public int AddMat(Color color, float minHeight, Texture2D text = null, float tintStrength = 1.0f, float maxHeight = 0.0f, float minSlope = 0.0f, float maxSlope = 90.0f, float blendStrength = 0.1f, Vector2 tileOffset = default(Vector2), Vector2 tileScale = default(Vector2), Vector2 splatNoiseVScale = default(Vector2), float splatNoiseScaler = 0.1f)
        // Setting all the parameters if they do not have a value
        if (maxHeight <= minHeight)
            maxHeight = minHeight + 0.1f;
        if (tileScale == default(Vector2))
            tileScale = new Vector2(50.0f, 50.0f);
        if (splatNoiseVScale == default(Vector2))
            splatNoiseVScale = new Vector2(0.01f, 0.01f);

        // Creating a new Material Level
        MaterialLevel newMat = new MaterialLevel(text, color, tintStrength, minHeight, maxHeight, minSlope, maxSlope, blendStrength, tileOffset, tileScale, splatNoiseVScale, splatNoiseScaler);

        // Looping through the list looking for its position
        for (int i = 0; i < NumMats; i++)
            if (newMat.MinHeight < mats[i].MinHeight)
                mats.Insert(i, newMat);

        // If this is the biggest height add to the end

        return(NumMats - 1);
    public int UpdateMatMaxHeight(int i, float maxHeight)
        MaterialLevel newMat = mats[i];

        if (newMat != null)
            newMat.MaxHeight = maxHeight;
        RemoveMat(i, true);

    public int UpdateMatMinHeight(int i, float minHeight)
        // MaterialLevel newMat = new MaterialLevel(mats[index].Texture, mats[index].Tint, mats[index].TintStrength, minHeight, mats[index].MaxHeight, mats[index].MinSlope, mats[index].MaxSlope, mats[index].BlendStrength, mats[index].TileOffset, mats[index].TileScale, mats[index].SplatNoiseVScale, mats[index].SplatNoiseScaler);
        MaterialLevel newMat = mats[i];

        if (newMat != null)
            newMat.MinHeight = minHeight;
        RemoveMat(i, true);

    public int AddMat(MaterialLevel newMat)
        // If newmat is null return -1
        if (newMat == null)

        // Looping through the list looking for its position
        for (int i = 0; i < NumMats; i++)
            if (newMat.MinHeight < mats[i].MinHeight)
                mats.Insert(i, newMat);

        // If this is the biggest height add to the end

        return(NumMats - 1);