Object> (new string[] { "1", "'Murica" }, func));
				cursor.AddRow (Array.ConvertAll<string,Java.Lang.Object> (new string[] { "2", "Canada" }, func));
				cursor.AddRow (Array.ConvertAll<string,Java.Lang.Object> (new string[] { "3", "Denmark" }, func));
				mSuggestionsAdapter = new SuggestionsAdapter (SupportActionBar.ThemedContext, cursor);

			searchView.SuggestionsAdapter = mSuggestionsAdapter;

			menu.Add ("Search")
				.SetIcon (isLight ? Resource.Drawable.ic_search_inverse : Resource.Drawable.abs__ic_search)
					.SetActionView (searchView)
					.SetShowAsAction (MenuItem.ShowAsActionIfRoom | MenuItem.ShowAsActionCollapseActionView);

			return true;
Beispiel #6
        public override bool OnCreateOptionsMenu(IMenu menu)
            //Used to put dark icons on light action bar
            bool isLight = SampleList.THEME == Resource.Style.Sherlock___Theme_Light;

            //Create the search view
            SearchView searchView = new SearchView(SupportActionBar.ThemedContext);

            searchView.QueryHint = "Search for countries…";

            if (mSuggestionsAdapter == null)
                MatrixCursor cursor = new MatrixCursor(COLUMNS);
                Converter <string, Java.Lang.Object> func = s => new Java.Lang.String(s);
                cursor.AddRow(Array.ConvertAll <string, Java.Lang.Object> (new string[] { "1", "'Murica" }, func));
                cursor.AddRow(Array.ConvertAll <string, Java.Lang.Object> (new string[] { "2", "Canada" }, func));
                cursor.AddRow(Array.ConvertAll <string, Java.Lang.Object> (new string[] { "3", "Denmark" }, func));
                mSuggestionsAdapter = new SuggestionsAdapter(SupportActionBar.ThemedContext, cursor);

            searchView.SuggestionsAdapter = mSuggestionsAdapter;

            .SetIcon(isLight ? Resource.Drawable.ic_search_inverse : Resource.Drawable.abs__ic_search)
            .SetShowAsAction(MenuItem.ShowAsActionIfRoom | MenuItem.ShowAsActionCollapseActionView);

Beispiel #7
        public override ICursor QueryDocument(string documentId, string[] projection)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"QUERY DOCUMENT {documentId} - {projection}");

            var result = new MatrixCursor(projection ?? DEFAULT_DOCUMENT_PROJECTION);

        public override ICursor Query(Android.Net.Uri uri, string[] projection, string selection, string[] selectionArgs, string sortOrder)
            var query = uri.LastPathSegment.ToLowerInvariant();

            IList <Address> addresses = null;

            try {
                addresses = geocoder.GetFromLocationName(query,
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Android.Util.Log.Warn("SuggestionsFetcher", e.ToString());
                addresses = new Address[0];

            var cursor = new MatrixCursor(new string[] {
            }, addresses.Count);

            long id = 0;

            foreach (var address in addresses)
                int dummy;
                if (int.TryParse(address.Thoroughfare, out dummy))

                var options1 = new string[] { address.FeatureName, address.Thoroughfare };
                var options2 = new string[] { address.Locality, address.AdminArea };

                var line1 = string.Join(", ", options1.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)).Distinct());
                var line2 = string.Join(", ", options2.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)));

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line1) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(line2))

                cursor.AddRow(new Java.Lang.Object[] {
                    address.Latitude + "|" + address.Longitude

Beispiel #9
        public override ICursor QueryRecentDocuments(string rootId, string[] projection)
            Log.Verbose(TAG, "queryRecentDocuments");

            // This example implementation walks a local file structure to find the most recently
            // modified files.  Other implementations might include making a network call to query a
            // server.

