Beispiel #1
  * private ctor used for fit operation
 private TableArea(MathMLTableElement e, Area[] cells, BoundingBox box, PointF[] solidLines,
                   PointF[] dashedLines, Area source) : base(cells, source)
     this.element     = e;
     this.dashedLines = dashedLines;
     this.solidLines  = solidLines;         = box;
Beispiel #2
		 * private ctor used for fit operation
		private TableArea(MathMLTableElement e, Area[] cells, BoundingBox box, PointF[] solidLines, 
			PointF[] dashedLines, Area source) : base(cells, source)
			this.element = e;
			this.dashedLines = dashedLines;
			this.solidLines = solidLines; = box;			
Beispiel #3
 private static Length[] GetColumnSpacing(MathMLTableElement table, int spaceCount)
     Length[] columnSpacing = table.ColumnSpacing;
     Length[] columnSpaces  = new Length[spaceCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < columnSpaces.Length; i++)
         columnSpaces[i] = columnSpacing[i < columnSpacing.Length ? i : columnSpacing.Length - 1];
Beispiel #4
  * grab the column styles from the table.
 private static LineStyle[] GetColumnLines(MathMLTableElement table, int columnCount)
     LineStyle[] columnLines = table.ColumnLines;
     LineStyle[] result      = new LineStyle[columnCount - 1];
     for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
         result[i] = columnLines[i < columnLines.Length ? i : columnLines.Length - 1];
Beispiel #5
 private static LineStyle[] GetRowLines(MathMLTableElement table, int rowCount)
     LineStyle[] rowLines = table.RowLines;
     LineStyle[] result   = new LineStyle[rowCount - 1];
     for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
         result[i] = rowLines[i < rowLines.Length ? i : rowLines.Length - 1];
Beispiel #6
 private static Length[] GetRowSpacing(MathMLTableElement table, int spaceCount)
     Length[] rowSpacing = table.RowSpacing;
     Length[] rowSpaces  = new Length[spaceCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < rowSpaces.Length; i++)
         rowSpaces[i] = rowSpacing[i < rowSpacing.Length ? i : rowSpacing.Length - 1];
Beispiel #7
  * a table element generaly has fewer length types than columns. This
  * method, using the spec of setting the last length from the table's
  * 'columnwidths' creates a array of lengths, one for each column, and
  * sets each item to the last real value if the lenthts from the table
  * is less than the number of columns
 private static Length[] GetColumnWidths(MathMLTableElement table, int columnCount)
     // cache table column widths
     Length[] tcw          = table.ColumnWidth;
     Length[] columnWidths = new Length[columnCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < columnWidths.Length; i++)
         columnWidths[i] = tcw[i < tcw.Length ? i : tcw.Length - 1];
Beispiel #8
 object MathML.MathMLVisitor.Visit(MathMLTableElement e, object args)
     if (selection == SelectionType.Prev || selection == SelectionType.Next)
         return(((MathMLElement)e.ParentNode).Accept(this, e));
         MathMLElement elm = e.FirstChild as MathMLElement;
         return(elm != null?elm.Accept(this, args) : e);
Beispiel #9
         * initialize the shift and vertical extent vars
         * The final shift is calcuated by the formatter because it requires information
         * about the formatted size of the cell area.
        private static void CalculateShiftAndSize(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLTableElement table, Row[] rows,
                                                  Column[] columns, ref BoundingBox box, ref float shift)
            shift = 0;
            TableAlign align          = table.Align;
            float      verticalExtent = 0;
            float      width          = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++)
                verticalExtent += rows[i].VerticalExtent;

            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                width += columns[i].Width;

            shift = -verticalExtent;

            box = BoundingBox.New(width, verticalExtent, 0);
Beispiel #10
         * calculate a table shift
         * the initially consists of entierly height, this is a value given to the
         * TableArea object to determine the vertical location of a table.
         * This value is also used to modify the bounding box that is returned from this
         * class that is used for the TableArea
        private static float GetTableShift(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLTableElement table, BoundingBox tableExtent)
            float shift = 0;

