public ActionResult Edit(long id) { var match = new MatchDao().GetViewModelByID(id); SetStatusViewBag(match.Status); return(View(match)); }
public ActionResult Create(Match match) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { //Xử lý MetaTitle if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Name)) { match.MetaTitle = StringHelper.ToUnsignString(match.Name); } var userSession = (UserLogin)Session[FootballFlick.Common.CommonConstants.USER_SESSION]; match.CreatedBy = userSession.UserName; var dao = new MatchDao(); if (dao.CheckCode(match.Code) == false) { long id = dao.Insert(match); if (id > 0) { ViewBag.Success = "Create your match successfully"; } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Create a new match failed."); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "The Code already exists. Please try another Code."); } } return(View(match)); }
public IEnumerator Initialize() { currDeck = GlobalVariables.GetSelectedDeck(); MatchDao matchDao = new MatchDao(); matchList = matchDao.getMatchsByDeck(currDeck); foreach (Match match in matchList) { GameObject newMatchNumber = Instantiate(textPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newMatchNumber.transform.SetParent(contentParent.transform, false); GameObject newMatchCorrect = Instantiate(textPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newMatchCorrect.transform.SetParent(contentParent.transform, false); GameObject newMatchWrong = Instantiate(textPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newMatchWrong.transform.SetParent(contentParent.transform, false); //newDeckID.text = currDeck.ObjectId; Deck nao possui mais campo Id newMatchNumber.GetComponent <Text>().text = (match.MatchNumber + 1).ToString(); newMatchCorrect.GetComponent <Text>().text = match.CorrectPoints.ToString(); newMatchWrong.GetComponent <Text>().text = match.WrongPoints.ToString(); } hasInitialized = true; return(null); }
public void GetOneMatchByID() { MatchDao MatchDao = new MatchDao(database); TestPlayerDao pdao = new TestPlayerDao(); TournamentDao td = new TournamentDao(database); var list = td.FindAll(); int tId = list[0].ID; PlayerDao pd = new PlayerDao(database); var plist = pd.FindAll(); int p1id = plist[0].ID; int p2id = plist[1].ID; int p3id = plist[2].ID; int p4id = plist[3].ID; Match m = new Match(p1id, p2id, p3id, p4id, tId, false); int retValue = MatchDao.Insert(m); Match match = MatchDao.FindById(retValue); Assert.AreEqual(match.Team1Player1, p1id); Assert.AreEqual(match.Team1Player2, p2id); Assert.AreEqual(match.Team2Player1, p3id); Assert.AreEqual(match.Team2Player2, p4id); Assert.AreEqual(match.TournamentId, tId); Assert.IsNull(m.ResultPointsPlayer1); Assert.IsNull(m.ResultPointsPlayer2); }
public void CheckDeleteById() { MatchDao MatchDao = new MatchDao(database); TestPlayerDao pdao = new TestPlayerDao(); TournamentDao td = new TournamentDao(database); var list = td.FindAll(); int tId = list[0].ID; PlayerDao pd = new PlayerDao(database); var plist = pd.FindAll(); int p1id = plist[0].ID; int p2id = plist[1].ID; int p3id = plist[2].ID; int p4id = plist[3].ID; Match m = new Match(p1id, p2id, p3id, p4id, tId, false); int id = MatchDao.Insert(m); int stat1 = MatchDao.FindAll().Count; MatchDao.DeleteById(id); int stat2 = MatchDao.FindAll().Count; Assert.AreEqual(stat1, stat2 + 1); }
