public void ProcessImage(IVideoCapture captureDevice, byte[] imagePtr)
            if (captureDevice.Format != ImageFormat.B8G8R8A8_32)
                throw new MarkerException("Only ImageFormat.B8G8R8A8_32 format is acceptable for NyARToolkitTracker");

            // initialize the detector right before the image processing
            if (!started)
                multiDetector = new MarkerDetector(param, codes.ToArray(), pattSizes.ToArray(),
                    codes.Count, raster.getBufferType());
                started = true;


        /// <summary>
        /// Associates a marker with an identifier so that the identifier can be used to find this
        /// marker after processing the image. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="markerConfigs">A set of parameters that identifies a maker. (e.g., for
        /// ARTag, this parameter would be the marker array name or marker ID)</param>
        /// <returns>An identifier for this marker object</returns>
        public Object AssociateMarker(params Object[] markerConfigs)
            // make sure we are initialized
            if (!initialized)
                throw new MarkerException("ARToolkitTracker is not initialized. Call InitTracker(...)");

            if (!(markerConfigs.Length == 2 || markerConfigs.Length == 5))
                throw new MarkerException(GetAssocMarkerUsage());

            MarkerInfo markerInfo = new MarkerInfo();

            if (markerConfigs.Length == 2)
                string arrayName = "";
                ComputationMethod method = ComputationMethod.Average;

                    arrayName = (String)markerConfigs[0];
                    method = (ComputationMethod)markerConfigs[1];
                catch (Exception)
                    throw new MarkerException(GetAssocMarkerUsage());

                ParseArray(arrayName, ref markerInfo);

                markerInfo.Method = method;
                int pattWidth = 0, pattHeight = 0;
                float pattSize = 0, conf = 0;
                String pattName = "";

                    pattName = (String)markerConfigs[0];
                    pattWidth = (int)markerConfigs[1];
                    pattHeight = (int)markerConfigs[2];
                    pattSize = (float)markerConfigs[3];
                    conf = (float)markerConfigs[4];
                catch (Exception)
                    throw new MarkerException(GetAssocMarkerUsage());

                NyARCode code = new NyARCode(pattWidth, pattHeight);
                code.loadARPatt(new System.IO.StreamReader(TitleContainer.OpenStream(pattName)));

                PatternInfo info = new PatternInfo();
                info.ConfidenceThreshold = conf;

                int id = codes.Count - 1;
                markerInfo.PatternInfos.Add(id, info);
                markerInfo.RelativeTransforms.Add(id, Matrix.Identity);
                markerInfo.Method = ComputationMethod.Average;

                markerInfoMap.Add(id, markerInfo);


            // reinitialize the multi marker detector if the programmer adds new marker node
            // after the initialization phase
            if (started)
                multiDetector = new MarkerDetector(param, codes.ToArray(), pattSizes.ToArray(),
                    codes.Count, raster.getBufferType());

            return markerInfo;