private Boolean AppartientAuComposant(Component2 cp, MateEntity2 m)
                if (cp.Name2 == m.ReferenceComponent.Name2)

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建SWMateEntity对象
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static SWMateEntity CreateSWMateEntity(MateEntity2 entity)
            if (entity == null)

            SWMateEntity swMateEntity = new SWMateEntity();

            swMateEntity.ComponentName = entity.ReferenceComponent.Name2;

            #region switch mate entity type

            switch (entity.ReferenceType)
            case (int)swSelectType_e.swSelEDGES:
                swMateEntity.MateEntityType = SWMateEntityType.LINE;

            case (int)swSelectType_e.swSelFACES:
                swMateEntity.MateEntityType = SWMateEntityType.PLANE;

            case (int)swSelectType_e.swSelVERTICES:
                swMateEntity.MateEntityType = SWMateEntityType.POINT;

                throw new Exception("未知的配合实体类型");


            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                swMateEntity.Params[i] = entity.EntityParams[i];

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 获得配合类型
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SwComp"></param>
        public static void GetMateRefrence(Component2 SwComp)
            object[]      CompMateObjs = SwComp.GetMates();
            StringBuilder Sb           = new StringBuilder("");

            foreach (object ObjMate in CompMateObjs)
                if (ObjMate is Mate2)
                    Mate2 SwMate = (Mate2)ObjMate;
                    Sb.Append("配合【" + ((Feature)SwMate).Name + "】参考对象:\r\n"); //配合名称
                    int n = SwMate.GetMateEntityCount();
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)                               //配合参考
                        MateEntity2 SwMateEntity2 = SwMate.MateEntity(i);

                        string reftype = Enum.Parse(typeof(swSelectType_e), SwMateEntity2.ReferenceType2.ToString().Trim()).ToString().Trim();
                        string comp    = SwMateEntity2.ReferenceComponent.Name2;
                        string refname = SwMateEntity2.Reference.Name;
                        Sb.Append("部件【" + comp + "】,参考【" + refname + "】" + ",类型【" + reftype + "】");

                        DisplayDimension SwDispDim = SwMate.DisplayDimension2[0];
                        if (SwDispDim != null)
                            if (SwMate.Type == (int)swMateType_e.swMateANGLE)
                                Sb.Append(",角度=" + SwDispDim.GetDimension2(0).Value.ToString().Trim());
                            else if (SwMate.Type == (int)swMateType_e.swMateDISTANCE)
                                Sb.Append(",尺寸=" + SwDispDim.GetDimension2(0).Value.ToString().Trim());
            private Boolean AppartientAuCorps(Component2 cp, Body2 corps, MateEntity2 m)
                if (cp.Name2 != m.ReferenceComponent.Name2)

                Edge e;

                if (m.ReferenceType2 == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelVERTICES)
                    Vertex v = m.Reference;
                    e = v.GetEdges()[0];
                else if (m.ReferenceType2 == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelEDGES)
                    e = m.Reference;
                else if (m.ReferenceType2 == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelFACES)
                    e = m.Reference;

                Body2 b = e.GetBody();

                if (b.Name == corps.Name)

Beispiel #5
        internal static bool processModel(SldWorks swApp, string file, string targetFile, string calcFile, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Initiate variables
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB");
            StreamWriter toFile = new StreamWriter(targetFile);

            toFile.AutoFlush = true;
            StreamWriter toCalc = new StreamWriter(calcFile);

            toCalc.AutoFlush = true;
            MathUtility swMathUtil = default(MathUtility);
            ModelDoc2   swModel    = default(ModelDoc2);
            Feature     swFeat     = default(Feature);
            Feature     swMateFeat = null;
            Feature     swSubFeat  = default(Feature);
            Mate2       swMate     = default(Mate2);
            Component2  swComp     = default(Component2);

            MateEntity2[] swMateEnt  = new MateEntity2[3];
            MathTransform swTrans    = default(MathTransform);
            MathPoint     swOrig     = default(MathPoint);
            AssemblyDoc   swAssembly = default(AssemblyDoc);

            double[] corners   = new double[6];
            int[]    swAssyDir = new int[6];
            double[] nPt       = new double[3];
            object   vPt       = null;
            double   height    = 0;
            double   width     = 0;
            double   depth     = 0;
            int      Warning   = 0;
            int      Error     = 0;
            int      i         = 0;