            // orient the row in the vertical direction, can be one of the following
            // (top | bottom | center | baseline | axis) [ rownumber ]
            // TODO rownumver is currently ignored
            switch (table.Align.Align)
            case Align.Top:
                shift = tableExtent.VerticalExtent;
            } break;

            case Align.Bottom:
                shift = 0;
            } break;

            case Align.Center:
                shift = tableExtent.VerticalExtent / 2.0f;
            } break;

            case Align.Axis:
                // shift to the axis (shift up in the negative direction)
                shift = (tableExtent.VerticalExtent / 2.0f) - ctx.Axis;
            } break;

                shift = tableExtent.VerticalExtent / 2.0f;
            } break;

Beispiel #11
		 * calculates the minimum table width to satisfy all columns.
		 * This uses each column's Width property to determine the minimum
		 * required width to fit each column.
		 * pre-reqs: columns, column.Width and equalColumns have been set
		 * readonly function
		private static float CalculateTableWidth(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLTableElement table, 
			Column[] columns, bool equalColumns, int effectiveColumns)
			Length widthLength = table.Width;
				return ctx.Evaluate(widthLength);
				// length is auto, so need to calculate width from columns
				// sanity check
				Debug.Assert(widthLength.Type == LengthType.Auto, "table width is not fixed type but also is not auto");

				// summed widths
				float sumFixWidth = 0;
				float sumScaleWidth = 0;

					// equal spacing, space the largest column width equally
					// first find largest column width
					float maxWidth = 0;

					for(int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
							case ColumnType.Scale:
								sumScaleWidth += columns[i].ScaleWidth;
							case ColumnType.Fixed:
								sumFixWidth += columns[i].Width;
							default: // type is Auto or Fit
								if(columns[i].Width > maxWidth) maxWidth = columns[i].Width;
					return (((float)effectiveColumns * maxWidth) + sumFixWidth) / (1.0f - sumScaleWidth);
					// look for a column that may have a wide min width but a very small percentage 
					// value. In this case, we could have a column that is specified to take up 1% 
					// of the table width, in that case, the rest of the table must be stretched
					// to take up the 99%
					float maxEvaluatedWidth = 0;

					// summed widths
					float sumAutoFitWidth = 0;

					for(int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
							case ColumnType.Scale:
								sumScaleWidth += columns[i].ScaleWidth;
								// evaluate the width of the scaled column using the current width
								// of the column
								float evalWidth = columns[i].Width / columns[i].ScaleWidth;
								if(evalWidth > maxEvaluatedWidth) maxEvaluatedWidth = evalWidth;
							case ColumnType.Fixed:
								sumFixWidth += columns[i].FixedWidth;
							default: // column type is Auto or Fit
								sumAutoFitWidth += columns[i].Width;

					float width = (sumAutoFitWidth + sumFixWidth) / (1.0f - sumScaleWidth);
					return Math.Max(width, maxEvaluatedWidth);
Beispiel #12
		 * construct a new sizer. All calculations are done here.
		public MathMLTableSizer(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLMeasurer measurer, MathMLTableElement table)
				// copy the context because we change the stretch size so not to 
				// stretch tables
        ctx = ctx.Clone();
				ctx.Stretch = BoundingBox.New();
				ctx.cacheArea = false;

				//MathMLMeasurer measurer = new MathMLMeasurer();
				equalColumns = table.EqualColumns;

				// get the cells from the table and store them in a multi dim array
				cells = GetCells(table);

                // min area sizes for the cells

				BoundingBox[][] minCellSizes = measurer.MeasureElements(ctx, cells);

				// count of columns that are actual table cells
				int cellColumnCount = GetCellColumnCount(cells);

				// column widths attr from dom
				Length[] columnWidths = GetColumnWidths(table, cellColumnCount);

				// column space attr from dom
				Length[] columnSpacing = GetColumnSpacing(table, cellColumnCount - 1);

				// frame spaceing attr from dom
				Length[] frameSpacing = table.FrameSpacing;

				// row spacing attr from dom
				Length[] rowSpacing = GetRowSpacing(table, cells.Length - 1);

