Beispiel #1
        private void DoSingleMarkerCalibration(Surface surface)
            // get nearest marker (from center) with up-to-date ar marker pose
            MarkerPose nearestMarker   = null;
            var        nearestDistance = 0f;

            // get intersection between camera ray and display plane
            Vector3 intersection    = new Vector3();
            var     hasIntersection = MathUtility.LinePlaneIntersection(out intersection, TrackedCamera.position, TrackedCamera.forward, surface.Normal, surface.GetCornerPosition(Corner.TopLeft));

            var angle = MathUtility.AngleVectorPlane(TrackedCamera.forward, surface.Normal);

            // use <, as we want the camera to be perpendicular to the table ( | camera, _ table)
            __camTableAngle = Mathf.Abs(angle);
            if (Mathf.Abs(angle) < MinMarkerAngle)
                __hasWrongAngle = true;
            __hasWrongAngle = false;

            if (hasIntersection)
                __intersection = intersection;
                var poses = UseMaps ? ArucoMapListener.Instance.DetectedPoses.Values : ArMarkerTracker.Instance.DetectedPoses.Values;

                foreach (var marker in poses)
                    bool isCurrent = (Time.unscaledTime - marker.DetectionTime) < ArCutoffTime;
                    if (!isCurrent)
                    }                             // shave off a few calculations

                    // calculate distance between intersection and marker
                    var  markerWorldPosition = GetMarkerWorldPosition(marker.Id);
                    var  distance            = (intersection - markerWorldPosition).sqrMagnitude;
                    bool isNearest           = (nearestMarker == null) || ((distance < nearestDistance));

                    if (isCurrent && isNearest)
                        nearestMarker   = marker;
                        nearestDistance = distance;

            if (nearestMarker != null && nearestDistance < NearestDistanceThreshold)
                var markerWorldPos     = GetMarkerWorldPosition(nearestMarker.Id);
                var distMarkerToCamera = (markerWorldPos - TrackedCamera.position).sqrMagnitude;

                __camMarkerDistance = distMarkerToCamera;

                if (distMarkerToCamera > MaxMarkerCameraDistance)
                    __isTooFarAway = true;
                __isTooFarAway = false;

                if (__nearestMarkerId != nearestMarker.Id)

                // debugging
                __nearestMarkerId = nearestMarker.Id;

                // apply calibration
                var markerMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(nearestMarker.Position, nearestMarker.Rotation,;
                var cameraMatrix = markerMatrix.inverse;

                var localPos = cameraMatrix.GetPosition();
                var worldPos = markerWorldPos + surface.Rotation * localPos;

                var localRot     = cameraMatrix.GetRotation();
                var localForward = localRot * Vector3.forward;
                var localUp      = localRot * Vector3.up;

                var worldForward = surface.Rotation * localForward;
                var worldUp      = surface.Rotation * localUp;
                var worldRot     = Quaternion.LookRotation(worldForward, worldUp);

                _perMarkerPosCalib.Add(Quaternion.Inverse(_optitrackPose.Rotation) * (worldPos - _optitrackPose.Position));
                _perMarkerRotCalib.Add(worldRot * Quaternion.Inverse(_ovrRotation));

                if (_perMarkerPosCalib.Count > 5 && _perMarkerPosCalib.Count < 50)
                    CalibrationParams.PositionOffset = MathUtility.Average(_perMarkerPosCalib);
                    // c = b * inv(a)
                    // => b = c * a?
                    // from ovrRot to worldRot
                    CalibrationParams.RotationOffset = MathUtility.Average(_perMarkerRotCalib);