            double[] entityParameters = new double[8];
            // Start function
                if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                string extention = Path.GetExtension(file);
                int    type      = 0;
                if (extention.ToLower().Contains("sldprt"))
                    type = (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocPART;
                    type = (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY;
                // Get assembly model
                swModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(file, type, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref Error, ref Warning) as ModelDoc2;
                if (Error != 0)
                if (swModel == null)
                swModel.Visible = true;
                // Get first assembly feature
                swFeat = (Feature)swModel.FirstFeature();
                // Iterate over features in FeatureManager design tree
                while ((swFeat != null))
                    if ("MateGroup" == swFeat.GetTypeName())
                        swMateFeat = swFeat;
                    swFeat = swFeat = swFeat.GetNextFeature();
                toFile.WriteLine(" " + swMateFeat.Name);
                // Get first mate, which is a subfeature
                swSubFeat = (Feature)swMateFeat.GetFirstSubFeature();
                while ((swSubFeat != null))
                    swMate = (Mate2)swSubFeat.GetSpecificFeature2();
                    if ((swMate != null))
                        for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                            swMateEnt[i] = swMate.MateEntity(i);
                            swComp       = swMateEnt[i].ReferenceComponent;
                            // Initate point
                            nPt[0] = 0.0;
                            nPt[1] = 0.0;
                            nPt[2] = 0.0;
                            vPt    = nPt;
                            // Get component origin point
                            swTrans    = swComp.Transform2;
                            swMathUtil = (MathUtility)swApp.GetMathUtility();
                            swOrig     = (MathPoint)swMathUtil.CreatePoint(vPt);
                            swOrig     = (MathPoint)swOrig.MultiplyTransform(swTrans);
                            // Write parameters to readable ASCII file
                            toFile.WriteLine("    " + swSubFeat.Name);
                            toFile.WriteLine("      Type              = " + swMate.Type);
                            toFile.WriteLine("      Alignment         = " + swMate.Alignment);
                            toFile.WriteLine("      Can be flipped    = " + swMate.CanBeFlipped);
                            toFile.WriteLine("      Component         = " + swComp.Name2);
                            toFile.WriteLine("      Origin            = (" + ((double[])swOrig.ArrayData)[0] * 1000.0 + ", " + ((double[])swOrig.ArrayData)[1] * 1000.0 + ", " + ((double[])swOrig.ArrayData)[2] * 1000.0 + ")");
                            toFile.WriteLine("      Mate enity type   = " + swMateEnt[i].ReferenceType);
                            entityParameters = (double[])swMateEnt[i].EntityParams;
                            toFile.WriteLine("      (x,y,z)           = (" + entityParameters[0] * 1000 + ", " + entityParameters[1] * 1000 + ", " + entityParameters[2] * 1000 + ")");
                            toFile.WriteLine("      (i,j,k)           = (" + entityParameters[3] + ", " + entityParameters[4] + ", " + entityParameters[5] + ")");
                            toFile.WriteLine("      Radius 1          = " + entityParameters[6] * 1000);
                            toFile.WriteLine("      Radius 2          = " + entityParameters[7] * 1000);
                            // Write parameters to a simplified ASCII file for computation
                            toCalc.Write(" " + swMate.Type);
                            toCalc.Write(" " + swMate.Alignment);
                            toCalc.Write(" " + swMate.CanBeFlipped);
                            toCalc.Write(" " + swComp.Name2);
                            toCalc.Write(" " + ((double[])swOrig.ArrayData)[0] * 1000.0 + "," + ((double[])swOrig.ArrayData)[1] * 1000.0 + "," + ((double[])swOrig.ArrayData)[2] * 1000.0);
                            toCalc.Write(" " + swMateEnt[i].ReferenceType);
                            toCalc.Write(" " + entityParameters[0] * 1000.0 + "," + entityParameters[1] * 1000.0 + "," + entityParameters[2] * 1000.0);
                            toCalc.Write(" " + entityParameters[3] + "," + entityParameters[4] + "," + entityParameters[5]);
                            toCalc.Write(" " + entityParameters[6] * 1000.0);
                            toCalc.WriteLine(" " + entityParameters[7] * 1000.0);
                        toFile.WriteLine(" ");
                    // Get the next mate in MateGroup
                    swSubFeat = (Feature)swSubFeat.GetNextSubFeature();
                // Get bounding box around assembly
                swAssembly = (AssemblyDoc)swModel;
                corners    = swAssembly.GetBox(1);
                height     = (corners[4] - corners[1]) * 1000.0;
                width      = (corners[3] - corners[0]) * 1000.0;
                depth      = (corners[5] - corners[2]) * 1000.0;
                // Write to file
                toFile.WriteLine("Aprx. assembly dimensions");
                toFile.WriteLine("(Height, Width, Depth) = (" + height + ", " + width + ", " + depth + ")");
                toFile.WriteLine(" ");
                toCalc.WriteLine("dims(hwd) " + height + " " + width + " " + depth);
                // Get Possible Assembly Directions with interferenceDir function
                interference inter = new interference();
                swAssyDir = inter.interferenceDir(swApp, swModel, swMateFeat, swMateEnt);
                // Write swAssyDir to file
                toFile.WriteLine("(x+, x-, y+, y-, z+, z-) = (" + swAssyDir[0] + ", " + swAssyDir[1] + ", " + swAssyDir[2] + ", " + swAssyDir[3] + ", " + swAssyDir[4] + ", " + swAssyDir[5] + ") ");
                toFile.WriteLine("1 is possible, 0 is not possible");
                toFile.WriteLine("All dimensions are in mm");
                toCalc.Write("dir " + swAssyDir[0] + " " + swAssyDir[1] + " " + swAssyDir[2] + " " + swAssyDir[3] + " " + swAssyDir[4] + " " + swAssyDir[5]);
            catch (Exception)
        public static bool ConvertMateToPython(
            ref Feature swMateFeature,
            ref string asciitext,
            ref ISldWorks mSWApplication,
            ref Hashtable saved_parts,
            ref int num_link,
            ref MathTransform roottrasf,
            ref Component2 assemblyofmates
            if (swMateFeature == null)

