public static void TestDelegate()
            //Reparem na assinatura do MathDelegate. (int(int,int)) significa que retorna int, e que tem como argumentos dois inteiros.
            //Isto será expresso na forma de (x, y) que são os dois argumentos seguidos de => e da operação.
            //Caso a operação tenha mais que duas instruções, deverá ser colocada entre chavetas. Ou seja, ((x,y) => x+y)

            var sum      = new MathDelegate((x, y) => x + y);
            var sumTotal = sum.Invoke(1, 2);

            sumTotal = sum(1, 2);
            //Agora com duas operações
            sum = new MathDelegate((x, y) =>
                var temp = 12;
                temp    *= x + y;
            sumTotal = sum.Invoke(1, 2);
            //No entanto não podemos mudar a variável para outro delegate, mesmo que os argumentos e o tipo de retorno seja o mesmo.
            //sum = new GenericDelegate<int>((x, y) => x + y);

            //Chamar um genérico também é simples
            var newSum = new GenericDelegate <int>((x, y) => x + y);

            sumTotal = newSum(1, 2);
            var newSumPrinter = new GenericDelegate <string, int>((x, y) => (x + y).ToString());
            var sumPrint      = newSumPrinter(1, 2);

            //Vamos testar?
Beispiel #2
 private void RadioMultiplication_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // with function (commented above)
     // Calculation = Multiplication;
     // or with lambda
     Calculation = (a, b) => Decimal.Round(Decimal.Multiply(a, b), 2);
Beispiel #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Using Method
            Program      p            = new Program();
            MathDelegate methodDel    = new MathDelegate(p.Multiply);
            int          methodResult = methodDel(23, 6);

            Console.WriteLine("Multiply Method  Result : " + methodResult);

            //Using Annonymous Method
            MathDelegate AnnDel = delegate(int num1, int num2)
                return(num1 * num2);
            int annResult = AnnDel(87, 12);

            Console.WriteLine("Annonymous Method Result : " + annResult);

            //Using Lambda Expression
            MathDelegate lambdaDel    = (num1, num2) => num1 * num2;
            int          lambdaResult = lambdaDel(45, 2);

            Console.WriteLine("Lambda Expression Result : " + lambdaResult);

Beispiel #4
 private void RadioSubtraction_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // with function (commented above)
     // Calculation = Subtraction;
     // or with lamda
     Calculation = (a, b) => Decimal.Round(a - b, 2);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            File.WriteAllText("somenewfile.txt", "more junk".ToRandomCase());

            MathDelegate someOperation = Add;

            someOperation(2, 4);

            List <int> numbers = new List <int> {
                1, 2, 3

            if (numbers is IEnumerable <int> )

            multiply(c: 5, a: 2);

            string input = Console.ReadLine();

            if (double.TryParse(input, out double result))
                Console.WriteLine(result * 10);

            WriteLine("Hello World!");
Beispiel #6
 private void RadioDivision_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // with function (commented above)
     // Calculation = Division;
     // or lamda
     Calculation = (a, b) => Decimal.Round(Decimal.Divide(a, b), 2);
Beispiel #7
        private static void TestDelegateExample()
            MathDelegate md1, md2, md3, md4;

            md1 = new MathDelegate(SimpleMath.Add);
            md2 = new MathDelegate(SimpleMath.Subtract);
            md3 = new MathDelegate(SimpleMath.Multiply);
            md4 = new MathDelegate(SimpleMath.Divide);

            Random rand = new Random();
            int    n1   = rand.Next(1, 100),
                   n2   = rand.Next(1, 100);

            int add  = md1(n1, n2);
            int sub  = md2(n1, n2);
            int mult = md3(n1, n2);
            int div  = md4(n1, n2);

            String format = "add = {0}{1}subtract = {2}{1}multiply = {3}{1}divide = {4}";
            String nl     = "\r\n";

            Console.WriteLine("n1 = {0} , n2 = {1}", n1, n2);
            String msg = String.Format(format, add, nl, sub, mult, div);

Beispiel #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MathDelegate mathOperation = Add;

            int a = 5;
            int b = 7;

            int result = mathOperation(a, b);

            Console.WriteLine("The delegate operation result is {0}.", result);

            mathOperation = Subtract;
            result        = mathOperation(a, b);
            Console.WriteLine("The delegate operation result is {0}.", result);

            mathOperation = Multiple;
            result        = mathOperation(a, b);
            Console.WriteLine("The delegate operation result is {0}.", result);

            mathOperation = Power;
            result        = mathOperation(a, b);
            Console.WriteLine("The delegate operation result is {0}.", result);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            SalDelegate deleg  = new SalDelegate(GetSalary);
            var         salary = deleg.Invoke(30, 800);

