Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 主界面初始化
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index()
            using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                await Task.Run(() =>
                    PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig()
                        Where = string.Format(" Status = '{0}'"
                                              , EnumObjectStatus.Available.GetHashCode()),
                        OrderBy = "Key"

                    MethodReturnResult <IList <Material> > result = client.Get(ref cfg);

                    if (result.Code == 0)
                        ViewBag.PagingConfig = cfg;
                        ViewBag.List         = result.Data;

            return(View(new MaterialQueryViewModel()));
Beispiel #2
        public String GetType(String materialCode)
            MaterialQueryViewModel model = new MaterialQueryViewModel();

            model.Code          = materialCode;
            StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder();
            using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                where.AppendFormat("  Key = '{0}'", model.Code);
                PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig()
                    OrderBy = "Key",
                    Where   = where.ToString()
                MethodReturnResult <IList <Material> > result = client.Get(ref cfg);

                //List<Material>  MaterialList =result.Data.ToList<Material>();
                String ProductType = null;
                if (result.Code == 0)
                    string barcode = result.Data[0].Key;
                    string qty     = result.Data[0].MainRawQtyPerLot.ToString();
                    ProductType = string.Format("JNM{0}{1}"
                                                , barcode.StartsWith("1201") ? "M" : "P"
                                                , qty);

Beispiel #3
        public static CswNbtChemWatchRequest MaterialSearch(ICswResources CswResources, CswNbtChemWatchRequest Request)
            CswNbtChemWatchRequest Return       = new CswNbtChemWatchRequest();
            CswNbtResources        NbtResources = (CswNbtResources)CswResources;
            string errorMsg;

            if (_authenticate(NbtResources, out errorMsg))
                MaterialServiceClient cwMaterialClient = new MaterialServiceClient();

                List <ChemWatchListItem> Materials   = new List <ChemWatchListItem>();
                ListResultOfMaterial     cwMaterials = cwMaterialClient.GetMaterialsByVendorGroupId(Request.Supplier, Request.MaterialName, Request.PartNo, false, 1, 100, "", 0);
                foreach (Material cwMaterial in cwMaterials.Rows)
                    Materials.Add(new ChemWatchListItem()
                        Id   = CswConvert.ToString(cwMaterial.MaterialID),
                        Name = cwMaterial.Name
                IEnumerable <ChemWatchListItem> SortedMaterials = Materials.OrderBy(si => si.Name);
                Return.Materials = SortedMaterials.ToList();
                throw new CswDniException(CswEnumErrorType.Error, "There was a problem authenticating with ChemWatch", errorMsg);

Beispiel #4
        public async Task <ActionResult> SaveModify(MaterialViewModel model)
            using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                MethodReturnResult <Material> result = await client.GetAsync(model.Code);

                if (result.Code == 0)
                    result.Data.MainProductQtyPerLot = model.MainProductQtyPerLot;
                    result.Data.MainRawQtyPerLot     = model.MainRawQtyPerLot;
                    result.Data.Name        = model.Name;
                    result.Data.Spec        = model.Spec;
                    result.Data.Class       = model.Class;
                    result.Data.Status      = model.Status;
                    result.Data.Type        = model.Type;
                    result.Data.Unit        = model.Unit;
                    result.Data.IsRaw       = model.IsRaw;
                    result.Data.IsProduct   = model.IsProduct;
                    result.Data.BarCode     = model.BarCode;
                    result.Data.Description = model.Description;
                    result.Data.Editor      = User.Identity.Name;
                    result.Data.EditTime    = DateTime.Now;
                    MethodReturnResult rst = await client.ModifyAsync(result.Data);

                    if (rst.Code == 0)
                        rst.Message = string.Format(FMMResources.StringResource.Material_SaveModify_Success
                                                    , model.Code);
Beispiel #5
        public ActionResult GetMaterialAttribute(string materialCode)
            MethodReturnResult <Material> result = null;

            var item = new
                @Name = string.Empty,
                @Unit = string.Empty

            using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                result = client.Get(materialCode);
                if (result.Code <= 0 && result.Data != null)
                    item = new
                        @Name = result.Data.Name,
                        @Unit = result.Data.Unit

            return(Json(item, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Beispiel #6
        private static void _getMatchingSuppliers(string SearchString, CswNbtChemWatchRequest Return)
            MaterialServiceClient cwMaterialClient = new MaterialServiceClient();


