Beispiel #1
        public void Join__if_extra_data_is_present_but_empty_no_infix_is_added()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>
                    "BlankData", new MappingInfo
                        MappingType       = MappingType.FixedValue,
                        MappingParameters = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                            { nameof(TextMappingParams.Text), "" }

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { nameof(JoinPathsMappingParams.Infix), "!!!" },
                { nameof(JoinPathsMappingParams.ExtraData), "#.BlankData" }

            var sourcePath = new[] { "", "Claimant", "Name" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.Join, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null);

            Assert.That(obj?.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("FirstName Surname"), "Incorrect data");
Beispiel #2
        public void IfElse__picks_item_based_on_a_string_comparison()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { nameof(IfElseMappingParams.ExpectedValue), "My GTRS Branch" },
                { nameof(IfElseMappingParams.Different), ".ForeignTaxAuthority.AuthorityName" },
                { nameof(IfElseMappingParams.Same), ".AuthorisedRepresentative.CompanyName" },

            var sourcePath = new[] { "", "Branch" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.IfElse, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null);

            Assert.That(obj?.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("DefaultCompany"), "Wrong value selected");

            filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { nameof(IfElseMappingParams.ExpectedValue), "Something else?" },
                { nameof(IfElseMappingParams.Different), ".ForeignTaxAuthority.AuthorityName" },
                { nameof(IfElseMappingParams.Same), ".AuthorisedRepresentative.CompanyName" },

            obj = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.IfElse, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null);

            Assert.That(obj?.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("ForeignTaxAuth"), "Wrong value selected");
Beispiel #3
        public void Concatenate__joins_data_directly_from_arrays()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>
                    "arrData", new MappingInfo
                        DataPath    = new[] { "", "Reclaims", "[0]", "Stock", "ID" },
                        MappingType = MappingType.TakeAllValues

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { nameof(JoinMappingParams.Prefix), "<[" },
                { nameof(JoinMappingParams.Infix), " | " },
                { nameof(JoinMappingParams.Postfix), "]>" },

            var sourcePath = new[] { "#", "arrData" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.Concatenate, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null);

            Assert.That(obj, Is.EqualTo("<[Stock 1 | Stock 2 | Stock 3 | Stock 4 | Stock 5 | Stock 6]>"), "Incorrect data");
Beispiel #4
        public void Concatenate__turns_any_data_into_strings()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>
                    "arrData", new MappingInfo
                        DataPath    = new[] { "", "Reclaims", "[0]", "NumberOfShares" },
                        MappingType = MappingType.TakeAllValues

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { nameof(JoinMappingParams.Prefix), "< " },
                { nameof(JoinMappingParams.Infix), " | " },
                { nameof(JoinMappingParams.Postfix), " >" },

            var sourcePath = new[] { "#", "arrData" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.Concatenate, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null);

            Assert.That(obj, Is.EqualTo("< 55 | 55 | 55 | 55 | 55 | 55 >"), "Incorrect data");
Beispiel #5
        public void None__Passthrough_filter()
            var filterParams   = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var sourcePath     = new[] { "", "Claimant", "Name" };
            var emptyFilterSet = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();

            var obj = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.None, filterParams, sourcePath, null, emptyFilterSet, SampleData.Standard, null, null);

            Assert.That(obj?.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("FirstName Surname"), "Incorrect data");
Beispiel #6
        public void Total__returns_sum_of_items_found()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var sourcePath = new[] { "", "Reclaims", "[0]", "Amounts", "ReclaimAmount" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.Total, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null);

            Assert.That(obj, Is.EqualTo(794.079m), "Wrong sum");
Beispiel #7
        public void Count__returns_number_of_items_found()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var sourcePath = new[] { "", "Reclaims" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.Count, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null);

            Assert.That(obj, Is.EqualTo(6), "Wrong count");
Beispiel #8
        public void FormatAllAsNumber__returns_null_for_non_parsable_input()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { nameof(NumberMappingParams.DecimalPlaces), "0" },

            var sourcePath = new[] { "", "Reclaims", "[0]", "PaymentCurrency" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.FormatAllAsNumber, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null);

            Assert.That(obj, Is.Null, "Should have rejected all paths");
Beispiel #9
        public void Join__can_combine_two_paths()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();
            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { nameof(JoinPathsMappingParams.Infix), " - " },
                { nameof(JoinPathsMappingParams.ExtraData), ".Branch" }

            var sourcePath = new[] { "", "Claimant", "Name" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.Join, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null);