            Mate2 swMate = (Mate2)swMateFeature.GetSpecificFeature2();

            if (swMate == null)

            object foo = null;

            bool[] suppressedflags;
            suppressedflags = (bool[])swMateFeature.IsSuppressed2((int)swInConfigurationOpts_e.swThisConfiguration, foo);
            if (suppressedflags[0] == true)

            if (swMate.GetMateEntityCount() >= 2)
                // Get the mated parts
                MateEntity2 swEntityA = swMate.MateEntity(0);
                MateEntity2 swEntityB = swMate.MateEntity(1);
                Component2  swCompA   = swEntityA.ReferenceComponent;
                Component2  swCompB   = swEntityB.ReferenceComponent;
                double[]    paramsA   = (double[])swEntityA.EntityParams;
                double[]    paramsB   = (double[])swEntityB.EntityParams;
                // this is needed because parts might reside in subassemblies, and mate params are expressed in parent subassembly
                MathTransform invroottrasf = (MathTransform)roottrasf.Inverse();
                MathTransform trA          = roottrasf;
                MathTransform trB          = roottrasf;

                if (assemblyofmates != null)
                    MathTransform partrasfA = assemblyofmates.GetTotalTransform(true);
                    if (partrasfA != null)
                        trA = partrasfA.IMultiply(invroottrasf); // row-ordered transf. -> reverse mult.order!
                    MathTransform partrasfB = assemblyofmates.GetTotalTransform(true);
                    if (partrasfB != null)
                        trB = partrasfB.IMultiply(invroottrasf); // row-ordered transf. -> reverse mult.order!

                // Fetch the python names using hash map (python names added when scanning parts)
                ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt = default(ModelDocExtension);
                ModelDoc2         swModel       = (ModelDoc2)mSWApplication.ActiveDoc;
                swModelDocExt = swModel.Extension;
                String name1 = (String)saved_parts[swModelDocExt.GetPersistReference3(swCompA)];
                String name2 = (String)saved_parts[swModelDocExt.GetPersistReference3(swCompB)];

                // Only constraints between two parts or part & layout can be created
                if (((name1 != null) || (name2 != null)) && (name1 != name2))
                    CultureInfo bz = new CultureInfo("en-BZ");

                    if (name1 == null)
                        name1 = "body_0";
                    if (name2 == null)
                        name2 = "body_0";

                    // Add some comment in Python, to list the referenced SW items
                    asciitext += "\n# Mate constraint: " + swMateFeature.Name + " [" + swMateFeature.GetTypeName2() + "]" + " type:" + swMate.Type + " align:" + swMate.Alignment + " flip:" + swMate.Flipped + "\n";
                    for (int e = 0; e < swMate.GetMateEntityCount(); e++)
                        MateEntity2 swEntityN = swMate.MateEntity(e);
                        Component2  swCompN   = swEntityN.ReferenceComponent;
                        String      ce_nameN  = (String)saved_parts[swModelDocExt.GetPersistReference3(swCompN)];
                        if (ce_nameN == "")
                            ce_nameN = "body_0"; // reference assembly
                        asciitext += "#   Entity " + e + ": C::E name: " + ce_nameN + " , SW name: " + swCompN.Name2 + " ,  SW ref.type:" + swEntityN.Reference.GetType() + " (" + swEntityN.ReferenceType2 + ")\n";
                    asciitext += "\n";

