public void IfNoCorridor_ShouldSucceed_IfCorridorExists(Dir dir) { var cell = new MapCell(); cell.Sides[dir] = Side.Empty; Assert.That(() => ThrowD.IfNoCorridor(cell, dir), Throws.Nothing); }
public TileMap(int width, int height) { MapWidth = width; MapHeight = height; _mouseMap = GameGraphics.GetTexture("mousemap").SourceTexture; Random random = new Random(); // set cells depths here.. _maxdepth = (MapWidth + 1) * ((MapHeight + 1) * TileInfo.TileWidth) / 10; for (int y = 0; y < MapHeight; y++) { MapRow thisRow = new MapRow(); for (int x = 0; x < MapWidth; x++) { _depthOffset = 0.7f - ((x + (y * TileInfo.TileWidth)) / _maxdepth); MapCell cell = new MapCell("grass_tile_" + random.Next(0, 4).ToString() + "_" + random.Next(0, 4).ToString() , true); cell.DrawDepth = _depthOffset; cell.Location = new Point(x, y); // determine if this cell resides on an odd row if (y % 2 == 1) cell.OnOddRow = true; else cell.OnOddRow = false; thisRow.Columns.Add(cell); } Rows.Add(thisRow); } }
public static QTree Set(QTree root, int x, int y, int leftX, int rightX, int leftY, int rightY, MapCell mapCell) { QTree newRoot = new QTree(); if (leftX == rightX && leftY == rightY) { = mapCell; return newRoot; } int middleX = (leftX + rightX) / 2; int middleY = (leftY + rightY) / 2; int childId = (x > middleX ? 1 : 0); if (y > middleY) childId |= 2; newRoot.children = new QTree[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) newRoot.children[i] = root.children[i]; if (y <= middleY) { if (x <= middleX) newRoot.children[childId] = Set(root.children[childId], x, y, leftX, middleX, leftY, middleY, mapCell); else newRoot.children[childId] = Set(root.children[childId], x, y, middleX + 1, rightX, leftY, middleY, mapCell); } else { if (x <= middleX) newRoot.children[childId] = Set(root.children[childId], x, y, leftX, middleX, middleY + 1, rightY, mapCell); else newRoot.children[childId] = Set(root.children[childId], x, y, middleX + 1, rightX, middleY + 1, rightY, mapCell); } return newRoot; }
protected void apply(MapCell[,] map, List<Door> doors) { terrain = this.gameObject.GetComponent<Terrain>(); //Debug.Log ("Dimensiones del mapa de alturas:" + terrain.terrainData.heightmapWidth + "x" + terrain.terrainData.heightmapHeight); float[,] heights = terrain.terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, terrain.terrainData.heightmapWidth, terrain.terrainData.heightmapWidth); applyCellMap(heights, map); }
private static int CalculateRoomScore(Room room, IMap map, MapCell cell) { var currentScore = 0; foreach (var roomCell in room) { var currentCell = map[ roomCell.Location.X + cell.Location.X, roomCell.Location.Y + cell.Location.Y]; currentScore += AdjacentCorridorBonus * roomCell.Sides .Count(s => HasAdjacentCorridor(map, currentCell, s.Key)); if (currentCell.IsCorridor) { currentScore += OverlappedCorridorBonus; } currentScore += OverlappedRoomBonus * map.Rooms.Count(r => r.Bounds.Contains(currentCell.Location)); } return currentScore; }
public string Serialize(MapCell[,] map, int water, int flooding, int waterproof, Dictionary<MapCell, MapCell> trampToTarget, int beardGrowth, int pocketRazorCount) { var builder = SerializeMapOnly(map); builder.AppendLine(); builder.AppendFormat("Water {0}", water); builder.AppendLine(); builder.AppendFormat("Flooding {0}", flooding); builder.AppendLine(); builder.AppendFormat("Waterproof {0}", waterproof); foreach(var trampTargetElem in trampToTarget) { builder.AppendLine(); builder.AppendFormat("Trampoline {0} targets {1}", (Char) trampTargetElem.Key, (Char) trampTargetElem.Value); } if(beardGrowth > 0) { builder.AppendLine(); builder.AppendFormat("Growth {0}", beardGrowth); } if(pocketRazorCount > 0) { builder.AppendLine(); builder.AppendFormat("Razors {0}", pocketRazorCount); } return builder.ToString(); }
protected void paintTerrain(MapCell[,] map, Door d) { terrain = this.gameObject.GetComponent<Terrain>(); float[,,] splatmapData = new float[terrain.terrainData.alphamapWidth, terrain.terrainData.alphamapHeight, terrain.terrainData.alphamapLayers]; float[] splatWallWeights = new float[terrain.terrainData.alphamapLayers]; splatWallWeights[0] = 0f; splatWallWeights[1] = 1f; float[] splatFloorWeights = new float[terrain.terrainData.alphamapLayers]; splatFloorWeights[0] = 1f; splatFloorWeights[1] = 0f; int indexXmap, indexYmap; for (int i = 0; i < splatmapData.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < splatmapData.GetLength(1); j++) { indexXmap = Mathf.Clamp(i/factor, 0, map.GetLength(0) - 1); indexYmap = Mathf.Clamp(j/factor, 0, map.GetLength(0) - 1); if (map[indexXmap, indexYmap].cellKind == MapCell.CellKind.WALL || map[indexXmap, indexYmap].cellKind == MapCell.CellKind.UNUSED) { splatmapData = setSplatWeights(i, j, splatWallWeights, splatmapData); } else { splatmapData = setSplatWeights(i, j, splatFloorWeights, splatmapData); } } } terrain.terrainData.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, splatmapData); terrain.Flush(); }
private void BuildCorridor(IMap map, MapCell currentCell) { MapCell nextCell; var direction = Dir.Zero; bool success; do { _directionPicker.LastDirection = direction; _directionPicker.ResetDirections(); var emptySide = currentCell.Sides .Single(s => s.Value != Side.Wall) .Key; success = false; do { direction = _directionPicker.NextDirectionExcept(emptySide); success = map.TryGetAdjacentCell(currentCell, direction, out nextCell); if (success) { map.CreateCorridorSide(currentCell, nextCell, direction, Side.Empty); } } while (_directionPicker.HasDirections && !success); if (!success) { return; } } while (currentCell.IsDeadEnd); }
public void IfNoCorridor_ShouldThrow_IfOutsideMap(Dir dir) { var cell = new MapCell(); cell.Sides[dir] = Side.Wall; Assert.That(() => ThrowD.IfNoCorridor(cell, dir), Throws.InstanceOf<InvalidOperationException>()); }
private void CreatePassage (MapCell cell, MapCell otherCell, CellDirection direction) { if(cell == null) return; Passage passage = Instantiate(passagePrefab) as Passage; passage.Initialize(cell, otherCell, direction); passage = Instantiate(passagePrefab) as Passage; passage.Initialize(otherCell, cell, direction.GetOpposite()); }
public Miner(int x, int y, MapCell [,] map) { = map; mapWidth = map.GetLength(0) - 2; mapHeight = map.GetLength(1) - 2; pos = new int[2]; pos[0] = x; pos[1] = y; }
public void Initialize (MapCell cell, MapCell otherCell, CellDirection direction) { this.cell = cell; this.otherCell = otherCell; this.direction = direction; cell.SetEdge(direction, this); transform.parent = cell.transform; transform.localPosition =; transform.localRotation = direction.ToRotation(); }
public Door(int x, int y, int zoneFrom, MapCell[,] map) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.zoneFrom = zoneFrom; = map; zoneTo = 0; doorDirection = -1; }
/// <summary> /// Clears the map. /// </summary> public void ClearAllCells(int width, int height) { lock (Cells) { Cells = new MapCell[width, height]; for (var x = 0; x < Cells.GetLength(0); x++) for (var y = 0; y < Cells.GetLength(1); y++) Cells[x, y] = new MapCell(this, new Point(x,y), DefaultFloorTile); } }
void applyCellMap(float[,] heights , MapCell[,]map) { for (int i = 0; i < heights.GetLength(0); i++) { for(int j = 0; j < heights.GetLength(1); j++){ heights[i,j] = getSuitableHeightFromMap(map,i,j, heights); } } heights = generateDistanceTransform(heights); terrain.terrainData.SetHeights (0, 0, heights); }
public static void IfNoCorridor(MapCell cell, Dir direction, string name = "cell") { Throw.IfNull(cell, name); if (cell.Sides[direction] == Side.Wall) { throw new InvalidOperationException( $"{name} has no corridor in direction '{direction}'."); } }
protected override Tuple<MapCell[, ], Dictionary<MapCell, MapCell>> GenerateMap(MapCell[,] map) { var indexX = random.Next(2, map.GetLength(0) - 3); var indexY = random.Next(2, map.GetLength(1) - 3); for(int i = 0; i < map.GetLength(0); i++) map[i, indexY] = MapCell.Wall; for(int j = 0; j < map.GetLength(1); j++) map[indexX, j] = MapCell.Wall; return base.GenerateMap(map); }
public void IEquatableMembers_WorksCorrect_IfIsVisitedDiffers() { _cell.IsVisited = true; var other = new MapCell { IsVisited = false }; CustomAssert.IEquatableMembersWorkForDifferentObjects(_cell, other); }
public void IfNoCorridor_ExceptionShouldContainMapBoundsPropertyNameAndValue( Dir dir, string name) { var cell = new MapCell(); cell.Sides[dir] = Side.Wall; Assert.That(() => ThrowD.IfNoCorridor(cell, dir, name), Throws.InvalidOperationException .With.Message.Contains(dir.ToString()) .And.Message.Contains(name)); }
private static char GetCellChar(MapCell mapCell) { try { return (char) mapCell; } catch(Exception) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("mapCell"); } }
