Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// create a user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="email"></param>
        /// <param name="pass"></param>
        /// <param name="destroy">Whether or not a user should be destroyed if exists. If false and user exists no user destroy/recreation happens</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <MapHiveUser> CreateUserInternalAsync(string email, string pass, bool destroy)
            //when creating org, need a user and if it exists, need to clean it up
            var user = await _db.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.Email == email);

            if (user != null && destroy)
                await user.ForceDestroyAsync <MapHiveUser>(_db, user.Uuid);

            if (user == null || destroy)
                //recreate user
                user = new MapHiveUser
                    Email             = email,
                    IsAccountVerified = true

                //recreate user
                IDictionary <string, object> op = null;
                user.UserCreated += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                    op = eventArgs.OperationFeedback;

                await user.CreateAsync(_db);

                var userManager = MapHive.Core.Identity.UserManagerUtils.GetUserManager();
                var idUser      = await userManager.FindByEmailAsync(email);

                //once user is created, need to perform an update in order to set it as valid
                var confirmEmailToken = await userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(idUser);

                await userManager.ConfirmEmailAsync(idUser, confirmEmailToken);

                //also apply pass!
                await Auth.ForceResetPasswordAsync(idUser.Id, pass);

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Standardises user creation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbCtx"></param>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        /// <param name="emailStuff"></param>
        /// <param name="redirectUrl"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <MapHiveUser> CreateUser(DbContext dbCtx, MapHiveUser user,
                                                          Tuple <IEmailAccount, IEmailTemplate> emailStuff, string redirectUrl)
            //Note: there are 2 options to send emails when creation a user account:
            //1. listen to UserCreated evt on the User object and then process email manually
            //2. grab the appropriate email template and email account, potentially adjust some email template tokens prior to creating a user and pass both sender account and email template to a user creation procedure

            //In this scenario a second approach is used

            //initial email template customisation:
            var replacementData = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "UserName", $"{user.GetFullUserName()} ({user.Email})" },
                { "Email", user.Email },
                { "RedirectUrl", redirectUrl }


            return(await user.CreateAsync(dbCtx, CustomUserAccountService.GetInstance("MapHiveMbr"), emailStuff?.Item1, emailStuff?.Item2));
Beispiel #3
        protected virtual async Task Handle_AddUser(Dictionary <string, string> args)
            var cmd = GetCallerName();

            if (GetHelp(args))
                Console.WriteLine($"'{cmd}' : adds a user to the system");
                Console.WriteLine($"syntax: {cmd} space separated params: ");
                Console.WriteLine("\t[s:slug] user's slug");
                Console.WriteLine("\t[o:{presence}] whether or not user is an org user");
                Console.WriteLine($"example: {cmd} e:[email protected] p:test");

            var email     = ExtractParam("e", args);
            var pass      = ExtractParam("p", args);
            var slug      = ExtractParam("s", args);
            var isOrgUser = ContainsParam("o", args);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(pass))
                ConsoleEx.WriteErr("User name and pass cannot be empty!");

            ConsoleEx.WriteLine($"Creating user: '******' with the following pass: '******'; user is org user: {isOrgUser}; slug: {slug}", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);

            //need a valid user to create a Core.Base object

            var user = new MapHiveUser
                Email     = email,
                Slug      = slug,
                IsOrgUser = isOrgUser

            //Note: db context uses a connection defined in app cfg.
            //TODO - make it somewhat dynamic!
                //destroy a previous account if any
                await DestroyUser <MapHiveUser>(email, new MapHiveDbContext("MapHiveMeta"), CustomUserAccountService.GetInstance("MapHiveMbr"));

                IDictionary <string, object> op = null;
                user.UserCreated += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                    op = eventArgs.OperationFeedback;

                await user.CreateAsync(new MapHiveDbContext("MapHiveMeta"), CustomUserAccountService.GetInstance("MapHiveMbr"));

                //once user is created, need to perform an update in order to set it as valid
                user.IsAccountVerified = true;
                await user.UpdateAsync(new MapHiveDbContext("MapHiveMeta"), CustomUserAccountService.GetInstance("MapHiveMbr"), user.Uuid);

                //and also need to change the pass as the default procedure autogenerates a pass
                .ChangePassword(user.Uuid, (string)op["InitialPassword"], pass);

                ConsoleEx.WriteOk($"User '{email}' with the following pass: '******' has been created.");
            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads config details for a specified user characteristics - user uuid, token, etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbctx"></param>
        /// <param name="q"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <UserConfiguration> GetAsync <TDbCtx>(
            TDbCtx dbctx, UserConfigurationQuery q
            where TDbCtx : MapHiveDbContext, new()
            if (q == null)

            var dbCtx = new TDbCtx();

            //check if user is known
            MapHiveUser user = null;

            if (q.UserId.HasValue)
                user = await new DataModel.MapHiveUser().ReadAsync(dbCtx, q.UserId.Value);

            Token token = null;

            if (q.TokenId.HasValue)
                token = await new DataModel.Token().ReadAsync(dbCtx, q.TokenId.Value, detached: true);

            IEnumerable <Organization> orgs = null;

            if (user != null)
                //grab user orgs
                //FIXME - need to enable passing all the org assets here to - packages, apps, mods, data sources; see below for details
                orgs = await MapHiveUser.GetUserOrganizationsAsync(dbCtx, q.UserId.Value, (q.AppNames ?? string.Empty).Split(','));

            //Note: not likely to have both - user and token auth but in a case this is true, pull an org for token regardless the fact a user
            //may already have been 'served' above
            if (token != null)

                var tokenOrg = dbCtx.Organizations.FirstOrDefault(org => org.Uuid == token.OrganizationId);

                if (tokenOrg != null)
                    var tmpOrgs = orgs?.ToList() ?? new List <Organization>();