				// create a set of columns from the cells
				columns = CreateColumns(ctx, measurer, cells, minCellSizes, cellColumnCount, columnWidths, 
					columnSpacing, frameSpacing[0]);

				// create a set of row measurments, this is both the cell rows and spacing rows
				Row[] rows = CreateRows(ctx, cells, minCellSizes, rowSpacing, frameSpacing[1]);

				// adjust rows and columns so there is enough space to fit spanning cells
				AdjustSpanningCells(cells, minCellSizes, rows, columns);

				Debug.WriteLine("retrieved " + columns.Length + "total columns, ");
				DebugWriteColumnWidths("Initial Column Widths: ");

				// get the minimum area for the columns
				float tableWidth = CalculateTableWidth(ctx, table, columns, equalColumns, cellColumnCount);
				Debug.WriteLine("Minimum Table Width: " + tableWidth);

				// find the space needed to fit the availible for the auto and fit columns
				float availSpace = CalculateColumnAvailSpace(columns, tableWidth);
				Debug.WriteLine("Availible Space For Columns: " + availSpace);

				// set the table widths
				DistributeSpace(columns, tableWidth, availSpace, cellColumnCount, equalColumns);

				DebugWriteColumnWidths("Column Widths After Formatting: ");               

				// calcuate the shift 
				float shift = 0;
				CalculateShiftAndSize(ctx, table, rows, columns, ref box, ref shift);

				// create the cell sizes and offsets
				CreateCellSizesAndShifts(cells, rows, columns, ref cellSizes, ref cellShifts);

				// create the lines for the frame and cell separators
				LineStyle frame = table.Frame;
				LineStyle[] columnLines = GetColumnLines(table, cellColumnCount);
				LineStyle[] rowLines = GetRowLines(table, cells.Length);
				CreateLines(cellSizes, cells, rows, columns, columnLines, rowLines, frame);	
				// set the shift
				tableShift = GetTableShift(ctx, table, box);
			catch(Exception ex)
				throw new Exception("Error constructing table sizer: " + ex.Message);
Beispiel #13
		private static Length[] GetColumnSpacing(MathMLTableElement table, int spaceCount)
			Length[] columnSpacing = table.ColumnSpacing;
			Length[] columnSpaces = new Length[spaceCount];
			for(int i = 0; i < columnSpaces.Length; i++)
				columnSpaces[i] = columnSpacing[i < columnSpacing.Length ? i : columnSpacing.Length - 1];
			return columnSpaces;
Beispiel #14
		* a table element generaly has fewer length types than columns. This 
		* method, using the spec of setting the last length from the table's
		* 'columnwidths' creates a array of lengths, one for each column, and
		* sets each item to the last real value if the lenthts from the table
		* is less than the number of columns
		private static Length[] GetColumnWidths(MathMLTableElement table, int columnCount)
			// cache table column widths
			Length[] tcw = table.ColumnWidth;
			Length[] columnWidths = new Length[columnCount];
			for(int i = 0; i < columnWidths.Length; i++)
				columnWidths[i] = tcw[i < tcw.Length ? i : tcw.Length - 1];				
			return columnWidths;
Beispiel #15
		 * grab the column styles from the table. 
		private static LineStyle[] GetColumnLines(MathMLTableElement table, int columnCount)
			LineStyle[] columnLines = table.ColumnLines;
			LineStyle[] result = new LineStyle[columnCount - 1];
			for(int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
				result[i] = columnLines[i < columnLines.Length ? i : columnLines.Length - 1];
			return result;			
Beispiel #16
		private static LineStyle[] GetRowLines(MathMLTableElement table, int rowCount)
			LineStyle[] rowLines = table.RowLines;
			LineStyle[] result = new LineStyle[rowCount - 1];
			for(int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
				result[i] = rowLines[i < rowLines.Length ? i : rowLines.Length - 1];
			return result;
Beispiel #17
		private static Length[] GetRowSpacing(MathMLTableElement table, int spaceCount)
			Length[] rowSpacing = table.RowSpacing;
			Length[] rowSpaces = new Length[spaceCount];
			for(int i = 0; i < rowSpaces.Length; i++)
				rowSpaces[i] = rowSpacing[i < rowSpacing.Length ? i : rowSpacing.Length - 1];
			return rowSpaces;
Beispiel #18
		 * grab all the cells from a table and return them in a 2 dimensional array
		 * TODO optimize (cache) cell.attribute* calls
		public static MathMLTableCellElement[][] GetCells(MathMLTableElement table)
			int i = 0;
			MathMLNodeList tableRows = table.Rows;
			MathMLTableCellElement[][] cells = new MathMLTableCellElement[tableRows.Count][];	
			int[] remainderCols = new int[0];
			ArrayList rowCellsList = new ArrayList();