                    // For each type of SW mate, see which C::E mate constraint(s)
                    // must be created. Some SW mates correspond to more than one C::E constraints.

                    bool   swapAB_1             = false;
                    bool   do_CHmate_Xdistance  = false;
                    double do_distance_val      = 0.0;
                    bool   do_CHmate_parallel   = false;
                    bool   do_parallel_flip     = false;
                    bool   do_CHmate_orthogonal = false;
                    bool   do_CHmate_spherical  = false;
                    bool   do_CHmate_pointline  = false;

                    // to simplify things later...
                    // NOTE: swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() seems equivalent to  swMate.MateEntity(0).ReferenceType2
                    // but in some cases the latter fails.

                     * bool entity_0_as_FACE   = (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelFACES);
                     * bool entity_0_as_EDGE   = (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelEDGES) ||
                     *                        (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHSEGS) ||
                     *                        (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMAXES);
                     * bool entity_0_as_VERTEX = (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelVERTICES) ||
                     *                        (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHPOINTS) ||
                     *                        (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMPOINTS);
                     * bool entity_1_as_FACE   = (swMate.MateEntity(1).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelFACES);
                     * bool entity_1_as_EDGE   = (swMate.MateEntity(1).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelEDGES) ||
                     *                        (swMate.MateEntity(1).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHSEGS) ||
                     *                        (swMate.MateEntity(1).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMAXES);
                     * bool entity_1_as_VERTEX = (swMate.MateEntity(1).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelVERTICES) ||
                     *                        (swMate.MateEntity(1).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHPOINTS) ||
                     *                        (swMate.MateEntity(1).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMPOINTS);

                    // NOTE: swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() seems equivalent to  swMate.MateEntity(0).ReferenceType2
                    // but in some cases the latter fails. However, sometimes swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() is null ReferenceType2 is ok,
                    // so do the following trick:
                    int entity0_ref = swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType();
                    if (entity0_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelNOTHING)
                        entity0_ref = swMate.MateEntity(0).ReferenceType2;
                    int entity1_ref = swMate.MateEntity(1).Reference.GetType();
                    if (entity1_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelNOTHING)
                        entity1_ref = swMate.MateEntity(1).ReferenceType2;

                    bool entity_0_as_FACE = (entity0_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelFACES) ||
                                            (entity0_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMPLANES);
                    bool entity_0_as_EDGE = (entity0_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelEDGES) ||
                                            (entity0_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHSEGS) ||
                                            (entity0_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMAXES);
                    bool entity_0_as_VERTEX = (entity0_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelVERTICES) ||
                                              (entity0_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHPOINTS) ||
                                              (entity0_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMPOINTS);

                    bool entity_1_as_FACE = (entity1_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelFACES) ||
                                            (entity1_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMPLANES);
                    bool entity_1_as_EDGE = (entity1_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelEDGES) ||
                                            (entity1_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHSEGS) ||
                                            (entity1_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMAXES);
                    bool entity_1_as_VERTEX = (entity1_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelVERTICES) ||
                                              (entity1_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHPOINTS) ||
                                              (entity1_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMPOINTS);

                    Point3D  cA = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
                    Point3D  cB = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
                    Vector3D dA = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0);
                    Vector3D dB = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0);

                    Point3D cAloc = new Point3D(paramsA[0], paramsA[1], paramsA[2]);
                    cA = SWTaskpaneHost.PointTransform(cAloc, ref trA);
                    Point3D cBloc = new Point3D(paramsB[0], paramsB[1], paramsB[2]);
                    cB = SWTaskpaneHost.PointTransform(cBloc, ref trB);

                    if (!entity_0_as_VERTEX)
                        Vector3D dAloc = new Vector3D(paramsA[3], paramsA[4], paramsA[5]);
                        dA = SWTaskpaneHost.DirTransform(dAloc, ref trA);

                    if (!entity_1_as_VERTEX)
                        Vector3D dBloc = new Vector3D(paramsB[3], paramsB[4], paramsB[5]);
                        dB = SWTaskpaneHost.DirTransform(dBloc, ref trB);

                    if (swMateFeature.GetTypeName2() == "MateCoincident")
                        if ((entity_0_as_FACE) &&
                            do_CHmate_Xdistance = true;
                            do_CHmate_parallel  = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_EDGE) &&
                            do_CHmate_pointline = true;
                            do_CHmate_parallel  = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_VERTEX) &&
                            do_CHmate_spherical = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_VERTEX) &&
                            do_CHmate_pointline = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_EDGE) &&
                            do_CHmate_pointline = true;
                            swapAB_1            = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_VERTEX) &&
                            do_CHmate_Xdistance = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_FACE) &&
                            do_CHmate_Xdistance = true;
                            swapAB_1            = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_EDGE) &&
                            do_CHmate_Xdistance  = true;
                            do_CHmate_orthogonal = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_FACE) &&
                            do_CHmate_Xdistance  = true;
                            do_CHmate_orthogonal = true;
                            swapAB_1             = true;