            // Create a cursor with the requested projection, or the default projection.
            var result = new MatrixCursor(ResolveDocumentProjection(projection));

            File parent = GetFileForDocId(rootId);

            // Create a list to store the most recent documents, which orders by last modified.
            var lastModifiedFiles = new List <File> ();

            // Iterate through all files and directories in the file structure under the root.  If
            // the file is more recent than the least recently modified, add it to the queue,
            // limiting the number of results.
            var pending = new List <File> ();

            // Start by adding the parent to the list of files to be processed

            // Do while we still have unexamined files
            while (pending.Any())
                // Take a file from the front of the list of unprocessed files
                File file = pending [0];
                if (file.IsDirectory)
                    // If it's a directory, add all its children to the unprocessed list
                    // If it's a file, add it to the ordered list.

            // Sort our list by last modified.
            lastModifiedFiles.Sort(new Comparison <File> (delegate(File i, File j) {

            // Add the most recent files to the cursor, not exceeding the max number of results.
            for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(MAX_LAST_MODIFIED + 1, lastModifiedFiles.Count); i++)
                File file = lastModifiedFiles[0];
                IncludeFile(result, null, file);

Beispiel #10
        private MatrixCursor PreferenceToCursor <T>(T value)
            where T : Java.Lang.Object
            MatrixCursor matrixCursor = new MatrixCursor(PREFERENCE_COLUMNS, 1);

            MatrixCursor.RowBuilder builder = matrixCursor.NewRow();
Beispiel #11
        protected override void OnReset()

            if (ComingSoonList != null)
                ComingSoonList = null;
Beispiel #12
        public override ICursor QueryDocument(string documentId, string[] projection)
            Log.Verbose(TAG, "queryDocument");

            // Create a cursor with the requested projection, or the default projection.
            var result = new MatrixCursor(ResolveDocumentProjection(projection));

            IncludeFile(result, documentId, null);
Beispiel #13
        protected override void OnReset()

            if (NowShowingList != null)
                NowShowingList = null;
Beispiel #14
        public override Android.Database.ICursor Query(Android.Net.Uri uri, string[] projection, string selection, string[] selectionArgs, string sortOrder)
            var c = new MatrixCursor(new String[] { "_id", SearchManager.SuggestColumnText1, "lat", "lng" });

            c.AddRow(new Java.Lang.Object[] { 123, "description", "lat", "lng" });
            c.AddRow(new Java.Lang.Object[] { 1243, "description 2", "lat", "lng" });
            c.AddRow(new Java.Lang.Object[] { 1235, "description", "lat", "lng" });
            c.AddRow(new Java.Lang.Object[] { 12436, "description 2", "lat", "lng" });
Beispiel #15
        public override ICursor Query(Android.Net.Uri uri, string[] projection, string selection, string[] selectionArgs, string sortOrder)
            MatrixCursor cursor = null;
            PrefModel    model  = GetPrefModelByUri(uri);

                switch (sUriMatcher.Match(uri))
                case PREF_BOOLEAN:
                    if (GetDPreference(model.Name).HasKey(model.Key))
                        cursor = PreferenceToCursor(new Java.Lang.Boolean((GetDPreference(model.Name).GetPrefBoolean(model.Key, false))));

                case PREF_STRING:
                    if (GetDPreference(model.Name).HasKey(model.Key))
                        cursor = PreferenceToCursor(new Java.Lang.String((GetDPreference(model.Name).GetPrefString(model.Key, ""))));

                case PREF_INT:
                    if (GetDPreference(model.Name).HasKey(model.Key))
                        cursor = PreferenceToCursor((Java.Lang.Integer)(GetDPreference(model.Name).GetPrefInt(model.Key, -1)));

                case PREF_LONG:
                    if (GetDPreference(model.Name).HasKey(model.Key))
                        cursor = PreferenceToCursor((Java.Lang.Long)(GetDPreference(model.Name).GetPrefLong(model.Key, -1)));