// it follows a "copy" of Game.Grass.Update and depencies private static bool CanGrow_CheckBorderingCell(MapCell cell) { return (cell != null) && !cell.HasNaturalWall() && !cell.HasEmbeddedFloor() && cell.HasFloor() && cell.Floor == 2 //according to savegame-extractor && !(cell.HasEmbeddedWall() && !(cell.EmbeddedWall is Tree) && !(cell.EmbeddedWall is Crop) ); }
public void IfNotAdjacent_ExceptionShouldContainCellsAndDirection() { var startCell = new MapCell(); var endCell = new MapCell { Location = new Point(1, 1) }; Assert.That( () => ThrowD.IfNotAdjacent(startCell, endCell, Dir.W), Throws.InvalidOperationException .With.Message.Contains(startCell.Location.ToString()) .With.Message.Contains(endCell.Location.ToString()) .And.Message.Contains(Dir.W.ToString())); }
public static void IfNotAdjacent(MapCell startCell, MapCell endCell, Dir direction) { Throw.IfNull(startCell, nameof(startCell)); Throw.IfNull(endCell, nameof(endCell)); var endPoint = DirHelper.MoveInDir(startCell.Location, direction); if (endPoint != endCell.Location) { throw new InvalidOperationException( $"{startCell.Location} and {endCell.Location} are not adjacent in direction '{direction}'."); } }
// Remember to update Clone() before adding any more instance variables! /// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> public MapDefinition(ZTile defaultFloorTile, Isometry iso, string baseContentDir) { _baseContentDir = baseContentDir; Iso = iso; DefaultFloorTile = defaultFloorTile; TileHeight = 37; TileWidth = 73; UndoInfo = new HashSet<Point>(); Cells = new MapCell[0, 0]; ClearAllCells(26, 45); }
public void Configure(int x, int y, MapCell[,] map, DungeonGeneratorIA dungeon) { id = idSeed; idSeed++; = map; mapWidth = map.GetLength(0) - 2; mapHeight = map.GetLength(1) - 2; pos = new int[2]; pos[0] = x; pos[1] = y; this.dungeon = dungeon; probabilities = new float[4] { 8.0f, 3.0f, 3.0f, 1.0f }; }
public StringBuilder SerializeMapOnly(MapCell[,] map) { var builder = new StringBuilder(); int xUpperBound = map.GetLength(0); int yUpperBound = map.GetLength(1); for(int y = yUpperBound - 1; y >= 0; y--) { for(int x = 0; x < xUpperBound; x++) builder.Append(GetCellChar(map[x, y])); builder.AppendLine(); } return builder; }
protected override Tuple<MapCell[, ], Dictionary<MapCell, MapCell>> GenerateMap(MapCell[,] map) { PutLift(map); PutWalls(map); PutElements(map, Enumerable.Repeat(MapCell.Rock, options.RockCount)); PutElements(map, Enumerable.Repeat(MapCell.Earth, options.EarthCount)); PutElements(map, Enumerable.Repeat(MapCell.Lambda, options.LambdaCount)); PutElements(map, Enumerable.Repeat(MapCell.Beard, options.BeardCount)); PutElements(map, Enumerable.Repeat(MapCell.Razor, options.MapRazorCount)); PutElements(map, Enumerable.Repeat(MapCell.LambdaRock, options.HighRockCount)); var trampToTarget = PutTrampolines(map); PutElements(map, new[] {MapCell.Robot}); return Tuple.Create(map, trampToTarget); }
private bool TryPickRandomUnvisitedAdjacentCell( IMap map, MapCell currentCell, out MapCell nextCell, out Dir direction) { var success = false; do { direction = _directionPicker.NextDirection(); success = map.TryGetAdjacentCell(currentCell, direction, out nextCell) && !nextCell.IsVisited; } while (_directionPicker.HasDirections && !success); return success; }
private void CreateCollectables(MapCell[,] map, int zoneIDmark) { items = 0; for (int i = 0; i < map.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < map.GetLength(1); j++) { if (map[i, j].zoneID > zoneIDmark) { Instantiate(collectablePrefab, new Vector3(j * factor + factor / 2, 1f, i * factor + factor / 2), Quaternion.identity); items++; } } } }
void createDoors(MapCell[,] map, List<Door> doors) { terrain = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<Terrain> (); for (int i = 0; i<doors.Count; i++) { doors[i].x_t *= terrain.terrainData.heightmapWidth; doors[i].y_t *= terrain.terrainData.heightmapHeight; if (doors[i].doorDirection == 1) GameObject.Instantiate(doorPrefab, new Vector3(doors[i].y_t, 5f, doors[i].x_t), Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, Vector3.right)); else GameObject.Instantiate(doorPrefab, new Vector3(doors[i].y_t, 5f, doors[i].x_t), Quaternion.identity); } }
private void CalculateBounds() { int weight = GameConstants.MinVoxelActorWeight; int size = m_map.GetMapSizeWith(weight); Debug.Assert(size >= m_minMapBoundsSize, "map size < m_minMapBoundsSize"); MapPos min = new MapPos(0, 0); MapPos max = new MapPos(size - 1, size - 1); MapCell col0 = m_map.Get(0, 0, weight); for (int row = 0; row < size; ++row) { MapCell cell = col0; bool nonEmpty = false; for (int col = 0; col < size; ++col) { nonEmpty = IsNonEmpty(cell); if (nonEmpty) { break; } cell = cell.SiblingPCol; } if (nonEmpty) { min.Row = row; break; } else { min.Row = row; } col0 = col0.SiblingPRow; } col0 = m_map.Get(size - 1, 0, weight); for (int row = size - 1; row >= 0; --row) { MapCell cell = col0; bool nonEmpty = false; for (int col = 0; col < size; ++col) { nonEmpty = IsNonEmpty(cell); if (nonEmpty) { break; } cell = cell.SiblingPCol; } if (nonEmpty) { max.Row = row; break; } else { max.Row = row; } col0 = col0.SiblingMRow; } MapCell row0 = m_map.Get(0, 0, weight); for (int col = 0; col < size; ++col) { MapCell cell = row0; bool nonEmpty = false; for (int row = 0; row < size; ++row) { nonEmpty = IsNonEmpty(cell); if (nonEmpty) { break; } cell = cell.SiblingPRow; } if (nonEmpty) { min.Col = col; break; } else { min.Col = col; } row0 = row0.SiblingPCol; } row0 = m_map.Get(0, size - 1, weight); for (int col = size - 1; col >= 0; --col) { MapCell cell = row0; bool nonEmpty = false; for (int row = 0; row < size; ++row) { nonEmpty = IsNonEmpty(cell); if (nonEmpty) { break; } cell = cell.SiblingPRow; } if (nonEmpty) { max.Col = col; break; } else { max.Col = col; } row0 = row0.SiblingMCol; } if (min.Col > max.Col) { min.Col = max.Col; } if (min.Row > max.Row) { min.Row = max.Row; } int centerCol = min.Col + (max.Col - min.Col) / 2; int centerRow = min.Row + (max.Row - min.Row) / 2; int minCol = Mathf.Max(0, centerCol - m_minMapBoundsSize / 2); int minRow = Mathf.Max(0, centerRow - m_minMapBoundsSize / 2); int maxCol = minCol + m_minMapBoundsSize; int maxRow = minRow + m_minMapBoundsSize; if (maxCol >= size) { maxCol = size - 1; minCol = maxCol - m_minMapBoundsSize; } if (maxRow >= size) { maxRow = size - 1; minRow = maxRow - m_minMapBoundsSize; } if (minCol < min.Col) { min.Col = minCol; } if (minRow < min.Row) { min.Row = minRow; } if (maxCol > max.Col) { max.Col = maxCol; } if (maxRow > max.Row) { max.Row = maxRow; } m_mapBounds = new MapRect(min, max); }
private void draw() { if (canvas != null) { canvas.Dispose(); canvas = null; } int x, y, w, h, gx, gy, i; Graphics gfx = null; Font font = new Font(SystemFonts.DefaultFont.FontFamily, 9, FontStyle.Regular); if (currentBitmap != null) { x = 0; y = 0; w = currentBitmap.Width * currentZoom; h = currentBitmap.Height * currentZoom; canvas = new Bitmap(w, h); gfx = Graphics.FromImage(canvas); gfx.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor; gfx.PixelOffsetMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality; gfx.DrawImage(currentBitmap, new Rectangle(x, y, w, h), new Rectangle(0, 0, currentBitmap.Width, currentBitmap.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } else if (currentMap != null) { int cellSize = 8 * currentZoom; w = currentMap.Width * cellSize; h = currentMap.Height * cellSize; canvas = new Bitmap(w, h); gfx = Graphics.FromImage(canvas); gfx.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor; gfx.PixelOffsetMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality; // map tiles for (y = 0; y < currentMap.Height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < currentMap.Width; x++) { i = x + y * currentMap.Width; MapCell cell = currentMap.Cells[i]; MapTile tile = currentMap.Tiles[cell.TileID]; gx = x * cellSize; gy = y * cellSize; gfx.DrawImage(tile.Bitmap, new Rectangle(gx, gy, cellSize, cellSize), new Rectangle(0, 0, 8, 8), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); if (cell.EntityID > 0) { Color col = Game.EntitySpriteName(cell.EntityID, x % 2 == 0).Length == 0 ? Color.Red : Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 255, 0); gfx.