Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs spherical interpolation between two quaternions. Spherical interpolation neatly interpolates between
        /// two rotations without modifying the size of the vector it is applied to (unlike linear interpolation).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">Start quaternion.</param>
        /// <param name="to">End quaternion.</param>
        /// <param name="t">Interpolation factor in range [0, 1] that determines how much to interpolate between
        /// <paramref name="from"/> and <paramref name="to"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="shortestPath">Should the interpolation be performed between the shortest or longest path between
        ///                            the two quaternions.</param>
        /// <returns>Interpolated quaternion representing a rotation between <paramref name="from"/> and
        /// <paramref name="to"/>.</returns>
        public static Quaternion Slerp(Quaternion from, Quaternion to, float t, bool shortestPath = true)
            float      dot = Dot(from, to);
            Quaternion quat;

            if (dot < 0.0f && shortestPath)
                dot  = -dot;
                quat = -to;
                quat = to;

            if (MathEx.Abs(dot) < (1 - epsilon))
                float  sin    = MathEx.Sqrt(1 - (dot * dot));
                Radian angle  = MathEx.Atan2(sin, dot);
                float  invSin = 1.0f / sin;
                float  a      = MathEx.Sin((1.0f - t) * angle) * invSin;
                float  b      = MathEx.Sin(t * angle) * invSin;

                return(a * from + b * quat);
                Quaternion ret = (1.0f - t) * from + t * quat;

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an orthonormal matrix to euler angle (pitch/yaw/roll) representation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Euler angles in degrees representing the rotation in this matrix.</returns>
        public Vector3 ToEulerAngles()
            Radian xAngle = -MathEx.Asin(this[1, 2]);

            if (xAngle < MathEx.HalfPi)
                if (xAngle > -MathEx.HalfPi)
                    Radian yAngle = MathEx.Atan2(this[0, 2], this[2, 2]);
                    Radian zAngle = MathEx.Atan2(this[1, 0], this[1, 1]);

                    return(new Vector3(xAngle.Degrees, yAngle.Degrees, zAngle.Degrees));
                    // Note: Not an unique solution.
                    xAngle = -MathEx.HalfPi;
                    Radian yAngle = MathEx.Atan2(-this[0, 1], this[0, 0]);
                    Radian zAngle = (Radian)0.0f;

                    return(new Vector3(xAngle.Degrees, yAngle.Degrees, zAngle.Degrees));
                // Note: Not an unique solution.
                xAngle = MathEx.HalfPi;
                Radian yAngle = MathEx.Atan2(this[0, 1], this[0, 0]);
                Radian zAngle = (Radian)0.0f;

                return(new Vector3(xAngle.Degrees, yAngle.Degrees, zAngle.Degrees));
Beispiel #3
        public void Calculate(float dt)
            //Correcting centrifugal acceleration
            //CorrAccZ = InpAcc.Z - InpAirSpeed * InpGyr.X / degPerPi; //Check sign!

            if (dt < 0.5 && dt > 0)
                SamplePeriod = dt;

                Update(InpGyr.X * piPerDeg, InpGyr.Y * piPerDeg, InpGyr.Z * piPerDeg, InpAcc.X, InpAcc.Y, InpAcc.Z, InpMag.X, InpMag.Y, InpMag.Z);

                float a01 = 2 * Quat[0] * Quat[1];
                float a02 = 2 * Quat[0] * Quat[2];
                float a03 = 2 * Quat[0] * Quat[3];
                float a11 = 2 * Quat[1] * Quat[1];
                float a12 = 2 * Quat[1] * Quat[2];
                float a13 = 2 * Quat[1] * Quat[3];
                float a22 = 2 * Quat[2] * Quat[2];
                float a23 = 2 * Quat[2] * Quat[3];
                float a33 = 2 * Quat[3] * Quat[3];

                Pitch = (float)MathEx.Asin(a01 + a23) * degPerPi;
                Roll  = -(float)MathEx.Atan2(a02 - a13, 1 - (a22 + a11)) * degPerPi;
                Yaw   = (float)MathEx.Atan2((a11 + a33) - 1, a12 - a03) * degPerPi;
Beispiel #4
        private static DirectResult Direct(double lat1, double lon1, double crs12, double d12)
            const double eps = 0.00000000005;
            double       lon;

            if ((MathEx.Abs(MathEx.Cos(lat1)) < eps) && !(MathEx.Abs(MathEx.Sin(crs12)) < eps))
                throw new ArgumentException("Only N-S courses are meaningful, starting at a pole!");

            double lat = MathEx.Asin(MathEx.Sin(lat1) * MathEx.Cos(d12) +
                                     MathEx.Cos(lat1) * MathEx.Sin(d12) * MathEx.Cos(crs12));

            if (MathEx.Abs(MathEx.Cos(lat)) < eps)
                lon = 0.0; //endpoint a pole
                double dlon = MathEx.Atan2(MathEx.Sin(crs12) * MathEx.Sin(d12) * MathEx.Cos(lat1),
                                           MathEx.Cos(d12) - MathEx.Sin(lat1) * MathEx.Sin(lat));
                lon = Mod(lon1 - dlon + MathEx.PI, 2 * MathEx.PI) - MathEx.PI;
            DirectResult outValue = new DirectResult {
                _lat = lat, _lon = lon