                        if (swMate.Alignment == (int)swMateAlign_e.swMateAlignANTI_ALIGNED)
                            do_parallel_flip = true;

                    if (swMateFeature.GetTypeName2() == "MateConcentric")
                        if ((entity_0_as_FACE) &&
                            do_CHmate_pointline = true;
                            do_CHmate_parallel  = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_EDGE) &&
                            do_CHmate_pointline = true;
                            do_CHmate_parallel  = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_VERTEX) &&
                            do_CHmate_pointline = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_FACE) &&
                            do_CHmate_pointline = true;
                            swapAB_1            = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_EDGE) &&
                            do_CHmate_pointline = true;
                            do_CHmate_parallel  = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_FACE) &&
                            do_CHmate_pointline = true;
                            do_CHmate_parallel  = true;
                            swapAB_1            = true;

                        if (swMate.Alignment == (int)swMateAlign_e.swMateAlignANTI_ALIGNED)
                            do_parallel_flip = true;

                    if (swMateFeature.GetTypeName2() == "MateParallel")
                        if ((entity_0_as_FACE) &&
                            do_CHmate_parallel = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_EDGE) &&
                            do_CHmate_parallel = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_EDGE) &&
                            do_CHmate_orthogonal = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_FACE) &&
                            do_CHmate_orthogonal = true;
                            swapAB_1             = true;

                        if (swMate.Alignment == (int)swMateAlign_e.swMateAlignANTI_ALIGNED)
                            do_parallel_flip = true;

                    if (swMateFeature.GetTypeName2() == "MatePerpendicular")
                        if ((entity_0_as_FACE) &&
                            do_CHmate_orthogonal = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_EDGE) &&
                            do_CHmate_orthogonal = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_EDGE) &&
                            do_CHmate_parallel = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_FACE) &&
                            do_CHmate_parallel = true;
                            swapAB_1           = true;

                        if (swMate.Alignment == (int)swMateAlign_e.swMateAlignANTI_ALIGNED)
                            do_parallel_flip = true;

                    if (swMateFeature.GetTypeName2() == "MateDistanceDim")
                        if ((entity_0_as_FACE) &&
                            do_CHmate_Xdistance = true;
                            do_CHmate_parallel  = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_VERTEX) &&
                            do_CHmate_Xdistance = true;
                        if ((entity_0_as_FACE) &&
                            do_CHmate_Xdistance = true;
                            swapAB_1            = true;

                        //***TO DO*** cases of distance line-vs-line and line-vs-vertex and vert-vert.
                        //           Those will require another .cpp ChLinkMate specialized class(es).

                        if (swMate.Alignment == (int)swMateAlign_e.swMateAlignANTI_ALIGNED)
                            do_parallel_flip = true;

                        // Get the imposed distance value, in SI units
                        string confnames = "";
                        do_distance_val = swMate.DisplayDimension.GetDimension2(0).IGetSystemValue3((int)swInConfigurationOpts_e.swThisConfiguration, 0, ref confnames);

                        if (swMate.Flipped)
                            do_distance_val = -do_distance_val;


                    if (do_CHmate_Xdistance)
                        String linkname = "link_" + num_link;
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0} = chrono.ChLinkMateXdistance()\n", linkname);

                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                   cA.X * ChScale.L,
                                                   cA.Y * ChScale.L,
                                                   cA.Z * ChScale.L);
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                   cB.X * ChScale.L,
                                                   cB.Y * ChScale.L,
                                                   cB.Z * ChScale.L);
                        if (!entity_0_as_VERTEX)
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                       dA.X, dA.Y, dA.Z);
                        if (!entity_1_as_VERTEX)
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                       dB.X, dB.Y, dB.Z);

                        // Initialize link, by setting the two csys, in absolute space,
                        if (!swapAB_1)
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cA,cB,dB)\n", linkname, name1, name2);
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cB,cA,dA)\n", linkname, name2, name1);

                        //if (do_distance_val!=0)
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetDistance({1})\n", linkname,
                                                   do_distance_val * ChScale.L * -1);