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(col), new Rectangle(gx, gy, cellSize, cellSize)); } if (cell.ShootableID > 0) { //gfx.DrawImage(currentMap.Tiles[cell.SolidEntityID].Bitmap, new Rectangle(gx, gy, cellSize, cellSize), new Rectangle(0, 0, 8, 8), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); Color col = Game.ShootableSpriteName(cell.ShootableID, x % 2 == 0).Length == 0 ? Color.Red : Color.FromArgb(150, 255, 105, 180); gfx.FillPie(new SolidBrush(col), new Rectangle(gx, gy, cellSize, cellSize), 0, 360); } } } // texts on top for (y = 0; y < currentMap.Height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < currentMap.Width; x++) { i = x + y * currentMap.Width; MapCell cell = currentMap.Cells[i]; MapTile tile = currentMap.Tiles[cell.TileID]; gx = x * cellSize; gy = y * cellSize; if (cell.EntityID > 0) { string info = Game.EntitySpriteName(cell.EntityID, x % 2 == 0); if (info.Length == 0) info = cell.EntityID.ToString(); gfx.DrawString("entity: " + info, font, Brushes.White, gx, gy); } if (cell.ShootableID > 0) { string info = Game.ShootableSpriteName(cell.ShootableID, gx % 2 == 0); if (info.Length == 0) info = cell.ShootableID.ToString(); gfx.DrawString("shootable: " + info, font, Brushes.White, gx, gy); } } } // positions for (i = 0; i < currentMap.Triggers.Length; i++) { int pos = currentMap.Triggers[i]; if (pos == 0) continue; string caption = Game.TriggerEntryTypeByNumber(i, pos); if (i >= 30) { if (i % 2 == 1) continue; // don't draw message entries containing text id instead of position (see Map.PositionEntryTypeByNumber) caption = Game.TriggerEntryTypeByNumber(i + 1, currentMap.Triggers[i + 1]); } gx = cellSize * (pos % currentMap.Width); gy = cellSize * (pos / currentMap.Width); gfx.FillPie(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(160, 255, 255, 0)), new Rectangle(gx, gy, cellSize, cellSize), 0, 360); var size = gfx.MeasureString(caption, font); x = (int)Math.Min(currentMap.Width * cellSize - size.Width, Math.Max(0, gx + cellSize / 2 - size.Width / 2)); gfx.DrawString(caption, font, Brushes.Black, x + 1, gy + 2 + 1); gfx.DrawString(caption, font, Brushes.White, x , gy + 2 ); // connect teleports with a line if (i >= 10 && i < 30 && i % 2 == 1) { int prevPos = currentMap.Triggers[i - 1]; int halfSize = cellSize / 2; gfx.DrawLine(Pens.Yellow, cellSize * (prevPos % currentMap.Width) + halfSize, cellSize * (prevPos / currentMap.Width) + halfSize, gx + halfSize, gy + halfSize); } } // draw grid on top Pen gridPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(50, 0, 0, 0)); for (x = 0; x <= currentMap.Width; x++) { gx = x * cellSize; gfx.DrawLine(gridPen, gx, 0, gx, h); } for (y = 0; y <= currentMap.Height; y++) { gy = y * cellSize; gfx.DrawLine(gridPen, 0, gy, w, gy); } } canvasBox.Image = canvas; if (gfx != null) gfx.Dispose(); font.Dispose(); }
public void DrawMap() { try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("../../../map.txt")) { for (int row = 0; row < 20; row++) { String line = sr.ReadLine(); for (int col = 0; col < 20; col++) { MapCell cell = new MapCell(row, col,; //butt.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; string name = "not recognized"; switch (line[col]) { case 'W': cell.Image = Resources.tree; name = "tree"; break; case 'S': cell.Image = Resources.stone; name = "stone"; break; case 'C': cell.Image = Resources.castle; name = "castle"; break; case 'H': cell.Image = Resources.player; name = "player"; break; case 'X': cell.Image = Resources.enemy; name = "enemy"; break; case 'E': cell.Image =; name = "earth"; break; case 'T': cell.Image = Resources.chest; name = "chest"; //tresure break; } this.Controls.Add(generateButton(cell, name)); } } } } catch (Exception e) { this.textBoxType.Text = "The file could not be read:"; this.gameLog.Text = e.Message; } }
public string ToFullString() { string result = ""; var MAPCELL_TERRAIN_SHIFT = 0; ulong MAPCELL_TERRAIN_MASK = 0xF; var MAPCELL_OVERLAY_SHIFT = 4; ulong MAPCELL_OVERLAY_MASK = 0x00000030; var MAPCELL_MOVER_SHIFT = 6; ulong MAPCELL_MOVER_MASK = 0x00000040; var MAPCELL_HEIGHT_SHIFT = 18; ulong MAPCELL_HEIGHT_MASK = 0x003C0000; var MAPCELL_PASSABLE_SHIFT = 10; ulong MAPCELL_PASSABLE_MASK = 0x00004000; var MAPCELL_FOREST_SHIFT = 28; ulong MAPCELL_FOREST_MASK = 0x10000000; var MAPCELL_WALL_SHIFT = 24; ulong MAPCELL_WALL_MASK = 0x01000000; for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { var arr = this.auxlst[(x * width) + y]; var a = BitConverter.ToUInt32(arr, 0); //var b = BitConverter.ToUInt32(arr, 4); // var a = BitConverter.ToUInt64(arr, 0); if ((a & MAPCELL_TERRAIN_MASK).ToString() != "0") { var ab = 2; } MapCell z = (MapCell)a; if ((z & MapCell.MAPCELL_TERRAIN_MASK).ToString() == (a & MAPCELL_TERRAIN_MASK).ToString()) { var st = 0; } // result += ((a & MAPCELL_TERRAIN_MASK) >> MAPCELL_TERRAIN_SHIFT).ToString("D2") + "|"; result += ((a & 0x1F0000) >> MAPCELL_WALL_SHIFT).ToString("D2") + "|"; // result += ((a & MAPCELL_WALL_MASK) >> MAPCELL_WALL_SHIFT).ToString("D2") + "|"; // result += ((a & MAPCELL_HEIGHT_MASK) >> MAPCELL_HEIGHT_SHIFT).ToString("D2") + "|"; // // result += ((a & MAPCELL_OVERLAY_MASK) >> MAPCELL_OVERLAY_SHIFT).ToString("D2") + "|"; // result += ((a & MAPCELL_MOVER_MASK) >> MAPCELL_MOVER_SHIFT).ToString("D2") + "|"; // result += ((a & MAPCELL_FOREST_MASK)).ToString("D2") + "|"; // result += ((a & MAPCELL_PASSABLE_MASK)).ToString("D2") + "|"; // result += a + "-" + b + "|"; // result += a+"-"+b+"|"; } result += "\r\n"; } return(result); }
private void DefaultInitializer(ref MapCell cell) { cell.TerrainCost = 100; cell.Walkability = (byte)Directions.All; }
private void Update() { if (m_gameState.IsActionsMenuOpened(LocalPlayerIndex)) { return; } if (m_gameState.IsMenuOpened(LocalPlayerIndex)) { return; } if (m_gameState.IsContextActionInProgress(LocalPlayerIndex)) { return; } if (m_gameState.IsPaused || m_gameState.IsPauseStateChanging) { return; } int playerIndex = PlayerIndex; if (m_mapCursor != m_cameraController.MapCursor) { m_mapCursor = m_cameraController.MapCursor; VoxelData newSelectedTarget = null; VoxelData target = null; int width = m_map.Map.GetMapSizeWith(GameConstants.MinVoxelActorWeight); if (m_mapCursor.Row >= 0 && m_mapCursor.Col >= 0 && m_mapCursor.Row < width && m_mapCursor.Col < width) { MapCell cell = m_map.Map.Get(m_mapCursor.Row, m_mapCursor.Col, m_cameraController.Weight); for (int i = 0; i < m_selectedUnitDescriptors.Length; ++i) { SelectionDescriptor descriptor = m_selectedUnitDescriptors[i]; bool lowestPossible = true; cell.GetDefaultTargetFor(descriptor.Type, descriptor.Weight, playerIndex, lowestPossible, out target, playerIndex); if (target != null) { break; } } } if (target != null && target.VoxelRef != null && target.UnitOrAssetIndex != -1) { //Player could not destroy own units (and should not be able to select them as target) if (!VoxelData.IsControllableUnit(target.Type) || target.Owner != playerIndex) { newSelectedTarget = target; } } if (m_previouslySelected != newSelectedTarget) { if (newSelectedTarget == null) { ClearSelection(); m_selectedTarget = null; m_previouslySelected = null; } else { m_previouslySelected = newSelectedTarget; TryEnableTargetAutoSelectionMode(); if (m_isTargetAutoSelectionMode) { m_selectedTarget = newSelectedTarget; TargetSelectionSelect(playerIndex, target.Owner, m_selectedTarget.UnitOrAssetIndex); } } } } else { if (m_selectedTarget != null) { IVoxelDataController dc = m_gameState.GetVoxelDataController(m_selectedTarget.Owner, m_selectedTarget.UnitOrAssetIndex); if (dc != null && dc.IsAlive) { Coordinate cursorCoord = new Coordinate(m_cameraController.MapCursor, GameConstants.MinVoxelActorWeight, 0).ToWeight(dc.ControlledData.Weight); if (cursorCoord.MapPos != dc.Coordinate.MapPos) { Coordinate coord = dc.Coordinate.ToWeight(GameConstants.MinVoxelActorWeight); m_cameraController.MapPivot = coord.MapPos; m_cameraController.SetVirtualMousePosition(coord, true, false); m_mapCursor = m_cameraController.MapCursor; } } } } if (m_inputManager.GetButtonDown(InputAction.X, LocalPlayerIndex)) { bool hasSelected = m_targetSelection.HasSelected(playerIndex); Select(playerIndex); if (!hasSelected) { m_isTargetAutoSelectionMode = true; } } else if (m_inputManager.GetButtonUp(InputAction.RB, LocalPlayerIndex)) { m_isTargetAutoSelectionMode = false; ClearSelection(); } }
public void CalculateG(MapCell neighbor) { G = neighbor.G + CalculateNeighborDist(neighbor); }
public void CalculateH(MapCell end) { int dis = Mathf.Abs(end.Row - Row) + Mathf.Abs(end.Column - Column); H = dis * 10; }
public void SetParent(MapCell mc) { m_parent = mc; }
public void DeleteAllMarkers(MapCell cell) { DeleteAllMarkers(cell.X, cell.Y); }