            Assert.That(obj?.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("FirstName Surname - My GTRS Branch"), "Incorrect data");
Beispiel #10
        public void SkipWords__if_supplied_a_string_chunks_on_whitespace()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { nameof(SkipMappingParams.Count), "3" },

            var sourcePath = new[] { "", "Claimant", "FiscalAddress", "Country", "OfficialName" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.SkipWords, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null);

            Assert.That(obj?.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)"), "Incorrect data");
Beispiel #11
        public void SkipWords__with_string_if_asked_to_skip_too_many_items_gives_empty()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { nameof(SkipMappingParams.Count), "1000" },

            var sourcePath = new[] { "", "Claimant", "FiscalAddress", "Country", "Name" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.SkipWords, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null);

            Assert.That(obj?.ToString(), Is.EqualTo(""), "Incorrect data");
Beispiel #12
        public void Join__if_extra_data_is_missing_no_infix_is_added()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();
            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { nameof(JoinPathsMappingParams.Infix), "!!!" },
                { nameof(JoinPathsMappingParams.ExtraData), ".not.a.real.path" }

            var sourcePath = new[] { "", "Claimant", "Name" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.Join, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null);

            Assert.That(obj?.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("FirstName Surname"), "Incorrect data");
Beispiel #13
        [Test]// Note - the mapping context sums all values it sees as it builds pages.
        public void RunningTotal__returns_sum_of_count_in_mapping_context()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var sourcePath = new[] { "", "Reclaims", "[0]", "Amounts", "ReclaimAmount" };
            var totals     = new Dictionary <string, decimal> {
                { ".Reclaims.Amounts.ReclaimAmount", 123.00m }
            var obj = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.RunningTotal, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, totals);

            Assert.That(obj, Is.EqualTo(123.00m), "Wrong sum");
Beispiel #14
        public void Distinct__can_pick_items_in_deep_paths()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var sourcePath = new[] { "", "Reclaims", "[0]", "Stock", "ID" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.Distinct, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null)
                             as IList;

            Assert.That(obj?.Count, Is.EqualTo(6), "Wrong item count");

            var valuesAsString = string.Join(",", obj.ToStringList());

            Assert.That(valuesAsString, Is.EqualTo("Stock 1,Stock 2,Stock 3,Stock 4,Stock 5,Stock 6"), "Wrong item data");
Beispiel #15
        public void TakeAllValues__finds_all_items_in_sibling_paths_and_outputs_them_as_one__flat_list()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var sourcePath = new[] { "", "Reclaims", "[0]", "PaymentCurrency" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.TakeAllValues, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null)
                             as IList;

            Assert.That(obj?.Count, Is.EqualTo(6), "Wrong item count");

            var valuesAsString = string.Join(",", obj.ToStringList());

            Assert.That(valuesAsString, Is.EqualTo("EUR,EUR,EUR,EUR,EUR,EUR"), "Wrong item data");
Beispiel #16
        public void FormatAllAsNumber__allows_zero_decimal_places()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { nameof(NumberMappingParams.DecimalPlaces), "0" },

            var sourcePath = new[] { "", "Reclaims", "[0]", "DividendRate" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.FormatAllAsNumber, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null)
                             as IList;

            Assert.That(obj?.Count, Is.EqualTo(6), "Should have selected all paths");

            Assert.That(obj?[0]?.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("12"), "Incorrect format");
Beispiel #17
        public void FormatAllAsDate__reformats_a_parsable_date()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { nameof(DateFormatMappingParams.FormatString), "ddd d MMM yyyy" }

            var sourcePath = new[] { "", "Reclaims", "[0]", "PayDate" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.FormatAllAsDate, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null)
                             as IList;

            Assert.That(obj?.Count, Is.EqualTo(6), "Should have selected all paths");

            Assert.That(obj?[0]?.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("Sat 1 Feb 2003"), "Bad date format");
Beispiel #18
        public void Distinct__picks_all_items_on_path_and_returns_only_unique_values()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var sourcePath = new[] { "", "Reclaims", "[0]", "PaymentCurrency" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.Distinct, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null)
                             as IList;

            Assert.That(obj?.Count, Is.EqualTo(1), "Wrong item count");

            var valuesAsString = string.Join(",", obj.ToStringList());

            Assert.That(valuesAsString, Is.EqualTo("EUR"), "Wrong item data");
Beispiel #19
        public void TakeAllValues__finds_all_items_deeper_in_paths()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var sourcePath = new[] { "", "Reclaims", "[0]", "Stock", "ID" }; //Note: we pick a specific item, and take-all-values looks for all `[n]` and iterates over them
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.TakeAllValues, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null)
                             as IList;