public void InsertMatchs() { MatchDao MatchDao = new MatchDao(database); TestPlayerDao pdao = new TestPlayerDao(); TournamentDao td = new TournamentDao(database); var list = td.FindAll(); int tId = list[0].ID; PlayerDao pd = new PlayerDao(database); var plist = pd.FindAll(); int p1id = plist[0].ID; int p2id = plist[1].ID; int p3id = plist[2].ID; int p4id = plist[3].ID; Match m = new Match(p1id, p2id, p3id, p4id, tId, false); int stat1 = MatchDao.FindAll().Count; MatchDao.Insert(m); int stat2 = MatchDao.FindAll().Count; Assert.IsTrue(stat1 == stat2 - 1); }
public void Update() { MatchDao MatchDao = new MatchDao(database); TestPlayerDao pdao = new TestPlayerDao(); TournamentDao td = new TournamentDao(database); var list = td.FindAll(); int tId = list[0].ID; PlayerDao pd = new PlayerDao(database); var plist = pd.FindAll(); int p1id = plist[0].ID; int p2id = plist[1].ID; int p3id = plist[2].ID; int p4id = plist[3].ID; Match m = new Match(p1id, p2id, p3id, p4id, tId, false); int id = MatchDao.Insert(m); Assert.IsNotNull(id); Match n = MatchDao.FindById(id); n.Finished = true; MatchDao.Update(n); Assert.IsTrue(MatchDao.FindById(id).Finished); }
public ActionResult LichDau(long idlich, long idcd) { var dao = new MatchDao(); var i = dao.ListLichThiDau(idlich, idcd); return(PartialView(i.ToList())); }
public ActionResult Create(Match match) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { //Xử lý MetaTitle if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Name)) { match.MetaTitle = StringHelper.ToUnsignString(match.Name); } var dao = new MatchDao(); long id = dao.Insert(match); if (id > 0) { SetAlert("Create a new match successfully.", "success"); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Match")); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Create a new match failed."); return(RedirectToAction("Create", "Match")); } } SetStatusViewBag(); return(View(match)); }
public ActionResult hienthiLichDau(long id) { var dao = new MatchDao(); var i = dao.GetByIDLich(id); return(PartialView(i)); }
public ActionResult Statistic(long id) { var detail = new MatchDetailDao().ListMatchDetailViewModel(id); var match = new MatchDao().GetByID(id);; ViewBag.Match = match; return(View(detail)); }
public IActionResult Post(Match match) { var dao = new MatchDao(Context); dao.Add(match); Context.SaveChanges(); return(Ok()); }
public void GetOneDayByIDError() { MatchDao MatchDao = new MatchDao(database); MatchDao.DeleteAll(); Assert.IsNull(MatchDao.FindById(1)); }
////Display, create, edit, delete Match //Index page of Match management public ActionResult Index(string searchString, int page = 1, int pageSize = 10) { var dao = new MatchDao(); var model = dao.ListAllPaging(searchString, page, pageSize); ViewBag.SearchString = searchString; ViewBag.PageSize = pageSize; return(View(model)); }
public void InsertMatches() { MatchDao dao = new MatchDao(database); foreach (Match m in dataSource.GenerateMatchs()) { dao.Insert(m); } }
public static IEnumerator InitializeGame() { //Making query PlayerDao playerDao = new PlayerDao(); StoreDeckDao storeDeckDao = new StoreDeckDao(); MatchDao matchDao = new MatchDao(); List <Dao> daoList = new List <Dao>() { playerDao, storeDeckDao, matchDao }; yield return(makeQuerry(daoList)); if (!succsesfull) { yield break; } //Getting results Player player = playerDao.getQueryResultPlayer(); Player.setInstance(player); List <StoreDeck> storeDeckList = storeDeckDao.getQueryResultStoreDeckList(); bool change = false; DeckBuilder deckBuilder; Deck deck; List <string> playerStoreDecks = player.StoreDeckNameList.getList(); foreach (StoreDeck storeDeck in storeDeckList) { if (!playerStoreDecks.Contains(storeDeck.DeckName)) { if (player.IsPremium) { deckBuilder = new DeckBuilder(storeDeck); deck = deckBuilder.getDeck(); player.addDeck(deck); player.addToStoreDeckNameList(deck.DeckName); change = true; } else { Store.addDeck(storeDeck); } } } if (change) { playerDao.savePlayer(player); } }