                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetName(\"{1}\")\n", linkname, swMateFeature.Name);
                        // Insert to a list of exported items
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "exported_items.append({0})\n\n", linkname);

                    if (do_CHmate_parallel)
                        if (Math.Abs(Vector3D.DotProduct(dA, dB)) > 0.98)
                            String linkname = "link_" + num_link;
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0} = chrono.ChLinkMateParallel()\n", linkname);

                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                       cA.X * ChScale.L,
                                                       cA.Y * ChScale.L,
                                                       cA.Z * ChScale.L);
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                       dA.X, dA.Y, dA.Z);
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                       cB.X * ChScale.L,
                                                       cB.Y * ChScale.L,
                                                       cB.Z * ChScale.L);
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                       dB.X, dB.Y, dB.Z);

                            if (do_parallel_flip)
                                asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetFlipped(True)\n", linkname);

                            // Initialize link, by setting the two csys, in absolute space,
                            if (!swapAB_1)
                                asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cA,cB,dA,dB)\n", linkname, name1, name2);
                                asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cB,cA,dB,dA)\n", linkname, name2, name1);

                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetName(\"{1}\")\n", linkname, swMateFeature.Name);
                            // Insert to a list of exported items
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "exported_items.append({0})\n\n", linkname);
                            asciitext += "\n# ChLinkMateParallel skipped because directions not parallel! \n";

                    if (do_CHmate_orthogonal)
                        if (Math.Abs(Vector3D.DotProduct(dA, dB)) < 0.02)
                            String linkname = "link_" + num_link;
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0} = chrono.ChLinkMateOrthogonal()\n", linkname);

                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                       cA.X * ChScale.L,
                                                       cA.Y * ChScale.L,
                                                       cA.Z * ChScale.L);
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                       dA.X, dA.Y, dA.Z);
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                       cB.X * ChScale.L,
                                                       cB.Y * ChScale.L,
                                                       cB.Z * ChScale.L);
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                       dB.X, dB.Y, dB.Z);

                            // Initialize link, by setting the two csys, in absolute space,
                            if (!swapAB_1)
                                asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cA,cB,dA,dB)\n", linkname, name1, name2);
                                asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cB,cA,dB,dA)\n", linkname, name2, name1);

                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetName(\"{1}\")\n", linkname, swMateFeature.Name);
                            // Insert to a list of exported items
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "exported_items.append({0})\n\n", linkname);
                            asciitext += "\n# ChLinkMateOrthogonal skipped because directions not orthogonal! \n";

                    if (do_CHmate_spherical)
                        String linkname = "link_" + num_link;
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0} = chrono.ChLinkMateSpherical()\n", linkname);

                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                   cA.X * ChScale.L,
                                                   cA.Y * ChScale.L,
                                                   cA.Z * ChScale.L);
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                   cB.X * ChScale.L,
                                                   cB.Y * ChScale.L,
                                                   cB.Z * ChScale.L);

                        // Initialize link, by setting the two csys, in absolute space,
                        if (!swapAB_1)
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cA,cB)\n", linkname, name1, name2);
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cB,cA)\n", linkname, name2, name1);

                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetName(\"{1}\")\n", linkname, swMateFeature.Name);
                        // Insert to a list of exported items
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "exported_items.append({0})\n\n", linkname);

                    if (do_CHmate_pointline)
                        String linkname = "link_" + num_link;
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0} = chrono.ChLinkMateGeneric()\n", linkname);
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetConstrainedCoords(False, True, True, False, False, False)\n", linkname);

                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                   cA.X * ChScale.L,
                                                   cA.Y * ChScale.L,
                                                   cA.Z * ChScale.L);
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                   cB.X * ChScale.L,
                                                   cB.Y * ChScale.L,
                                                   cB.Z * ChScale.L);
                        if (!entity_0_as_VERTEX)
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", dA.X, dA.Y, dA.Z);
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dA = chrono.VNULL\n");
                        if (!entity_1_as_VERTEX)
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", dB.X, dB.Y, dB.Z);
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dB = chrono.VNULL\n");

                        // Initialize link, by setting the two csys, in absolute space,
                        if (!swapAB_1)
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cA,cB,dA,dB)\n", linkname, name1, name2);
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cB,cA,dB,dA)\n", linkname, name2, name1);

                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetName(\"{1}\")\n", linkname, swMateFeature.Name);
                        // Insert to a list of exported items
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "exported_items.append({0})\n\n", linkname);

                    // Now, do some other special mate type that did not fall in combinations
                    // of do_CHmate_pointline, do_CHmate_spherical, etc etc

                    if (swMateFeature.GetTypeName2() == "MateHinge")
                        // auto flip direction if anti aligned (seems that this is assumed automatically in MateHinge in SW)
                        if (Vector3D.DotProduct(dA, dB) < 0)