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a point on the circle to an angle on the circle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="up">Up vector determining the orientation of the circle.</param>
        /// <param name="point">Point along a unit circle centered around the origin.</param>
        /// <returns>Angle at which the provided point is located on the circle.</returns>
        private Degree PointOnCircleToAngle(Vector3 up, Vector3 point)
            Quaternion rot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(up, Vector3.YAxis);

            Matrix4 worldToPlane = Matrix4.TRS(Vector3.Zero, rot, Vector3.One);

            point = worldToPlane.MultiplyDirection(point);

            return(MathEx.Atan2(-point.z, -point.x) + MathEx.Pi);
Beispiel #6
        public float Distance      = 0; // meter

        public void Calculate(float dt)
            double Lat1;
            double Lon1;
            double Lat2;
            double Lon2;
            float  bearing;
            float  rdRatio;
            double dLon;
            double CosLat2;
            double y;
            double x;

            //Calculate position
            if (GpsHasFix)
                Latitude  = GpsLatitude;
                Longitude = GpsLongitude;
                Latitude  += AirSpeed * dt * MathEx.Cos(Heading * pi180) / Rpi180;
                Longitude += AirSpeed * dt * MathEx.Sin(Heading * pi180) * MathEx.Cos(Latitude * pi180) / Rpi180;

            //Calculate flight path
            Lat1    = Latitude * pi180;
            Lon1    = Longitude * pi180;
            Lat2    = DestLatitude * pi180;
            Lon2    = DestLongitude * pi180;
            dLon    = Lon2 - Lon1;
            CosLat2 = MathEx.Cos(Lat2);
            y       = MathEx.Sin(dLon) * CosLat2;
            x       = MathEx.Cos(Lat1) * MathEx.Sin(Lat2) -
                      MathEx.Sin(Lat1) * CosLat2 * MathEx.Cos(dLon);
            bearing = (float)(MathEx.Atan2(y, x) / pi180);

            x        = (Lon2 - Lon1) * MathEx.Cos((Lat1 + Lat2) / 2);
            y        = (Lat2 - Lat1);
            Distance = (float)MathEx.Sqrt(x * x + y * y) * R;

            if (Distance > 1.0)
                rdRatio       = (Radius / Distance);
                TargetHeading = (bearing + 90 * (rdRatio * rdRatio) + 540) % 360 - 180;
Beispiel #7
        private static Vector3D GetEulerAnglesFromQuaternion(Quaternion q)
            Vector3D result = new Vector3D();
            float    a01    = 2 * q.W * q.X;
            float    a02    = 2 * q.W * q.Y;
            float    a03    = 2 * q.W * q.Z;
            float    a11    = 2 * q.X * q.X;
            float    a12    = 2 * q.X * q.Y;
            float    a13    = 2 * q.X * q.Z;
            float    a22    = 2 * q.Y * q.Y;
            float    a23    = 2 * q.Y * q.Z;
            float    a33    = 2 * q.Z * q.Z;

            //result.Y = (float)MathEx.Atan2(a01 + a23, 1 - (a11 + a22)) * degPerPi;
            //result.X = (float)MathEx.Asin(a02 - a13) * degPerPi;
            //result.Z = (float)MathEx.Atan2(a03 + a12, 1 - (a22 + a33)) * degPerPi;

            result.Y = (float)MathEx.Atan2(a02 - a13, 1 - (a22 + a11)) * degPerPi;
            result.X = (float)MathEx.Asin(a01 + a23) * degPerPi;
            result.Z = (float)MathEx.Atan2(a03 - a12, 1 - (a11 + a33)) * degPerPi;