            SearchVendorRequest cwSearchVend = new SearchVendorRequest();

            cwSearchVend.Name       = SearchString;
            cwSearchVend.PageNumber = 1;
            cwSearchVend.PageSize   = 100;

            List <ChemWatchListItem> Suppliers = new List <ChemWatchListItem>();
            ListResultOfVendor       cwVendors = cwMaterialClient.SearchVendors(cwSearchVend);

            foreach (Vendor cwVendor in cwVendors.Rows)
                ChemWatchListItem cwSupplier = new ChemWatchListItem();
                cwSupplier.Name = cwVendor.Name;
                cwSupplier.Id   = cwVendor.VendorGroup.Gid;
                if (false == Suppliers.Any(supplier => supplier.Id == cwVendor.VendorGroup.Gid && supplier.Name == cwVendor.Name))
            IEnumerable <ChemWatchListItem> SortedSuppliers = Suppliers.OrderBy(si => si.Name);

            Return.Suppliers = SortedSuppliers.ToList();
Beispiel #7
        public async Task <ActionResult> Save(MaterialViewModel model)
            using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                Material obj = new Material()
                    Key                  = model.Code.ToUpper(),
                    BarCode              = model.BarCode,
                    Name                 = model.Name,
                    Class                = model.Class,
                    Spec                 = model.Spec,
                    Status               = model.Status,
                    Type                 = model.Type,
                    Unit                 = model.Unit,
                    IsProduct            = model.IsProduct,
                    IsRaw                = model.IsRaw,
                    MainProductQtyPerLot = model.MainProductQtyPerLot,
                    MainRawQtyPerLot     = model.MainRawQtyPerLot,
                    Description          = model.Description,
                    Editor               = User.Identity.Name,
                    EditTime             = DateTime.Now,
                    CreateTime           = DateTime.Now,
                    Creator              = User.Identity.Name
                MethodReturnResult rst = await client.AddAsync(obj);

                if (rst.Code == 0)
                    rst.Message = string.Format(FMMResources.StringResource.Material_Save_Success
                                                , model.Code);
Beispiel #8
 public CMaterialRepository(MaterialServiceClient service)
     _service                 = service;
     _materials               = new BindingListWithDeleteDetecting <CMaterial>();
     _toSave                  = new List <CMaterial>();
     _toDelete                = new List <int>();
     _converter               = new Client.Converter <material, CMaterial>();
     _materials.ListChanged  += Materials_ListChanged;
     _materials.RemovingItem += Materials_ListRemove;
        public string GetProductType(string materialCode, string orderNumber, string powersetCode, int itemNo, Lot lot)
            string   productType = string.Empty;
            Material material    = null;
            string   wop         = "";

            wop = GetPowersetName(lot.Key, powersetCode, itemNo);

            using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                MethodReturnResult <Material>          result = client.Get(materialCode);
                MethodReturnResult <MaterialAttribute> resultOfMaterialAttr = new MethodReturnResult <MaterialAttribute>();
                MaterialAttributeServiceClient         clientOfMattr        = new MaterialAttributeServiceClient();
                if (result.Code == 0)
                    material = result.Data;
                    if (wop != "")
                        int indexOfType = material.Name.IndexOf('-');
                        if (indexOfType >= 0)
                            productType = material.Name.Substring(0, indexOfType) + "-" + wop.Substring(0, 3);
                            productType = material.Name.Substring(0, 6) + "-" + wop.Substring(0, 3);
                        if (material.Name.Contains("PV"))
                            MaterialAttributeKey materialAttributeKey = new MaterialAttributeKey()
                                MaterialCode  = material.Key,
                                AttributeName = "ProductType"
                            resultOfMaterialAttr = clientOfMattr.Get(materialAttributeKey);
                            if (resultOfMaterialAttr.Data != null)
                                string valueOf      = resultOfMaterialAttr.Data.Value.Trim();
                                int    indexOfType1 = valueOf.IndexOf('*');
                                productType = string.Format("{0}{1}-{2}{3}"
                                                            , valueOf.Substring(0, indexOfType1)
                                                            , wop.Substring(0, 3)
                                                            , material.MainRawQtyPerLot
                                                            , valueOf.Substring(valueOf.Length - 3));
                                productType = "";
Beispiel #10
//        public ActionResult GetLoadingNo(string q,string orderNumber, string equipmentCode)
//        {
//            IList<MaterialLoadingDetail> lstDetail = new List<MaterialLoadingDetail>();
//            using (MaterialLoadingServiceClient client = new MaterialLoadingServiceClient())
//            {
//                PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig()
//                {
//                    IsPaging = false,
//                    Where = string.Format(@"(Key.LoadingKey LIKE '{0}%'
//                                             OR MaterialCode LIKE '{0}%'
//                                             OR MaterialLot LIKE '{0}%')
//                                             AND EXISTS(FROM MaterialLoading as p
//                                                        WHERE p.Key=self.Key.LoadingKey
//                                                        AND p.EquipmentCode='{1}')
//                                             AND CurrentQty>0
//                                             AND OrderNumber='{2}'"
//                                             , q
//                                             , equipmentCode
//                                             , orderNumber),
//                    OrderBy = "Key"
//                };