                case PREF_DATETIME:
                    if (GetDPreference(model.Name).HasKey(model.Key))
                        cursor = PreferenceToCursor((Java.Lang.Long)(GetDPreference(model.Name).GetPrefLong(model.Key, -1)));
            catch (Exception exQuery)
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"PreferenceProvider Query Exception: {exQuery.Message} ON pref: {sUriMatcher.Match(uri)}\nKey: {model.Key}");
                throw exQuery;
        public static Android.Database.MatrixCursor Create(List <Goal> goals)
            string[]     columnNames = { "Id", "MemberId", "ClubId", "Type", "GoalValue" };
            MatrixCursor cursor      = new MatrixCursor(columnNames);

            foreach (var item in goals)
                cursor.AddRow(new Java.Lang.Object[] { item.Id, item.ClubId, item.ClubId, item.Type, item.GoalValue });
Beispiel #17
        private void UpdateSearchSuggestions()
            var matrix = new MatrixCursor(new string[] { BaseColumns.Id, "hint" });
            int i      = 0;

            foreach (var hint in ViewModel.CurrentHintSet.Where(s => s != MainPageSearchView.Query))
                matrix.AddRow(new Object[] { i, hint });
Beispiel #18
         * Add a representation of a file to a cursor.
         * @param result the cursor to modify
         * @param docId  the document ID representing the desired file (may be null if given file)
         * @param file   the File object representing the desired file (may be null if given docID)
        void IncludeFile(MatrixCursor result, string docId, File file)
            if (docId == null)
                docId = GetDocIdForFile(file);
                file = GetFileForDocId(docId);

            DocumentContractFlags flags = (DocumentContractFlags)0;

            if (file.IsDirectory)
                // Request the folder to lay out as a grid rather than a list. This also allows a larger
                // thumbnail to be displayed for each image.
                //            flags |= Document.FLAG_DIR_PREFERS_GRID;

                // Add FLAG_DIR_SUPPORTS_CREATE if the file is a writable directory.
                if (file.IsDirectory && file.CanWrite())
                    flags |= DocumentContractFlags.DirSupportsCreate;
            else if (file.CanWrite())
                // If the file is writable set FLAG_SUPPORTS_WRITE and
                // FLAG_SUPPORTS_DELETE
                flags |= DocumentContractFlags.SupportsWrite;
                flags |= DocumentContractFlags.SupportsDelete;

            string displayName = file.Name;
            string mimeType    = GetTypeForFile(file);

            if (mimeType.StartsWith("image/"))
                // Allow the image to be represented by a thumbnail rather than an icon
                flags |= DocumentContractFlags.SupportsThumbnail;

            MatrixCursor.RowBuilder row = result.NewRow();
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnDocumentId, docId);
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnDisplayName, displayName);
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnSize, file.Length());
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnMimeType, mimeType);
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnLastModified, file.LastModified());
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnFlags, (int)flags);

            // Add a custom icon
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnIcon, Resource.Drawable.icon);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a <see cref="MatrixCursor"/>, for the collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collection">The colletion that will be used to create the Cursor.</param>
        /// <param name="text">The text to display.</param>
        /// <param name="serialize">A way to serialize the object and retrieve it from the third column => [2] as a string.</param>
        /// <returns>A new matrixcursor.</returns>
        public static MatrixCursor ToMatrixCursor <T>(this IEnumerable <T> collection, Func <T, string> text, Func <T, string> serialize = null)
            MatrixCursor cursor = new MatrixCursor(new string[] { "_id", "text", "item" });

            int id = 0;

            foreach (var item in collection)
                cursor.AddRow(new Java.Lang.Object[] { id.ToString(), text?.Invoke(item), serialize?.Invoke(item) });
Beispiel #20
        public override ICursor QueryChildDocuments(string parentDocumentId, string[] projection, string sortOrder)
            Log.Verbose(TAG, "queryChildDocuments, parentDocumentId: " + parentDocumentId + " sortOrder: " + sortOrder);

            var  result = new MatrixCursor(ResolveDocumentProjection(projection));
            File parent = GetFileForDocId(parentDocumentId);

            foreach (File file in parent.ListFiles())
                IncludeFile(result, null, file);
        public override ICursor Query(Android.Net.Uri uri, string[] projection, string selection, string[] selectionArgs, string sortOrder)
            var query = uri.LastPathSegment.ToLowerInvariant ();