            Console.WriteLine("salary = {0}", salary);
            deleg += GetIncentives;    //referencing more than one method
            var incent = deleg.Invoke(30, 800);

            Console.WriteLine("Incentives = {0}", incent);

            //multicaste delegate
            MathDelegate mathdeleg = new MathDelegate(Add);

            mathdeleg += Subtract;
            mathdeleg += Multiply;
            mathdeleg += Divide;

            mathdeleg.Invoke(950, 95);

            Program objP = new Program();

            objP.Print = new printhandler(objP.Onprint); //Registering on print event handler with print event
  ;                                 //raise the print event(defined inside the show method)

Beispiel #10
        static void Mycallback(IAsyncResult ir)
            MathDelegate d      = ir.AsyncState as MathDelegate;
            long         result = d.EndInvoke(ir);

            Console.WriteLine("result=" + result);
        public void IncrementHelper(int[] arr, MathDelegate worker)
            int increment = 99;

            foreach (var element in arr)
                worker(element, increment);
Beispiel #12
        public int MathOperation(MathDelegate mathDelegate, params int[] list)
            int m = list[0];

            foreach (var item in list)
                m = mathDelegate(m, item);

Beispiel #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MathDelegate m = new MathDelegate(Add);

            m += Sub;
            m += mul;
            m += div;
            m.Invoke(950, 11);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Delegate1Class d = new Delegate1Class();
            // MathDelegate md = new MathDelegate(d.add);
            //md(100,200);//Delgate:one method get executed and it holds the reference of one method
            MathDelegate md = d.add;

            md += d.substract;//multicasting Delegate:making delegate to hold the reference of more than one method at a time here md holds both the methods
            md(1000, 2000);

Beispiel #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MathDelegate performMathOperations = null;

            performMathOperations += Add;
            performMathOperations += Multiply;
            performMathOperations += Divide;
            performMathOperations += Substract;
            performMathOperations += Remainder;

            performMathOperations(20, 3);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Assign type Method1Delegate to variable delegate1 and point it to Method1.
            Method1Delegate delegate1 = Method1;


            // Assign type Method2Delegate to variable delegate2 and point it to Method2.
            Method2Delegate delegate2 = Method2;

            Console.WriteLine("Method 2 float value " + delegate2());

            // Assign type Method3Delegate to variable delegate3 and point it to Method3.
            Method3Delegate delegate3 = Method3;

            delegate3("Andreas", 25, 1.82f);

            // Create a new instance of Math class.
            Math mathObject = new Math();
            // Assign type MathDelegate to variable math and point it to Addition method in Math class.
            MathDelegate math = mathObject.Addition;

            Console.WriteLine("Addition 17 + 18 = " + math(17, 18));
            // Assign math variable to Multiplication method in Math class.
            math = mathObject.Multiplication;
            Console.WriteLine("Multiplication 3 * 7 = " + math(3, 7));

            // Assign type MyDelegate to variable myDelegate and point it to Method4.
            MyDelegate myDelegate = Method4;

            // Assign another method to myDelegate
            myDelegate += Method5;
            // Invoke myDelegate, it will call both Method4 and Method5.

            // Assign type IntDelegate to variable addition and point it to Lambda Expression
            IntDelegate addition = (num1, num2) => num1 + num2;

            Console.WriteLine("Addition 13 + 4 = " + addition(13, 4));
            // Assign type IntDelegate to variable subtraction and point it to Lambda Expression
            IntDelegate subtraction = (num1, num2) => num1 - num2;

            Console.WriteLine("Subtraction 8 - 2 = " + subtraction(8, 2));
            // Assign type IntDelegate to variable subtraction and point it to Lambda Expression
            FloatDelegate multiplication = (num1, num2) => num1 * num2;

            Console.WriteLine("Multiplication 4.2 * 3.1 = " + multiplication(4.2f, 3.1f));
            // Assign type IntDelegate to variable division and point it to Lambda Expression
            FloatDelegate division = (num1, num2) => num1 / num2;

            Console.WriteLine("Multiplication 4 / 32 = " + division(4, 32));
Beispiel #17
        private static void Main(string[] args)

            ToStringDelegate toString = PrintToString;

            Student Biggo = new Student("Biggo");
            Dog     Bingo = new Dog(45);


            PrintDelegate delegatedPrint = PrintInt;


            delegatedPrint = PrintMoney;

