public async Task UpdateMapPopularity(MapPopularityDto mapPopularityDto)
            var mapPopularityEntity = new MapPopularityEntity(mapPopularityDto);

            var operation = TableOperation.InsertOrMerge(mapPopularityEntity);
            await _mapPopularityTable.ExecuteAsync(operation);
        public async Task <MapPopularityDto> GetMapPopularity(GameType gameType, string mapName)
            var tableOperation = TableOperation.Retrieve <MapPopularityEntity>(gameType.ToString(), mapName);
            var result         = await _mapPopularityTable.ExecuteAsync(tableOperation);

            if (result.HttpStatusCode == 404)

            var mapPopularity = (MapPopularityEntity)result.Result;

            var mapPopularityDto = new MapPopularityDto
                GameType = gameType,
                MapName  = mapPopularity.RowKey,
                MapVotes = mapPopularity.MapVotes

Beispiel #3
        public override async Task HandleChatMessage(Guid serverId, string name, string guid, string message, ChatType chatType)
            if (!IsMatchingCommand(message))

            var server = await _gameServersRepository.GetGameServer(serverId);

            var gameServerStatus = await _gameServerStatusRepository.GetStatus(serverId, TimeSpan.Zero);

            if (gameServerStatus == null)
                _logger.LogWarning("Could not process !like for {name} as the game server status is null for {serverId}", name, serverId);

            var statusPlayer = gameServerStatus.Players.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Guid == guid);

            if (statusPlayer == null)
                _logger.LogWarning("Could not process !like for {name} as the status player is null for {guid}", name, guid);

            var databasePlayer = await _playersRepository.GetPlayer(gameServerStatus.GameType, guid);

            if (databasePlayer == null)
                _logger.LogWarning("Could not process !like for {name} as player is null for {guid}", name, guid);

            var rconClient = _rconClientFactory.CreateInstance(server.GameType, server.ServerId, server.Hostname, server.QueryPort, server.RconPassword);
            var like       = !message.ToLower().Contains("!dislike");

            var mapPopularityDto = await _mapPopularityRepository.GetMapPopularity(gameServerStatus.GameType, gameServerStatus.Map);

            if (mapPopularityDto == null)
                mapPopularityDto = new MapPopularityDto
                    GameType = gameServerStatus.GameType,
                    MapName  = gameServerStatus.Map,
                    MapVotes = new List <MapPopularityVoteDto>
                        new MapPopularityVoteDto
                            ServerId    = gameServerStatus.ServerId,
                            ServerName  = gameServerStatus.ServerName,
                            PlayerId    = databasePlayer.PlayerId,
                            PlayerName  = name,
                            ModName     = gameServerStatus.Mod,
                            PlayerCount = gameServerStatus.PlayerCount,
                            Updated     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            Like        = like

                await _mapPopularityRepository.UpdateMapPopularity(mapPopularityDto);
                var existing = mapPopularityDto.MapVotes.SingleOrDefault(mp => mp.PlayerId == databasePlayer.PlayerId && mp.ModName == gameServerStatus.Mod && mp.ServerId == gameServerStatus.ServerId);
                if (existing == null)
                    mapPopularityDto.MapVotes.Add(new MapPopularityVoteDto
                        ServerId    = gameServerStatus.ServerId,
                        ServerName  = gameServerStatus.ServerName,
                        PlayerId    = databasePlayer.PlayerId,
                        PlayerName  = name,
                        ModName     = gameServerStatus.Mod,
                        PlayerCount = gameServerStatus.PlayerCount,
                        Updated     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Like        = like

                    await _mapPopularityRepository.UpdateMapPopularity(mapPopularityDto);
                    existing.Updated = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    existing.Like    = like;

                    await _mapPopularityRepository.UpdateMapPopularity(mapPopularityDto);

            var globalMessage = $"^6{name} ^2likes ^6this map - thanks for the feedback!";

            if (!like)
                globalMessage = $"^6{name} ^1dislikes ^6this map - thanks for the feedback!";

            var totalLikes    = mapPopularityDto.MapVotes.Count(mv => mv.ServerId == gameServerStatus.ServerId && mv.ModName == gameServerStatus.Mod && mv.Like);
            var totalDislikes = mapPopularityDto.MapVotes.Count(mv => mv.ServerId == gameServerStatus.ServerId && mv.ModName == gameServerStatus.Mod && mv.Like == false);

            var overall = $"^6Overall there are ^2{totalLikes} likes ^6and ^1{totalDislikes} dislikes ^6for this map";

            await rconClient.Say(globalMessage);

            await rconClient.Say(overall);
 public MapPopularityEntity(MapPopularityDto model)
     RowKey       = model.MapName;
     PartitionKey = model.GameType.ToString();
     MapVotes     = model.MapVotes;