            IList<Address> addresses = null;
            try {
                addresses = geocoder.GetFromLocationName (query,
            } catch (Exception e) {
                AnalyticsHelper.LogException ("SuggestionsFetcher", e);
                Android.Util.Log.Warn ("SuggestionsFetcher", e.ToString ());
                addresses = new Address[0];

            var cursor = new MatrixCursor (new string[] {
            }, addresses.Count);

            long id = 0;

            foreach (var address in addresses) {
                int dummy;
                if (int.TryParse (address.Thoroughfare, out dummy))

                var options1 = new string[] { address.FeatureName, address.Thoroughfare };
                var options2 = new string[] { address.Locality, address.AdminArea };

                var line1 = string.Join (", ", options1.Where (s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty (s)).Distinct ());
                var line2 = string.Join (", ", options2.Where (s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty (s)));

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (line1) || string.IsNullOrEmpty (line2))

                cursor.AddRow (new Java.Lang.Object[] {
                    address.Latitude.ToSafeString () + "|" + address.Longitude.ToSafeString ()

            return cursor;
Beispiel #22
        void populatFromAutoComplete(List <StoppingPlace> fromList)
            MatrixCursor cursor = new MatrixCursor(COLUMNS);
            Converter <string, Java.Lang.Object> func = s => new Java.Lang.String(s);

            _stopServerList = fromList;

            foreach (var stoppingPlace in fromList)
                cursor.AddRow(Array.ConvertAll <string, Java.Lang.Object> (new string[] { stoppingPlace.Id, stoppingPlace.Name }, func));

        /// <summary>
        /// The matrix cursor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projection">
        /// The projection.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="intProjection">
        /// The int projection.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="entries">
        /// The entries.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The Android.Database.MatrixCursor.
        /// </returns>
        private static MatrixCursor MatrixCursor(
            string[] projection, ApezProjection[] intProjection, ZipFileEntry[] entries)
            var mc = new MatrixCursor(projection, entries.Length);

            foreach (ZipFileEntry zer in entries)
                MatrixCursor.RowBuilder rb = mc.NewRow();
                for (int i = 0; i < intProjection.Length; i++)
                    switch (intProjection[i])
                    case ApezProjection.File:

                    case ApezProjection.FileName:

                    case ApezProjection.ZipFile:

                    case ApezProjection.Modification:

                    case ApezProjection.Crc:

                    case ApezProjection.CompressedLength:

                    case ApezProjection.UncompressedLength:

                    case ApezProjection.CompressionType:

Beispiel #24
        public MatrixCursor GetNowShowingMovieList()
            string[]     columns = new string[] { "ID", "Title" };
            MatrixCursor cursor  = new MatrixCursor(columns);

            SearchContainerWithDates <SearchMovie> results = client.GetMovieNowPlayingListAsync().Result;

            foreach (SearchMovie result in results.Results)
                MatrixCursor.RowBuilder builder = cursor.NewRow();

Beispiel #25
        public override ICursor QueryChildDocuments(string parentDocumentId, string[] projection, string sortOrder)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"QUERY CHILD DOCUMENTS {parentDocumentId} - {projection} - {sortOrder}");

            var result = new MatrixCursor(projection ?? DEFAULT_DOCUMENT_PROJECTION);

            var row = result.NewRow();

            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnDocumentId, "root/testfile");
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnMimeType, "application/octet-stream");
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnDisplayName, "Test file");
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnLastModified, null);
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnFlags, (int)DocumentContractFlags.SupportsMove);
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnSize, null);

Beispiel #26
        public override ICursor QueryRoots(string[] projection)
            Log.Verbose(TAG, "queryRoots");

            // Create a cursor with either the requested fields, or the default projection.  This
            // cursor is returned to the Android system picker UI and used to display all roots from
            // this provider.
            var result = new MatrixCursor(ResolveRootProjection(projection));