//                MethodReturnResult<IList<MaterialLoadingDetail>> result = client.GetDetail(ref cfg);
//                if (result.Code <= 0 && result.Data != null)
//                {
//                    lstDetail = result.Data;
//                }
//            }

//            return Json(from item in lstDetail
//                        select new
//                        {
//                            @value = item.MaterialLot,
//                            @label = @LSMResources.StringResource.MaterialUnloadingDetailViewModel_LoadingNo +":"+ item.Key.LoadingKey
//                                     + " " + @LSMResources.StringResource.MaterialUnloadingDetailViewModel_LoadingItemNo + ":" + item.Key.ItemNo
//                                     + " " + @LSMResources.StringResource.MaterialUnloadingDetailViewModel_MaterialLot + ":" + item.MaterialLot
//                                     + " " + GetMaterialName(item.MaterialCode),
//                            @LoadingNo = item.Key.LoadingKey,
//                            @LoadingItemNo = item.Key.ItemNo,
//                            @LineStoreName = item.LineStoreName,
//                            @MaterialCode = item.MaterialCode,
//                            @CurrentQty = item.CurrentQty
//                        }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
//        }

        private string GetMaterialName(string materialCode)
            using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                MethodReturnResult <Material> result = client.Get(materialCode);
                if (result.Code <= 0 && result.Data != null)
Beispiel #11
 public ActionResult GetMaterialUnit(string materialCode)
     using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
         MethodReturnResult <Material> result = client.Get(materialCode);
         if (result.Code <= 0 && result.Data != null)
             return(Json(result.Data.Unit, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
     return(Json(string.Empty, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary> 取得物料描述 </summary>
 /// <param name="materialCode">物料代码</param>
 /// <returns>物料描述</returns>
 public string GetMaterialDescription(string materialCode)
     using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
         MethodReturnResult <Material> result = client.Get(materialCode);
         if (result.Code <= 0 && result.Data != null)
Beispiel #13
        public async Task <ActionResult> Delete(string key)
            MethodReturnResult result = new MethodReturnResult();

            using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                result = await client.DeleteAsync(key);

                if (result.Code == 0)
                    result.Message = string.Format(FMMResources.StringResource.Material_Delete_Success
                                                   , key);
Beispiel #14
        public async Task <ActionResult> Query(MaterialQueryViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                    await Task.Run(() =>
                        StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder();
                        if (model != null)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Code))
                                where.AppendFormat(" {0} Key LIKE '{1}%'"
                                                   , where.Length > 0 ? "AND" : string.Empty
                                                   , model.Code);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Name))
                                where.AppendFormat(" {0} Name LIKE '{1}%'"
                                                   , where.Length > 0 ? "AND" : string.Empty
                                                   , model.Name);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Name))
                                where.AppendFormat(" {0} Type LIKE '{1}%'"
                                                   , where.Length > 0 ? "AND" : string.Empty
                                                   , model.Type);
                        PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig()
                            OrderBy = "Key",
                            Where   = where.ToString()
                        MethodReturnResult <IList <Material> > result = client.Get(ref cfg);