private void ExecuteHandler(ClientSession session) { try { Character character = new Character(DAOFactory.CharacterDAO.LoadBySlot(session.Account.AccountId, Slot)); if (session.Account != null && !session.HasSelectedCharacter) { character.Initialize(); #if !DEBUG if (session.Account.Authority > Domain.AuthorityType.Moderator) { character.Invisible = true; character.InvisibleGm = true; } #endif character.GeneralLogs = new ThreadSafeGenericList<GeneralLogDTO>(); character.GeneralLogs.AddRange(DAOFactory.GeneralLogDAO.LoadByAccount(session.Account.AccountId) .Where(s => s.CharacterId == character.CharacterId).ToList()); character.MapInstanceId = ServerManager.GetBaseMapInstanceIdByMapId(character.MapId); character.PositionX = character.MapX; character.PositionY = character.MapY; character.Authority = session.Account.Authority; session.SetCharacter(character); if (!session.Character.GeneralLogs.Any(s => s.Timestamp == DateTime.UtcNow && s.LogData == "World" && s.LogType == "Connection")) { session.Character.SpAdditionPoint += session.Character.SpPoint; session.Character.SpPoint = 10000; } if (session.Character.Hp > session.Character.HPLoad()) { session.Character.Hp = (int)session.Character.HPLoad(); } if (session.Character.Mp > session.Character.MPLoad()) { session.Character.Mp = (int)session.Character.MPLoad(); } session.Character.Respawns = DAOFactory.RespawnDAO.LoadByCharacter(session.Character.CharacterId).ToList(); session.Character.StaticBonusList = DAOFactory.StaticBonusDAO .LoadByCharacterId(session.Character.CharacterId).ToList(); session.Character.LoadInventory(); session.Character.LoadQuicklists(); session.Character.GenerateMiniland(); Map miniland = ServerManager.GetMapInstanceByMapId(20001).Map; DAOFactory.MateDAO.LoadByCharacterId(session.Character.CharacterId).ToList().ForEach(s => { Mate mate = new Mate(s) { Owner = session.Character }; mate.GenerateMateTransportId(); mate.Monster = ServerManager.GetNpcMonster(s.NpcMonsterVNum); mate.IsAlive = true; if (!mate.IsTeamMember && miniland.IsBlockedZone(mate.MapX, mate.MapY)) { MapCell cell = miniland.GetRandomPosition(); mate.MapX = cell.X; mate.MapY = cell.Y; } if (mate.MateType == MateType.Pet && mate.MateSlot == -1) { mate.MateSlot = session.Character.GetNextMateSlot(mate.MateType); mate.PartnerSlot = 0; } else if (mate.MateType == MateType.Partner && mate.PartnerSlot == -1) { mate.PartnerSlot = session.Character.GetNextMateSlot(mate.MateType); mate.MateSlot = 0; } session.Character.Mates.Add(mate); mate.StartLife(); }); session.Character.CharacterLifeDisposable = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300)) .Subscribe(x => session.Character.CharacterLife()); session.Character.GeneralLogs.Add(new GeneralLogDTO { AccountId = session.Account.AccountId, CharacterId = session.Character.CharacterId, IpAddress = session.IpAddress, LogData = "World", LogType = "Connection", Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow }); session.SendPacket("OK"); // Inform everyone about connected character CommunicationServiceClient.Instance.ConnectCharacter(ServerManager.Instance.WorldId, character.CharacterId); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("Select character failed.", ex); } }
public override void DrawTile(MapCell cell, int cell_x, int cell_y, double draw_x, double draw_y) { if (cell.Kind == MapCell.Kind_e.WALL || cell.IsCookie()) { // cell.敵接近_Rate 更新 { double rate = GetEnemyNearlyRate( DDGround.Camera.X + draw_x, DDGround.Camera.Y + draw_y ); DDUtils.Maxim(ref cell.敵接近_Rate, rate); cell.敵接近_Rate *= 0.97; } double p = cell.ColorPhase; if (this.市松tic) { if ((cell_x + cell_y) % 2 == 0) { p = p * 0.7; } else { p = p * 0.3 + 0.7; } } //DDDraw.SetAlpha(0.9 - cell.敵接近_Rate * 0.6); // old DDDraw.SetAlpha(this.WallAlpha * (1.0 - cell.敵接近_Rate * 0.5)); DDDraw.SetBright(new I3Color( SCommon.ToInt(DDUtils.AToBRate(this.Color_A.R, this.Color_B.R, p)), SCommon.ToInt(DDUtils.AToBRate(this.Color_A.G, this.Color_B.G, p)), SCommon.ToInt(DDUtils.AToBRate(this.Color_A.B, this.Color_B.B, p)) )); DDDraw.DrawBegin(Ground.I.Picture.WhiteBox, draw_x, draw_y); DDDraw.DrawSetSize(GameConsts.TILE_W, GameConsts.TILE_H); DDDraw.DrawEnd(); DDDraw.Reset(); if (cell.IsCookie()) { DDDraw.SetBright(this.CookieAxisColor); DDDraw.DrawBegin(Ground.I.Picture.WhiteBox, draw_x, draw_y); DDDraw.DrawSetSize(GameConsts.TILE_W / 2, GameConsts.TILE_H / 2); DDDraw.DrawEnd(); DDDraw.Reset(); } } else if (cell.Kind == MapCell.Kind_e.GOAL) { //double bright = // Math.Sin(DDEngine.ProcFrame / 37.0) * 0.3 + // Math.Sin(DDEngine.ProcFrame / 0.7) * 0.1 + // 0.6; double bright = Math.Sin(DDEngine.ProcFrame / 13.0) * 0.4 + 0.6; DDDraw.SetBright( bright * 0.5, bright * 0.9, bright * 1.0 ); DDDraw.DrawBegin(Ground.I.Picture.WhiteBox, draw_x, draw_y); DDDraw.DrawSetSize(GameConsts.TILE_W, GameConsts.TILE_H); DDDraw.DrawEnd(); DDDraw.Reset(); } }
public MapBoundaries(MapCell minPoint, MapCell maxPoint) { Min = minPoint; Max = maxPoint; }
/// <summary> /// Creates an orientation effect such that the specified element would /// face towards the specified cell /// </summary> /// <param name="actor"></param> /// <param name="cell"></param> public ActorOrientationEffect(Element actor, MapCell cell) { OrientTo = actor?.GetData <MapData>()?.Position.AngleTo(cell.Position) ?? 0; }
public static void DrawTiles() { int cam_l = DDGround.ICamera.X; int cam_t = DDGround.ICamera.Y; int cam_r = cam_l + DDConsts.Screen_W; int cam_b = cam_t + DDConsts.Screen_H; I2Point lt = GameCommon.ToTablePoint(cam_l, cam_t); I2Point rb = GameCommon.ToTablePoint(cam_r, cam_b); for (int x = lt.X; x <= rb.X; x++) { for (int y = lt.Y; y <= rb.Y; y++) { MapCell cell = Game.I.Map.GetCell(x, y); I3Color color = new I3Color(0, 0, 0); string name = ""; switch (cell.Kind) { case MapCell.Kind_e.EMPTY: goto endDraw; case MapCell.Kind_e.START: color = new I3Color(0, 255, 0); break; case MapCell.Kind_e.GOAL: color = new I3Color(0, 255, 255); break; case MapCell.Kind_e.WALL: color = new I3Color(255, 255, 0); break; case MapCell.Kind_e.WALL_ENEMY_THROUGH: color = new I3Color(255, 255, 0); name = "E通"; break; case MapCell.Kind_e.DEATH: color = new I3Color(255, 0, 0); break; default: color = new I3Color(128, 128, 255); name = MapCell.Kine_e_Names[(int)cell.Kind]; if (name.Contains(':')) { name = name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf(':')); } if (name.Contains('/')) { name = name.Substring(name.IndexOf('/') + 1); } break; } { int tileL = x * GameConsts.TILE_W; int tileT = y * GameConsts.TILE_H; DDDraw.SetBright(color); DDDraw.DrawRect( Ground.I.Picture.WhiteBox, tileL - cam_l, tileT - cam_t, GameConsts.TILE_W, GameConsts.TILE_H ); DDDraw.Reset(); DDDraw.SetAlpha(0.1); DDDraw.SetBright(new I3Color(0, 0, 0)); DDDraw.DrawRect( Ground.I.Picture.WhiteBox, tileL - cam_l, tileT - cam_t, GameConsts.TILE_W, GameConsts.TILE_H / 2 ); DDDraw.Reset(); DDDraw.SetAlpha(0.2); DDDraw.SetBright(new I3Color(0, 0, 0)); DDDraw.DrawRect( Ground.I.Picture.WhiteBox, tileL - cam_l, tileT - cam_t, GameConsts.TILE_W / 2, GameConsts.TILE_H ); DDDraw.Reset(); DDGround.EL.Add(() => { DDPrint.SetBorder(new I3Color(0, 64, 64)); DDPrint.SetPrint(tileL - cam_l, tileT - cam_t); DDPrint.DebugPrint(name); DDPrint.Reset(); return(false); }); } endDraw: ; } } }
public void RunEvent(EventContainer evt, ClientSession session = null, MapMonster monster = null) { if (evt != null) { if (session != null) { evt.MapInstance = session.CurrentMapInstance; switch (evt.EventActionType) { #region EventForUser case EventActionType.NPCDIALOG: session.SendPacket(session.Character.GenerateNpcDialog((int)evt.Parameter)); break; case EventActionType.SENDPACKET: session.SendPacket((string)evt.Parameter); break; #endregion } } if (evt.MapInstance != null) { try { switch (evt.EventActionType) { #region EventForUser case EventActionType.NPCDIALOG: case EventActionType.SENDPACKET: if (session == null) { evt.MapInstance.Sessions.ToList().ForEach(e => RunEvent(evt, e)); } break; #endregion #region MapInstanceEvent case EventActionType.REGISTEREVENT: Tuple <string, List <EventContainer> > even = (Tuple <string, List <EventContainer> >)evt.Parameter; switch (even.Item1) { case "OnCharacterDiscoveringMap": even.Item2.ForEach(s => evt.MapInstance.OnCharacterDiscoveringMapEvents.Add(new Tuple <EventContainer, List <long> >(s, new List <long>()))); break; case "OnMoveOnMap": evt.MapInstance.OnMoveOnMapEvents.AddRange(even.Item2); break; case "OnMapClean": evt.MapInstance.OnMapClean.AddRange(even.Item2); break; case "OnLockerOpen": evt.MapInstance.UnlockEvents.AddRange(even.Item2); break; } break; case EventActionType.REGISTERWAVE: evt.MapInstance.WaveEvents.Add((EventWave)evt.Parameter); break; case EventActionType.SETAREAENTRY: ZoneEvent even2 = (ZoneEvent)evt.Parameter; evt.MapInstance.OnAreaEntryEvents.Add(even2); break; case EventActionType.REMOVEMONSTERLOCKER: EventContainer evt2 = (EventContainer)evt.Parameter; if (evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.MonsterLocker.Current > 0) { evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.MonsterLocker.Current--; } if (evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.MonsterLocker.Current == 0 && evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.ButtonLocker.Current == 0) { evt.MapInstance.UnlockEvents.ForEach(s => RunEvent(s)); evt.MapInstance.UnlockEvents.RemoveAll(s => s != null); } break; case EventActionType.REMOVEBUTTONLOCKER: try { evt2 = (EventContainer)evt.Parameter; if (evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.ButtonLocker.Current > 0) { evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.ButtonLocker.Current--; } if (evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.MonsterLocker.Current == 0 && evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.ButtonLocker.Current == 0) { evt.MapInstance.UnlockEvents.ForEach(s => RunEvent(s)); evt.MapInstance.UnlockEvents.RemoveAll(s => s != null); } } catch { } break; case EventActionType.EFFECT: short evt3 = (short)evt.Parameter; if (monster != null) { monster.LastEffect = DateTime.Now; evt.MapInstance.Broadcast(StaticPacketHelper.GenerateEff(UserType.Monster, monster.MapMonsterId, evt3)); } break; case EventActionType.CONTROLEMONSTERINRANGE: if (monster != null) { Tuple <short, byte, List <EventContainer> > evnt = (Tuple <short, byte, List <EventContainer> >)evt.Parameter; List <MapMonster> MapMonsters = evt.MapInstance.GetListMonsterInRange(monster.MapX, monster.MapY, evnt.Item2); if (evnt.Item1 != 0) { MapMonsters.RemoveAll(s => s.MonsterVNum != evnt.Item1); } MapMonsters.ForEach(s => evnt.Item3.ForEach(e => RunEvent(e, monster: s))); } break; case EventActionType.ONTARGET: if (monster.MoveEvent?.InZone(monster.MapX, monster.MapY) == true) { monster.MoveEvent = null; monster.Path = new List <Node>(); ((List <EventContainer>)evt.Parameter).ForEach(s => RunEvent(s, monster: monster)); } break; case EventActionType.MOVE: ZoneEvent evt4 = (ZoneEvent)evt.Parameter; if (monster != null) { monster.MoveEvent = evt4; monster.Path = BestFirstSearch.FindPathJagged(new Node { X = monster.MapX, Y = monster.MapY }, new Node { X = evt4.X, Y = evt4.Y }, evt.MapInstance?.Map.JaggedGrid); } break; case EventActionType.CLOCK: evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.Clock.TotalSecondsAmount = Convert.ToInt32(evt.Parameter); evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.Clock.SecondsRemaining = Convert.ToInt32(evt.Parameter); break; case EventActionType.SETMONSTERLOCKERS: evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.MonsterLocker.Current = Convert.ToByte(evt.Parameter); evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.MonsterLocker.Initial = Convert.ToByte(evt.Parameter); break; case EventActionType.SETBUTTONLOCKERS: evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.ButtonLocker.Current = Convert.ToByte(evt.Parameter); evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.ButtonLocker.Initial = Convert.ToByte(evt.Parameter); break; case EventActionType.SCRIPTEND: switch (evt.MapInstance.MapInstanceType) { case MapInstanceType.TimeSpaceInstance: evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.EndState = (byte)evt.Parameter; ClientSession client = evt.MapInstance.Sessions.FirstOrDefault(); if (client != null) { Guid MapInstanceId = ServerManager.GetBaseMapInstanceIdByMapId(client.Character.MapId); MapInstance map = ServerManager.GetMapInstance(MapInstanceId); ScriptedInstance si = map.ScriptedInstances.Find(s => s.PositionX == client.Character.MapX && s.PositionY == client.Character.MapY); byte penalty = 0; if (penalty > (client.Character.Level - si.LevelMinimum) * 2) { penalty = penalty > 100 ? (byte)100 : penalty; client.SendPacket(client.Character.GenerateSay(string.Format(Language.Instance.GetMessageFromKey("TS_PENALTY"), penalty), 10)); } int point = evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.Point * (100 - penalty) / 100; string perfection = string.Empty; perfection += evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.MonstersKilled >= si.MonsterAmount ? 1 : 0; perfection += evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.NpcsKilled == 0 ? 1 : 0; perfection += evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.RoomsVisited >= si.RoomAmount ? 1 : 0; evt.MapInstance.Broadcast($"score {evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.EndState} {point} 27 47 18 {si.DrawItems.Count} {evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.MonstersKilled} {si.NpcAmount - evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.NpcsKilled} {evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.RoomsVisited} {perfection} 1 1"); } break; case MapInstanceType.RaidInstance: evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.EndState = (byte)evt.Parameter; client = evt.MapInstance.Sessions.FirstOrDefault(); if (client != null) { Group grp = client?.Character?.Group; if (grp == null) { return; } if (evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.EndState == 1 && evt.MapInstance.Monsters.Any(s => s.IsBoss)) { foreach (ClientSession sess in grp.Characters.Where(s => s.CurrentMapInstance.Monsters.Any(e => e.IsBoss))) { foreach (Gift gift in grp?.Raid?.GiftItems) { const byte rare = 0; if (sess.Character.Inventory.CanAddItem(gift.VNum)) { sess.Character.GiftAdd(gift.VNum, gift.Amount, rare, 0, gift.Design, gift.IsRandomRare); } else { sess.Character.SendGift(0, gift.VNum, gift.Amount, 0, (byte)gift.Design, true, 0); } sess.Character.GenerateFamilyXp(2500); } } foreach (MapMonster mon in evt.MapInstance.Monsters) { mon.CurrentHp = 0; evt.MapInstance.Broadcast(StaticPacketHelper.Out(UserType.Monster, mon.MapMonsterId)); evt.MapInstance.RemoveMonster(mon); } Logger.LogUserEvent("RAID_SUCCESS", grp.Characters.ElementAt(0).Character.Name, $"RaidId: {grp.GroupId}"); ServerManager.Instance.Broadcast(UserInterfaceHelper.GenerateMsg(string.Format(Language.Instance.GetMessageFromKey("RAID_SUCCEED"), grp?.Raid?.Label, grp.Characters.ElementAt(0).Character.Name), 0)); } Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.EndState == 1 ? 30 : 0)).Subscribe(o => { ClientSession[] grpmembers = new ClientSession[40]; grp.Characters.CopyTo(grpmembers); foreach (ClientSession targetSession in grpmembers) { if (targetSession != null) { if (targetSession.Character.Hp <= 0) { targetSession.Character.Hp = 1; targetSession.Character.Mp = 1; } targetSession.SendPacket(Character.GenerateRaidBf(evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.EndState)); targetSession.SendPacket(targetSession.Character.GenerateRaid(1, true)); targetSession.SendPacket(targetSession.Character.GenerateRaid(2, true)); grp.LeaveGroup(targetSession); } } ServerManager.Instance.GroupList.RemoveAll(s => s.GroupId == grp.GroupId); ServerManager.Instance.GroupsThreadSafe.Remove(grp.GroupId); evt.MapInstance.Dispose(); }); } break; case MapInstanceType.Act4Morcos: case MapInstanceType.Act4Hatus: case MapInstanceType.Act4Calvina: case MapInstanceType.Act4Berios: client = evt.MapInstance.Sessions.FirstOrDefault(); if (client != null) { Family fam = evt.MapInstance.Sessions.FirstOrDefault(s => s?.Character?.Family != null)?.Character.Family; if (fam != null) { fam.Act4Raid.Portals.RemoveAll(s => s.DestinationMapInstanceId.Equals(fam.Act4RaidBossMap.MapInstanceId)); short destX = 38; short destY = 179; short rewardVNum = 882; switch (evt.MapInstance.MapInstanceType) { //Morcos is default case MapInstanceType.Act4Hatus: destX = 18; destY = 10; rewardVNum = 185; break; case MapInstanceType.Act4Calvina: destX = 25; destY = 7; rewardVNum = 942; break; case MapInstanceType.Act4Berios: destX = 16; destY = 25; rewardVNum = 999; break; } int count = evt.MapInstance.Sessions.Count(s => s?.Character != null); foreach (ClientSession sess in evt.MapInstance.Sessions) { if (sess?.Character != null) { sess.Character.GiftAdd(rewardVNum, 1, forceRandom: true, minRare: 1, design: 255); sess.Character.GenerateFamilyXp(10000 / count); } } Logger.LogEvent("FAMILYRAID_SUCCESS", $"[fam.Name]FamilyRaidId: {evt.MapInstance.MapInstanceType.ToString()}"); //TODO: Famlog CommunicationServiceClient.Instance.SendMessageToCharacter(new SCSCharacterMessage { DestinationCharacterId = fam.FamilyId, SourceCharacterId = client.Character.CharacterId, SourceWorldId = ServerManager.Instance.WorldId, Message = UserInterfaceHelper.GenerateMsg(Language.Instance.GetMessageFromKey("FAMILYRAID_SUCCESS"), 0), Type = MessageType.Family }); //ServerManager.Instance.Broadcast(UserInterfaceHelper.Instance.GenerateMsg(string.Format(Language.Instance.GetMessageFromKey("FAMILYRAID_SUCCESS"), grp?.Raid?.Label, grp.Characters.ElementAt(0).Character.Name), 0)); Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)).Subscribe(o => { foreach (ClientSession targetSession in evt.MapInstance.Sessions.ToArray()) { if (targetSession != null) { if (targetSession.Character.Hp <= 0) { targetSession.Character.Hp = 1; targetSession.Character.Mp = 1; } ServerManager.Instance.ChangeMapInstance(targetSession.Character.CharacterId, fam.Act4Raid.MapInstanceId, destX, destY); } } evt.MapInstance.Dispose(); }); } } break; case MapInstanceType.CaligorInstance: FactionType winningFaction = CaligorRaid.AngelDamage > CaligorRaid.DemonDamage ? FactionType.Angel : FactionType.Demon; foreach (ClientSession sess in evt.MapInstance.Sessions) { if (sess?.Character != null) { if (CaligorRaid.RemainingTime > 2400) { if (sess.Character.Faction == winningFaction) { sess.Character.GiftAdd(5960, 1); } else { sess.Character.GiftAdd(5961, 1); } } else { if (sess.Character.Faction == winningFaction) { sess.Character.GiftAdd(5961, 1); } else { sess.Character.GiftAdd(5958, 1); } } sess.Character.GiftAdd(5959, 1); sess.Character.GenerateFamilyXp(500); } } evt.MapInstance.Broadcast(UserInterfaceHelper.GenerateCHDM(ServerManager.GetNpc(2305).MaxHP, CaligorRaid.AngelDamage, CaligorRaid.DemonDamage, CaligorRaid.RemainingTime)); break; } break; case EventActionType.MAPCLOCK: evt.MapInstance.Clock.TotalSecondsAmount = Convert.ToInt32(evt.Parameter); evt.MapInstance.Clock.SecondsRemaining = Convert.ToInt32(evt.Parameter); break; case EventActionType.STARTCLOCK: Tuple <List <EventContainer>, List <EventContainer> > eve = (Tuple <List <EventContainer>, List <EventContainer> >)evt.Parameter; evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.Clock.StopEvents = eve.Item1; evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.Clock.TimeoutEvents = eve.Item2; evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.Clock.StartClock(); evt.MapInstance.Broadcast(evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.Clock.GetClock()); break; case EventActionType.TELEPORT: Tuple <short, short, short, short> tp = (Tuple <short, short, short, short>)evt.Parameter; List <Character> characters = evt.MapInstance.GetCharactersInRange(tp.Item1, tp.Item2, 5).ToList(); characters.ForEach(s => { s.PositionX = tp.Item3; s.PositionY = tp.Item4; evt.MapInstance?.Broadcast(s.Session, s.GenerateTp(), ReceiverType.Group); }); break; case EventActionType.STOPCLOCK: evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.Clock.StopClock(); evt.MapInstance.Broadcast(evt.MapInstance.InstanceBag.Clock.GetClock()); break; case EventActionType.STARTMAPCLOCK: eve = (Tuple <List <EventContainer>, List <EventContainer> >)evt.Parameter; evt.MapInstance.Clock.StopEvents = eve.Item1; evt.MapInstance.Clock.TimeoutEvents = eve.Item2; evt.MapInstance.Clock.StartClock(); evt.MapInstance.Broadcast(evt.MapInstance.Clock.GetClock()); break; case EventActionType.STOPMAPCLOCK: evt.MapInstance.Clock.StopClock(); evt.MapInstance.Broadcast(evt.MapInstance.Clock.GetClock()); break; case EventActionType.SPAWNPORTAL: evt.MapInstance.CreatePortal((Portal)evt.Parameter); break; case EventActionType.REFRESHMAPITEMS: evt.MapInstance.MapClear(); break; case EventActionType.NPCSEFFECTCHANGESTATE: evt.MapInstance.Npcs.ForEach(s => s.EffectActivated = (bool)evt.Parameter); break; case EventActionType.CHANGEPORTALTYPE: Tuple <int, PortalType> param = (Tuple <int, PortalType>)evt.Parameter; Portal portal = evt.MapInstance.Portals.Find(s => s.PortalId == param.Item1); if (portal != null) { portal.Type = (short)param.Item2; } break; case EventActionType.CHANGEDROPRATE: evt.MapInstance.DropRate = (int)evt.Parameter; break; case EventActionType.CHANGEXPRATE: evt.MapInstance.XpRate = (int)evt.Parameter; break; case EventActionType.DISPOSEMAP: evt.MapInstance.Dispose(); break; case EventActionType.SPAWNBUTTON: evt.MapInstance.SpawnButton((MapButton)evt.Parameter); break; case EventActionType.UNSPAWNMONSTERS: evt.MapInstance.DespawnMonster((int)evt.Parameter); break; case EventActionType.SPAWNMONSTER: evt.MapInstance.SummonMonster((MonsterToSummon)evt.Parameter); break; case EventActionType.SPAWNMONSTERS: evt.MapInstance.SummonMonsters((List <MonsterToSummon>)evt.Parameter); break; case EventActionType.REFRESHRAIDGOAL: ClientSession cl = evt.MapInstance.Sessions.FirstOrDefault(); if (cl?.Character != null) { ServerManager.Instance.Broadcast(cl, cl.Character?.Group?.GeneraterRaidmbf(cl), ReceiverType.Group); ServerManager.Instance.Broadcast(cl, UserInterfaceHelper.GenerateMsg(Language.Instance.GetMessageFromKey("NEW_MISSION"), 0), ReceiverType.Group); } break; case EventActionType.SPAWNNPC: evt.MapInstance.SummonNpc((NpcToSummon)evt.Parameter); break; case EventActionType.SPAWNNPCS: evt.MapInstance.SummonNpcs((List <NpcToSummon>)evt.Parameter); break; case EventActionType.DROPITEMS: evt.MapInstance.DropItems((List <Tuple <short, int, short, short> >)evt.Parameter); break; case EventActionType.THROWITEMS: Tuple <int, short, byte, int, int> parameters = (Tuple <int, short, byte, int, int>)evt.Parameter; if (monster != null) { parameters = new Tuple <int, short, byte, int, int>(monster.MapMonsterId, parameters.Item2, parameters.Item3, parameters.Item4, parameters.Item5); } evt.MapInstance.ThrowItems(parameters); break; case EventActionType.SPAWNONLASTENTRY: Character lastincharacter = evt.MapInstance.Sessions.OrderByDescending(s => s.RegisterTime).FirstOrDefault()?.Character; List <MonsterToSummon> summonParameters = new List <MonsterToSummon>(); MapCell hornSpawn = new MapCell { X = lastincharacter?.PositionX ?? 154, Y = lastincharacter?.PositionY ?? 140 }; long hornTarget = lastincharacter?.CharacterId ?? -1; summonParameters.Add(new MonsterToSummon(Convert.ToInt16(evt.Parameter), hornSpawn, hornTarget, true)); evt.MapInstance.SummonMonsters(summonParameters); break; #endregion } } catch (Exception) { } } } }
public LocallSectionCell(MapCell pos, int x, int y) { Position = pos; Xsize = x; Ysize = y; }
private void create_city() { city_cell = (CityCell)MapCell.create_cell(MapCell.CITY_ID, 1, city, new Pos(12, 12));; map.Add(city_cell.pos, city_cell); }
public void add_oscillating_cell(MapCell cell) { oscillating_cells.Add(cell); }
private void CreateMovementCmd(bool serverSide, Action <List <Cmd> > callback) { Guid playerId = m_gameState.GetLocalPlayerId(m_localPlayerIndex); int playerIndex = m_gameState.GetPlayerIndex(playerId); long[] selectedUnitIds = m_unitSelection.GetSelection(playerIndex, playerIndex); if (selectedUnitIds.Length > 0) { List <Cmd> commandsToSubmit = new List <Cmd>(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedUnitIds.Length; ++i) { long unitIndex = selectedUnitIds[i]; IVoxelDataController dataController = m_gameState.GetVoxelDataController(playerIndex, unitIndex); MapCell cell = m_map.GetCell(m_cameraController.MapCursor, m_cameraController.Weight, null); int deltaWeight = dataController.ControlledData.Weight - m_cameraController.Weight; while (deltaWeight > 0) { cell = cell.Parent; deltaWeight--; } VoxelData selectedTarget = null; //MapCell selectedTargetCell = null; for (int p = 0; p < m_gameState.PlayersCount; ++p) { long[] targetSelection = m_targetSelection.GetSelection(playerIndex, p); if (targetSelection.Length > 0) { MatchAssetCli asset = m_gameState.GetAsset(p, targetSelection[0]); if (asset != null) { selectedTarget = asset.VoxelData; // selectedTargetCell = asset.Cell; } else { IVoxelDataController dc = m_gameState.GetVoxelDataController(p, targetSelection[0]); selectedTarget = dc.ControlledData; // selectedTargetCell = m_map.GetCell(dc.Coordinate.MapPos, dc.Coordinate.Weight, null); } } } int dataType = dataController.ControlledData.Type; int dataWeight = dataController.ControlledData.Weight; VoxelData beneath = null; if (cell != null) { if (selectedTarget == null) { VoxelData defaultTarget; beneath = cell.GetDefaultTargetFor(dataType, dataWeight, playerIndex, false, out defaultTarget); } else { beneath = cell.GetPreviousFor(selectedTarget, dataType, dataWeight, playerIndex); } } VoxelData closestBeneath = beneath; float minDistance = float.MaxValue; if (closestBeneath == null && cell != null) { MapPos pos = cell.GetPosition(); for (int r = -1; r <= 1; r++) { for (int c = -1; c <= 1; c++) { MapCell neighbourCell = m_map.GetCell(new MapPos(pos.Row + r, pos.Col + c), dataController.ControlledData.Weight, null); if (neighbourCell != null) { VoxelData defaultTarget; VoxelData data = neighbourCell.GetDefaultTargetFor(dataType, dataWeight, playerIndex, false, out defaultTarget); Vector3 worldPoint = m_map.GetWorldPosition(new MapPos(pos.Row + r, pos.Col + c), dataWeight); if (data != null) { worldPoint.y = (data.Altitude + data.Height) * GameConstants.UnitSize; } Vector2 screenPoint = m_cameraController.WorldToScreenPoint(worldPoint); if (m_cameraController.InScreenBounds(screenPoint)) { float distance = (screenPoint - m_cameraController.VirtualMousePosition).magnitude; if (data != null && distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; closestBeneath = data; cell = neighbourCell; } } } } } } beneath = closestBeneath; if (beneath != null) { int weight = dataController.ControlledData.Weight; // Vector3 hitPoint = beneath.Weight <= weight ? m_map.GetWorldPosition(m_cameraController.MapCursor, m_cameraController.Weight) : m_cameraController.Cursor; //MapPos mapPos = m_map.GetMapPosition(hitPoint, weight); MapPos mapPos = cell.GetPosition(); int altitude = beneath.Altitude + beneath.Height; if (serverSide) { MovementCmd movementCmd = new MovementCmd(); if (selectedTarget != null) { movementCmd.HasTarget = true; movementCmd.TargetIndex = selectedTarget.UnitOrAssetIndex; movementCmd.TargetPlayerIndex = selectedTarget.Owner; } Coordinate targetCoordinate = new Coordinate(mapPos, weight, altitude); movementCmd.Code = CmdCode.Move; movementCmd.Coordinates = new[] { targetCoordinate }; movementCmd.UnitIndex = unitIndex; commandsToSubmit.Add(movementCmd); } else { Coordinate targetCoordinate = new Coordinate(mapPos, weight, altitude); m_engine.GetPathFinder(m_gameState.LocalToPlayerIndex(LocalPlayerIndex)).Find(unitIndex, -1, dataController.Clone(), new[] { dataController.Coordinate, targetCoordinate }, (unitId, path) => { MovementCmd movementCmd = new MovementCmd(); movementCmd.Code = CmdCode.Move; movementCmd.Coordinates = path; movementCmd.UnitIndex = unitIndex; commandsToSubmit.Add(movementCmd); callback(commandsToSubmit); }, null); } } } if (serverSide) { callback(commandsToSubmit); } } callback(null); }