            // If user is not logged in, return an empty root cursor.  This removes our provider from
            // the list entirely.
            if (!IsUserLoggedIn())

            // It's possible to have multiple roots (e.g. for multiple accounts in the same app) -
            // just add multiple cursor rows.
            // Construct one row for a root called "MyCloud".
            MatrixCursor.RowBuilder row = result.NewRow();

            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnRootId, ROOT);
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnSummary, Context.GetString(Resource.String.root_summary));

            // FLAG_SUPPORTS_CREATE means at least one directory under the root supports creating
            // documents.  FLAG_SUPPORTS_RECENTS means your application's most recently used
            // documents will show up in the "Recents" category.  FLAG_SUPPORTS_SEARCH allows users
            // to search all documents the application shares.
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnFlags, (int)DocumentRootFlags.SupportsCreate |
                    (int)DocumentRootFlags.SupportsRecents | (int)DocumentRootFlags.SupportsSearch);

            // COLUMN_TITLE is the root title (e.g. what will be displayed to identify your provider).
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnTitle, Context.GetString(Resource.String.app_name));

            // This document id must be unique within this provider and consistent across time.  The
            // system picker UI may save it and refer to it later.
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnDocumentId, GetDocIdForFile(mBaseDir));

            // The child MIME types are used to filter the roots and only present to the user roots
            // that contain the desired type somewhere in their file hierarchy.
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnMimeTypes, GetChildMimeTypes(mBaseDir));
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnAvailableBytes, mBaseDir.FreeSpace);
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnIcon, Resource.Drawable.icon);

Beispiel #27
        public override Object LoadInBackground()
            ICursor      albums   = base.LoadInBackground() as ICursor;
            MatrixCursor allAlbum = new MatrixCursor(PROJECTION);

            long count = 0;

            if (albums.Count > 0)
                while (albums.MoveToNext())
                    count += albums.GetLong(3);
            allAlbum.AddRow(new Object[] { Album.ALBUM_ID_ALL, Album.ALBUM_NAME_ALL, MEDIA_ID_DUMMY, $"{count}" });

            return(new MergeCursor(new ICursor[] { allAlbum, albums }));
Beispiel #28
        public override ICursor Query(Android.Net.Uri uri, string[] projection, string selection, string[] selectionArgs, string sortOrder)
             * Intent serviceIntent = new Intent(this, Vertix.SearchService.JavaType);
             * ServiceConnection serviceConnection = new ServiceConnection();
             * BindService(serviceIntent, serviceConnection, Bind.AutoCreate);

            MatrixCursor cursor = new MatrixCursor(new string[] { Android.Provider.BaseColumns.Id, SearchManager.SuggestColumnText1, SearchManager.SuggestColumnIntentData }, 0);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selectionArgs[0]))
                cursor.AddRow(new Java.Lang.Object[] { "0", "hello", "0/hello" });
                cursor.AddRow(new Java.Lang.Object[] { "1", "world", "1/world" });

Beispiel #29
        public override ICursor QueryRoots(string[] projection)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"QUERY ROOTS {projection}");

            var result = new MatrixCursor(projection ?? DEFAULT_ROOT_PROJECTION);

            var row = result.NewRow();

            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnRootId, "root");
            //row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnSummary, "AutoActive archives");
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnFlags, (int)DocumentRootFlags.LocalOnly);
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnIcon, Resource.Drawable.Icon);
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnTitle, "AutoActive");
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnDocumentId, GetDocIDForFile(archivesRoot));
            //row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnMimeTypes, "application/octet-stream\n*/*");
            //row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnAvailableBytes, archivesRoot.FreeSpace);

        public override ICursor QueryRoots(string[] projection)
            // Create a cursor with either the requested fields, or the default projection.  This
            // cursor is returned to the Android system picker UI and used to display all roots from
            // this provider.
            var result = new MatrixCursor(ResolveRootProjection(projection));