                        if (result.Code == 0)
                            ViewBag.PagingConfig = cfg;
                            ViewBag.List         = result.Data;
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary> 初始化列表 </summary>
        /// <param name="materialType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(string materialCode)
            using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                MethodReturnResult <Material> result = await client.GetAsync(materialCode ?? string.Empty);

                if (result.Code > 0 || result.Data == null)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "MaterialCode"));

                ViewBag.Material = result.Data;

            using (MaterialRouteServiceClient client = new MaterialRouteServiceClient())
                await Task.Run(() =>
                    PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig()
                        Where = string.Format(" Key.MaterialCode = '{0}'"
                                              , materialCode),
                        OrderBy = "Key.LocationName"

                    MethodReturnResult <IList <MaterialRoute> > result = client.Get(ref cfg);

                    if (result.Code == 0)
                        ViewBag.PagingConfig = cfg;
                        ViewBag.List         = result.Data;

            return(View(new MaterialRouteQueryViewModel()
                MaterialCode = materialCode
Beispiel #16
        public Material GetLotCellMaterialName(string MaterialCode)
            Material Material = null;

            using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                //PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig()
                //    PageNo = 0,
                //    PageSize = 1,
                //    Where = string.Format("Key.LotNumber='{0}' AND MaterialCode like'110%'", lotNumber)
                MethodReturnResult <Material> result = client.Get(MaterialCode);
                if (result.Code <= 0 && result.Data != null)
                    Material = result.Data;
Beispiel #17
        // GET: /FMM/Material/
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index()
            using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                await Task.Run(() =>
                    PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig()
                        OrderBy = "Key"
                    MethodReturnResult <IList <Material> > result = client.Get(ref cfg);

                    if (result.Code == 0)
                        ViewBag.PagingConfig = cfg;
                        ViewBag.List         = result.Data;
            return(View(new MaterialQueryViewModel()));
Beispiel #18
        // GET: /FMM/Material/Modify
        public async Task <ActionResult> Modify(string key)
            MaterialViewModel viewModel = new MaterialViewModel();

            using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                MethodReturnResult <Material> result = await client.GetAsync(key);

                if (result.Code == 0)
                    viewModel = new MaterialViewModel()
                        Code                 = result.Data.Key,
                        Name                 = result.Data.Name,
                        ModelName            = result.Data.ModelName,             //型号
                        BarCode              = result.Data.BarCode,
                        Status               = result.Data.Status,
                        Class                = result.Data.Class,
                        Spec                 = result.Data.Spec,
                        Unit                 = result.Data.Unit,
                        MainRawQtyPerLot     = result.Data.MainRawQtyPerLot,
                        MainProductQtyPerLot = result.Data.MainProductQtyPerLot,
                        Type                 = result.Data.Type,
                        IsProduct            = result.Data.IsProduct,
                        IsRaw                = result.Data.IsRaw,
                        CreateTime           = result.Data.CreateTime,
                        Creator              = result.Data.Creator,
                        Description          = result.Data.Description,
                        Editor               = result.Data.Editor,
                        EditTime             = result.Data.EditTime
                    return(PartialView("_ModifyPartial", viewModel));
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", result.Message);
Beispiel #19
        public async Task <ActionResult> PagingQuery(string where, string orderBy, int?currentPageNo, int?currentPageSize)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                int pageNo   = currentPageNo ?? 0;
                int pageSize = currentPageSize ?? 20;
                if (Request["PageNo"] != null)
                    pageNo = Convert.ToInt32(Request["PageNo"]);
                if (Request["PageSize"] != null)
                    pageSize = Convert.ToInt32(Request["PageSize"]);

                using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                    await Task.Run(() =>
                        PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig()
                            PageNo   = pageNo,
                            PageSize = pageSize,
                            Where    = where ?? string.Empty,
                            OrderBy  = orderBy ?? string.Empty
                        MethodReturnResult <IList <Material> > result = client.Get(ref cfg);
                        if (result.Code == 0)
                            ViewBag.PagingConfig = cfg;
                            ViewBag.List         = result.Data;
        //GET: /FMM/MaterialChestParameter/
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(string productCode)
            using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                MethodReturnResult <Material> result = await client.GetAsync(productCode ?? string.Empty);

                if (result.Code > 0 || result.Data == null)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Material"));
                ViewBag.Material = result.Data;

