Beispiel #1
    public static ScriptTextEvent Parse(string[] parts)
        var textId   = ushort.Parse(parts[1]);
        var location = parts.Length > 2 ? (TextLocation)Enum.Parse(typeof(TextLocation), parts[2]) : TextLocation.NoPortrait;

        if (parts.Length <= 3)
            return(new ScriptTextEvent(textId, location, CharacterId.None));

        if (int.TryParse(parts[3], out var id))
            if (id <= 0)
                return(new ScriptTextEvent(textId, location, CharacterId.None));

            var type = MapTextEvent.AssetTypeForTextLocation(location);
            return(new ScriptTextEvent(textId, location, new CharacterId(type, id)));

        var charId = CharacterId.Parse(parts[3]);

        return(new ScriptTextEvent(textId, location, charId));
    bool OnBaseTextEvent(MapTextEvent mapTextEvent, Action continuation)
        var conversationResult = _conversation?.OnText(mapTextEvent, continuation);

        if (conversationResult.HasValue)

        var tf = Resolve <ITextFormatter>();

        switch (mapTextEvent.Location)
        case TextLocation.NoPortrait:
            var dialog = AttachChild(new TextDialog(tf.Format(mapTextEvent.ToId())));
            dialog.Closed += (_, _) => continuation();

        case TextLocation.PortraitLeft:
        case TextLocation.PortraitLeft2:
        case TextLocation.PortraitLeft3:
            var portraitId = GetPortrait(mapTextEvent.Speaker);
            var text       = tf.Ink(FontColor.Yellow).Format(mapTextEvent.ToId());
            var dialog     = AttachChild(new TextDialog(text, portraitId));
            dialog.Closed += (_, _) => continuation();

        case TextLocation.QuickInfo:
            Raise(new DescriptionTextEvent(tf.Format(mapTextEvent.ToId())));

        case TextLocation.Conversation:
        case TextLocation.ConversationQuery:
        case TextLocation.ConversationOptions:
        case TextLocation.StandardOptions:
            break;     // Handled by Conversation

            Raise(new DescriptionTextEvent(tf.Format(mapTextEvent.ToId())));     // TODO:

Beispiel #3
    public ScriptTextEvent(ushort textId, TextLocation location, CharacterId characterId)
        TextId   = textId;
        Location = location;

        var expectedType = MapTextEvent.AssetTypeForTextLocation(location);

        if (characterId.Type != expectedType && !characterId.IsNone)
            throw new FormatException(
                      "Tried to construct a text event with location " +
                      $"{location} and a character id of type {characterId.Type}, but a {expectedType} was expected");

        Speaker = characterId;
    bool OnTextEvent(ScriptTextEvent e, Action continuation)
        var textEvent = new MapTextEvent(ContextTextSource, e.TextId, e.Location, e.Speaker);

        return(OnBaseTextEvent(textEvent, continuation));
    bool OnPartyMemberTextEvent(PartyMemberTextEvent e, Action continuation)
        var textEvent = new MapTextEvent(ContextTextSource, e.TextId, TextLocation.PortraitLeft, e.MemberId);

        return(OnBaseTextEvent(textEvent, continuation));
    bool OnNpcTextEvent(NpcTextEvent e, Action continuation)
        var textEvent = new MapTextEvent(ContextTextSource, e.TextId, TextLocation.PortraitLeft2, e.NpcId);

        return(OnBaseTextEvent(textEvent, continuation));
Beispiel #7
    public static IMapEvent SerdesEvent(IMapEvent e, ISerializer s, AssetId chainSource, TextId textSourceId, AssetMapping mapping)
        if (s == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(s));
        var initialPosition = s.Offset;

        var type = s.EnumU8("Type", e?.EventType ?? MapEventType.UnkFf);