            // It's possible to have multiple roots (e.g. for multiple accounts in the same app) -
            // just add multiple cursor rows. Construct one row for a root.
            var row = result.NewRow();

            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnRootId, Root);

            // Если не задано, то показывается размер.
            //row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnSummary, Context.GetString(Resource.String.root_summary));

            // FLAG_SUPPORTS_CREATE means at least one directory under the root supports creating
            // documents. FLAG_SUPPORTS_RECENTS means your application's most recently used
            // documents will show up in the "Recents" category.  FLAG_SUPPORTS_SEARCH allows users
            // to search all documents the application shares.
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnFlags, (int)DocumentRootFlags.SupportsCreate |
                    (int)DocumentRootFlags.SupportsRecents |

            // COLUMN_TITLE is the root title (e.g. what will be displayed to identify your provider).
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnTitle, System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString());

            // This document id must be unique within this provider and consistent across time.  The
            // system picker UI may save it and refer to it later.
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnDocumentId, GetDocIdForFile(_baseFolder));

            // The child MIME types are used to filter the roots and only present to the user roots
            // that contain the desired type somewhere in their file hierarchy.
            //    "image/*\ntext/*\napplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document\n");

            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnAvailableBytes, _baseFolder?.FreeSpace ?? 0);
            row.Add(DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnIcon, Resource.Mipmap.ic_launcher);

        public override ICursor QueryChildDocuments(string parentDocumentId, string[] projection, string sortOrder)
            var result = new MatrixCursor(ResolveDocumentProjection(projection));
            var parent = GetFileForDocumentId(parentDocumentId);

            var files = parent.ListFiles();

            if (files == null || files.Length == 0)

            var parentDocId = GetDocIdForFile(parent);

            foreach (var file in files)
                IncludeFile(result, null, file, parentDocId);

Beispiel #32
        public override ICursor QuerySearchDocuments(string rootId, string query, string[] projection)
            // Create a cursor with the requested projection, or the default projection.
            var  result = new MatrixCursor(ResolveDocumentProjection(projection));
            File parent = GetFileForDocId(rootId);

            // This example implementation searches file names for the query and doesn't rank search
            // results, so we can stop as soon as we find a sufficient number of matches.  Other
            // implementations might use other data about files, rather than the file name, to
            // produce a match; it might also require a network call to query a remote server.

            // Iterate through all files in the file structure under the root until we reach the
            // desired number of matches.
            var pending = new List <File>();

            // Start by adding the parent to the list of files to be processed

            // Do while we still have unexamined files, and fewer than the max search results
            while (pending.Any() && result.Count < MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS)
                // Take a file from the list of unprocessed files
                File file = pending [0];
                if (file.IsDirectory)
                    // If it's a directory, add all its children to the unprocessed list
                    // If it's a file and it matches, add it to the result cursor.
                    if (file.Name.ToLower().Contains(query))
                        IncludeFile(result, null, file);
		public override ICursor QueryRoots (string[] projection)
			Log.Verbose (TAG, "queryRoots");

			// Create a cursor with either the requested fields, or the default projection.  This
			// cursor is returned to the Android system picker UI and used to display all roots from
			// this provider.
			var result = new MatrixCursor (ResolveRootProjection (projection));

			// If user is not logged in, return an empty root cursor.  This removes our provider from
			// the list entirely.
			if (!IsUserLoggedIn ()) {
				return result;

			// It's possible to have multiple roots (e.g. for multiple accounts in the same app) -
			// just add multiple cursor rows.
			// Construct one row for a root called "MyCloud".
			MatrixCursor.RowBuilder row = result.NewRow ();

			row.Add (DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnRootId, ROOT);
			row.Add (DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnSummary, Context.GetString (Resource.String.root_summary));

			// FLAG_SUPPORTS_CREATE means at least one directory under the root supports creating
			// documents.  FLAG_SUPPORTS_RECENTS means your application's most recently used
			// documents will show up in the "Recents" category.  FLAG_SUPPORTS_SEARCH allows users
			// to search all documents the application shares.
			row.Add (DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnFlags, (int)DocumentRootFlags.SupportsCreate |
				(int)DocumentRootFlags.SupportsRecents | (int)DocumentRootFlags.SupportsSearch);