//Display the Match and its detail public ActionResult Detail(long id) { var match = new MatchDao().GetViewModelByID(id); var listDetail = new MatchDetailDao().ListMatchDetailViewModel(id); var recentMatches = new MatchDao().ListRecentMatch(10); ViewBag.ListDetail = listDetail; ViewBag.RecentMatches = recentMatches; return(View(match)); }
public ActionResult Delete(long id) { MatchDao matchDao = new MatchDao(); MatchDetailDao detailDao = new MatchDetailDao(); Match match = matchDao.GetByID(id); bool res = matchDao.Delete(id); bool resDetail = detailDao.DeleteAll(match.ID); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public void GetAllMatchs() { MatchDao MatchDao = new MatchDao(database); int stat1 = MatchDao.FindAll().Count; InsertMatchs(); int stat2 = MatchDao.FindAll().Count; Assert.AreEqual(stat1, stat2 - 1); }
private void saveMatch() { //Saving match Match match = new Match(); match.CorrectPoints = GlobalVariables.correctAnswerAmount; match.WrongPoints = GlobalVariables.wrongAnswerAmount; match.DeckName = GlobalVariables.GetSelectedDeck().DeckName; match.MatchNumber = GlobalVariables.GetSelectedDeck().TimesPlayed - 1; MatchDao matchDao = new MatchDao(); StartCoroutine(matchDao.saveMatch(match)); }
private IEnumerator matchDaoTeste() { yield return makeConnection(); MatchDao matchDao = new MatchDao(); //yield return matchDao.MakeQueryGetMatchList(); foreach(Match match in matchDao.getMatchList()) { Debug.Log(match.DeckName + ": " + match.MatchNumber); } }
private IEnumerator matchDaoTeste() { yield return(makeConnection()); MatchDao matchDao = new MatchDao(); //yield return matchDao.MakeQueryGetMatchList(); foreach (Match match in matchDao.getMatchList()) { Debug.Log(match.DeckName + ": " + match.MatchNumber); } }
public static IEnumerator InitializeGame() { //Making query PlayerDao playerDao = new PlayerDao(); StoreDeckDao storeDeckDao = new StoreDeckDao(); MatchDao matchDao = new MatchDao(); List<Dao> daoList = new List<Dao>() { playerDao, storeDeckDao, matchDao }; yield return makeQuerry(daoList); if (!succsesfull) yield break; //Getting results Player player = playerDao.getQueryResultPlayer(); Player.setInstance(player); List<StoreDeck> storeDeckList = storeDeckDao.getQueryResultStoreDeckList(); bool change = false; DeckBuilder deckBuilder; Deck deck; List<string> playerStoreDecks = player.StoreDeckNameList.getList(); foreach (StoreDeck storeDeck in storeDeckList) { if (!playerStoreDecks.Contains(storeDeck.DeckName)) { if (player.IsPremium) { deckBuilder = new DeckBuilder(storeDeck); deck = deckBuilder.getDeck(); player.addDeck(deck); player.addToStoreDeckNameList(deck.DeckName); change = true; } else { Store.addDeck(storeDeck); } } } if (change) { playerDao.savePlayer(player); } }
public static void Clear(IDatabase database) { PlayerDao p = new PlayerDao(database); TournamentDao t = new TournamentDao(database); MatchDao m = new MatchDao(database); StatisticDao s = new StatisticDao(database); s.DeleteAll(); Console.WriteLine("cleared statistics..."); m.DeleteAll(); Console.WriteLine("cleared matches..."); t.DeleteAll(); Console.WriteLine("cleared Tournaments..."); p.DeleteAll(); Console.WriteLine("cleared player..."); }