public void SetMarker(MapCell cell, Marker marker) { SetMarker(cell.X, cell.Y, marker); }
private void CreateVoxel(Vector3 hitPoint) { int weight = BrushWeight; int type = m_selectedPrefab.Prefab.Type; int selectedWeight = Mathf.Min(m_voxelMap.Map.Weight, weight + BrushSize - 1); MapPos mappos = m_voxelMap.GetMapPosition(hitPoint, selectedWeight); MapCell cell = m_voxelMap.GetCell(mappos, selectedWeight, m_voxelCameraRef); if (cell != null && m_lastModifiedCell != cell) { if (cell.HasDescendantsWithVoxelData()) { Debug.LogWarning("Unable to create in cell with child data available"); m_lastModifiedCell = cell; return; } if (type == (int)KnownVoxelTypes.Ground) { if (cell.First != null && cell.First.GetLast().Type != type) { Debug.LogWarning("Unable to create voxel of type GROUND attached to voxel of another type"); m_lastModifiedCell = cell; return; } else if (cell.Parent != null) { MapCell parent = cell.Parent; while (parent != null) { if (parent.First != null && parent.First.GetLast().Type != type) { Debug.LogWarning("Unable to create voxel of type GROUND attached to voxel of another type"); m_lastModifiedCell = cell; return; } parent = parent.Parent; } } } if (BrushHeight == 0 && m_selectedAbilities.VariableHeight) { //Following lines should prevent stacking of zero height voxels. DestroyVoxels(cell, type); MapCell parent = cell.Parent; while (parent != null) { if (parent.First != null) { VoxelData data = parent.First.GetFirstOfType(type); DestroyVoxel(parent, data); } parent = parent.Parent; } } //if(CanSimplify(type)) //{ // //If type is ground -> simplify (fill one big cell instead of multiple small cells); // CreateVoxels(cell, type, selectedWeight, selectedWeight); //} //else //{ CreateVoxels(cell, type, weight, selectedWeight); ///} m_lastModifiedCell = cell; } }
private void Draw(MapCell cell, Coordinate coord, Color32[] colors, int textureSize, Func <MapCell, VoxelData> voxelDataSelector, Func <VoxelData, Color> colorSelector) { Coordinate zeroCoord = coord.ToWeight(0); MapPos p0 = zeroCoord.MapPos; int size = (1 << coord.Weight); MapPos p1 = p0; p1.Add(size, size); p0.Row = Mathf.Max(p0.Row, m_bounds.Row); p0.Col = Math.Max(p0.Col, m_bounds.Col); p1.Row = Mathf.Min(p1.Row, m_bounds.Row + m_bounds.RowsCount); p1.Col = Mathf.Min(p1.Col, m_bounds.Col + m_bounds.ColsCount); int cols = p1.Col - p0.Col; int rows = p1.Row - p0.Row; if (cols <= 0 || rows <= 0) { return; } cols *= m_scale; rows *= m_scale; p0.Row -= m_bounds.Row; p0.Col -= m_bounds.Col; p0.Row *= m_scale; p0.Col *= m_scale; VoxelData data = null; if (cell.First != null) { data = voxelDataSelector(cell); } if (data != null) { float height = data.Altitude + data.Height; float deltaColor = Mathf.Max(0, (1.0f - (height / m_staticMapHeight))) * 0.1f; Color32 color = colorSelector(data) - new Color(deltaColor, deltaColor, deltaColor, 0); for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c) { colors[(p0.Row + r) * textureSize + p0.Col + c] = color; } } } if (cell.Children != null && cell.Children.Length > 0 && coord.Weight > GameConstants.MinVoxelActorWeight) { coord.Weight--; coord.Col *= 2; coord.Row *= 2; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Coordinate childCoord = coord; childCoord.Row += i / 2; childCoord.Col += i % 2; Draw(cell.Children[i], childCoord, colors, textureSize, voxelDataSelector, colorSelector); } } }
/// <summary> /// Shows Map and the details of the map /// used Prof.Holmes' code for showing the map /// </summary> public void ShowContent() { grdGameBorad.Children.Clear(); CreateAGrid(grdGameBorad, 10, 10); for (int row = 0; row <= Game.Map.Cells.GetUpperBound(0); row++) { for (int col = 0; col <= Game.Map.Cells.GetUpperBound(1); col++) { Button btn = new Button(); MapCell mcToCheck = Game.Map.Cells[row, col]; // get the current mapcell TextBlock tbContents = new TextBlock(); // create a textblock to display contents tbContents.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; //mapcell will be black if hasn't been seen if (mcToCheck.HasBeenSeen == false) { tbContents.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); } else if (mcToCheck.HasItem) { if (mcToCheck.Item.GetType() == typeof(Weapon)) { tbContents.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray); } else if (mcToCheck.Item.GetType() == typeof(Potion)) { Potion ptn = (Potion)mcToCheck.Item; tbContents.Background = GetColorBrush(ptn); } else if (mcToCheck.Item.GetType() == typeof(Door)) { tbContents.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Peru); } else if (mcToCheck.Item.GetType() == typeof(DoorKey)) { tbContents.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gold); } tbContents.Text = mcToCheck.Item.Name; } else if (mcToCheck.HasMonster) { tbContents.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.DarkRed); tbContents.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); tbContents.Text = Game.Map.Cells[row, col].Monster.Name(false); } else if (Game.Map.Adventurer.PositionX == col && Game.Map.Adventurer.PositionY == row) { tbContents.Text = Game.Map.Adventurer.Name(true); tbContents.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); tbContents.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.DarkBlue); } tbContents.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; Grid.SetRow(tbContents, row); Grid.SetColumn(tbContents, col); grdGameBorad.Children.Add(tbContents); } } string weapName = ""; if (Game.Map.Adventurer.HasWeapon == true) { weapName = Game.Map.Adventurer.Weapon.Name; } else { weapName = "NONE"; } //details to be shown tbMapDet.Text = String.Format("{5}\r\nMonsters count: {0} \r\n Items count: {1} \r\n Map Discovered: {2} % \r\n Current Location: {3},{4}", Game.Map.CountMonsters, Game.Map.CountItems, Game.Map.MapDiscPercent, Game.Map.Adventurer.PositionX, Game.Map.Adventurer.PositionY, Game.Map.Adventurer.Name(true)); tbItemDet.Text = String.Format("Max Monster HP: {0} \r\n Min Weapon Damage: {1} \r\n Average Potion Effect: {2} \r\n Weapon: {3}", Game.Map.MostHP, Game.Map.LeastWeaponDamageValue, Game.Map.PotionAVG, weapName); }
public void reset() { // New game, new player cell = active_disc.cell; MapUI.I.set_active_ask_to_enterP(false); MapUI.I.update_cell_text(; }
public static bool CanStay( this MapUnit unit, MapCell cell) { return(cell.isFilled); }
