void Start()
        markerUI = new MarkerUI();

        markerPositions = new Dictionary <string, Vector3>();

        // This one initilize the render marker to render the list of trackers written in the file alias_marker
        if (drawMarkers)

        mocapCaptureData = new List <MocapSample>();
        fusedCaptureData = new List <FusedSample>();

        handTemplate = new HandTemplate();

        /* Marker IDs description:
         * 0 - Pinky base
         * 1 - Wrist
         * 2 - Index base
         * 3 - Ring fingertip
         * 4 - Pinky fingertip
         * 5 - Index fingertip
         * 6 - Middle fingertip
         * 7 - Thumb 2nd joint
         * 8 - Thumb fingertip

         * Specify the offsets for the alignment points. For instance, if the marker corresponding to the wrist is 3 cm above the wrist bone, you should define an offset of (-0.03, 0, 0).
         * This is not strictly necessary, but it helps with improving the precision (and allows the markers to be placed in arbitrary locations).
         * All coordinates are in object space.

        handTemplate.AddMarker("LEHAR", "l_pinky1", new Vector3(-0.01f, 0.0f, 0.0f), true);
        handTemplate.AddMarker("LEHAL", "l_wrist", new Vector3(-0.03f, 0.0f, 0.0f), true);
        handTemplate.AddMarker("WHARHAR", "l_index1", new Vector3(-0.01f, 0.0f, 0.0f), true);
        handTemplate.AddMarker("LRIF", "l_ring_tip", Vector3.zero);
        handTemplate.AddMarker("LBAF", "l_pinky_tip", Vector3.zero);
        handTemplate.AddMarker("LMIF", "l_index_tip", Vector3.zero);
        handTemplate.AddMarker("LINF", "l_middle_tip", Vector3.zero);
        handTemplate.AddMarker("LPAL", "l_thumb2", new Vector3(-0.01f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
        handTemplate.AddMarker("LTHF", "l_thumb_tip", Vector3.zero);

        handTemplate.SaveToFile(Constants.OutputDirectory + "\\hand.csv");

        foreach (var marker in handTemplate.MarkerList)
            markerPositions[marker] = handTemplate.GetInitialMarkerWorldPosition(marker);
            int j = markerUI.marker_alias_to_ids[marker];
            markerUI.marker_positions[j, 0] = -markerPositions[marker].x;
            markerUI.marker_positions[j, 1] = markerPositions[marker].y;
            markerUI.marker_positions[j, 2] = markerPositions[marker].z;


        jointPredictor = new JointPredictor("models/joint_model.bin", handTemplate);

        jointPredictor.AddJoint("l_index1", new Vector3(1, 1, 1));
        jointPredictor.AddJoint("l_index2", new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
        jointPredictor.AddJoint("l_index3", new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
        jointPredictor.AddJoint("l_middle1", new Vector3(1, 1, 1));
        jointPredictor.AddJoint("l_middle2", new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
        jointPredictor.AddJoint("l_middle3", new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
        jointPredictor.AddJoint("l_pinky1", new Vector3(1, 1, 1));
        jointPredictor.AddJoint("l_pinky2", new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
        jointPredictor.AddJoint("l_pinky3", new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
        jointPredictor.AddJoint("l_ring1", new Vector3(1, 1, 1));
        jointPredictor.AddJoint("l_ring2", new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
        jointPredictor.AddJoint("l_ring3", new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
        jointPredictor.AddJoint("l_thumb1", new Vector3(1, 1, 1));
        jointPredictor.AddJoint("l_thumb2", new Vector3(1, 1, 0));
        jointPredictor.AddJoint("l_thumb3", new Vector3(1, 0, 0));

        occlusionManager = new OcclusionManager(handTemplate.MarkerList);
        occlusionManager.AddImplementation(new NaiveOcclusionPredictor());
    void OnGUI()
        if (!playback)
            if (GUILayout.Button("Play recording"))
                string path = UnityEditor.EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Select dump", Constants.OutputDirectory, "csv");
                if (path != null && path.Length > 0)
                    path = path.Replace("mocap", "***").Replace("neuron", "***").Replace("fused", "***");

                    Debug.Log("Loading recording from disk...");

                    mocapCaptureData = MocapSample.Import(path.Replace("***", "mocap"));
                    fusedCaptureData = FusedSample.Import(path.Replace("***", "fused"));

                    playback  = true;
                    startTime = Time.time;
        else if (playback)
            if (GUILayout.Button("Stop playback"))
                playback = false;

            pauseKeyFrame = GUILayout.Toggle(pauseKeyFrame, "Pause current key frame");

        if (playback)
            float time;
            int   keyFrame;
            keyFrame = GetCurrentKeyFrame();
            time     = mocapCaptureData[keyFrame].time - mocapCaptureData[0].time;
            GUILayout.Label("Time: " + Math.Round(time, 2) + " s");
            GUILayout.Label("Key frame: " + keyFrame);

        drawMarkers = GUILayout.Toggle(drawMarkers, "Draw markers");
        if (!drawMarkers)
            for (int i = 0; i < markerUI.marker_positions.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < markerUI.marker_positions.GetLength(1); j++)
                    markerUI.marker_positions[i, j] = -1000;

        jointPredictions = GUILayout.Toggle(jointPredictions, "Prediction mode");
        if (!jointPredictions)
            GUILayout.Label("Displaying raw dataset");
            GUILayout.Label("Displaying NN predictions");

        if (jointPredictions)
            GUILayout.Label("Occlusion prediction:");
            bool opt0 = predictionMode == 0;
            bool opt1 = predictionMode == 1;
            bool opt2 = predictionMode == 2;
            bool opt3 = predictionMode == 3;
            opt0 = GUILayout.Toggle(opt0, "None (last position)");
            opt1 = GUILayout.Toggle(opt1, "Moving average");
            opt2 = GUILayout.Toggle(opt2, "Affine combination");
            opt3 = GUILayout.Toggle(opt3, "Neural network");
            int newPredictionMode = 0;
            if (opt0 && predictionMode != 0)
                newPredictionMode = 0;
            else if (opt1 && predictionMode != 1)
                newPredictionMode = 1;
            else if (opt2 && predictionMode != 2)
                newPredictionMode = 2;
            else if (opt3 && predictionMode != 3)
                newPredictionMode = 3;
                newPredictionMode = predictionMode;

            if (newPredictionMode != predictionMode)
                switch (newPredictionMode)
                case 0:
                    occlusionManager.AddImplementation(new NaiveOcclusionPredictor());

                case 1:
                    occlusionManager.AddImplementation(new MovingAverageOcclusionPredictor(20, handTemplate));

                case 2:
                    occlusionManager.AddImplementation(new LinearOcclusionPredictor());

                case 3:
                    occlusionManager.AddImplementation(new NeuralOcclusionPredictor("models/marker_model.bin", handTemplate, true, true));
            predictionMode = newPredictionMode;

            if (predictionMode > 0)
                postProcessing = GUILayout.Toggle(postProcessing, "Post-processing");

            GUILayout.Label("Use keyboard [1-9]\nto simulate occlusions.");