			foreach(MathMLTableRowElement row in tableRows)
				MathMLNodeList rowCells = row.Cells;

				foreach(MathMLTableCellElement cell in rowCells)
					if(rowCellsList.Count < remainderCols.Length && remainderCols[rowCellsList.Count] > 0)
						remainderCols[rowCellsList.Count] = remainderCols[rowCellsList.Count] - 1;


					for(int j = 1; j < cell.ColumnSpan; j++)
						// deal with overlapping cells
						if(rowCellsList.Count < remainderCols.Length && remainderCols[rowCellsList.Count] > 0)
							remainderCols[rowCellsList.Count] = remainderCols[rowCellsList.Count] - 1;				

				cells[i] = new MathMLTableCellElement[rowCellsList.Count];
				for(int j = 0; j < rowCellsList.Count; j++)
					cells[i][j] = (MathMLTableCellElement)rowCellsList[j];

				if(remainderCols.Length < cells[i].Length)
					int[] tmp = new int[cells[i].Length];
					for(int j = 0; j < remainderCols.Length; j++)
						tmp[j] = remainderCols[j];
					for(int j = remainderCols.Length; j < tmp.Length; j++)
						tmp[j] = 0;
					remainderCols = tmp;

				for(int j = 0; j < cells[i].Length; j++)
					if(cells[i][j] != null)
						Debug.Assert(remainderCols[j] == 0, "remainder columns value should be zero if we have a current cell");
						remainderCols[j] = cells[i][j].RowSpan - 1;
				i++; // next row
			return cells;
Beispiel #19
         * grab all the cells from a table and return them in a 2 dimensional array
         * TODO optimize (cache) cell.attribute* calls
        public static MathMLTableCellElement[][] GetCells(MathMLTableElement table)
            int            i         = 0;
            MathMLNodeList tableRows = table.Rows;

            MathMLTableCellElement[][] cells = new MathMLTableCellElement[tableRows.Count][];
            int[]     remainderCols          = new int[0];
            ArrayList rowCellsList           = new ArrayList();

            foreach (MathMLTableRowElement row in tableRows)
                MathMLNodeList rowCells = row.Cells;

                foreach (MathMLTableCellElement cell in rowCells)
                    if (rowCellsList.Count < remainderCols.Length && remainderCols[rowCellsList.Count] > 0)
                        remainderCols[rowCellsList.Count] = remainderCols[rowCellsList.Count] - 1;


                    for (int j = 1; j < cell.ColumnSpan; j++)
                        // deal with overlapping cells
                        if (rowCellsList.Count < remainderCols.Length && remainderCols[rowCellsList.Count] > 0)
                            remainderCols[rowCellsList.Count] = remainderCols[rowCellsList.Count] - 1;

                cells[i] = new MathMLTableCellElement[rowCellsList.Count];
                for (int j = 0; j < rowCellsList.Count; j++)
                    cells[i][j] = (MathMLTableCellElement)rowCellsList[j];

                if (remainderCols.Length < cells[i].Length)
                    int[] tmp = new int[cells[i].Length];
                    for (int j = 0; j < remainderCols.Length; j++)
                        tmp[j] = remainderCols[j];
                    for (int j = remainderCols.Length; j < tmp.Length; j++)
                        tmp[j] = 0;
                    remainderCols = tmp;

                for (int j = 0; j < cells[i].Length; j++)
                    if (cells[i][j] != null)
                        Debug.Assert(remainderCols[j] == 0, "remainder columns value should be zero if we have a current cell");
                        remainderCols[j] = cells[i][j].RowSpan - 1;
                i++;                 // next row
Beispiel #20
         * construct a new sizer. All calculations are done here.
        public MathMLTableSizer(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLMeasurer measurer, MathMLTableElement table)
                // copy the context because we change the stretch size so not to
                // stretch tables
                ctx           = ctx.Clone();
                ctx.Stretch   = BoundingBox.New();
                ctx.cacheArea = false;