public ActionResult Edit(MatchViewModel matchViewModel) { Match match = new Match(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { match.ID = matchViewModel.ID; match.Code = matchViewModel.Code; match.Name = matchViewModel.Name; match.Description = matchViewModel.Description; match.Image = matchViewModel.Image; match.HomeClubID = matchViewModel.HomeClubID; match.VisitingClubID = matchViewModel.VisitingClubID; match.StadiumID = matchViewModel.StadiumID; match.Date = matchViewModel.Date; match.ExpectedStartTime = matchViewModel.ExpectedStartTime; match.ExpectedEndTime = matchViewModel.ExpectedEndTime; match.HoldAddress = matchViewModel.HoldAddress; match.Price = matchViewModel.Price; match.PromotionPrice = matchViewModel.PromotionPrice; match.ExpiredDateToSign = matchViewModel.ExpiredDateToSign; match.Detail = matchViewModel.Detail; match.RealStartTime = matchViewModel.RealStartTime; match.RealEndTime = matchViewModel.RealEndTime; match.HomeClubGoal = matchViewModel.HomeClubGoal; match.VisitingClubGoal = matchViewModel.VisitingClubGoal; match.Status = matchViewModel.Status; match.MetaKeywords = matchViewModel.MetaKeywords; match.MetaDescriptions = matchViewModel.MetaDescriptions; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Name)) { match.MetaTitle = StringHelper.ToUnsignString(match.Name); } var result = new MatchDao().Update(match); if (result) { SetAlert("Edit this match successfully.", "success"); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Edit this match failed."); } } SetStatusViewBag(matchViewModel.Status); return(View(matchViewModel)); }
// GET: Match public ActionResult Index(int?matchStatus, string searchString, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 10) { int totalRecord = 0; var model = new MatchDao().ListAll(matchStatus, searchString, ref totalRecord, pageIndex, pageSize); ViewBag.SearchString = searchString; StatusCategory selectedMatchStatus = new StatusCategory() { Stt = 0, Name = "---Select one---" }; if (matchStatus != null) { selectedMatchStatus = new StatusCategoryDao().GetByStt("Match", (int)matchStatus); } ViewBag.SelectedMatchStatus = selectedMatchStatus; ViewBag.Total = totalRecord; ViewBag.Page = pageIndex; int maxPage = 5; int totalPage = 0; if (totalRecord % pageSize != 0) { totalPage = (int)(totalRecord / pageSize) + 1; } else { totalPage = (int)(totalRecord / pageSize); } ViewBag.TotalPage = totalPage; ViewBag.MaxPage = maxPage; ViewBag.First = 1; ViewBag.Last = totalPage; ViewBag.Next = pageIndex + 1; ViewBag.Prev = pageIndex - 1; return(View(model)); }
public IEnumerator Initialize(){ currDeck = GlobalVariables.GetSelectedDeck(); MatchDao matchDao = new MatchDao(); List<Match> matchList = matchDao.getMatchsByDeck(currDeck); GlobalVariables.matchHistory = matchList; /*foreach(Match match in matchList){ Debug.Log(match.MatchNumber); GameObject newMatchCorrect = Instantiate(textPrefab, new Vector3(0,0,0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newMatchCorrect.transform.SetParent(contentParent.transform, false); GameObject newMatchWrong = Instantiate(textPrefab, new Vector3(0,0,0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newMatchWrong.transform.SetParent(contentParent.transform, false); newMatchCorrect.GetComponent<Text>().text = match.CorrectPoints.ToString(); newMatchWrong.GetComponent<Text>().text = match.WrongPoints.ToString(); }*/ hasInitialized = true; return null; }