            using (MaterialChestParameterServiceClient client = new MaterialChestParameterServiceClient())
                await Task.Run(() =>
                    PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig()
                        OrderBy = " Key ",
                        Where   = string.Format(" Key = '{0}'", productCode)
                    MethodReturnResult <IList <MaterialChestParameter> > result = client.Get(ref cfg);

                    if (result.Code == 0)
                        ViewBag.PagingConfig = cfg;
                        ViewBag.List         = result.Data;
            return(View(new MaterialChestParameterQueryViewModel()
                ProductCode = productCode
Beispiel #21
        public ActionResult GetProductMaterialCode(string q)
            using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig()
                    IsPaging = false,
                    Where    = string.Format("Key LIKE '{0}%' AND IsProduct='1' AND Status='1'", q)

                MethodReturnResult <IList <Material> > result = client.Get(ref cfg);
                if (result.Code <= 0)
                    return(Json(from item in result.Data
                                select new
                        @label = string.Format("{0}[{1}]", item.Key, item.Name),
                        @value = item.Key
                    }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));;
            return(Json(null, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));;
Beispiel #22
        public ActionResult GetMaterialLot(string materialLot, string orderNumber, string lineStoreName)
            IList <LineStoreMaterialDetail> lstDetail = new List <LineStoreMaterialDetail>();

            using (LineStoreMaterialServiceClient client = new LineStoreMaterialServiceClient())
                PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig()
                    IsPaging = false,
                    Where    = string.Format(@"Key.LineStoreName='{0}'
                                            AND Key.MaterialLot LIKE '{1}%'
                                            AND Key.OrderNumber='{2}'
                                            AND CurrentQty>0"
                                             , lineStoreName
                                             , materialLot
                                             , orderNumber),
                    OrderBy = "Key"

                MethodReturnResult <IList <LineStoreMaterialDetail> > result = client.GetDetail(ref cfg);
                if (result.Code <= 0 && result.Data != null)
                    lstDetail = result.Data;

            IList <Material> lstMaterial = new List <Material>();

            using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig()
                    IsPaging = false,
                    Where    = string.Format(@" EXISTS(FROM LineStoreMaterial as p
                                                    WHERE p.Key.MaterialCode=self.Key
                                                    AND p.Key.LineStoreName='{0}')"
                                             , lineStoreName)

                MethodReturnResult <IList <Material> > result = client.Get(ref cfg);
                if (result.Code <= 0 && result.Data != null)
                    lstMaterial = result.Data;
            var lnq = from item in lstDetail
                      where item.Key.MaterialCode.StartsWith("11") == false
                      select new
                @label = string.Format("{0}[{1} {2}]"
                                       , item.Key.MaterialLot
                                       , item.Key.MaterialCode
                                       , (lstMaterial.Where(m => m.Key == item.Key.MaterialCode).SingleOrDefault() != null
                                                   ? lstMaterial.Where(m => m.Key == item.Key.MaterialCode).SingleOrDefault().Name
                                                   : string.Empty)),
                @value        = item.Key.MaterialLot,
                @materialCode = item.Key.MaterialCode,
                @qty          = item.CurrentQty,
                @desc         = (lstMaterial.Where(m => m.Key == item.Key.MaterialCode).SingleOrDefault() != null
                                                   ? lstMaterial.Where(m => m.Key == item.Key.MaterialCode).SingleOrDefault().Name
                                                   : string.Empty)

            return(Json(lnq, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Beispiel #23
        public ActionResult Save(PackageViewModel model)
            MethodReturnResult result = new MethodReturnResult();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PackageNo))
                    model.PackageNo = model.PackageNo.Trim().ToUpper();

                Package p = new Package()
                    Key           = model.PackageNo,
                    CreateTime    = DateTime.Now,
                    Creator       = User.Identity.Name,
                    IsLastPackage = false,
                    Editor        = User.Identity.Name,
                    EditTime      = DateTime.Now,
                    MaterialCode  = model.MaterialCode,
                    OrderNumber   = model.OrderNumber,
                    PackageState  = EnumPackageState.Packaging,
                    PackageType   = EnumPackageType.Packet,
                    Quantity      = model.Qty.Value