            Assert.That(obj?.Count, Is.EqualTo(6), "Wrong item count");

            var valuesAsString = string.Join(",", obj.ToStringList());

            Assert.That(valuesAsString, Is.EqualTo("Stock 1,Stock 2,Stock 3,Stock 4,Stock 5,Stock 6"), "Wrong item data");
Beispiel #20
        public void SplitIntoN__Splitting_large_data_into_small_groups()
            var splitParams = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { nameof(MaxCountMappingParams.MaxCount), "2" }
            var sourcePath     = new[] { "", "Reclaims" };
            var emptyFilterSet = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();

            var obj = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.SplitIntoN, splitParams, sourcePath, null, emptyFilterSet, SampleData.Standard, null, null);

            var actual = obj as IEnumerable;

            Assert.That(actual is null, Is.False, "Return type was not enumerable");
            var list = actual !.ToObjectList();

            Assert.That(list.Count, Is.EqualTo(3), "Wrong number of groups"); // 6 reclaims into groups of 2
Beispiel #21
        public static XmlReader Serialize(
            string testName,
            object obj,
            Encoding encoding,
            MappingActions actions)
            Stream    stm = new MemoryStream();
            XmlWriter xtw = XmlRpcXmlWriter.Create(stm, new XmlRpcFormatSettings());

            XmlRpcSerializer ser = new XmlRpcSerializer();

            ser.Serialize(xtw, obj, actions);
            stm.Position = 0;
            XmlReader rdr = XmlRpcXmlReader.Create(stm);

Beispiel #22
        public void FormatAllAsNumber__reformats_numeric_data()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { nameof(NumberMappingParams.Postfix), " =ONLY= " },
                { nameof(NumberMappingParams.Prefix), "£ " },
                { nameof(NumberMappingParams.DecimalPlaces), "2" },
                { nameof(NumberMappingParams.DecimalSeparator), "." },
                { nameof(NumberMappingParams.ThousandsSeparator), "'" },

            var sourcePath = new[] { "", "Reclaims", "[0]", "DividendRate" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.FormatAllAsNumber, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null)
                             as IList;

            Assert.That(obj?.Count, Is.EqualTo(6), "Should have selected all paths");

            Assert.That(obj?[0]?.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("£ 12.34 =ONLY= "), "Incorrect format");
Beispiel #23
        public void FixedValue__return_a_string_regardless_of_source_data()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();
            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { nameof(TextMappingParams.Text), "Hello, world" }

            // Should work with no path selected
            var sourcePath = new string[] { };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.FixedValue, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null);

            Assert.That(obj?.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("Hello, world"), "Incorrect data");

            // Should get the same result, even if a path is provided
            sourcePath = new[] { "", "Claimant", "Name" };
            obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.FixedValue, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null);

            Assert.That(obj?.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("Hello, world"), "Incorrect data");
Beispiel #24
        public void SkipWords__if_supplied_an_array_chunks_on_items()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>();

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { nameof(SkipMappingParams.Count), "4" },

            var sourcePath = new[] { "", "Reclaims" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.SkipWords, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null)
                             as IList;

            Assert.That(obj?.Count, Is.EqualTo(2), "Wrong number of items");

            var stockId = ((obj?[0] as Dictionary <string, object>)?["Stock"] as Dictionary <string, object>)?["ID"] as string;

            Assert.That(stockId, Is.EqualTo("Stock 5"), "Couldn't find stock id in returned data");

            stockId = ((obj?[1] as Dictionary <string, object>)?["Stock"] as Dictionary <string, object>)?["ID"] as string;
            Assert.That(stockId, Is.EqualTo("Stock 6"), "Couldn't find stock id in returned data");
Beispiel #25
        public void Concatenate__as_single_item_is_output_as_a_string()
            var otherFilters = new Dictionary <string, MappingInfo>
                    "arrData", new MappingInfo
                        DataPath    = new[] { "", "Reclaims", "[0]", "NumberOfShares" },
                        MappingType = MappingType.TakeAllValues
                    "oneItem", new MappingInfo
                        DataPath          = new[] { "#", "arrData" },
                        MappingParameters = new Dictionary <string, string>
                            { nameof(TakeMappingParams.Count), "1" }
                        MappingType = MappingType.TakeWords

            var filterParams = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { nameof(JoinMappingParams.Prefix), "< " },
                { nameof(JoinMappingParams.Infix), " | " },
                { nameof(JoinMappingParams.Postfix), " >" },

            var sourcePath = new[] { "#", "oneItem" };
            var obj        = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(MappingType.Concatenate, filterParams, sourcePath, null, otherFilters, SampleData.Standard, null, null);