//Dislay all information about the Club public ActionResult Detail(long id, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 10) { var club = new ClubDao().GetViewModelByID(id); var rankInfor = new ClubDao().DisplayRankedClub(id); ViewBag.RankInfor = rankInfor; //Liệt kê danh sách các Player của Club var listPlayer = new ClubPlayerDao().ListClubPlayer(id); ViewBag.ListPlayer = listPlayer; //Phân trang cho bảng liệt kê các Matches int totalRecord = 0; var listMatch = new MatchDao().ListMatchesOftheClub(id, ref totalRecord, pageIndex, pageSize); ViewBag.ListMatch = listMatch; ViewBag.Total = totalRecord; ViewBag.Page = pageIndex; int maxPage = 5; int totalPage = 0; if (totalRecord % pageSize != 0) { totalPage = (int)(totalRecord / pageSize) + 1; } else { totalPage = (int)(totalRecord / pageSize); } ViewBag.TotalPage = totalPage; ViewBag.MaxPage = maxPage; ViewBag.First = 1; ViewBag.Last = totalPage; ViewBag.Next = pageIndex + 1; ViewBag.Prev = pageIndex - 1; return(View(club)); }
public void SetUp() { _database = Substitute.For <IMongoDatabase>(); _collection = Substitute.For <IMongoCollection <Match> >(); _matchDao = new MatchDao(_database, _collection); _team1 = new Team { Name = "test", Email = "test", ShortName = "test", Tla = "test", CrestUrl = "test", Address = "test", Phone = "test", Colors = "test", Venue = "test" }; _team2 = new Team { Name = "test", Email = "test", ShortName = "test", Tla = "test", CrestUrl = "test", Address = "test", Phone = "test", Colors = "test", Venue = "test" }; _fullTime = new FullTime { AwayTeam = 1, HomeTeam = 1 }; _halfTime = new HalfTime { AwayTeam = 1, HomeTeam = 1 }; _extraTime = new ExtraTime { AwayTeam = 1, HomeTeam = 1 }; _penalties = new Penalties { AwayTeam = 1, HomeTeam = 1 }; _score = new Score { Winner = "test", Duration = "test", ExtraTime = _extraTime, FullTime = _fullTime, Penalties = _penalties }; _match = new Match { Status = "test", LastUpdated = DateTime.Now, HomeTeam = _team1, AwayTeam = _team2, Score = _score }; }
public IEnumerator Initialize() { currDeck = GlobalVariables.GetSelectedDeck(); MatchDao matchDao = new MatchDao(); List <Match> matchList = matchDao.getMatchsByDeck(currDeck); GlobalVariables.matchHistory = matchList; /*foreach(Match match in matchList){ * Debug.Log(match.MatchNumber); * * GameObject newMatchCorrect = Instantiate(textPrefab, new Vector3(0,0,0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; * newMatchCorrect.transform.SetParent(contentParent.transform, false); * GameObject newMatchWrong = Instantiate(textPrefab, new Vector3(0,0,0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; * newMatchWrong.transform.SetParent(contentParent.transform, false); * newMatchCorrect.GetComponent<Text>().text = match.CorrectPoints.ToString(); * newMatchWrong.GetComponent<Text>().text = match.WrongPoints.ToString(); * }*/ hasInitialized = true; return(null); }
public IEnumerator Initialize() { currDeck = GlobalVariables.GetSelectedDeck(); MatchDao matchDao = new MatchDao(); matchList = matchDao.getMatchsByDeck(currDeck); foreach (Match match in matchList) { GameObject newMatchNumber = Instantiate(textPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newMatchNumber.transform.SetParent(contentParent.transform, false); GameObject newMatchCorrect = Instantiate(textPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newMatchCorrect.transform.SetParent(contentParent.transform, false); GameObject newMatchWrong = Instantiate(textPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newMatchWrong.transform.SetParent(contentParent.transform, false); //newDeckID.text = currDeck.ObjectId; Deck nao possui mais campo Id newMatchNumber.GetComponent<Text>().text = (match.MatchNumber + 1).ToString(); newMatchCorrect.GetComponent<Text>().text = match.CorrectPoints.ToString(); newMatchWrong.GetComponent<Text>().text = match.WrongPoints.ToString(); } hasInitialized = true; return null; }