                PackageInfo obj = new PackageInfo()
                    Key             = model.PackageNo,
                    Color           = model.Color,
                    CreateTime      = DateTime.Now,
                    Creator         = User.Identity.Name,
                    Editor          = User.Identity.Name,
                    EditTime        = DateTime.Now,
                    ConfigGroup     = model.Group,
                    ConfigCode      = model.Code.Trim(),
                    Grade           = model.Grade,
                    LineCode        = model.LineCode,
                    EfficiencyLower = model.Lower,
                    EfficiencyUpper = model.Upper,
                    EfficiencyName  = model.Name,
                    PNType          = model.PNType
                Material m = null;
                using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                    MethodReturnResult <Material> rst = client.Get(model.MaterialCode);
                    if (rst.Code == 0)
                        m = rst.Data;

                if (m != null)
                    obj.ProductId = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", m.Spec, model.Style, model.Technology);

                using (PackageInfoServiceClient client = new PackageInfoServiceClient())
                    result = client.Add(p, obj);
                    if (result.Code <= 0)
                        result.Message = string.Format("保存 {0} 成功。", p.Key);
                MethodReturnResult result1 = PrintPrivate(model, obj);
                result.Message += result1.Message;
                result.Code     = result1.Code;
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Code    = 1000;
                result.Detail  = ex.ToString();
                result.Message = ex.Message;
Beispiel #24
        public async Task <ActionResult> Query(MaterialQueryViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                    await Task.Run(() =>
                        StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder();
                        if (model != null)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Code))
                                where.AppendFormat(" {0} Key LIKE '{1}%'"
                                                   , where.Length > 0 ? "AND" : string.Empty
                                                   , model.Code);

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Name))
                                where.AppendFormat(" {0} Name LIKE '{1}%'"
                                                   , where.Length > 0 ? "AND" : string.Empty
                                                   , model.Name);

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Type))
                                where.AppendFormat(" {0} Type LIKE '{1}%'"
                                                   , where.Length > 0 ? "AND" : string.Empty
                                                   , model.Type);

                            if (model.Status != "" && model.Status != null)
                                where.AppendFormat(" {0} Status = '{1}'"
                                                   , where.Length > 0 ? "AND" : string.Empty
                                                   , model.Status);

                            if (model.Ascription != "" && model.Ascription != null)
                                if (model.Ascription == "P")
                                    where.AppendFormat(" {0} IsProduct = {1}"
                                                       , where.Length > 0 ? "AND" : string.Empty
                                                       , "true");

                                if (model.Ascription == "M")
                                    where.AppendFormat(" {0} IsRaw = {1}"
                                                       , where.Length > 0 ? "AND" : string.Empty
                                                       , "true");

                        PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig()
                            OrderBy = "Key",
                            Where   = where.ToString()

                        MethodReturnResult <IList <Material> > result = client.Get(ref cfg);

                        if (result.Code == 0)
                            ViewBag.PagingConfig = cfg;
                            ViewBag.List         = result.Data;
Beispiel #25
        public ActionResult GetLoadingNo(string q, string orderNumber, string equipmentCode)
            IList <MaterialLoadingDetail> lstDetail = new List <MaterialLoadingDetail>();

            using (MaterialLoadingServiceClient client = new MaterialLoadingServiceClient())
//                Where = string.Format(@"(Key.LoadingKey LIKE '{0}%'
//                                             OR MaterialCode LIKE '{0}%'
//                                             OR MaterialLot LIKE '{0}%')
//                                             AND EXISTS(FROM MaterialLoading as p
//                                                        WHERE p.Key = self.Key.LoadingKey
//                                                        AND p.EquipmentCode = '{1}')
//                                             AND CurrentQty > 0
//                                             AND OrderNumber = '{2}'"
//                                             , q
//                                             , equipmentCode
//                                             , orderNumber),

                PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig()
                    IsPaging = false,
                    Where    = string.Format(@" MaterialLot LIKE '{0}%'
                                             AND EXISTS(FROM MaterialLoading as p 
                                                        WHERE p.Key = self.Key.LoadingKey
                                                        AND p.EquipmentCode = '{1}')
                                             AND CurrentQty > 0
                                             AND OrderNumber = '{2}'"
                                             , q
                                             , equipmentCode
                                             , orderNumber),
                    OrderBy = "Key"

