Beispiel #1
        //edit content
        public JsonResult edit(Content jsonObj)
            MappedContent mappedContent = graphStoryService.contentInterface.edit(jsonObj, graphstoryUserAuthValue);

            mappedContent.userNameForPost = graphstoryUserAuthValue;
            return(Json(jsonObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Beispiel #2
        public MappedContent edit(Content content, string username)
            content.tagstr = removeTrailingComma(content.tagstr);

            // splits up the comma separated string into arrays and removes any empties.
            // each tag uses MERGE and connected to the the content node thru the HAS, e.g content-[:HAS]->tag
            // remember that MERGE will create if it doesn't exist otherwise based on the properties provided
            String[] tags = content.tagstr.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            MappedContent mappedContent = _graphClient.Cypher
                                          .Match(" (c:Content {contentId:{contentId}})-[:NEXTPOST*0..]-()-[:CURRENTPOST]-(user { username: {u}}) ")
                                          .WithParams(new { u = username, contentId = content.contentId })
                                          .Set(" c.title = {title}, c.url = {url}, c.tagstr = {tagstr} ")
                                          .WithParams(new { title = content.title, url = content.url, tagstr = content.tagstr })
                                          .ForEach(" (tagName in {tags} | " +
                                                   "MERGE (t:Tag {wordPhrase:tagName})" +
                                                   " MERGE (c)-[:HAS]->(t) " +
                                                   " )")
                                          .WithParam("tags", tags)
                                          .With("user, c")
                                          .Return(() => Return.As <MappedContent>(" { contentId: c.contentId, title: c.title, url: c.url," +
                                                                                  " tagstr: c.tagstr, timestamp: c.timestamp, userNameForPost: user.username, owner: true } "))

Beispiel #3
        public MappedContent getContentItem(string contentId, string username)
            MappedContent mappedContentItem = _graphClient.Cypher
                                              .Match(" (c:Content {contentId:{contentId}})-[:NEXTPOST*0..]-()-[:CURRENTPOST]-(o:User), " +
                                                     " (u:User {username: {u} })  ")
                                              .WithParams(new { contentId = contentId, u = username })
                                              .Return(() => Return.As <MappedContent>(" { contentId: c.contentId, title: c.title, url: c.url," +
                                                                                      " tagstr: c.tagstr, timestamp: c.timestamp, userNameForPost: o.username, owner: o=u } "))

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds XML document to Solr.
        /// Maps the content to a list of Solr documents and adds them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="componentXML">XML Document containing Component Presentation</param>
        private void AddDocumentXML(XmlDocument componentXML)
            GenericStorageExtensionLogger.WriteLog(ELogLevel.DEBUG, "Entering SolrIndexManager.AddDocumentXML");

            string compXML = componentXML != null ? componentXML.InnerXml : " NULL";

            GenericStorageExtensionLogger.WriteLog(ELogLevel.DEBUG, "Component XML: " + compXML);

            MappedContent mappedContent = ContentMapper.ContentMapper.GetMappedContent(componentXML);

            AddToSolr(mappedContent.MappedDocuments, mappedContent.DeleteCriteria);

            GenericStorageExtensionLogger.WriteLog(ELogLevel.DEBUG, "Exiting SolrIndexManager.AddDocumentXML");
Beispiel #5
        public MappedContent add(Content content, string username)
            content.contentId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            content.timestamp = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;

            content.tagstr = removeTrailingComma(content.tagstr);

            // splits up the comma separated string into arrays and removes any empties.
            // each tag uses MERGE and connected to the the content node thru the HAS, e.g content-[:HAS]->tag
            // remember that MERGE will create if it doesn't exist otherwise based on the properties provided
            String[] tags = content.tagstr.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            MappedContent contentItem = _graphClient.Cypher
                                        .Match(" (user { username: {u}}) ")
                                        .WithParam("u", username)
                                        .CreateUnique(" (user)-[:CURRENTPOST]->(newLP:Content { title:{title}, url:{url}, " +
                                                      " tagstr:{tagstr}, timestamp:{timestamp}, contentId:{contentId} }) ")
                                        .WithParams(new { title  = content.title, url = content.url,
                                                          tagstr = content.tagstr, timestamp = content.timestamp, contentId = content.contentId })
                                        .With("user, newLP")
                                        .ForEach(" (tagName in {tags} | " +
                                                 "MERGE (t:Tag {wordPhrase:tagName})" +
                                                 " MERGE (newLP)-[:HAS]->(t) " +
                                                 " )")
                                        .WithParam("tags", tags)
                                        .With("user, newLP")
                                        .OptionalMatch(" (newLP)<-[:CURRENTPOST]-(user)-[oldRel:CURRENTPOST]->(oldLP)")
                                        .Delete(" oldRel ")
                                        .Create(" (newLP)-[:NEXTPOST]->(oldLP) ")
                                        .With("user, newLP")
                                        .Return(() => Return.As <MappedContent>(" { contentId: newLP.contentId, title: newLP.title, url: newLP.url," +
                                                                                " tagstr: newLP.tagstr, timestamp: newLP.timestamp, userNameForPost: {u}, owner: true } "))