                        // Hinge constraint must be splitted in two C::E constraints: a coaxial and a point-vs-plane
                        String linkname = "link_" + num_link;
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0} = chrono.ChLinkMateCoaxial()\n", linkname);

                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                   cA.X * ChScale.L,
                                                   cA.Y * ChScale.L,
                                                   cA.Z * ChScale.L);
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                   dA.X, dA.Y, dA.Z);
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                   cB.X * ChScale.L,
                                                   cB.Y * ChScale.L,
                                                   cB.Z * ChScale.L);
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                   dB.X, dB.Y, dB.Z);

                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetName(\"{1}\")\n", linkname, swMateFeature.Name);

                        // Initialize link, by setting the two csys, in absolute space,
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cA,cB,dA,dB)\n", linkname, name1, name2);

                        // Insert to a list of exported items
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "exported_items.append({0})\n", linkname);

                        // NOTE!!! The 'hinge' mate uses 4 references: fetch the two others remaining
                        // and build another C::E link, for point-vs-face mating

                        MateEntity2   swEntityC = swMate.MateEntity(2);
                        MateEntity2   swEntityD = swMate.MateEntity(3);
                        Component2    swCompC   = swEntityC.ReferenceComponent;
                        Component2    swCompD   = swEntityD.ReferenceComponent;
                        double[]      paramsC   = (double[])swEntityC.EntityParams;
                        double[]      paramsD   = (double[])swEntityD.EntityParams;
                        String        name3     = (String)saved_parts[swModelDocExt.GetPersistReference3(swCompC)];
                        String        name4     = (String)saved_parts[swModelDocExt.GetPersistReference3(swCompD)];
                        MathTransform trC       = roottrasf;
                        MathTransform trD       = roottrasf;

                        if (assemblyofmates != null)
                            MathTransform partrasfC = assemblyofmates.GetTotalTransform(true);
                            if (partrasfC != null)
                                trC = partrasfC.IMultiply(invroottrasf);
                            MathTransform partrasfD = assemblyofmates.GetTotalTransform(true);
                            if (partrasfD != null)
                                trD = partrasfD.IMultiply(invroottrasf);

                        // NOTE: swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() seems equivalent to  swMate.MateEntity(0).ReferenceType2
                        // but in some cases the latter fails. However, sometimes swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() is null ReferenceType2 is ok,
                        // so do the following trick:
                        int entity2_ref = swMate.MateEntity(2).Reference.GetType();
                        if (entity2_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelNOTHING)
                            entity2_ref = swMate.MateEntity(2).ReferenceType2;
                        int entity3_ref = swMate.MateEntity(3).Reference.GetType();
                        if (entity3_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelNOTHING)
                            entity3_ref = swMate.MateEntity(3).ReferenceType2;

                        bool entity_2_as_VERTEX = (entity2_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelVERTICES) ||
                                                  (entity2_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHPOINTS) ||
                                                  (entity2_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMPOINTS);
                        bool entity_3_as_VERTEX = (entity3_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelVERTICES) ||
                                                  (entity3_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHPOINTS) ||
                                                  (entity3_ref == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMPOINTS);

                        Point3D  cC = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
                        Point3D  cD = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
                        Vector3D dC = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0);
                        Vector3D dD = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0);

                        Point3D cCloc = new Point3D(paramsC[0], paramsC[1], paramsC[2]);
                        cC = SWTaskpaneHost.PointTransform(cCloc, ref trC);
                        Point3D cDloc = new Point3D(paramsD[0], paramsD[1], paramsD[2]);
                        cD = SWTaskpaneHost.PointTransform(cDloc, ref trD);

                        if (!entity_2_as_VERTEX)
                            Vector3D dCloc = new Vector3D(paramsC[3], paramsC[4], paramsC[5]);
                            dC = SWTaskpaneHost.DirTransform(dCloc, ref trC);

                        if (!entity_3_as_VERTEX)
                            Vector3D dDloc = new Vector3D(paramsD[3], paramsD[4], paramsD[5]);
                            dD = SWTaskpaneHost.DirTransform(dDloc, ref trD);

                        linkname   = "link_" + num_link;
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0} = chrono.ChLinkMateXdistance()\n", linkname);

                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                   cC.X * ChScale.L,
                                                   cC.Y * ChScale.L,
                                                   cC.Z * ChScale.L);
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                   dC.X, dC.Y, dC.Z);
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                   cD.X * ChScale.L,
                                                   cD.Y * ChScale.L,
                                                   cD.Z * ChScale.L);
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n",
                                                   dD.X, dD.Y, dD.Z);