                MethodReturnResult <IList <MaterialLoadingDetail> > result = client.GetDetail(ref cfg);

                if (result.Code <= 0 && result.Data != null)
                    lstDetail = result.Data;

//            IList<LineStoreMaterialDetail> lstLSMDetail = new List<LineStoreMaterialDetail>();
//            using (LineStoreMaterialServiceClient client = new LineStoreMaterialServiceClient())
//            {
//                PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig()
//                {
//                    IsPaging = false,
//                    Where = string.Format(@"Key.MaterialLot LIKE '{0}%'
//                                            AND Key.OrderNumber = '{1}'
//                                            AND EXISTS(FROM MaterialLoadingDetail as mloaddetail
//                                                       WHERE mloaddetail.LineStoreName = self.Key.LineStoreName
//                                                        AND mloaddetail.OrderNumber = self.Key.OrderNumber
//                                                        AND mloaddetail.MaterialCode = self.Key.MaterialCode
//                                                        AND mloaddetail.MaterialLot = self.Key.MaterialLot
//                                                        AND mloaddetail.OrderNumber = '{1}'
//                                                        AND mloaddetail.CurrentQty > 0
//                                                        AND EXISTS(FROM MaterialLoading as mload
//                                                                   WHERE mload.Key = mloaddetail.Key.LoadingKey
//                                                                     AND mload.EquipmentCode = '{2}'))"
//                                             , q
//                                             , orderNumber
//                                             , equipmentCode)
//                };

//                MethodReturnResult<IList<LineStoreMaterialDetail>> result = client.GetDetail(ref cfg);

//                if (result.Code <= 0 && result.Data != null)
//                {
//                    lstLSMDetail = result.Data;
//                }
//            }

            IList <Material> lstMaterial = new List <Material>();

            using (MaterialServiceClient client = new MaterialServiceClient())
                PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig()
                    IsPaging = false,
                    Where    = string.Format(@" EXISTS(FROM MaterialLoadingDetail as mloaddetail
                                                    WHERE mloaddetail.MaterialCode = self.Key
                                                      AND mloaddetail.OrderNumber = '{0}'
                                                      AND mloaddetail.CurrentQty > 0
                                                      AND EXISTS(FROM MaterialLoading as mload
                                                                 WHERE mload.Key = mloaddetail.Key.LoadingKey            
                                                                   AND mload.EquipmentCode = '{1}'))"
                                             , orderNumber
                                             , equipmentCode)

                MethodReturnResult <IList <Material> > result = client.Get(ref cfg);

                if (result.Code <= 0 && result.Data != null)
                    lstMaterial = result.Data;

//            IList<Supplier> lstSupplier = new List<Supplier>();

//            using (SupplierServiceClient client = new SupplierServiceClient())
//            {
//                PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig()
//                {
//                    IsPaging = false,
//                    Where = string.Format(@" EXISTS(FROM LineStoreMaterialDetail as p
//                                                    WHERE p.SupplierCode = self.Key
//                                                    AND p.Key.OrderNumber = '{0}'
//                                                    AND EXISTS(FROM MaterialLoadingDetail as mloaddetail
//                                                                   WHERE mloaddetail.LineStoreName = p.Key.LineStoreName
//                                                                      AND mloaddetail.OrderNumber = p.Key.OrderNumber
//                                                                      AND mloaddetail.MaterialCode = p.Key.MaterialCode
//                                                                      AND mloaddetail.MaterialLot = p.Key.MaterialLot
//                                                                      AND mloaddetail.OrderNumber = '{0}'
//                                                                      AND mloaddetail.CurrentQty > 0
//                                                                      AND EXISTS(FROM MaterialLoading as mload
//                                                                                   WHERE mload.Key = mloaddetail.Key.LoadingKey
//                                                                                     AND mload.EquipmentCode = '{1}')))"
//                                            , orderNumber
//                                            , equipmentCode)
//                };

//                MaterialLoading dd = new MaterialLoading();

//                MethodReturnResult<IList<Supplier>> result = client.Get(ref cfg);

//                if (result.Code <= 0 && result.Data != null)
//                {
//                    lstSupplier = result.Data;
//                }
//            }