Beispiel #6
        public void InitializeBase(IWebDriver objDriver)
            //LoginPage = new MdnHomePage(driver);
            //LoginPage1 = new MdnLoginPage1(driver);
            //HomePage = new MdnHomePage(driver);
            //CommonPage = new MdnCommonPage(driver);

            #region initialize old
            driver                = objDriver;
            CheckOutobj           = new CheckOut(driver);
            takeScreenhsot        = new ScreenShot(driver);
            approvalrequest       = new Approvalrequestobject(driver);
            instructors           = new Instructor(driver);
            approvalrequest       = new Approvalrequestobject(driver);
            DomainConsoleobj      = new DomainConsole(driver);
            ManageGradebookobj    = new ManageGradebook();
            Instructorsobj        = new Instructorspof();
            MyResponsibilitiesobj = new My_Responsibilities(driver);
            manageuserobj         = new ManageUsers(driver);
            objTrainingHome       = new TrainingHomes(driver);
            objCurriculum         = new CreateCurriculum(driver);
            classroomcourse       = new ClassroomCourse(driver);
            ContentSearchobj      = new ContentSearch(driver);
            objCreate             = new Create(driver);
            detailspage           = new Details(driver);

            TrainingHomeobj         = new TrainingHomes(driver);
            AdminstrationConsoleobj = new AdminstrationConsole(driver);
            Testsobj             = new Tests(driver);
            Detailsobj           = new Details(driver);
            EditSummaryobj       = new EditSummary(driver);
            Scorm1_2obj          = new Scorm1_2(driver);
            EditQuestionobj      = new EditQuestion(driver);
            EditQuestionGroupobj = new EditQuestionGroup(driver);

            AddUsrObj = new AddUsers(driver);