public ActionResult Result(MatchViewModel matchViewModel) { Match match = new Match(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { //Update kết quả của Match match.ID = matchViewModel.ID; match.Code = matchViewModel.Code; match.Name = matchViewModel.Name; match.Description = matchViewModel.Description; match.Image = matchViewModel.Image; match.HomeClubID = matchViewModel.HomeClubID; match.VisitingClubID = matchViewModel.VisitingClubID; match.StadiumID = matchViewModel.StadiumID; match.Date = matchViewModel.Date; match.ExpectedStartTime = matchViewModel.ExpectedStartTime; match.ExpectedEndTime = matchViewModel.ExpectedEndTime; match.HoldAddress = matchViewModel.HoldAddress; match.Price = matchViewModel.Price; match.PromotionPrice = matchViewModel.PromotionPrice; match.ExpiredDateToSign = matchViewModel.ExpiredDateToSign; match.Detail = matchViewModel.Detail; match.RealStartTime = matchViewModel.RealStartTime; match.RealEndTime = matchViewModel.RealEndTime; match.HomeClubGoal = matchViewModel.HomeClubGoal; match.VisitingClubGoal = matchViewModel.VisitingClubGoal; match.Status = matchViewModel.Status; match.MetaKeywords = matchViewModel.MetaKeywords; match.MetaDescriptions = matchViewModel.MetaDescriptions; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Name)) { match.MetaTitle = StringHelper.ToUnsignString(match.Name); } var result = new MatchDao().Update(match); if (result) { SetAlert("Result this match successfully.", "success"); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Result this match failed."); } //Update ClubPoint cho cả hai đội ClubPoint homePoint = new ClubPoint(); homePoint.MatchID = match.ID; homePoint.ClubID = (long)match.HomeClubID; homePoint.JoinPoint = CommonConstants.JoinPoint; homePoint.WinPoint = (match.HomeClubGoal > match.VisitingClubGoal == true ? CommonConstants.WinPoint : 0); homePoint.DrawPoint = (match.HomeClubGoal == match.VisitingClubGoal == true ? CommonConstants.DrawPoint : 0); homePoint.Status = true; ClubPoint visitingPoint = new ClubPoint(); visitingPoint.MatchID = match.ID; visitingPoint.ClubID = (long)match.VisitingClubID; visitingPoint.JoinPoint = CommonConstants.JoinPoint; visitingPoint.WinPoint = (match.VisitingClubGoal > match.HomeClubGoal == true ? CommonConstants.WinPoint : 0); visitingPoint.DrawPoint = (match.VisitingClubGoal == match.HomeClubGoal == true ? CommonConstants.DrawPoint : 0); visitingPoint.Status = true; var homeLevel = new ClubLevelDao().GetBeforeDate(homePoint.ClubID, (DateTime)match.Date); var visitingLevel = new ClubLevelDao().GetBeforeDate(visitingPoint.ClubID, (DateTime)match.Date); homePoint.RivalLevelID = visitingLevel.LevelID; visitingPoint.RivalLevelID = homeLevel.LevelID; var dao = new ClubPointDao(); if (dao.CheckExist(homePoint.MatchID, homePoint.ClubID) == true) { dao.Update(homePoint); } else { dao.Insert(homePoint); } if (dao.CheckExist(visitingPoint.MatchID, visitingPoint.ClubID) == true) { dao.Update(visitingPoint); } else { dao.Insert(visitingPoint); } } SetStatusViewBag(matchViewModel.Status); return(View(matchViewModel)); }
public IEnumerable <Match> Get() { var dao = new MatchDao(Context); return(dao.GetAll()); }
public void DeleteDaysByIdError() { MatchDao MatchDao = new MatchDao(database); Assert.AreEqual(MatchDao.DeleteById(1), false); }