Beispiel #1
        public void SetRow()
            Matrix3x3d m = new Matrix3x3d();

            m.SetRow(0, new Vector3d(0, 3, 6));
            m.SetRow(1, new Vector3d(1, 4, 7));
            m.SetRow(2, new Vector3d(2, 5, 8));

            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3d(0, 3, 6), m.GetRow(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3d(1, 4, 7), m.GetRow(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3d(2, 5, 8), m.GetRow(2));
Beispiel #2
        private void ComputeGreenStrainAndPiolaStressInversion(Vector3d x1, Vector3d x2, Vector3d x3, Vector3d x4, double mu, double lambda, ref Matrix3x3d epsilon, ref Matrix3x3d sigma, ref double energy)
            // Determine \partial x/\partial m_i
            Matrix3x3d F   = new Matrix3x3d();
            Vector3d   p14 = x1 - x4;
            Vector3d   p24 = x2 - x4;
            Vector3d   p34 = x3 - x4;

            F.m00 = p14.x * InvRestMatrix.m00 + p24.x * InvRestMatrix.m10 + p34.x * InvRestMatrix.m20;
            F.m01 = p14.x * InvRestMatrix.m01 + p24.x * InvRestMatrix.m11 + p34.x * InvRestMatrix.m21;
            F.m02 = p14.x * InvRestMatrix.m02 + p24.x * InvRestMatrix.m12 + p34.x * InvRestMatrix.m22;

            F.m10 = p14.y * InvRestMatrix.m00 + p24.y * InvRestMatrix.m10 + p34.y * InvRestMatrix.m20;
            F.m11 = p14.y * InvRestMatrix.m01 + p24.y * InvRestMatrix.m11 + p34.y * InvRestMatrix.m21;
            F.m12 = p14.y * InvRestMatrix.m02 + p24.y * InvRestMatrix.m12 + p34.y * InvRestMatrix.m22;

            F.m20 = p14.z * InvRestMatrix.m00 + p24.z * InvRestMatrix.m10 + p34.z * InvRestMatrix.m20;
            F.m21 = p14.z * InvRestMatrix.m01 + p24.z * InvRestMatrix.m11 + p34.z * InvRestMatrix.m21;
            F.m22 = p14.z * InvRestMatrix.m02 + p24.z * InvRestMatrix.m12 + p34.z * InvRestMatrix.m22;

            Matrix3x3d U, VT;
            Vector3d   hatF;

            Matrix3x3dDecomposition.SVDWithInversionHandling(F, out hatF, out U, out VT);

            // Clamp small singular values
            double minXVal = 0.577;

            if (hatF.x < minXVal)
                hatF.x = minXVal;
            if (hatF.y < minXVal)
                hatF.y = minXVal;
            if (hatF.z < minXVal)
                hatF.z = minXVal;

            // epsilon for hatF
            Vector3d epsilonHatF = new Vector3d(0.5 * (hatF.x * hatF.x - 1.0), 0.5 * (hatF.y * hatF.y - 1.0), 0.5 * (hatF.z * hatF.z - 1.0));

            double   trace    = epsilonHatF.x + epsilonHatF.y + epsilonHatF.z;
            double   ltrace   = lambda * trace;
            Vector3d sigmaVec = epsilonHatF * 2.0 * mu;

            sigmaVec.x += ltrace;
            sigmaVec.y += ltrace;
            sigmaVec.z += ltrace;
            sigmaVec.x  = hatF.x * sigmaVec.x;
            sigmaVec.y  = hatF.y * sigmaVec.y;
            sigmaVec.z  = hatF.z * sigmaVec.z;

            Matrix3x3d sigmaDiag = new Matrix3x3d();
            Matrix3x3d epsDiag   = new Matrix3x3d();

            sigmaDiag.SetRow(0, new Vector3d(sigmaVec.x, 0.0, 0.0));
            sigmaDiag.SetRow(1, new Vector3d(0.0, sigmaVec.y, 0.0));
            sigmaDiag.SetRow(2, new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, sigmaVec.z));

            epsDiag.SetRow(0, new Vector3d(epsilonHatF.x, 0.0, 0.0));
            epsDiag.SetRow(1, new Vector3d(0.0, epsilonHatF.y, 0.0));
            epsDiag.SetRow(2, new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0f, epsilonHatF.z));

            epsilon = U * epsDiag * VT;
            sigma   = U * sigmaDiag * VT;

            double psi = 0.0f;

            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    psi += epsilon[j, k] * epsilon[j, k];

            psi    = mu * psi + 0.5 * lambda * trace * trace;
            energy = RestVolume * psi;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform a polar decomposition of matrix M and return the rotation matrix R. This method handles the degenerated cases.
        /// </summary>am>
        public static void PolarDecompositionStable(Matrix3x3d M, double tolerance, out Matrix3x3d R)
            Matrix3x3d Mt   = M.Transpose;
            double     Mone = OneNorm(M);
            double     Minf = InfNorm(M);
            double     Eone;
            Matrix3x3d MadjTt = new Matrix3x3d();
            Matrix3x3d Et     = new Matrix3x3d();

            const double eps = 1.0e-15;

                MadjTt.SetRow(0, Mt.GetRow(1).Cross(Mt.GetRow(2)));
                MadjTt.SetRow(1, Mt.GetRow(2).Cross(Mt.GetRow(0)));
                MadjTt.SetRow(2, Mt.GetRow(0).Cross(Mt.GetRow(1)));

                double det = Mt.m00 * MadjTt.m00 + Mt.m01 * MadjTt.m01 + Mt.m02 * MadjTt.m02;

                if (Math.Abs(det) < eps)
                    int index = int.MaxValue;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        double len = MadjTt.GetRow(i).SqrMagnitude;
                        if (len > eps)
                            // index of valid cross product
                            // => is also the index of the vector in Mt that must be exchanged
                            index = i;

                    if (index == int.MaxValue)
                        R = Matrix3x3d.Identity;
                        Mt.SetRow(index, Mt.GetRow((index + 1) % 3).Cross(Mt.GetRow((index + 2) % 3)));
                        MadjTt.SetRow((index + 1) % 3, Mt.GetRow((index + 2) % 3).Cross(Mt.GetRow(index)));
                        MadjTt.SetRow((index + 2) % 3, Mt.GetRow(index).Cross(Mt.GetRow((index + 1) % 3)));
                        Matrix3x3d M2 = Mt.Transpose;

                        Mone = OneNorm(M2);
                        Minf = InfNorm(M2);

                        det = Mt.m00 * MadjTt.m00 + Mt.m01 * MadjTt.m01 + Mt.m02 * MadjTt.m02;

                double MadjTone = OneNorm(MadjTt);
                double MadjTinf = InfNorm(MadjTt);

                double gamma = Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt((MadjTone * MadjTinf) / (Mone * Minf)) / Math.Abs(det));

                double g1 = gamma * 0.5;
                double g2 = 0.5 / (gamma * det);

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        Et[i, j]  = Mt[i, j];
                        Mt[i, j]  = g1 * Mt[i, j] + g2 * MadjTt[i, j];
                        Et[i, j] -= Mt[i, j];

                Eone = OneNorm(Et);

                Mone = OneNorm(Mt);
                Minf = InfNorm(Mt);
            }while (Eone > Mone * tolerance);

            // Q = Mt^T
            R = Mt.Transpose;

            //end of function