            //can also be called with the Invoke Method

            PrintHelper(delegatedPrint, 7000);
            delegatedPrint = PrintInt;
            PrintHelper(delegatedPrint, 7000);

            //multicast delegates
            PrintDelegate multiPrintDelegate = PrintInt;

            multiPrintDelegate += PrintMoney;
            multiPrintDelegate += PrintHexadecimal;

            //call the delegate and all the methods associated with it

            //multiCast multiplication
            MathDelegate delegatedMath = Add;

            delegatedMath += Subtract;
            delegatedMath += Multiply;
            delegatedMath += Divide;

            delegatedMath(500, 2);


Beispiel #18
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region 匿名类与var
            var obj = new { age = 20, name = "小张", id = 10001 };
            Console.WriteLine("姓名:{0},年龄:{1},学号:{2}",, obj.age,;
            var b = "adadad";
            //var arry = { 1, 2, 3 };
            //var arry1 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };

            //var a = null;

            #region 扩展方法

            #region 委托
            CalculatorDelegate objAdd = new CalculatorDelegate(Add);
            int result = objAdd(3, 6);
            objAdd -= Add;
            objAdd += Sub;
            Console.WriteLine(objAdd(20, 10));

            #region 匿名方法与Lambal表达式
            CalculatorDelegate add = delegate(int c, int d)
                return(c + d);
            Console.WriteLine(add(20, 30));
            CalculatorDelegate add1 = (int c, int d) => { return(c + d); };
            Console.WriteLine(add1(20, 30));
            CalculatorDelegate add2 = (c, d) => { return(c + d); };
            Console.WriteLine(add2(5, 5));
            MathDelegate math = a => a * a;

Beispiel #19
        // Declare a delegate

        public void NamedMethod()
            DelegateSamples m = new DelegateSamples();

            // Delegate instantiation using "Multiply"
            MathDelegate d = m.Multiply;

            // Invoke the delegate object.
            Console.WriteLine("Invoking the delegate using 'Multiply':");
            for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                d(i, 5);
Beispiel #20
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MathDelegate mathDelegate1 = MathOps.Addition;
            MathDelegate mathDelegate2 = MathOps.Subtraction;
            MathDelegate mathDelegate3 = MathOps.Multiply;
            MathDelegate mathDelegate4 = MathOps.Division;

            //multicast delegate
            MathDelegate mathDelegate = mathDelegate1;

            mathDelegate += mathDelegate2;
            mathDelegate += mathDelegate3;
            mathDelegate += mathDelegate4;

            //call delegate with parameters
            mathDelegate(10, 20);
Beispiel #21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MathDelegate del1 = new MathDelegate(Add);
            MathDelegate del2 = new MathDelegate(Subtract);
            MathDelegate del3 = new MathDelegate(Multiply);
            MathDelegate del4 = new MathDelegate(Divide);

            //del1(100, 200);
            //del1 = new MathDelegate(Subtract);
            //del1(100, 200);

            MathDelegate del5 = del1 + del2 + del3 + del4;

            del5.Invoke(200, 300);
            del5 -= del2;
            del5.Invoke(200, 300);
Beispiel #22
        public static float UserMathOperation()
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the left-hand number of the operation");
            float left = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the right-hand number of the operation");
            float  right     = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            string operation = null;

            Console.WriteLine("Please specify which math operation you would like to execute");
                Console.WriteLine("Enter either add, subtract, multiply, divide, or power");
                operation = Console.ReadLine();
            }while (operation != "add" && operation != "subtract" && operation != "multiply" && operation != "divide" && operation != "power");

            MathDelegate toInvoke = ReturnMathDelgByString(operation);

            return(ExecuteMathFunction(left, right, toInvoke));
Beispiel #23
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Multicast Delegate

            MathDelegate mathdeleg = new MathDelegate(Add);

            mathdeleg += Subtract;
            mathdeleg += Multiply;
            mathdeleg += Divide;

            mathdeleg.Invoke(950, 95);

            Program objP = new Program();

            objP.Print += new PrintHandler(objP.OnPrint); //Registering OnPrint event handler with print event

            objP.Show();                                  // raise the print event(defined inside the show method

Beispiel #24
        static void Main()
            //Instatiation of delgate objects

            MathDelegate addDel, subDel, multiDel, divideDel;

            //Creation of Delegates
            addDel    = new MathDelegate(Add);
            subDel    = new MathDelegate(Subtract);
            multiDel  = new MathDelegate(Multiplication);
            divideDel = new MathDelegate(Division);