                    //get an app token grants access too
                    tokenOrg.Applications = await token.GetApplicationsAsync(dbCtx);

                    orgs = tmpOrgs;

                //also check if this is a master token and if the org for which to extract stuff has been provided explicitly!
                if (token.IsMaster && q.OrganizationId.HasValue)
                    //try to grab an org
                    var explicitlyRequestedTokenOrg = await dbCtx.Organizations.FirstOrDefaultAsync(o => o.Uuid == q.OrganizationId);

                    if (explicitlyRequestedTokenOrg != null)
                        var tmpOrgs = orgs?.ToList() ?? new List <Organization>();

                        explicitlyRequestedTokenOrg.Applications = (await explicitlyRequestedTokenOrg.GetOrganizationAssetsAsync <Application>(dbCtx))?.assets.ToList();

                        //explicitlyRequestedTokenOrg.Modules = (await explicitlyRequestedTokenOrg.GetOrganizationAssetsAsync<Module>(dbCtx)).Item1.ToList();

                        ////and data sources
                        //explicitlyRequestedTokenOrg.DataSources = (await explicitlyRequestedTokenOrg.GetOrganizationAssetsAsync<DataSource>(dbCtx)).Item1.ToList();

                        explicitlyRequestedTokenOrg.Owners = (await explicitlyRequestedTokenOrg.GetOwnersAsync(dbCtx)).ToList();
                        explicitlyRequestedTokenOrg.Admins = (await explicitlyRequestedTokenOrg.GetAdminsAsync(dbCtx)).ToList();

                        await explicitlyRequestedTokenOrg.ReadLicenseOptionsAsync(dbCtx);

                        await explicitlyRequestedTokenOrg.LoadDatabasesAsync(dbCtx);

                        orgs = tmpOrgs;

            //TODO - read asset links, packages and modules, so there is no need in re-reading them all over again! This will require some org assets related api changes
            //FIXME - so basically will need to improve the asset reading ;)

            foreach (var org in orgs ?? new Organization[0])
                //what we're interested in here are:
                //modules and data sources

                //Note: if there is an org present it should have the access to a specified app...
                //unless the app has not been specified... then all orgs a user is assigned to are returned.

                //GetUserOrganizations already reads requested apps to orgs, so there is no need to re-pull them here!
                //Same applies to token - when read it also reads the app
                //org.Applications = (await org.GetLinkedAssetsAsync<Application>(dbCtx)).ToList();

                //org.Modules = (await org.GetOrganizationAssetsAsync<Module>(dbCtx)).Item1.ToList();

                ////and data sources
                //org.DataSources = (await org.GetOrganizationAssetsAsync<DataSource>(dbCtx)).Item1.ToList();

                org.Owners = (await org.GetOwnersAsync(dbCtx)).ToList();
                org.Admins = (await org.GetAdminsAsync(dbCtx)).ToList();

                org.Roles = (await org.GetOrgRolesAsync(dbCtx)).ToList();

                await org.ReadLicenseOptionsAsync(dbCtx);

                await org.LoadDatabasesAsync(dbCtx);
            //FIXME - same as above - make it possible to pass a list of org assets here

            //read user access to orgs / apps
            //this gathers info on user apps access for each org the user is assigned to
            if (user != null)
                //user must be present as without one there is no app access really
                //Note: basically tokens grant direct access rights to apis and apis handle permissions on their own.
                foreach (var o in orgs ?? new Organization[0])
                    foreach (var a in o.Applications)
                        a.OrgUserAppAccessCredentials = await o.GetUserAppAccessCredentialsAsync(dbCtx, user, a);

                        //reset some properties to avoid circular refs when serializing; and to minimize payload too
                        a.OrgUserAppAccessCredentials.User         = null;
                        a.OrgUserAppAccessCredentials.Application  = null;
                        a.OrgUserAppAccessCredentials.Organization = null;

            var userCfg = new UserConfiguration
                User  = user,
                Orgs  = orgs?.ToList(),
                Token = token

            //make sure do encrypt the dbs - this is sensitive shit after all

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a maphive user account
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="email"></param>
        /// <param name="pass"></param>
        /// /// <param name="slug"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected async Task <MapHiveUser> CreateUserAsync(string email, string pass, string slug)
            var user = new MapHiveUser
                Email = email,
                Slug  = slug

            ConsoleEx.WriteLine($"Creating user: '******' with the following pass: '******'; slug: {user.GetSlug()}", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);

            if (RemoteMode)
                user = await CreateUserRemoteAsync(email, pass, slug, true);
                //need a valid user to create a Core.Base object

                //Note: db context uses a connection defined in app cfg.
                //TODO - make it somewhat dynamic!
                    //destroy a previous account if any
                    using (var dbCtx = GetMapHiveDbContext())
                        await DestroyUserAsync <MapHiveUser>(email, dbCtx);

                        IDictionary <string, object> op = null;
                        user.UserCreated += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                            op = eventArgs.OperationFeedback;

                        await user.CreateAsync(dbCtx);

                        //and also need to change the pass as the default procedure autogenerates a pass
                        var userManager = MapHive.Core.Identity.UserManagerUtils.GetUserManager();
                        var idUser      = await userManager.FindByEmailAsync(email);

                        await userManager.ChangePasswordAsync(idUser, (string)op["InitialPassword"], pass);

                        //once user is created, need to perform an update in order to set it as valid
                        user.IsAccountVerified = true;
                        await user.UpdateAsync(dbCtx, user.Uuid);
                catch (Exception ex)

            ConsoleEx.WriteOk($"User '{email}' with the following pass: '******' has been created.");