            Assert.That(obj, Is.EqualTo("< 55 >"), "Incorrect data");
Beispiel #26
        private static void AddRepeaterPath(ICollection <DataNode> dataNodes, TemplateProject index, object sampleData, string[] repeaterPath, bool markMultiple)
            const string root = "repeater";
            // Get a "sample" from the data.
            // If it's an ArrayList, take the first item and make nodes from it.
            // If it's not an ArrayList, just make nodes from it
            // Either way, add under "Page Repeat Data" tagged:'D'
            var pageNode = new DataNode {
                Root      = root,
                Name      = "D",
                Text      = "Page Repeat Data",
                DataPath  = "D",
                BackColor = ColorLinen,
                ForeColor = ColorBrown, Depth = 0, Expanded = true

            var sample = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(
                new Dictionary <string, string>(),

            // sample should be an ArrayList.
            if (sample is ArrayList list && list.Count > 0)
                switch (list[0])
                // invalid list
                case null:
                    pageNode.Nodes.Add(new DataNode {
                        Text = "Invalid result", ForeColor = ColorRed, BackColor = ColorPink

                // each page has multiple rows
                case ArrayList page1:
                    var sampleNodes = ReadObjectRecursive(page1, "D", "XXX", root, 0, markMultiple).ToArray();
                    if (sampleNodes.Length < 1)
                        pageNode.Nodes.Add(new DataNode {
                                Text = "Sample data can't fill this repeater", ForeColor = ColorRed, BackColor = ColorPink
                        // Should be one node, with possible multiple children
                        foreach (var node in sampleNodes[0].Nodes)

                        pageNode.Expand();     // expand first node by default


                // each page has a single compound object
                case Dictionary <string, object> dict:
                    var sampleNodes = ReadObjectRecursive(dict, "D", "XXX", root, 0, markMultiple);
                    if (sampleNodes.Count != 1)
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected object result in page data ReadObjectRecursive");

                    foreach (var node in sampleNodes[0] !.Nodes)

                    pageNode.Expand();     // expand first node by default

                // single value
                    pageNode.Nodes.Add(new DataNode {
                        Text = "Invalid result", ForeColor = ColorRed, BackColor = ColorPink
Beispiel #27
        private void AddRepeaterPath(FileSystemProject project, object sampleData, string[] repeaterPath)
            // Get a "sample" from the data.
            // If it's an ArrayList, take the first item and make nodes from it.
            // If it's not an ArrayList, just make nodes from it
            // Either way, add under "Page Repeat Data" tagged:'D'
            var pageNode = new TreeNode {
                Name      = "D",
                Text      = "Page Repeat Data",
                Tag       = "D",
                BackColor = Color.Linen,
                ForeColor = Color.Brown

            var sample = MappingActions.ApplyFilter(
                new Dictionary <string, string>(),

            // sample should be an ArrayList.
            if (sample is ArrayList list && list.Count > 0)
                if (list[0] == null) // invalid list
                    pageNode.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode {
                        Text = "Invalid result", ForeColor = Color.Red, BackColor = Color.Pink
                else if (list[0] is ArrayList page1) // each page has multiple rows
                    var sampleNodes = ReadObjectRecursive(page1, "D", "XXX").ToArray();
                    if (sampleNodes.Length < 1)
                        pageNode.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode {
                            Text = "Sample data insufficient?", ForeColor = Color.Red, BackColor = Color.Pink
                        // Should be one node, with possible multiple children
                        foreach (TreeNode?node in sampleNodes[0].Nodes)
                            if (node != null)

                        pageNode.Expand(); // expand first node by default
                else if (list[0] is Dictionary <string, object> dict) // each page has a single compound object
                    var sampleNodes = ReadObjectRecursive(dict, "D", "XXX");
                    if (sampleNodes.Count != 1)
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected object result in page data ReadObjectRecursive");

                    foreach (TreeNode?node in sampleNodes[0].Nodes)
                        if (node != null)

                    pageNode.Expand(); // expand first node by default
                else // single value
                    pageNode.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode {
                        Text = "Invalid result", ForeColor = Color.Red, BackColor = Color.Pink
                    });                                                                                                        // TODO: can I handle single values here?