                //MathMLMeasurer measurer = new MathMLMeasurer();
                equalColumns = table.EqualColumns;

                // get the cells from the table and store them in a multi dim array
                cells = GetCells(table);

                // min area sizes for the cells

                BoundingBox[][] minCellSizes = measurer.MeasureElements(ctx, cells);

                // count of columns that are actual table cells
                int cellColumnCount = GetCellColumnCount(cells);

                // column widths attr from dom
                Length[] columnWidths = GetColumnWidths(table, cellColumnCount);

                // column space attr from dom
                Length[] columnSpacing = GetColumnSpacing(table, cellColumnCount - 1);

                // frame spaceing attr from dom
                Length[] frameSpacing = table.FrameSpacing;

                // row spacing attr from dom
                Length[] rowSpacing = GetRowSpacing(table, cells.Length - 1);

                // create a set of columns from the cells
                columns = CreateColumns(ctx, measurer, cells, minCellSizes, cellColumnCount, columnWidths,
                                        columnSpacing, frameSpacing[0]);

                // create a set of row measurments, this is both the cell rows and spacing rows
                Row[] rows = CreateRows(ctx, cells, minCellSizes, rowSpacing, frameSpacing[1]);

                // adjust rows and columns so there is enough space to fit spanning cells
                AdjustSpanningCells(cells, minCellSizes, rows, columns);

                Debug.WriteLine("retrieved " + columns.Length + "total columns, ");
                DebugWriteColumnWidths("Initial Column Widths: ");

                // get the minimum area for the columns
                float tableWidth = CalculateTableWidth(ctx, table, columns, equalColumns, cellColumnCount);
                Debug.WriteLine("Minimum Table Width: " + tableWidth);

                // find the space needed to fit the availible for the auto and fit columns
                float availSpace = CalculateColumnAvailSpace(columns, tableWidth);
                Debug.WriteLine("Availible Space For Columns: " + availSpace);

                // set the table widths
                DistributeSpace(columns, tableWidth, availSpace, cellColumnCount, equalColumns);

                DebugWriteColumnWidths("Column Widths After Formatting: ");

                // calcuate the shift
                float shift = 0;
                CalculateShiftAndSize(ctx, table, rows, columns, ref box, ref shift);

                // create the cell sizes and offsets
                CreateCellSizesAndShifts(cells, rows, columns, ref cellSizes, ref cellShifts);

                // create the lines for the frame and cell separators
                LineStyle   frame       = table.Frame;
                LineStyle[] columnLines = GetColumnLines(table, cellColumnCount);
                LineStyle[] rowLines    = GetRowLines(table, cells.Length);
                CreateLines(cellSizes, cells, rows, columns, columnLines, rowLines, frame);

                // set the shift
                tableShift = GetTableShift(ctx, table, box);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error constructing table sizer: " + ex.Message);
Beispiel #21
		 * initialize the shift and vertical extent vars
		 * The final shift is calcuated by the formatter because it requires information
		 * about the formatted size of the cell area.
		private static void CalculateShiftAndSize(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLTableElement table, Row[] rows, 
			Column[] columns, ref BoundingBox box, ref float shift)
			shift = 0;
			TableAlign align = table.Align;
			float verticalExtent = 0;
			float width = 0;
			for(int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++)
				verticalExtent += rows[i].VerticalExtent;

			for(int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
				width += columns[i].Width;

			shift = -verticalExtent;