/// <summary> /// Loops through game board array of mapcells and displays the cells to the user. /// Images retrieved from: /// /// /// /// /// /// </summary> public void DrawMap() { grdMapCells.Children.Clear(); // Loop through the entire game board. for (int row = 0; row < Game.Map.GameBoard.GetLength(0); row++) { for (int column = 0; column < Game.Map.GameBoard.GetLength(1); column++) { TextBlock tbCell = new TextBlock(); MapCell mapCell = Game.Map.GameBoard[row, column]; tbCell.Name = "mapCell" + row + column; tbCell.Tag = mapCell; tbCell.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; tbCell.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; // Display the contents in map cells that have different potions. if (mapCell.HasItem) { if (mapCell.Item.GetType() == typeof(Potion) && mapCell.IsDiscovered) { Potion potion = (Potion)mapCell.Item; if (potion.Color == Potion.Colors.Blue) { InlineUIContainer container = CreateImageContainer(@"assets/BluePotion.png"); tbCell.Inlines.Add(container); } else if (potion.Color == Potion.Colors.Green) { InlineUIContainer container = CreateImageContainer(@"assets/GreenPotion.png"); tbCell.Inlines.Add(container); } else if (potion.Color == Potion.Colors.Red) { InlineUIContainer container = CreateImageContainer(@"assets/RedPotion.png"); tbCell.Inlines.Add(container); } else if (potion.Color == Potion.Colors.Purple) { InlineUIContainer container = CreateImageContainer(@"assets/PurplePotion.png"); tbCell.Inlines.Add(container); } // Display the map cell that contains the door. } else if (mapCell.Item.GetType() == typeof(Door) && mapCell.IsDiscovered) { InlineUIContainer container = CreateImageContainer(@"assets/Door.png"); tbCell.Inlines.Add(container); // Display the map cell that contains the key. } else if (mapCell.Item.GetType() == typeof(DoorKey) && mapCell.IsDiscovered) { InlineUIContainer container = CreateImageContainer(@"assets/Key.png"); tbCell.Inlines.Add(container); } else if (mapCell.Item.GetType() == typeof(Weapon) && mapCell.IsDiscovered) { if (mapCell.Item.Name == "Dagger") { InlineUIContainer container = CreateImageContainer(@"assets/Dagger.png"); tbCell.Inlines.Add(container); } else if (mapCell.Item.Name == "Club") { InlineUIContainer container = CreateImageContainer(@"assets/Club.png"); tbCell.Inlines.Add(container); } else if (mapCell.Item.Name == "Sword") { InlineUIContainer container = CreateImageContainer(@"assets/Sword.png"); tbCell.Inlines.Add(container); } else if (mapCell.Item.Name == "Claymore") { InlineUIContainer container = CreateImageContainer(@"assets/Claymore.png"); tbCell.Inlines.Add(container); } } } else if (mapCell.HasMonster && mapCell.IsDiscovered) { if (mapCell.Monster.Name == "Goblin") { InlineUIContainer container = CreateImageContainer(@"assets/Goblin.png"); tbCell.Inlines.Add(container); } else if (mapCell.Monster.Name == "Orc") { InlineUIContainer container = CreateImageContainer(@"assets/Orc.png"); tbCell.Inlines.Add(container); } else if (mapCell.Monster.Name == "Giant Slime") { InlineUIContainer container = CreateImageContainer(@"assets/GiantSlime.png"); tbCell.Inlines.Add(container); } else if (mapCell.Monster.Name == "Rat") { InlineUIContainer container = CreateImageContainer(@"assets/Rat.png"); tbCell.Inlines.Add(container); } else if (mapCell.Monster.Name == "Skeleton") { InlineUIContainer container = CreateImageContainer(@"assets/Skeleton.png"); tbCell.Inlines.Add(container); } } if (mapCell == Game.Map.GetCurrentPosition()) { InlineUIContainer container = CreateImageContainer(@"assets/Adventurer.png"); tbCell.Inlines.Add(container); } // Make cell black if its not discovered. if (mapCell.IsDiscovered == false) { tbCell.Background = Brushes.Black; tbCell.Foreground = Brushes.Black; } // Add the cells to the grid, showing the game board. Grid.SetColumn(tbCell, column); Grid.SetRow(tbCell, row); grdMapCells.Children.Add(tbCell); } } }
private void Update() { if (m_inputManager.GetButtonDown(InputAction.EditorCreate, m_mapEditorOwner)) { m_lastModifiedCell = null; m_editorCreateButtonDown = true; } if (m_inputManager.GetButtonUp(InputAction.EditorCreate, m_mapEditorOwner)) { m_lastModifiedCell = null; m_editorCreateButtonDown = false; } if (m_inputManager.GetButtonDown(InputAction.EditorDestroy, m_mapEditorOwner)) { m_lastModifiedCell = null; m_editorDestroyButtonDown = true; } if (m_inputManager.GetButtonUp(InputAction.EditorDestroy, m_mapEditorOwner)) { m_lastModifiedCell = null; m_editorDestroyButtonDown = false; } if (m_inputManager.GetButton(InputAction.EditorCreate, m_mapEditorOwner)) { if (m_editorCreateButtonDown) { CreateVoxel(); } } else if (m_inputManager.GetButton(InputAction.EditorDestroy, m_mapEditorOwner)) { if (m_editorDestroyButtonDown) { DestroyVoxel(); } } if (m_inputManager.GetButtonDown(InputAction.EditorPan, m_mapEditorOwner)) { m_lastMousePosition = m_inputManager.MousePosition; m_prevPivotPosition = m_pivot.transform.position; } else if (m_inputManager.GetButtonUp(InputAction.EditorPan, m_mapEditorOwner)) { m_editorCamera.enabled = false; } bool pan = m_inputManager.GetButton(InputAction.EditorPan, m_mapEditorOwner); bool rotate = m_inputManager.GetButton(InputAction.EditorRotate, m_mapEditorOwner); if (!pan && !rotate) { m_editorCamera.Zoom(); } if (rotate) { if (pan) { m_editorCamera.enabled = true; } } else { m_editorCamera.enabled = false; if (pan) { Pan(); } } }
private bool TryToMove(bool checkTarget, PathFinderTask task, Coordinate from, Coordinate next, out Coordinate result, out VoxelData resultData) { resultData = null; MapCell cell = task.Map.Get(next.Row, next.Col, next.Weight); int type = task.ControlledData.Type; int weight = task.ControlledData.Weight; int height = task.ControlledData.Height; MapCell targetCell; if (checkTarget) { VoxelData targetData = cell.GetById(task.TargetId); if (targetData != null) { next.Altitude = targetData.Altitude; CmdResultCode canMove = VoxelDataController.CanMove(task.ControlledData, task.Abilities, task.Map, task.MapSize, from, next, false, false, false, out targetCell); if (canMove == CmdResultCode.Success) { resultData = targetData; result = next; return(true); } } } //Change altitude if failed with target coordinate VoxelData target; VoxelData beneath = cell.GetDefaultTargetFor(type, weight, task.PlayerIndex, false, out target); if (beneath == null) { result = from; return(false); } // This will allow bomb movement bool isLastStep = task.Waypoints[task.Waypoints.Length - 1].MapPos == next.MapPos; if (isLastStep) { //Try target coordinate first next = task.Waypoints[task.Waypoints.Length - 1]; //last step is param false -> force CanMove to check next coordinate as is CmdResultCode canMove = VoxelDataController.CanMove(task.ControlledData, task.Abilities, task.Map, task.MapSize, from, next, false, false, false, out targetCell); if (canMove == CmdResultCode.Success) { result = next; return(true); } } if (target != beneath) //this will allow bombs to move over spawners { if (!isLastStep && target != null && !(target.IsCollapsableBy(type, weight) || target.IsAttackableBy(task.ControlledData))) { result = from; return(false); } } next.Altitude = beneath.Altitude + beneath.Height; //last step param is false -> force CanMove to check next coordinate as is CmdResultCode canMoveResult = VoxelDataController.CanMove(task.ControlledData, task.Abilities, task.Map, task.MapSize, from, next, false, false, false, out targetCell); if (canMoveResult != CmdResultCode.Success) { result = from; return(false); } result = next; return(true); }
/* * Create a GameObject for a map cell on the grid, add walls, floors, decorations etc. */ private GameObject buildGameObj(MapCell cell, Map map) { GameObject cellGameObj = new GameObject(); // Floor and ceiling = "Map cell: " + cell.x + ", " + cell.y; GameObject floor = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Floor"), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity); GameObject ceiling = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Ceiling"), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity); floor.transform.parent = cellGameObj.transform; ceiling.transform.parent = cellGameObj.transform; // Look for walls, and build them if (map.getCellSouth(cell) == null || map.getCellSouth(cell).solid) { addWall(0, cellGameObj, cell); } if (map.getCellWest(cell) == null || map.getCellWest(cell).solid) { addWall(90, cellGameObj, cell); } if (map.getCellNorth(cell) == null || map.getCellNorth(cell).solid) { addWall(180, cellGameObj, cell); } if (map.getCellEast(cell) == null || map.getCellEast(cell).solid) { addWall(270, cellGameObj, cell); } // Look for features; doors, pillars, pits, statues if (cell.hasFeature()) { GameObject feat = null; if (cell.getFeature().type == "door") { feat = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Door"), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity); } if (cell.getFeature().type == "pillar") { feat = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Pillar"), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity); } int featureRotate = 0; switch (cell.getFeature().facing) { case Map.SOUTH: featureRotate = 0; break; case Map.WEST: featureRotate = 90; break; case Map.NORTH: featureRotate = 180; break; case Map.EAST: featureRotate = 270; break; } feat.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, featureRotate, 0); feat.transform.parent = cellGameObj.transform; cell.getFeature().gameObj = feat; } // Puddles and floor decals, grime etc if (Random.Range(0, 100) > 50) { GameObject decal = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("FloorSlime"), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity); decal.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, Random.Range(0, 360), 0); float s = Random.Range(0.3f, 1.9f); decal.transform.localScale = new Vector3(s, s, s); decal.transform.parent = cellGameObj.transform; } if ( != null) { addMonster(cell, cellGameObj); } // Place into the world cellGameObj.transform.position = new Vector3(cell.x * Main.CELL_SIZE, 0, -(cell.y * Main.CELL_SIZE)); return(cellGameObj); }