Beispiel #1
        private void treeView2_dat_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
            var node = e.Node;

            if (node == null || !(node.Tag is Tuple <string, string, int>))
            var info = node.Tag as Tuple <string, string, int>;

            var temp = AtumZip.ZippedFile.UnzipItems( + info.Item1);

            using (var tempstream = new MemoryStream(temp[0].Data))
                _DatData = MapFormatter.Read(tempstream);

            if (info.Item2 == "base")
                string temp5 = info.Item1;
                temp5             = temp5.Remove(temp5.Length - 4, 4);
                pictureBox2.Image = new Bitmap(PaintStuff.GetMapImage( + temp5 + ".map"), new Size(512, 512));
                PictureBox cc = new PictureBox();
                cc.Width  = pictureBox2.Width;
                cc.Height = pictureBox2.Height;
                Bitmap   crap = (Bitmap)pictureBox2.Image;
                Graphics g    = Graphics.FromImage(crap);
                Bitmap   ttt  = PaintStuff.GetWaterImage(_DatData);
                // g.DrawImage(ttt, 0, 0, 512, 512);
                SolidBrush sb = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);
                g.FillEllipse(sb, 20, 20, 20, 20);
                g.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Red), 20, 20, 20, 20);

            switch (info.Item2)
            case "mapdata":

                var tempdt = MapFormatter.GetFormatter(0).GetSchema();
                tempdt.Rows.Add(_DatData[0] as object[]);
                dataGridView3.DataSource = tempdt;

                // dataGridView3.DataSource = MapFormatter.GetFormatter(0).GetSchema(new object[] { (_DatData[0] as object[] });


            case "vertexinfo":
                dataGridView3.DataSource = MapFormatter.GetFormatter(1).GetSchema(_DatData[1] as object[][]);

            case "tileinfo":
                dataGridView3.DataSource = MapFormatter.GetFormatter(2).GetSchema(_DatData[2] as object[][]);

            case "objectinfo":
                dataGridView3.DataSource = MapFormatter.GetFormatter(3).GetSchema(_DatData[3] as object[][]);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates an array of map ideces and monster unique numbers
        /// from dat and sma files. 2017-01-05 panoskj
        /// </summary>
        public static object[] SomeQuery()
            var dats = Directory.GetFiles(@"..\..\..\map", "*.dat");
            var smas = Directory.GetFiles(@"..\..\..\map", "*.sma");

            // data from map config
            var mapcfg = GetMapConfig(@"..\..\..\config\map.cfg").
                         ToDictionary(x => x.Item1, x => new Tuple <int, int>(x.Item2, x.Item3));

            // reads a dat file
            Func <string, Tuple <int, object> > readDat = (s) =>
                int idx = int.Parse(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(s));

                using (AtumZip.ZippedFile zpf = File.OpenRead(s))

                    return(new Tuple <int, object>(idx, MapFormatter.Read(zpf.At(0))));

            // reads a sma file
            Func <string, Tuple <int, object> > readSma = (s) =>
                int idx = int.Parse(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(s));

                using (var src = File.OpenRead(s))

                    if (mapcfg.ContainsKey(idx) && mapcfg[idx].Item1 == mapcfg[idx].Item2)
                        return(new Tuple <int, object>(idx,
                                                       SmaFormatter.Read(src, (uint)mapcfg[idx].Item1)));


            // collects all tables containing spawn information
            var datmondata = dats.Select(x => readDat(x)).Where(x => x != null).
                             Select(x => new { Index = x.Item1, Data = (x.Item2 as object[])[3] as object[][] });

            // collects all tables containing spawn information
            var smamondata = smas.Select(x => readSma(x)).Where(x => x != null).
                             Select(x => new { Index = x.Item1, Data = (x.Item2 as object[])[2] as object[][] });

            // indeces for later use
            var idx1 = MapFormatter.GetIndex("objectinfo", "ObjectMonsterUniqueNumber");
            var idx2 = SmaFormatter.GetIndex("monsterinfo", "Monster Num");

            // from each object spawn row of each collected table
            // select the map index and ObjectMonsterUniqueNumber
            // if ObjectMonsterUniqueNumber is in range [2000000, 3000000)
            var res1 = from data in datmondata
                       from spawn in data.Data
                       where (uint)spawn[idx1] >= 2000000 && (uint)spawn[idx1] < 3000000 // or check for EventType == 6
                       select new
                Index   = data.Index,
                Monster = (uint)spawn[idx1]

            // from each monster spawn of each collected table
            // select the map index and Monster Num
            // if Monster Num is not 0
            var res2 = from data in smamondata
                       from spawn in data.Data
                       where (uint)spawn[idx2] != 0
                       select new
                Index   = data.Index,
                Monster = (uint)spawn[idx2]

            // return the distinct results
Beispiel #3
 object DeserializeMapInfo(string name)
     using (AtumZip.ZippedFile zpf = File.OpenRead(@"res-map\" + name + ".dat"))