Beispiel #1
    private void reviewClicked()
        var desc = new MarketingDesc();

        desc.Editor_URL             = ""; // Any full URL
        desc.Win8_PackageFamilyName = "";                          // This is the "Package family name" that can be found in your "Package.appxmanifest".
        desc.WP8_AppID = "";                                       // This is the "App ID" that can be found in your "Package.appxmanifest" under "Package Name".
        // NOTE: For Windows Phone 8.0 you don't need to set anything...

        desc.iOS_AppID  = "";       // Pass in your AppID "xxxxxxxxx"
        desc.BB10_AppID = "";       // You pass in your AppID "xxxxxxxx".

        desc.Android_MarketingStore      = MarketingStores.GooglePlay;
        desc.Android_GooglePlay_BundleID = "";    // Pass in your bundle ID "com.Company.AppName"
        desc.Android_Amazon_BundleID     = "";    // Pass in your bundle ID "com.Company.AppName"
        desc.Android_Samsung_BundleID    = "";    // Pass in your bundle ID "com.Company.AppName"