        e = type switch // Individual parsers handle byte range [1,9]
            MapEventType.Action => ActionEvent.Serdes((ActionEvent)e, mapping, s),
            MapEventType.AskSurrender => AskSurrenderEvent.Serdes((AskSurrenderEvent)e, s),
            MapEventType.ChangeIcon => ChangeIconEvent.Serdes((ChangeIconEvent)e, mapping, s),
            MapEventType.ChangeUsedItem => ChangeUsedItemEvent.Serdes((ChangeUsedItemEvent)e, mapping, s),
            MapEventType.Chest => ChestEvent.Serdes((ChestEvent)e, mapping, s, textSourceId),
            MapEventType.CloneAutomap => CloneAutomapEvent.Serdes((CloneAutomapEvent)e, mapping, s),
            MapEventType.CreateTransport => CreateTransportEvent.Serdes((CreateTransportEvent)e, s),
            MapEventType.DataChange => DataChangeEvent.Serdes((DataChangeEvent)e, mapping, s),
            MapEventType.Door => DoorEvent.Serdes((DoorEvent)e, mapping, s, textSourceId),
            MapEventType.Encounter => EncounterEvent.Serdes((EncounterEvent)e, s),
            MapEventType.EndDialogue => EndDialogueEvent.Serdes((EndDialogueEvent)e, s),
            MapEventType.Execute => ExecuteEvent.Serdes((ExecuteEvent)e, s),
            MapEventType.MapExit => TeleportEvent.Serdes((TeleportEvent)e, mapping, s),
            MapEventType.Modify => ModifyEvent.BaseSerdes((ModifyEvent)e, mapping, chainSource, s),
            MapEventType.Offset => OffsetEvent.Serdes((OffsetEvent)e, s),
            MapEventType.Pause => PauseEvent.Serdes((PauseEvent)e, s),
            MapEventType.PlaceAction => PlaceActionEvent.Serdes((PlaceActionEvent)e, s),
            MapEventType.PlayAnimation => PlayAnimationEvent.Serdes((PlayAnimationEvent)e, mapping, s),
            MapEventType.Query => QueryEvent.Serdes((QueryEvent)e, mapping, s, textSourceId),
            MapEventType.RemovePartyMember => RemovePartyMemberEvent.Serdes((RemovePartyMemberEvent)e, mapping, s),
            MapEventType.Script => DoScriptEvent.Serdes((DoScriptEvent)e, mapping, s),
            MapEventType.Signal => SignalEvent.Serdes((SignalEvent)e, s),
            MapEventType.SimpleChest => SimpleChestEvent.Serdes((SimpleChestEvent)e, mapping, s),
            MapEventType.Sound => SoundEvent.Serdes((SoundEvent)e, mapping, s),
            MapEventType.Spinner => SpinnerEvent.Serdes((SpinnerEvent)e, s),
            MapEventType.StartDialogue => StartDialogueEvent.Serdes((StartDialogueEvent)e, mapping, s),
            MapEventType.Text => MapTextEvent.Serdes((MapTextEvent)e, mapping, s, textSourceId),
            MapEventType.Trap => TrapEvent.Serdes((TrapEvent)e, s),
            MapEventType.Wipe => WipeEvent.Serdes((WipeEvent)e, s),
            _ => DummyMapEvent.Serdes((DummyMapEvent)e, s, type)
        if (e is IBranchingEvent)
            s.Assert(s.Offset - initialPosition == 8, "Query events should always be 8 bytes");
            s.Assert(s.Offset - initialPosition == 10, "Non-query map events should always be 10 bytes");

