public override MarchPoint[] GeneratePoints(Vector3Int chunkPosition, int cubeSize)
            DispatchPointsKernel(chunkPosition, cubeSize);

            MarchPoint[] points = new MarchPoint[_pointsBufferSize];

Beispiel #2
        internal Vector3 Interpolate(MarchPoint point1, MarchPoint point2, float surfaceValue)
            float   lerp          = (surfaceValue - point1.value) / (point2.value - point1.value);
            Vector3 deltaPosition = point2.position - point1.position;

            return(point1.position + deltaPosition * lerp);

            // return (point1.Position + point2.Position) / 2;
Beispiel #3
        internal MarchCube GenerateCube(MarchPoint[] points, Vector3Int id)
            var cubePoints = new MarchPoint[8];

            int x, y, z;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                x = i & 1;
                z = (i & 2) >> 1;
                y = (i & 4) >> 2;
                int localXIndex = ((1 - x) & z) | (x & (1 - z));
                int localYIndex = y;
                int localZIndex = 1 - z;
                cubePoints[i] = points[MatrixId2ArrayId(id.x + localXIndex, id.y + localYIndex, id.z + localZIndex, _constantBuffer.pointsPerChunk1D)];

            return(new MarchCube {
                points = cubePoints
Beispiel #4
        internal void March(MarchCube cube, float surfaceValue, int cubeArrayId, ref TempMeshBuffer tempBuffer)
            int pointsHash = GetPointsHash(cube, surfaceValue);

            // Find which edges are intersected by the surface
            int edgesHash = _constantBuffer.pointsHash2EdgesHash[pointsHash];

            // If the cube is entirely inside or outside of the surface, then there will be no intersections
            if (edgesHash == 0)

            // Save the triangles that were found. There can be up to five per cube
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                if (_constantBuffer.pointsHash2EdgesIndexes[pointsHash, 3 * i] == 20.0f)

                var face = new Vector3[3];

                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    int edgeIndex = _constantBuffer.pointsHash2EdgesIndexes[pointsHash, 3 * i + j];

                    int edgePoint1Index = _constantBuffer.edgeIndex2PointIndexes[edgeIndex, 0];
                    int edgePoint2Index = _constantBuffer.edgeIndex2PointIndexes[edgeIndex, 1];

                    MarchPoint edgePoint1 = cube.points[edgePoint1Index];
                    MarchPoint edgePoint2 = cube.points[edgePoint2Index];

                    face[j] = Interpolate(edgePoint1, edgePoint2, surfaceValue);

                AddFace(face, cubeArrayId, ref tempBuffer);