			box = BoundingBox.New(width, verticalExtent, 0);
Beispiel #22
		public TableArea(MathMLTableElement e, Area[] cells, BoundingBox box, PointF[] solidLines, 
			PointF[] dashedLines) : this(e, cells, box, solidLines, dashedLines, null)
Beispiel #23
		 * calculate a table shift
		 * the initially consists of entierly height, this is a value given to the 
		 * TableArea object to determine the vertical location of a table. 
		 * This value is also used to modify the bounding box that is returned from this 
		 * class that is used for the TableArea
		private static float GetTableShift(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLTableElement table, BoundingBox tableExtent)
			float shift = 0;
			// orient the row in the vertical direction, can be one of the following
			// (top | bottom | center | baseline | axis) [ rownumber ]
			// TODO rownumver is currently ignored
				case Align.Top:
					shift = tableExtent.VerticalExtent;
				} break;
				case Align.Bottom:
					shift = 0;
				} break;
				case Align.Center:
					shift = tableExtent.VerticalExtent / 2.0f;					
				} break;
				case Align.Axis:
					// shift to the axis (shift up in the negative direction)
					shift = (tableExtent.VerticalExtent / 2.0f) -ctx.Axis;
				} break;
					shift = tableExtent.VerticalExtent / 2.0f;
				} break;

			return shift;
Beispiel #24
        object MathML.MathMLVisitor.Visit(MathMLTableElement e, object args)
            MathMLTableSizer sizer = new MathMLTableSizer((IFormattingContext)args, this, e);

Beispiel #25
         * calculates the minimum table width to satisfy all columns.
         * This uses each column's Width property to determine the minimum
         * required width to fit each column.
         * pre-reqs: columns, column.Width and equalColumns have been set
         * readonly function
        private static float CalculateTableWidth(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLTableElement table,
                                                 Column[] columns, bool equalColumns, int effectiveColumns)
            Length widthLength = table.Width;

            if (widthLength.Fixed)
                // length is auto, so need to calculate width from columns
                // sanity check
                Debug.Assert(widthLength.Type == LengthType.Auto, "table width is not fixed type but also is not auto");

                // summed widths
                float sumFixWidth   = 0;
                float sumScaleWidth = 0;

                if (equalColumns)
                    // equal spacing, space the largest column width equally
                    // first find largest column width
                    float maxWidth = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                        switch (columns[i].Type)
                        case ColumnType.Scale:
                            sumScaleWidth += columns[i].ScaleWidth;

                        case ColumnType.Fixed:
                            sumFixWidth += columns[i].Width;

                        default:                                 // type is Auto or Fit
                            if (columns[i].Width > maxWidth)
                                maxWidth = columns[i].Width;
                    return((((float)effectiveColumns * maxWidth) + sumFixWidth) / (1.0f - sumScaleWidth));
                    // look for a column that may have a wide min width but a very small percentage
                    // value. In this case, we could have a column that is specified to take up 1%
                    // of the table width, in that case, the rest of the table must be stretched
                    // to take up the 99%
                    float maxEvaluatedWidth = 0;

                    // summed widths
                    float sumAutoFitWidth = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                        switch (columns[i].Type)
                        case ColumnType.Scale:
                            sumScaleWidth += columns[i].ScaleWidth;
                            // evaluate the width of the scaled column using the current width
                            // of the column
                            float evalWidth = columns[i].Width / columns[i].ScaleWidth;
                            if (evalWidth > maxEvaluatedWidth)
                                maxEvaluatedWidth = evalWidth;

                        case ColumnType.Fixed:
                            sumFixWidth += columns[i].FixedWidth;

                        default:                                 // column type is Auto or Fit
                            sumAutoFitWidth += columns[i].Width;

                    float width = (sumAutoFitWidth + sumFixWidth) / (1.0f - sumScaleWidth);
                    return(Math.Max(width, maxEvaluatedWidth));
Beispiel #26
		object MathML.MathMLVisitor.Visit(MathMLTableElement e, object args)
			MathMLTableSizer sizer = new MathMLTableSizer((IFormattingContext)args, this, e);
			return sizer.BoundingBox;			
Beispiel #27
 public TableArea(MathMLTableElement e, Area[] cells, BoundingBox box, PointF[] solidLines,
                  PointF[] dashedLines) : this(e, cells, box, solidLines, dashedLines, null)