private void LinearScalingAdapterTest(double scale, double massLinearity, double durationLinearity, double expectedWaterMass, TimeSpan expectedDuration)
            Debug.WriteLine("We define a spec to test the removal of 50 kg of water from a mixture of 100 kg Water, 100 kg NaNO2.");
            TSTestJig tj = new TSTestJig(100, 100);
            MaterialTransferSpecByMass msbm = new MaterialTransferSpecByMass(tj.H2O_Type, 50, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(50));

            if (!massLinearity.Equals(double.NaN))
                Debug.WriteLine("We provide the spec with a mass scaling adapter with linearity = " + massLinearity.ToString("F2"));
                msbm.SetMassScalingAdapter(new DoubleLinearScalingAdapter(msbm.Mass, massLinearity));
                Debug.WriteLine("The spec will have no mass scaling.");
            if (!durationLinearity.Equals(double.NaN))
                Debug.WriteLine("We provide the spec with a duration scaling adapter with linearity = " + durationLinearity.ToString("F2"));
                msbm.SetDurationScalingAdapter(new TimeSpanLinearScalingAdapter(msbm.Duration, durationLinearity));
                Debug.WriteLine("The spec will have no duration scaling.");
            Debug.WriteLine("We now scale the request by " + scale.ToString("F2"));
            IMaterial effluent = msbm.GetExtract(tj.Mixture);

            Debug.WriteLine("In the end, we obtained... " + effluent + " in " + msbm.Duration);
            Debug.WriteLine("... leaving " + tj.Mixture + "");
            Debug.WriteLine("We expected " + expectedWaterMass + " kg of water in " + expectedDuration + "\r\n\r\n");

            Assert.IsTrue(true == effluent.Mass.Equals(expectedWaterMass), "Water mass is not the expected one.");
            Assert.IsTrue(true == TimeSpan.FromTicks(Math.Abs(msbm.Duration.Ticks - expectedDuration.Ticks)) < TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50), "Duration is bigger then the expeced one.");
Beispiel #2
        public void TestRemovalByMassFromSubstance()
            Model model = new Model("Hello, world.", Guid.NewGuid());
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            // Now try to remove by mass from a substance.
            Debug.WriteLine("\r\nWe now work on a substance.");
            MaterialType mt = brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrochloric Acid"];
            Substance    s  = (Substance)mt.CreateMass(100, 20);

            Debug.WriteLine("We have " + s);

            MaterialTransferSpecByMass tsbm = new MaterialTransferSpecByMass(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrochloric Acid"], 10, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

            Debug.WriteLine("Want to remove " + tsbm);
            IMaterial removee = tsbm.GetExtract(s);

            Debug.WriteLine("Successful in removing " + removee + ".\r\nWhat remains is ");

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(s.Mass - 90.00) < 0.01, "The Water part is not 90 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(tsbm.Duration.Equals(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5, 0, 0)), "Removing 10 kg Water part did not take 5 Min");
        [TestMethod] public void TestNonScaledByMassTransfer()
            TSTestJig tj = new TSTestJig(100, 100);

            MaterialTransferSpecByMass msbm = new MaterialTransferSpecByMass(tj.H2O_Type, 50, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(50));
            IMaterial effluent = msbm.GetExtract(tj.Mixture);

Beispiel #4
        public void TestRemovalByMassFromMixture()
            Model model = new Model("Hello, world.", Guid.NewGuid());
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            // Define reactions
            Reaction r = new Reaction(null, "Reaction", Guid.NewGuid());

            r.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Caustic Soda"], 0.5231);
            r.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrochloric Acid"], 0.4769);
            r.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"], 0.2356);
            r.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Sodium Chloride"], 0.7644);

            Mixture mixture = new Mixture(model, "Test mixture 1", Guid.NewGuid());


            // Add substances
            AddSubstance(ref mixture, brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Caustic Soda"], 40, 20.0);
            AddSubstance(ref mixture, brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrochloric Acid"], 40, 20.0);
            mixture.Temperature = 100.0;

            // Definitions to retrive substances from mixture
            Substance water            = null;
            Substance hydrochloricAcid = null;
            Substance sodiumCloride    = null;

            foreach (Substance su in mixture.Constituents)
                switch (su.Name)
                case "Water": water = su; break;

                case "Hydrochloric Acid": hydrochloricAcid = su; break;

                case "Sodium Chloride": sodiumCloride = su; break;

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(hydrochloricAcid.Mass - 3.53) < 0.01, "The Hydrochloric Acid part is not 3.53 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(water.Mass - 18.01) < 0.01, "The Water part is not 18.01 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(sodiumCloride.Mass - 58.45) < 0.01, "The Sodium Cloride part is not 58.45 kg");

            // Remove 10 kg of water
            MaterialTransferSpecByMass tsbm = new MaterialTransferSpecByMass(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"], 10, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

            Debug.WriteLine("Want to remove " + tsbm);
            IMaterial removee = tsbm.GetExtract(mixture);

            Debug.WriteLine("Successful in removing " + removee + ".\r\nWhat remains is ");

            foreach (Substance su in mixture.Constituents)
                switch (su.Name)
                case "Water": water = su; break;

                case "Hydrochloric Acid": hydrochloricAcid = su; break;

                case "Sodium Chloride": sodiumCloride = su; break;

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(hydrochloricAcid.Mass - 3.53) < 0.01, "The Hydrochloric Acid part is not 3.53 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(water.Mass - 8.01) < 0.01, "The Water part is not 8.01 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(sodiumCloride.Mass - 58.45) < 0.01, "The Sodium Chloride part is not 58.45 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(tsbm.Duration.Equals(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5, 0, 0)), "Removing 10 kg Water part did not take 5 Min");