                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetName(\"{1}\")\n", linkname, swMateFeature.Name);

                        // Initialize link, by setting the two csys, in absolute space,
                        if (entity_2_as_VERTEX)
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cA,cB,dA)\n", linkname, name3, name4);
                            asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cA,cB,dB)\n", linkname, name3, name4);

                        // Insert to a list of exported items
                        asciitext += String.Format(bz, "exported_items.append({0})\n", linkname);

            public void SelectContraintes()

                    Component2 cpMarche    = MdlBase.eSelect_RecupererComposant(1, _Select_Marche.Marque);
                    Feature    fRepet      = MdlBase.eSelect_RecupererObjet <Feature>(1, _Select_FonctionRepet.Marque);
                    Component2 cpRepet     = MdlBase.eSelect_RecupererComposant(1, _Select_FonctionRepet.Marque);
                    Object[]   Contraintes = cpMarche.GetMates();

                    if (cpMarche.IsNull() || fRepet.IsNull() || cpRepet.IsNull() || Contraintes.IsNull())

                    CurveDrivenPatternFeatureData def = fRepet.GetDefinition();
                    Object[] tabB = def.PatternBodyArray;
                    Body2    b    = (Body2)tabB[0];

                    foreach (Mate2 m in Contraintes)
                        MateEntity2 m1 = m.MateEntity(0);
                        MateEntity2 m2 = m.MateEntity(1);

                        if (AppartientAuCorps(cpRepet, b, m1))
                            if ((m1.ReferenceType2 == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelVERTICES) && PointCorps.IsNull())
                                PointCorps  = m1.Reference;
                                PointMarche = m2.Reference;
                            else if ((m1.ReferenceType2 == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelEDGES) && ArreteCorps.IsNull())
                                ArreteCorps = m1.Reference;
                                AxeMarche   = m2.Reference;
                        else if (AppartientAuComposant(cpRepet, m1) && (m1.ReferenceType2 == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMPLANES) && PlanComp.IsNull())
                            PlanComp   = m1.Reference;
                            PlanMarche = m2.Reference;
                        else if (AppartientAuCorps(cpRepet, b, m2))
                            if ((m2.ReferenceType2 == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelVERTICES) && PointCorps.IsNull())
                                PointCorps  = m2.Reference;
                                PointMarche = m1.Reference;
                            else if ((m2.ReferenceType2 == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelEDGES) && ArreteCorps.IsNull())
                                ArreteCorps = m2.Reference;
                                AxeMarche   = m1.Reference;
                        else if (AppartientAuComposant(cpRepet, m2) && (m2.ReferenceType2 == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMPLANES) && PlanComp.IsNull())
                            PlanComp   = m2.Reference;
                            PlanMarche = m1.Reference;

                    MdlBase.eSelectMulti(PointCorps, _Select_Contraintes_PointCorps.Marque, true);
                    MdlBase.eSelectMulti(PointMarche, _Select_Contraintes_PointMarche.Marque, true);
                    MdlBase.eSelectMulti(ArreteCorps, _Select_Contraintes_ArreteCorps.Marque, true);
                    MdlBase.eSelectMulti(AxeMarche, _Select_Contraintes_AxeMarche.Marque, true);
                    MdlBase.eSelectMulti(PlanComp, _Select_Contraintes_PlanComp.Marque, true);
                    MdlBase.eSelectMulti(PlanMarche, _Select_Contraintes_PlanMarche.Marque, true);

                    ContraintesVide = false;
                catch (Exception e)
                { this.LogMethode(new Object[] { e }); }
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建SWMateEntity对象
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static SWMateEntity CreateSWMateEntity(MateEntity2 entity) {
            if (entity == null)
                return null;

            SWMateEntity swMateEntity = new SWMateEntity();
            swMateEntity.ComponentName = entity.ReferenceComponent.Name2;

            #region switch mate entity type

            switch (entity.ReferenceType) {
                case (int)swSelectType_e.swSelEDGES:
                    swMateEntity.MateEntityType = SWMateEntityType.LINE;
                case (int)swSelectType_e.swSelFACES:
                    swMateEntity.MateEntityType = SWMateEntityType.PLANE;
                case (int)swSelectType_e.swSelVERTICES:
                    swMateEntity.MateEntityType = SWMateEntityType.POINT;
                    throw new Exception("未知的配合实体类型");


            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
                swMateEntity.Params[i] = entity.EntityParams[i];

            return swMateEntity;