Beispiel #1
        public static CATextLayer RenderLabel(Mapsui.Geometries.Point point, LabelStyle style, IFeature feature, IViewport viewport, string text)
            // Offset stackOffset,
            Mapsui.Geometries.Point p = viewport.WorldToScreen(point);
            //var pointF = new xPointF((float)p.X, (float)p.Y);
            var label = new CATextLayer ();

            var aString = new Foundation.NSAttributedString (text,
                                                                       new CoreText.CTStringAttributes(){
                Font = new CoreText.CTFont("ArialMT", 10)

            var frame = new CGRect(new CoreGraphics.CGPoint((int)p.X, (int)p.Y), GetSizeForText(0, aString));
            //label.Frame = frame;
            //frame.Width = (float)(p2.X - p1.X);// + margin);
            //frame.Height = (float)(p1.Y - p2.Y);

            label.FontSize = 10;
            label.ForegroundColor = new CoreGraphics.CGColor (0, 0, 255, 150);
            label.BackgroundColor = new CoreGraphics.CGColor (255, 0, 2, 150);
            label.String = text;

            label.Frame = frame;

            Console.WriteLine ("Pos " + label.Frame.X + ":" + label.Frame.Y + " w " + label.Frame.Width + " h " + label.Frame.Height);

            // = MonoTouch.UIKit.UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale;
            //	label.ContentsScale = scale;

            return label;
Beispiel #2
        private static void MapControlMouseInfoDown(object sender, Mapsui.Windows.MouseInfoEventArgs e)
            if (!e.LayerName.Equals(Constants.flagLayerName) || e.Feature == null) return;
            //if (e.Feature == null) return;

            var username = e.Feature["username"].ToString();
            var flagid = e.Feature["flagid"].ToString();
            var comment = e.Feature["comment"].ToString();
            var longitude = e.Feature["longitude"];
            var latitude = e.Feature["latitude"];
            var fiw = new FlagInfoWindow(username, flagid, comment, (double)longitude, (double)latitude);

Beispiel #3
 public static CALayer RenderLabel(Mapsui.Geometries.Point point, LabelStyle style, IViewport viewport)
     //Offset stackOffset,
     //return RenderLabel(point, stackOffset, style, viewport, style.Text);
     return new CALayer ();
		private static CGColor ToCGColor(Mapsui.Styles.Color color)
			return new CoreGraphics.CGColor(color.R / 255f, color.G / 255f, color.B / 255f, color.A / 255f);
        public static UIElement RenderLabel(Mapsui.Geometries.Point point, Offset stackOffset, LabelStyle style, IViewport viewport, string text)
            Mapsui.Geometries.Point p = viewport.WorldToScreen(point);
            var windowsPoint = new WinPoint(p.X, p.Y);

            var border = new Border();
            var textblock = new TextBlock();

            textblock.Text = text;

            textblock.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(style.ForeColor.ToXaml());
            border.Background = new SolidColorBrush(style.BackColor.Color.ToXaml());

            textblock.FontFamily = new FontFamily(style.Font.FontFamily);
            textblock.FontSize = style.Font.Size;

            //set some defaults which should be configurable someday
            const double witdhMargin = 3.0;
            const double heightMargin = 0.0;
            textblock.Margin = new Thickness(witdhMargin, heightMargin, witdhMargin, heightMargin);
            border.CornerRadius = new CornerRadius(4);
            border.Child = textblock;

            var textWidth = textblock.ActualWidth;
            var textHeight = textblock.ActualHeight;
            // in WPF the width and height is not calculated at this point. So we use FormattedText
            getTextWidthAndHeight(ref textWidth, ref textHeight, style, text);
            border.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, windowsPoint.X + style.Offset.X + stackOffset.X - (textWidth + 2 * witdhMargin) * (short)style.HorizontalAlignment * 0.5f);
            border.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, windowsPoint.Y + style.Offset.Y + stackOffset.Y - (textHeight + 2 * heightMargin) * (short)style.VerticalAlignment * 0.5f);
            return border;
 public static UIElement RenderLabel(Mapsui.Geometries.Point point, Offset stackOffset, LabelStyle style, IViewport viewport)
     return RenderLabel(point, stackOffset, style, viewport, style.Text);
        public void ZoomToBox(Mapsui.Geometries.Point beginPoint, Mapsui.Geometries.Point endPoint)
            double x, y, resolution;
            var width = Math.Abs(endPoint.X - beginPoint.X);
            var height = Math.Abs(endPoint.Y - beginPoint.Y);
            if (width <= 0) return;
            if (height <= 0) return;

            ZoomHelper.ZoomToBoudingbox(beginPoint.X, beginPoint.Y, endPoint.X, endPoint.Y, ActualWidth, out x, out y, out resolution);
            resolution = ZoomHelper.ClipToExtremes(map.Resolutions, resolution);

            viewport.Center = new Mapsui.Geometries.Point(x, y);
            viewport.Resolution = resolution;

            toResolution = resolution;

            OnViewChanged(true, true);