            //var lnq = from item in lstDetail
            //          select new
            //          {
            //              @value = item.MaterialLot,
            //              @label = "上料号:[ " + item.Key.LoadingKey
            //                          + "," + item.Key.ItemNo + " ]"
            //                          + " 批次:[ " + item.MaterialLot + " ]"
            //                          + " 物料:[ " + item.MaterialCode
            //                          + "," + GetMaterialName(item.MaterialCode) + " ]"
            //                          + " 供应商:[" + (lstLSMDetail.Where(m => m.Key.MaterialLot == item.MaterialLot).SingleOrDefault() != null
            //                                      ? lstLSMDetail.Where(m => m.Key.MaterialLot == item.MaterialLot).SingleOrDefault().SupplierCode
            //                                      : string.Empty)
            //                          + "," + (lstSupplier.Where(m => m.Key == (lstLSMDetail.Where(n => n.Key.MaterialLot == item.MaterialLot).SingleOrDefault() != null
            //                                                                              ? lstLSMDetail.Where(n => n.Key.MaterialLot == item.MaterialLot).SingleOrDefault().SupplierCode
            //                                                                              : string.Empty)).SingleOrDefault() != null
            //                                      ? lstSupplier.Where(m => m.Key == (lstLSMDetail.Where(n => n.Key.MaterialLot == item.MaterialLot).SingleOrDefault() != null
            //                                                                              ? lstLSMDetail.Where(n => n.Key.MaterialLot == item.MaterialLot).SingleOrDefault().SupplierCode
            //                                                                              : string.Empty)).SingleOrDefault().Name
            //                                      : string.Empty) + "]",
            //              @LoadingNo = item.Key.LoadingKey,
            //              @LoadingItemNo = item.Key.ItemNo,
            //              @LineStoreName = item.LineStoreName,
            //              @MaterialCode = item.MaterialCode,
            //              @CurrentQty = item.CurrentQty,
            //              @MaterialDesc = (lstMaterial.Where(m => m.Key == item.MaterialCode).SingleOrDefault() != null
            //                                      ? lstMaterial.Where(m => m.Key == item.MaterialCode).SingleOrDefault().Name
            //                                      : string.Empty),
            //              @SupplierCode = (lstLSMDetail.Where(m => m.Key.MaterialLot == item.MaterialLot).SingleOrDefault() != null
            //                                      ? lstLSMDetail.Where(m => m.Key.MaterialLot == item.MaterialLot).SingleOrDefault().SupplierCode
            //                                      : string.Empty),
            //              @SupplierDesc = (lstSupplier.Where(m => m.Key == (lstLSMDetail.Where(n => n.Key.MaterialLot == item.MaterialLot).SingleOrDefault() != null
            //                                                                              ? lstLSMDetail.Where(n => n.Key.MaterialLot == item.MaterialLot).SingleOrDefault().SupplierCode
            //                                                                              : string.Empty)).SingleOrDefault() != null
            //                                      ? lstSupplier.Where(m => m.Key == (lstLSMDetail.Where(n => n.Key.MaterialLot == item.MaterialLot).SingleOrDefault() != null
            //                                                                              ? lstLSMDetail.Where(n => n.Key.MaterialLot == item.MaterialLot).SingleOrDefault().SupplierCode
            //                                                                              : string.Empty)).SingleOrDefault().Name
            //                                      : string.Empty)

            //          };

            var lnq = from item in lstDetail
                      select new
                @value = item.MaterialLot,
                @label = "上料号:[ " + item.Key.LoadingKey
                         + "," + item.Key.ItemNo + " ]"
                         + " 批次:[ " + item.MaterialLot + " ]"
                         + " 物料:[ " + item.MaterialCode
                         + "," + GetMaterialName(item.MaterialCode) + " ]",
                @LoadingNo     = item.Key.LoadingKey,
                @LoadingItemNo = item.Key.ItemNo,
                @LineStoreName = item.LineStoreName,
                @MaterialCode  = item.MaterialCode,
                @CurrentQty    = item.CurrentQty,
                @MaterialDesc  = (lstMaterial.Where(m => m.Key == item.MaterialCode).SingleOrDefault() != null
                                                  ? lstMaterial.Where(m => m.Key == item.MaterialCode).SingleOrDefault().Name
                                                  : string.Empty)

            return(Json(lnq, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));