/* ==  Binary Serialisable Event types: ==
 * 1 Teleport (teleport 300 32 75)
 * 2 Door     (open_door ...)
 * 3 Chest    (open_chest ...)
 * 4 Text     (map_text 100)
 * 5 Spinner  (spinner ...)
 * 6 Trap     (trap ...)
 * 7 ChangeUsedItem (change_used_item ...)
 * 8 DataChange (further subdivided by operation: min,max,?,set,add,sub,add%,sub%)
 *   0 Unk0 (TODO)
 *   2 Health     (party[Tom].health += 20%)
 *   3 Mana       (party[Sira].mana -= 5)
 *   5 Status     (party[Rainer].status[Poisoned] = max)
 *   7 Language   (party[Tom].language[Iskai] = max)
 *   8 Experience (party[Drirr].experience += 2000)
 *   B UnkB (TODO)
 *   C UnkC (TODO)
 *  13 Item (party[Tom].items[LughsShield] = 1)
 *  14 Gold (party[Joe].gold += 12)
 *  15 Food (party[Siobhan].food -= 10%)
 * 9 ChangeIcon (scope: rel vs abs, temp vs perm)
 *  0 Underlay    (map.tempUnderlay[23,12] = 47)
 *  1 Overlay     (map.permOverlay[+0,-3] = 1231)
 *  2 Wall        (map.tempWall[10, 10] = 7)
 *  3 Floor       (map.permFloor[64, 64] = 1)
 *  4 Ceiling     (map.permCeiling[12, 24] = 7)
 *  5 NpcMovement (npc[12].permMovement = 3)
 *  6 NpcSprite   (npc[5].tempSprite = 14)
 *  7 Chain       (map.tempChain[10, 10] = 15)
 *  8 BlockHard   (block_hard ...)
 *  9 BlockSoft   (block_soft ...)
 *  A Trigger     (map.tempTrigger[96, 7] = Normal)
 * A Encounter (encounter ...)
 * B PlaceAction
 *   0 LearnCloseCombat
 *   1 Heal
 *   2 Cure
 *   3 RemoveCurse
 *   4 AskOpinion
 *   5 RestoreItemEnergy
 *   6 SleepInRoom
 *   7 Merchant
 *   8 OrderFood
 *   9 ScrollMerchant
 *   B LearnSpells
 *   C RepairItem
 * C Query (further subdivided by operation: NZ, <=, !=, ==, >=, >, <)
 *   0 Switch (switch[100]), (!switch[203]), (switch[KhunagMentionedSecretPassage])
 *   1 Unk1
 *   4 Unk4
 *   5 HasPartyMember (party[Tom].isPresent)
 *   6 HasItem        (!party.hasItem[Axe])
 *   7 UsedItem       (context.usedItem == Pick)
 *   9 PreviousActionResult (context.result)
 *   A ScriptDebugMode      (context.isDebug)
 *   C UnkC
 *   E NpcActive      (npc[16].isActive)
 *   F Gold           ( > 100)
 *  11 RandomChance   (random(50))
 *  12 Unk12
 *  14 ChosenVerb     (context.verb == Examine)
 *  15 Conscious      (party[Tom].isConscious)
 *  1A Leader         (party[Rainer].isLeader)
 *  1C Ticker         (ticker[50] > 12)
 *  1D Map            ( == Drinno3)
 *  1E Unk1E
 *  1F PromptPlayer   (askYesNo(100))
 *  19 Unk19
 *  20 TriggerType    (context.trigger == UseItem)
 *  21 Unk21
 *  22 EventUsed      (context.event[108].hasRun)
 *  23 DemoVersion    (context.isDemo)
 *  29 Unk29
 *  2A Unk2A
 *  2B PromptPlayerNumeric (askNumeric() = 1042)
 * D Modify
 *   0 Switch            (switch[125] = 1)
 *   1 DisableEventChain (map[CantosHouse].chain[120] = 0)
 *   2 Unk2
 *   4 NpcActive         (set_npc_active ...)
 *   5 AddPartyMember    (add_party_member ...)
 *   6 InventoryItem     (party.item[Knife] += 3)
 *   B Lighting          ( = 5) ??
 *   F PartyGold         ( = min)
 *  10 PartyRations      (party.rations += 12)
 *  12 Time              (context.time += 6)
 *  1A Leader            (party.leader = Tom)
 *  1C Ticker            (ticker[93] = 108)
 * E Action (action ...)
 *   0 Word
 *   1 AskAboutItem
 *   2 Unk2 // Pay money? See ES156 (Garris, Gratogel sailor)
 *   4 Unk4
 *   5 Unk5
 *   6 StartDialogue
 *   7 FinishDialogue
 *   8 DialogueLine
 *   9 Unk9
 *   E Unk14
 *  17 Unk23
 *  2D Unk45
 *  2E UseItem
 *  2F EquipItem
 *  30 UnequipItem
 *  36 PickupItem
 *  39 Unk57
 *  3D Unk61
 * F Signal            (signal ...)
 * 10 CloneAutomap      (clone_automap ...)
 * 11 Sound             (sound ...)
 * 12 StartDialogue     (start_dialogue ...)
 * 13 CreateTransport   (???)
 * 14 Execute           (execute)
 * 15 RemovePartyMember (remove_party_member ...)
 * 16 EndDialogue       (end_dialogue)
 * 17 Wipe              (wipe ...)
 * 18 PlayAnimation     (play_anim ...)
 * 19 Offset            (offset 0 0)
 * 1A Pause             (pause 3)
 * 1B SimpleChest       (simple_chest ...)
 * 1C AskSurrender      (ask_surrender)
 * 1D Script            (script 15)
 * FF UnkFF