        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 15JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * Constructs a {@code LinearGradientBrush}.
         * @param start the gradient axis start {@code Point} in user space
         * @param end the gradient axis end {@code Point} in user space
         * @param fractions numbers ranging from 0 to 255 specifying the
         *                  distribution of colors along the gradient
         * @param colors array of colors corresponding to each fractional Value
         * @param fillType either {@code NO_CYCLE}, {@code REFLECT},
         *                    or {@code REPEAT}
         * @param gradientTransform transform to apply to the gradient
         * @throws NullPointerException
         * if one of the points is null,
         * or {@code fractions} array is null,
         * or {@code colors} array is null,
         * or {@code cycleMethod} is null,
         * or {@code colorSpace} is null,
         * or {@code gradientTransform} is null
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException
         * if start and end points are the same points,
         * or {@code fractions.length != colors.length},
         * or {@code colors} is less than 2 in size,
         * or a {@code fractions} Value is less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0,
         * or the {@code fractions} are not provided in strictly increasing order
        public LinearGradientBrush(Point start, Point end,
                                   int[] fractions, Color[] colors,
                                   AffineTransform gradientTransform, int fillType)
            if (fractions == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Fractions array cannot be null");

            if (colors == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Colors array cannot be null");

            if (gradientTransform == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Gradient transform cannot be " +

            if (fractions.Length != colors.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("Colors and fractions must " +
                                            "have equal size");

            if (colors.Length < 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("User must specify at least " +
                                            "2 colors");

            // check that values are in the proper range and progress
            // in increasing order from 0 to 1
            int previousFraction = -255;

            for (int i = 0; i < fractions.Length; i++)
                int currentFraction = fractions[i];
                if (currentFraction < 0 || currentFraction > 255)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Fraction values must " +
                                                "be in the range 0 to 255: " +

                if (currentFraction <= previousFraction)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Keyframe fractions " +
                                                "must be increasing: " +

                previousFraction = currentFraction;

            // We have to deal with the cases where the first gradient stop is not
            // equal to 0 and/or the last gradient stop is not equal to 1.
            // In both cases, create a new point and replicate the previous
            // extreme point's color.
            bool fixFirst = false;
            bool fixLast  = false;
            int  len      = fractions.Length;
            int  off      = 0;

            if (fractions[0] != 0)
                // first stop is not equal to zero, fix this condition
                fixFirst = true;
            if (fractions[fractions.Length - 1] != 255)
                // last stop is not equal to one, fix this condition
                fixLast = true;

            this._fractions = new int[len];
            Array.Copy(fractions, 0, this._fractions, off, fractions.Length);
            this._colors = new Color[len];
            Array.Copy(colors, 0, this._colors, off, colors.Length);

            if (fixFirst)
                this._fractions[0] = 0;
                this._colors[0]    = colors[0];
            if (fixLast)
                this._fractions[len - 1] = 255;
                this._colors[len - 1]    = colors[colors.Length - 1];

            // copy the gradient transform
            this._gradientTransform = new AffineTransform(gradientTransform);

            // determine transparency
            bool opaque = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
                opaque = opaque && (colors[i].GetAlpha() == 0xff);
            _transparency = opaque ? Color.OPAQUE : Color.TRANSLUCENT;

            // check input parameters
            if (start == null || end == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Start and end points must be" +

            if (start.Equals(end))
                throw new ArgumentException("Start point cannot equal" +

            // copy the points...
            this._start = new Point(start.GetX(), start.GetY());
            this._end   = new Point(end.GetX(), end.GetY());

            Rectangle   rectangle = new Rectangle(start, end);
            float       dx        = start.X - end.X;
            float       dy        = start.Y - end.Y;
            double      angle     = MathEx.Atan2(dy, dx);
            int         intAngle  = SingleFP.FromDouble(angle);
            RectangleFP r         = Utils.ToRectangleFP(rectangle);

            _wrappedBrushFP = new LinearGradientBrushFP(r.GetLeft(), r.GetTop(),
                                                        r.GetRight(), r.GetBottom(),
            for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
                    (SingleFP.FromFloat(fractions[i] / 100.0f),
            _wrappedBrushFP.FillMode = fillType;
Beispiel #9
        void timer_Tick(GT.Timer timer)

            //gps.PositionReceived += new GPS.PositionReceivedHandler(gps_PositionReceived);

            // if current location was found
            if (currentLatitude != 0 && currentLongitude != 0)
                // CALCULATE BEARING
                double y = MathEx.Sin(destinationLongitude - currentLongitude) * MathEx.Cos(destinationLatitude);
                double x = MathEx.Cos(currentLatitude) * MathEx.Sin(destinationLatitude) - MathEx.Sin(currentLatitude) * MathEx.Cos(destinationLatitude) * MathEx.Cos(destinationLongitude - currentLongitude);
                bearing = MathEx.Atan2(y, x);
                // convert radian value to degrees (-180 to 180 deg)
                bearing = bearing * (180.0 / MathEx.PI);
                // normalise the angle (0 to 360 deg)
                bearing = (bearing + 360) % 360;