            Console.WriteLine("----Gathering Numbers----");
            Console.WriteLine("Enter a number above 0 or enter -1 to close the application... ");
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the first number: ");
            double firstNum = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the second number: ");
            double secondNum = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());

            //To exit application
            if (firstNum == -1)

            //addDel(firstNum, secondNum);
            //subDel(firstNum, secondNum);
            //multiDel(firstNum, secondNum);
            // divideDel(firstNum, secondNum);
            // Console.ReadKey();

            //multicasting delegates
            Console.WriteLine("----This is the multicasted delegate----");
            multiCastDel(addDel, firstNum, secondNum);
            multiCastDel(subDel, firstNum, secondNum);
            multiCastDel(multiDel, firstNum, secondNum);
            multiCastDel(divideDel, firstNum, secondNum);
Beispiel #25
        static void Main(string[] args)

            MathClass    mat = new MathClass();
            MathDelegate del1, del2;

            del2 = new MathDelegate(MathClass.Multiply);

            //List<string> mystrings = new List<string>();

            //Action<string> myaction = new Action<string>(Print);

            //MyDelegate multicast;
            //multicast=new MyDelegate(mat.M1);
            //multicast+=new MyDelegate(MathClass.M2);

            del1 = new MathDelegate(mat.Add);
            IAsyncResult iar = del1.BeginInvoke(11, 9, new AsyncCallback(Mycallback), del1);


            Console.WriteLine("Main End");
Beispiel #26
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MathDelegate deleg = new MathDelegate(Addnum);
            var          num   = deleg.Invoke(5, 10);

            Console.WriteLine("Addition={0}", num);

            deleg += Mulnum;
            var num1 = deleg.Invoke(5, 10);

            Console.WriteLine("Multiplication={0}", num);

            deleg += Subnum;
            var num2 = deleg.Invoke(5, 10);

            Console.WriteLine("Subtraction={0}", num);

            deleg += Divnum;
            var num3 = deleg.Invoke(5, 10);

            Console.WriteLine("Division={0}", num);
Beispiel #27
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MathDelegate math = Double;
            double       y    = math(3);


            MathDelegate math2 = delegate(double x) { return(x * x); };

            double z = math2(4);


            MathDelegate math3 = x => x * x * x;

            double c = math3(5);


Beispiel #28
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MathClass math = new MathClass();

            MCDelegate del = new MCDelegate(math.M1);

            del += new MCDelegate(MathClass.M2);

            del += new MCDelegate(math.M1);

            del -= new MCDelegate(math.M1);

            MathDelegate del1, del2;

            del1 = new MathDelegate(math.Add);

            del2 = new MathDelegate(MathClass.Multiply);


            AsyncCallback mycallback = delegate(IAsyncResult ir)
                long result = del1.EndInvoke(ir);

                Console.WriteLine($"The add result done async is {result}");

            IAsyncResult iar = del1.BeginInvoke(111, 333, mycallback, null);

            Console.WriteLine(del2.Invoke(333, 455));

Beispiel #29
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MulticastDemo md   = new MulticastDemo();
            MathDelegate  dadd = new MathDelegate(MulticastDemo.Add);
            MathDelegate  dsub = new MathDelegate(MulticastDemo.Sub);
            MathDelegate  dmul = new MathDelegate(md.Mul);
            MathDelegate  ddiv = new MathDelegate(md.Div);
            // chaining all delegate
            MathDelegate rootd = dadd + dsub + dmul + ddiv;

            rootd = rootd - dsub - dmul - ddiv;
            rootd(12, 12);
            //  earlier path
            dsub(12, 10);
            dmul.Invoke(10, 10);

            // delegate return type
            DelegateReturn dr = new DelegateReturn(DelegateReturnDemo.MethodOne);

            dr = dr + DelegateReturnDemo.MethodTwo;
            int valueReturn = dr();

            Console.WriteLine($"Delegate Return for method Two: {DelegateReturnDemo.MethodOne()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Delegate Return for method Two: {DelegateReturnDemo.MethodTwo()}");
            //  delegate out example
            DelegateOut delegateOut = new DelegateOut(DelegateOutDemo.MethodOne);

            delegateOut = delegateOut + DelegateOutDemo.MethodTwo;
            int returnOut = 0;

            delegateOut(out returnOut);
            Console.WriteLine($"Delegate OUT for method Two: { returnOut}");
            delegateOut -= DelegateOutDemo.MethodTwo;
            delegateOut(out returnOut);
            Console.WriteLine($"Delegate OUT for method One: { returnOut}");
Beispiel #30
 public static void multiCastDel(MathDelegate md, double numOne, double numTwo)
     md(numOne, numTwo);