            generalcourseobj           = new GeneralCourse(driver);
            myteachingscheduleobj      = new MyTeachingSchedule();
            professionaldevelopmentobj = new ProfessionalDevelopments(driver);
            documentobj                = new Document(driver);
            CreateNewAccountobj        = new CreateNewAccount(driver);
            ManageUsersobj             = new ManageUsers(driver);
            Createobj                  = new Create(driver);
            summaryobj                 = new Summary(driver);
            reauiredtrainingconsoleobj = new RequiredTrainingConsoles(driver);
            requiredtrainingobj        = new RequiredTraining(driver);
            Trainingobj                = new Training(driver);
            Loginobj      = new Login(driver);
            Contentobj    = new Content(driver);
            Creditsobj    = new Credits(driver);
            AddContentobj = new AddContent(driver);
            Summaryobj    = new Summary(driver);
            ScheduleAndManageSectionobj = new ScheduleAndManageSection(driver);
            SearchResultsobj            = new SearchResults(driver);
            CourseSectionobj            = new CreateNewCourseSectionAndEventPage(driver);
            Transcriptsobj              = new Transcripts(driver);
            Productsobj                 = new Products(driver);
            BrowseTrainingCatalogobj    = new BrowseTrainingCatalog(driver);
            ShoppingCartsobj            = new ShoppingCarts(driver);
            ProfessionalDevelopmentsobj = new ProfessionalDevelopments(driver);
            Createnewproficencyscaleobj = new Createnewproficencyscale(driver);
            Createnewcompetencyobj      = new Createnewcompetency(driver);
            CreateNewSucessProfileobj   = new CreateNewSucessProfile(driver);
            SucessProfileobj            = new SucessProfile(driver);
            Searchobj             = new Search(driver);
            TrainingActivitiesobj = new TrainingActivities(driver);
            ProfessionalDevelopments_learnerobj = new ProfessionalDevelopments_learner(driver);
            Organizationobj             = new Organization(driver);
            DevelopmentPlansobj         = new DevelopmentPlans(driver);
            AddDevelopmentActivitiesobj = new AddDevelopmentActivities(driver);
            MyAccountobj            = new MyAccount(driver);
            UsersUtilobj            = new UsersUtil(driver);
            MyCalendersobj          = new MyCalenders(driver);
            MyReportsobj            = new MyReports(driver);
            Config_Reportsobj       = new Config_Reports(driver);
            ConfigurationConsoleobj = new ConfigurationConsole(driver);
            ApprovalPathobj         = new ApprovalPath(driver);
            MyMessageobj            = new MyMessages(driver);
            MessageUtilobj          = new MessageUtil(driver);
            MyRequestsobj           = new MyRequests(driver);
            Blogsobj = new Blogs(driver);
            CollabarationSpacesobj = new CollabarationSpaces(driver);
            Faqsobj                     = new Faqs(driver);
            HomePageFeedobj             = new HomePageFeed(driver);
            ProductTypesobj             = new ProductTypes(driver);
            Surveysobj                  = new Surveys(driver);
            SurveyScalesobj             = new SurveyScales(driver);
            AuditingConsolesobj         = new AuditingConsoles(driver);
            Categoryobj                 = new Category(driver);
            Trainingsobj                = new Trainings(driver);
            VirtualMeetingsobj          = new VirtualMeetings(driver);
            CreditTypeobj               = new CreditType(driver);
            AssignedUserobj             = new AssignedUser(driver);
            AddUsersobj                 = new AddUsers(driver);
            CustomFieldobj              = new CustomField(driver);
            CreateNewCustomFieldobj     = new CreateNewCustomField(driver);
            EditFieldobj                = new EditField(driver);
            EducationLevelobj           = new EducationLevel(driver);
            EditOrganizationobj         = new EditOrganization(driver);
            SelectManagerobj            = new SelectManager(driver);
            Roleobj                     = new Role(driver);
            SelectTrainingPOCobj        = new SelectTrainingPOC(driver);
            Complexobj                  = new Complex(driver);
            AccountCodesobj             = new AccountCodes(driver);
            AccountCodeTypesobj         = new AccountCodeTypes(driver);
            DiscountCodesobj            = new DiscountCodes(driver);
            ManageTaxRatesobj           = new ManageTaxRates(driver);
            TaxItemCategoriesobj        = new TaxItemCategories(driver);
            Certificatesobj             = new Certificates(driver);
            CourseProvidersobj          = new CourseProviders(driver);
            ExternalLearningsobj        = new ExternalLearnings(driver);
            ExternalLearningConsolesobj = new ExternalLearningConsoles(driver);
            ExternalLearningtypesobj    = new ExternalLearningtypes(driver);
            RequiredTrainingConsolesobj = new RequiredTrainingConsoles(driver);
            SelectProfileobj            = new SelectProfile(driver);
            TrainingProfilesobj         = new TrainingProfiles(driver);
            EditTrainingProfileobj      = new EditTrainingProfile(driver);
            MergeUsersobj               = new MergeUsers(driver);
            UserGroupobj                = new UserGroup(driver);
            SelectCertificateobj        = new SelectCertificate(driver);
            ManageProficencyScaleobj    = new ManageProficencyScale(driver);
            ArchivedProficencyScaleobj  = new ArchivedProficencyScale(driver);
            MappedContentobj            = new MappedContent(driver);
            MappedCompetencyobj         = new MappedCompetency(driver);
            ManageSuccessProfileobj     = new ManageSuccessProfile(driver);
            FAQ_lobj                    = new FAQ_l(driver);
            Announcements_lobj          = new Announcements_l(driver);
            JobTitlesobj                = new JobTitles(driver);
            ManageJobTitleobj           = new ManageJobTitle(driver);
            ManagePricingScheduleobj    = new ManagePricingSchedule(driver);
            ExternalLearningSearchobj   = new ExternalLearningSearch(driver);
            urlobj              = new url(driver);
            skinobj             = new skin(driver);
            MyOwnLearningobj    = new MyOwnLearningUtils(driver);
            CurrentTrainingsobj = new CurrentTrainings(driver);
            scormobj            = new Scorm12(driver);
            aicccourse          = new AICC(driver);
            ojtcourse           = new OJT(driver);
            TrainingCatalogobj  = new TrainingCatalogUtil(driver);
            accesskeys          = new AccessKeys(driver);