                 * // CALCULATE HEADING
                 * // nearby ferrous effect compensation calculations
                 * double Xsf = (compassYmax - compassYmin) / (compassXmax - compassXmin);
                 * if (Xsf < 1)
                 *  Xsf = 1;
                 * double Ysf = (compassXmax - compassXmin) / (compassYmax - compassYmin);
                 * if (Ysf < 1)
                 *  Ysf = 1;
                 * double Xoff = (((compassXmax - compassXmin) / 2) - compassXmax) * Xsf;
                 * double Yoff = (((compassYmax - compassYmin) / 2) - compassYmax) * Ysf;
                 * // tilt compensation calculations
                 * double pitchRadians = MathEx.Asin(accelerometerX);
                 * double rollRadians = MathEx.Asin(accelerometerY);
                 * // we cannot correct for tilt over 40 degrees with this algorthem, if the board is tilted as such, return 0.
                 * if (rollRadians > 0.78 || rollRadians < -0.78 || pitchRadians > 0.78 || pitchRadians < -0.78)
                 * {
                 *  heading = 0;
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  // tilt compensation algorithm
                 *  double Xh = compassX * MathEx.Cos(pitchRadians) + compassY * MathEx.Sin(rollRadians) * MathEx.Sin(pitchRadians) - compassZ * MathEx.Cos(rollRadians) * MathEx.Sin(pitchRadians);
                 *  double Yh = compassY * MathEx.Cos(rollRadians) + compassZ * MathEx.Sin(rollRadians);
                 *  // calculate final compass X and Y coordinates
                 *  double Xvalue = Xsf * Xh + Xoff;
                 *  double Yvalue = Ysf * Yh + Yoff;
                 *  // calculate heading
                 *  if (Xvalue == 0 && Yvalue < 0)
                 *      heading = 90;
                 *  else if (Xvalue == 0 && Yvalue > 0)
                 *      heading = 270;
                 *  else if (Xvalue < 0)
                 *      heading = 180 - ( MathEx.Atan( Yvalue / Xvalue ) * 180 / MathEx.PI );
                 *  else if (Xvalue > 0 && Yvalue < 0)
                 *      heading = - ( MathEx.Atan( Yvalue / Xvalue ) * 180 / MathEx.PI );
                 *  else if (Xvalue > 0 && Yvalue > 0)
                 *      heading = 360 - ( MathEx.Atan(Yvalue / Xvalue) * 180 / MathEx.PI );
                 *  /*if (compassX == 0 && compassY < 0)
                 *      heading = 90;
                 *  else if (compassX == 0 && compassY > 0)
                 *      heading = 270;
                 *  else if (compassX < 0)
                 *      heading = 180 - (MathEx.Atan(compassY / compassX) * 180 / MathEx.PI);
                 *  else if (compassX > 0 && compassY < 0)
                 *      heading = -(MathEx.Atan(compassY / compassX) * 180 / MathEx.PI);
                 *  else if (compassX > 0 && compassY > 0)
                 *      heading = 360 - (MathEx.Atan(compassY / compassX) * 180 / MathEx.PI);*/
                 * }

                if (heading <= bearing)
                    relativeBearing = bearing - heading;
                else if (heading > bearing)
                    relativeBearing = 360 - (heading - bearing);

                // MOVE ARROW

                 * if (relativeBearing <= 180)
                 *  servoValue = map(relativeBearing, 0, 180, 150, 0);
                 * else if (relativeBearing > 180)
                 *  servoValue = map(relativeBearing, 180, 360, 300, 150);
                 * servo.SetPulse(20 * 1000 * 1000, (uint)servoValue * 10 * 1000);
            // if no gps coordinates found
                 * // set direction
                 * if (servoValue == 180)
                 *  direction = false;
                 * else if (servoValue == 120)
                 *  direction = true;
                 * // calculate servo position
                 * if (direction == false)
                 *  servoValue -= 10;
                 * else if (direction == true)
                 *  servoValue += 10;
                 * servo.SetPulse(20 * 1000 * 1000, (uint)servoValue * 10 * 1000);

                Debug.Print("No GPS position");

             * // print measured data
             * //Debug.Print("lat: " + currentLatitude.ToString());
             * //Debug.Print("lon: " + currentLongitude.ToString());
             * Debug.Print("---".ToString());
             * Debug.Print("heading: " + heading.ToString());
             * Debug.Print("bearing: " + bearing.ToString());
             * Debug.Print("relative bearing: " + relativeBearing.ToString());
             * Debug.Print("---".ToString());