			// COLUMN_TITLE is the root title (e.g. what will be displayed to identify your provider).
			row.Add (DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnTitle, Context.GetString (Resource.String.app_name));

			// This document id must be unique within this provider and consistent across time.  The
			// system picker UI may save it and refer to it later.
			row.Add (DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnDocumentId, GetDocIdForFile (mBaseDir));

			// The child MIME types are used to filter the roots and only present to the user roots
			// that contain the desired type somewhere in their file hierarchy.
			row.Add (DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnMimeTypes, GetChildMimeTypes (mBaseDir));
			row.Add (DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnAvailableBytes, mBaseDir.FreeSpace);
			row.Add (DocumentsContract.Root.ColumnIcon, Resource.Drawable.icon);

			return result;
     	* Add a representation of a file to a cursor.
     	* @param result the cursor to modify
     	* @param docId  the document ID representing the desired file (may be null if given file)
     	* @param file   the File object representing the desired file (may be null if given docID)
		void IncludeFile (MatrixCursor result, string docId, File file)
			if (docId == null) {
				docId = GetDocIdForFile (file);
			} else {
				file = GetFileForDocId (docId);

			DocumentContractFlags flags = (DocumentContractFlags)0;

			if (file.IsDirectory) {
				// Request the folder to lay out as a grid rather than a list. This also allows a larger
				// thumbnail to be displayed for each image.
				//            flags |= Document.FLAG_DIR_PREFERS_GRID;

				// Add FLAG_DIR_SUPPORTS_CREATE if the file is a writable directory.
				if (file.IsDirectory && file.CanWrite ()) {
					flags |=  DocumentContractFlags.DirSupportsCreate;
			} else if (file.CanWrite ()) {
				// If the file is writable set FLAG_SUPPORTS_WRITE and
				flags |= DocumentContractFlags.SupportsWrite;
				flags |= DocumentContractFlags.SupportsDelete;

			string displayName = file.Name;
			string mimeType = GetTypeForFile (file);

			if (mimeType.StartsWith ("image/")) {
				// Allow the image to be represented by a thumbnail rather than an icon
				flags |= DocumentContractFlags.SupportsThumbnail;

			MatrixCursor.RowBuilder row = result.NewRow ();
			row.Add (DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnDocumentId, docId);
			row.Add (DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnDisplayName, displayName);
			row.Add (DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnSize, file.Length ());
			row.Add (DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnMimeType, mimeType);
			row.Add (DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnLastModified, file.LastModified ());
			row.Add (DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnFlags, (int)flags);

			// Add a custom icon
			row.Add (DocumentsContract.Document.ColumnIcon, Resource.Drawable.icon);
		public override ICursor QueryChildDocuments (string parentDocumentId, string[] projection, string sortOrder)
			Log.Verbose (TAG, "queryChildDocuments, parentDocumentId: " + parentDocumentId + " sortOrder: " + sortOrder);

			var result = new MatrixCursor (ResolveDocumentProjection (projection));
			File parent = GetFileForDocId (parentDocumentId);
			foreach (File file in parent.ListFiles ()) {
				IncludeFile (result, null, file);
			return result;
		public override ICursor QueryDocument (string documentId, string[] projection)
			Log.Verbose (TAG, "queryDocument");

			// Create a cursor with the requested projection, or the default projection.
			var result = new MatrixCursor (ResolveDocumentProjection (projection));
			IncludeFile (result, documentId, null);
			return result;
		public override ICursor QuerySearchDocuments (string rootId, string query, string[] projection)
			// Create a cursor with the requested projection, or the default projection.
			var result = new MatrixCursor (ResolveDocumentProjection (projection));
			File parent = GetFileForDocId (rootId);

			// This example implementation searches file names for the query and doesn't rank search
			// results, so we can stop as soon as we find a sufficient number of matches.  Other
			// implementations might use other data about files, rather than the file name, to
			// produce a match; it might also require a network call to query a remote server.

