Beispiel #1
    void FillBuildableLayer()
        var count = 0;

        // fill scene with object layer objects
        for (var x = 0; x < MapSizeX; x++)
            for (var y = 0; y < MapSizeY; y++)
                if (MapBuildableLayer[x, y] != null)
                    var temp = Resources.Load(MapBuildableLayer[x, y].AssetPath, typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;
                    BuildableSceneObjects[count] = GameObject.Instantiate(temp, new Vector3(x * MapTileSize, 0, y * MapTileSize), Quaternion.identity);

                    var newBuildable = new MapBuildable();
                    newBuildable.Name      = BuildableSceneObjects[count].name;
                    newBuildable.Position  = new Vector3(x * MapTileSize, 0, y * MapTileSize);
                    newBuildable.Rotation  = Quaternion.identity.eulerAngles;
                    BuildablesInMap[count] = newBuildable;

                    count += 1;
                    BuildableSceneObjects[count] = null;
                    BuildablesInMap[count]       = null;
Beispiel #2
    void UpdateTerrainMapSaveData()
        var count = 0;

        for (var x = 0; x < MapSizeX; x++)
            for (var y = 0; y < MapSizeY; y++)
//				print (NewMapTerrainLayer[x,y]);

                if (NewMapTerrainLayer[x, y] == null)
                    TerrainInMap[count] = null;
                    print("ERROR:" + x + ", " + y);
                    var newTerrainSaveData = new MapBuildable();
                    newTerrainSaveData.Name     = ((NewMapTerrainLayer[x, y].name.Substring(0, NewMapTerrainLayer[x, y].name.Length - 7)));               // NewMapTerrainLayer[TileX,TileY].name;
                    newTerrainSaveData.Position = NewMapTerrainLayer[x, y].transform.position;
                    newTerrainSaveData.Rotation = NewMapTerrainLayer[x, y].transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
                    TerrainInMap[count]         = newTerrainSaveData;
                count += 1;
Beispiel #3
    void LoadMap()
        if (_data.ToString() != "")
            // notice how I use a reference to type (UserData) here, you need this
            // so that the returned object is converted into the correct type

            myData = (SaveData)DeserializeObject(_data);

            // set buildablelayer
            for (var i = 0; i < 400; i++)
                if (myData.MapBuildableLayer[i] != null)
                    BuildablesInMap[i] = myData.MapBuildableLayer[i];

                    var newAssetPath = ListOfBuildables.FindByName(BuildablesInMap[i].Name).AssetPath;
                    var temp         = Resources.Load(newAssetPath, typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;

                    BuildableSceneObjects[i] = GameObject.Instantiate(temp, BuildablesInMap[i].Position, Quaternion.Euler(BuildablesInMap[i].Rotation)) as GameObject;

                    var newBuildable = new MapBuildable();
                    newBuildable.Name     = BuildablesInMap[i].Name;
                    newBuildable.Position = BuildablesInMap[i].Position;
                    newBuildable.Rotation = BuildablesInMap[i].Rotation;
                    BuildablesInMap[i]    = newBuildable;

                    BuildablesInMap[i] = null;

            // set TerrainLayer
            for (var i = 0; i < 400; i++)
                if (myData.TerrainBuildableLayer[i] != null)
                    TerrainInMap[i] = myData.TerrainBuildableLayer[i];

                    var newAssetPath = ListOfBuildables.FindByName(TerrainInMap[i].Name).AssetPath;
                    var temp         = Resources.Load(newAssetPath, typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;

                    var TileX = (int)(i / MapSizeX);
                    var TileY = (int)((i % MapSizeY));
//					print ("x = " + TileX + " y = " + TileY);
                    NewMapTerrainLayer[TileX, TileY] = (GameObject)Instantiate(temp, TerrainInMap[i].Position, Quaternion.Euler(TerrainInMap[i].Rotation));
Beispiel #4
    void LoadMapFromPlayerBlobManager()
        var PlayerBlob = GameObject.Find("PlayerBlobManager_Prefab");

        PlayerBlob.GetComponent <PlayerBlobManager>().LoadPlayerData();

        myData.MapBuildableLayer = PlayerBlob.GetComponent <PlayerBlobManager>().BuildablesInMap;
        for (var i = 0; i < 400; i++)
            if (myData.MapBuildableLayer[i] != null)
                BuildablesInMap[i] = myData.MapBuildableLayer[i];

                var newAssetPath = ListOfBuildables.FindByName(BuildablesInMap[i].Name).AssetPath;
                var temp         = Resources.Load(newAssetPath, typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;

                BuildableSceneObjects[i] = GameObject.Instantiate(temp, BuildablesInMap[i].Position, Quaternion.Euler(BuildablesInMap[i].Rotation)) as GameObject;

                var newBuildable = new MapBuildable();
                newBuildable.Name     = BuildablesInMap[i].Name;
                newBuildable.Position = BuildablesInMap[i].Position;
                newBuildable.Rotation = BuildablesInMap[i].Rotation;
                BuildablesInMap[i]    = newBuildable;

//				DisableComponentsForEditor();

        myData.TerrainBuildableLayer = PlayerBlob.GetComponent <PlayerBlobManager>().TerrainInMap;
        for (var i = 0; i < 400; i++)
            if (myData.TerrainBuildableLayer[i] != null)
                TerrainInMap[i] = myData.TerrainBuildableLayer[i];

                var newAssetPath = ListOfBuildables.FindByName(TerrainInMap[i].Name).AssetPath;
                var temp         = Resources.Load(newAssetPath, typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;

                var TileX = (int)(i / MapSizeX);
                var TileY = (int)((i % MapSizeY));
//					print ("x = " + TileX + " y = " + TileY);
                NewMapTerrainLayer[TileX, TileY] = (GameObject)Instantiate(temp, TerrainInMap[i].Position, Quaternion.Euler(TerrainInMap[i].Rotation));
Beispiel #5
    void SetMapLayerObject(Vector3 myPos, Quaternion myRot, Buildable myObj)
        var tileX = (int)(myPos.x / 2);
        var tileY = (int)(myPos.z / 2);

        PlayerMapObject.GetComponent <PlayerMap>().MapBuildableLayer[tileX, tileY] = myObj;

        var newBuildable = new MapBuildable();
//		var count = (tileX * (PlayerMapObject.GetComponent<PlayerMap>().MapSizeX -1)) + tileY;
        var count = (tileX * (PlayerMapObject.GetComponent <PlayerMap>().MapSizeX)) + tileY;

        newBuildable.Name = myObj.Name;
//		newBuildable.Position = myPos;
        newBuildable.Position = FindTerrainCollisionPointYAxis(myPos);
        newBuildable.Rotation = myRot.eulerAngles;
        PlayerMapObject.GetComponent <PlayerMap>().BuildablesInMap[count] = newBuildable;
        PlayerMapObject.GetComponent <PlayerMap>().SaveMap();