Beispiel #1
        protected void RampUp(DateTime date, MarkitSurface marketData)
            // Count number of active positions
            int openPositions = _activePositions.Count();

            // Check to see if ramp-up is over.
            if (openPositions == _simulationParameters.maxNumberInstruments())
                isRampUpPeriod = false;
                Console.WriteLine("Ramp-up period completed on : {0}", date);

            // Check if slot is available for new investment
            if (openPositions < _simulationParameters.maxNumberInstruments())
                // Display
                Console.WriteLine("Number of positions available for investment: {0}", _simulationParameters.maxNumberInstruments() - openPositions);

                // Always invest only once in ramp-up period
                Invest(date, Weight(date), marketData);

            // This case should never be reached... means we're above max nb of positions
                throw new ArgumentException("RampUpException", "Ramp up failure.");
Beispiel #2
        // ************************************************************
        // INVESTMENT
        // ************************************************************

        #region Investment after ramp-up

        public virtual void Update(DateTime date, MarkitSurface marketData)
            Console.WriteLine("     Updating a portfolio of {0} autocalls.", _activePositions.Count());

            // Update the cash interest rate
            _bankAccount.UpdateRate(date, marketData.ShortRate());

            // 1. Regarder si on arrive à maturité sur un instrument.
            // Si oui, se demander si on restrike et dans quelles conditions
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Guid, AutocallPosition> deriv in _activePositions)
                // Case 1 : At Maturity
                if (deriv.Value.isRedemption(date))
                    Event_Maturity(date, deriv, marketData.impliedSpot);

                // Case 2 : Not Maturity, but on a coupon date
                else if (deriv.Value.isRecallDate(date))
                    Event_Recall(date, deriv, marketData);

                // Case 3 : MtM valuations of existing products
                    // Valuation is handle as a single block later
                    // NoEvent(date, deriv, marketData);

            // 2. Clean up the active positions

            // 3. Value all remaining products
            ComputeNPV(date, marketData);

            // 4. Réinvestir (aux dates de rebalancement)
            if (_rebalCalendar.Contains(date))
                // Display
                Console.WriteLine("          >> Rebalancing date detected: {0}.", date);

                // During ramp-up
                if (isRampUpPeriod)
                    Console.WriteLine("          >> Ramp-up period found on {0}.", date);
                    RampUp(date, marketData);

                // After ramp-up
                    Allocate(date, marketData);
Beispiel #3
        protected void ComputeNPV(DateTime date, MarkitSurface marketData)
            Console.WriteLine("          >> Performing valuation for {0} autocalls.", _activePositions.Count());

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Guid, AutocallPosition> kvp in _activePositions)
                kvp.Value.NPV(date, marketData);
        // ************************************************************
        // METHODS
        // ************************************************************

        // Set current date and data
        protected void SetLocalData(DateTime pricingDate, MarkitSurface marketData)
            if (pricingDate != marketData.informationDate)
                Console.WriteLine("Warning : Market data provided does not match pricing date.");

            _pricingDate       = pricingDate;
            _currentMarketData = marketData;
        public double Parallel_NPV(DateTime pricingDate, MarkitSurface marketData, IPricingEngine engine)
            double npv = _instrument.NPV();

            Console.WriteLine("NPV {0}", npv.ToString("P", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            _NPV[pricingDate] = npv;

        // Instrument

        public myAutocall Instrument(DateTime d, double notional, MarkitSurface marketData)
            // Display
            Console.WriteLine("Creation of a new instrument requested on {0}", d);

            // Set current date and market data locally
            SetLocalData(d, marketData);
            Console.WriteLine("Local data set with information date {0}", marketData.informationDate);

            // return private method
            return(GetAutocall(notional: notional));
        public double NPV(DateTime pricingDate, MarkitSurface marketData)
            IPricingEngine engine = helper().Engine(pricingDate, marketData);

            double npv = _instrument.NPV();

            Console.WriteLine("          >> NPV : {0}", npv);
            //Console.WriteLine("          >> NPV : {0}", npv.ToString("P", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            _NPV[pricingDate] = npv;

Beispiel #8
        protected void Invest(DateTime date, double notional, MarkitSurface marketData)
            // Get a new product for investment on date
            myAutocall newProduct = _instrumentHelper.Instrument(date, notional, marketData);

            Console.WriteLine("New autocall product constructed.");