			// Iterate through all files in the file structure under the root until we reach the
			// desired number of matches.
			var pending = new List<File>();

			// Start by adding the parent to the list of files to be processed
			pending.Add (parent);

			// Do while we still have unexamined files, and fewer than the max search results
			while (pending.Any () && result.Count < MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS) {
				// Take a file from the list of unprocessed files
				File file = pending [0];
				pending.RemoveAt (0);
				if (file.IsDirectory) {
					// If it's a directory, add all its children to the unprocessed list
					pending.AddRange (file.ListFiles ().AsEnumerable ());
				} else {
					// If it's a file and it matches, add it to the result cursor.
					if (file.Name.ToLower().Contains (query)) {
						IncludeFile (result, null, file);
			return result;
		public override ICursor QueryRecentDocuments (string rootId, string[] projection)
			Log.Verbose (TAG, "queryRecentDocuments");

			// This example implementation walks a local file structure to find the most recently
			// modified files.  Other implementations might include making a network call to query a
			// server.

			// Create a cursor with the requested projection, or the default projection.
			var result = new MatrixCursor (ResolveDocumentProjection (projection));

			File parent = GetFileForDocId (rootId);

			// Create a list to store the most recent documents, which orders by last modified.
			var lastModifiedFiles = new List<File> (); 

			// Iterate through all files and directories in the file structure under the root.  If
			// the file is more recent than the least recently modified, add it to the queue,
			// limiting the number of results.
			var pending = new List<File> ();

			// Start by adding the parent to the list of files to be processed
			pending.Add (parent);

			// Do while we still have unexamined files
			while (pending.Any ()) {
				// Take a file from the front of the list of unprocessed files
				File file = pending [0];
				pending.RemoveAt (0);
				if (file.IsDirectory) {
					// If it's a directory, add all its children to the unprocessed list
					pending.AddRange (file.ListFiles ().AsEnumerable ());
				} else {
					// If it's a file, add it to the ordered list.
					lastModifiedFiles.Add (file);

			// Sort our list by last modified.
			lastModifiedFiles.Sort (new Comparison<File> (delegate (File i, File j) {
				return (i.LastModified().CompareTo (j.LastModified ()));

			// Add the most recent files to the cursor, not exceeding the max number of results.
			for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min (MAX_LAST_MODIFIED + 1, lastModifiedFiles.Count); i++) {
				File file = lastModifiedFiles[0];
				lastModifiedFiles.RemoveAt (0);
				IncludeFile (result, null, file);

			return result;
Beispiel #39
 private void UpdateSearchSuggestions()
     var matrix = new MatrixCursor(new string[] {BaseColumns.Id,"hint"});
     int i = 0;
     foreach (var hint in ViewModel.CurrentHintSet.Where(s => s != MainPageSearchView.Query))
         matrix.AddRow(new Object[] {i,hint});
        /// <summary>
        /// The matrix cursor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projection">
        /// The projection.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="intProjection">
        /// The int projection.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="entries">
        /// The entries.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The Android.Database.MatrixCursor.
        /// </returns>
        private static MatrixCursor MatrixCursor(
            string[] projection, ApezProjection[] intProjection, ZipFileEntry[] entries)
            var mc = new MatrixCursor(projection, entries.Length);
            foreach (ZipFileEntry zer in entries)
                MatrixCursor.RowBuilder rb = mc.NewRow();
                for (int i = 0; i < intProjection.Length; i++)
                    switch (intProjection[i])
                        case ApezProjection.File:
                        case ApezProjection.FileName:
                        case ApezProjection.ZipFile:
                        case ApezProjection.Modification:
                        case ApezProjection.Crc:
                        case ApezProjection.CompressedLength:
                        case ApezProjection.UncompressedLength:
                        case ApezProjection.CompressionType:

            return mc;