            // Withdrawing from bank account to fund investment
            _bankAccount.Transaction(date, -1 * notional);

            // Add new investment to active positions
            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();

            _activePositions[id] = new AutocallPosition(newProduct, _instrumentHelper, id);
            Console.WriteLine("New autocall product added to the active positions under GUID: {0}", id);
        public IPricingEngine Engine(DateTime d, MarkitSurface marketData)
            // Get stochastic process
            var stochasticProcess = GetStochasticProcess(d, marketData);

            // Set properties
            IPricingEngine monteCarloEngine = new MakeMCEuropeanAutocallEngine <PseudoRandom>(stochasticProcess)

            // Apply engine to instrument
Beispiel #10
        protected GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess GetStochasticProcess(DateTime d, MarkitSurface marketData)
            // Spot level
            Handle <Quote> spotLevel = new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(marketData.impliedSpot));

            // Risk free rate (term structure)
            Handle <YieldTermStructure> riskFreeTS = marketData.riskFree_FwdCrv();

            // Dividend yield (term structure)
            Handle <YieldTermStructure> dividendTS = marketData.dividend_FwdCrv();

            // Volatility ATM Forward (term structure)
            BlackVarianceCurve             atmf_vol_curve = marketData.ATMF_Vol_TS(d);
            Handle <BlackVolTermStructure> volatilityTS   = new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(atmf_vol_curve);

            // Return
            return(new GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess(spotLevel, dividendTS, riskFreeTS, volatilityTS));
Beispiel #11
        protected void Allocate(DateTime date, MarkitSurface markitSurface)
            // Count number of active positions
            int openPositions = _activePositions.Count();

            // Compute the weight
            double weight = Weight(date);

            // Check if slot is available for new investment
            if (openPositions < _simulationParameters.maxNumberInstruments())
                // Count the number of slots available
                int newInvestments = _simulationParameters.maxNumberInstruments() - openPositions;

                for (int k = 0; k < newInvestments; k++)
                    Invest(date, weight, markitSurface);
Beispiel #12
        protected void Parallel_ComputeNPV(DateTime date, MarkitSurface marketData)
            int k = 1;

            Console.WriteLine("Parallel Update of the NPV called:");

            List <AutocallPosition> positions = _activePositions.Values.ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("     >> Found {0} positions in portfolio.", _activePositions.Count());

            if (_activePositions.Count() > 0)
                Parallel.ForEach(positions, (pos) => // foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, AutocallPosition> kvp in _activePositions)
                    Console.WriteLine("     >> Computing NPV for position: {0}", k);
                    IPricingEngine engine = _instrumentHelper.Engine(date, marketData);

                    pos.Parallel_NPV(date, marketData, engine);
Beispiel #13
        // ************************************************************
        // ************************************************************
        #region Core simulation methods
        public void Run()
            int totalObs = observations();


            for (int i = 0; i <= totalObs; i++)
                // Determine current date
                Date     currentDate     = _parameters.calendar().adjust(_parameters.startDate().AddDays(i), _parameters.businessDayConvention());
                DateTime currentDateTime = new DateTime(currentDate.year(), currentDate.month(), currentDate.Day);


                MarkitSurface markitSurface = _database[currentDateTime];
                Console.WriteLine("Market data found. Starting update...");

                _strategy.Update(currentDate, markitSurface);

            Console.WriteLine("Simualtion completed.");
Beispiel #14
        protected void Event_Recall(DateTime date, KeyValuePair <Guid, AutocallPosition> kvp, MarkitSurface marketData)
            double spot = marketData.impliedSpot;

            // No recall on this recall (observation) date
            if (!kvp.Value.isRecall(spot, date))
                NoEvent(date, kvp, marketData);

            // At this point the instrument is being recalled
            double pmt = 0.0;

            pmt = kvp.Value.RecallPayment(spot, date);

            // Adding the cash to the bank account
            _bankAccount.Transaction(date, pmt);

            // Close position
            kvp.Value.Close(date, pmt, true, true);

            // Add to the list of positions to be terminated
Beispiel #15
        // ************************************************************
        // ************************************************************

        #region Events handling (coupons, maturity, etc.)

        protected void NoEvent(DateTime date, KeyValuePair <Guid, AutocallPosition> kvp, MarkitSurface marketData)
            kvp.Value.NPV(date, marketData);