static void OnAttributesChange(DependencyObject o, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            HoverResults hr = o as HoverResults;

            if (hr == null)
            hr.Graphic = hr.Layer.Graphics.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Attributes == hr.Attributes); //null or matching graphic
            if (hr.Attributes == null)
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("@@Change, NULL, {0}", MapApplication.GetLayerName(hr.Layer)));
            else if (hr.Attributes.ContainsKey("NAME"))
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("@@Change, {0}, {1}", hr.Attributes["NAME"], MapApplication.GetLayerName(hr.Layer)));
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("@@Change (no NAME field), {0}", MapApplication.GetLayerName(hr.Layer)));
        private void attachApplicationMapTipToLayer(GraphicsLayer layer, Graphic g)
            Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("@@Attaching map tip to layer: {0}", MapApplication.GetLayerName(layer)));
            // Create a new control each time a popup is to be displayed. This is to reset the controls to their
            // initial state. If this is not done, and you have controls like ToggleButtons, they may retain their
            // expanded or collapsed state even though binding is supposed to reset this. This way, you have a
            // consistent starting point for the display of a popup.
            HoverResults hoverResults = new HoverResults()
                Style   = HoverLayoutStyleHelper.Instance.GetStyle("HoverPopupContainerStyle"),
                Layer   = layer,
                Graphic = g,
                Map     = AssociatedObject

            // Associate map tip control with layer
            layer.MapTip = hoverResults;

            layer.MapTip.SizeChanged -= MapTip_SizeChanged;
            layer.MapTip.SizeChanged += MapTip_SizeChanged;

            // re-establish delay
            TimeSpan delay = (TimeSpan)AssociatedObject.GetValue(DelayMapTipHide.HideDelayProperty);
            layer.MapTip.SetValue(GraphicsLayer.MapTipHideDelayProperty, delay);
Beispiel #3
        }         // private Layer createLayer(string id, bool vis)

        private void getLyrSignature(Map map, ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer l)
            // get all Layer parameters
            string typ = lyr.GetType().ToString();

            string[] parts = typ.Split(new string[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (parts.Length > 0)
                typ = parts[parts.Length - 1];

            lyrType = typ;
            lyrName = MapApplication.GetLayerName(l);
            popupOn = ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Extensibility.LayerProperties.GetIsPopupEnabled(l);

            // sublayers popups on/off
            var ids = ESRI.ArcGIS.Mapping.Core.LayerExtensions.GetIdentifyLayerIds(l);
            //var ids = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<int>();
            var xmlszn = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection <int>));
            var sw     = new StringWriter();

            xmlszn.Serialize(sw, ids);
            identifyLayerIds = string.Format("{0}", sw.ToString().Trim());

            if (typ == "ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer")
                var lr = (ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer)lyr;
                lyrUrl = lr.Url;
                proxy  = lr.ProxyURL;
            else if (typ == "OpenStreetMapLayer")
                var lr = lyr as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Toolkit.DataSources.OpenStreetMapLayer;
                lyrUrl = "";
            else if (typ == "ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer")
                var lr = (ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer)lyr;
                lyrUrl      = lr.Url;
                proxy       = lr.ProxyURL;
                imageFormat = lr.ImageFormat;
            else if (typ == "FeatureLayer")
                var lr = (FeatureLayer)lyr;
                lyrUrl   = lr.Url;
                renderer = getRenderer(lr);
                proxy    = lr.ProxyUrl;
            else if (typ == "GraphicsLayer")
                var lr = (GraphicsLayer)lyr;
                lyrUrl   = getContent(lr);
                renderer = getRenderer(lr);
                proxy    = "";
        }         // private string getLyrSignature(Map map, ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer lyr)
        // Get mouse position
        void GraphicsLayer_MouseEnterOrMove(object sender, GraphicMouseEventArgs args)
            _mousePos = args.GetPosition(AssociatedObject);
            GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = sender as GraphicsLayer;

            if (args.Graphic != null)
                if (args.Graphic.Symbol is ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Clustering.FlareSymbol)
                    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("@@MouseEnter/Move, flare, {0}", MapApplication.GetLayerName(graphicsLayer)));
                else if (args.Graphic.Attributes.ContainsKey("NAME"))
                    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("@@MouseEnter/Move, {0}, {1}", args.Graphic.Attributes["NAME"], MapApplication.GetLayerName(graphicsLayer)));
                    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("@@MouseEnter/Move, no NAME field, {0}", MapApplication.GetLayerName(graphicsLayer)));
            if (ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Extensibility.LayerProperties.GetIsPopupEnabled(graphicsLayer))
                if (!ESRI.ArcGIS.Mapping.Core.LayerExtensions.GetPopUpsOnClick(graphicsLayer))
                    HoverResults hoverResults = graphicsLayer.MapTip as HoverResults;
                    if (graphicsLayer.MapTip == null) //if not a custom map tip
                        //if first time, attach map tip to layer
                        attachApplicationMapTipToLayer(graphicsLayer, args.Graphic);
                        hoverResults = graphicsLayer.MapTip as HoverResults;

                    //if map tip dirty, rebuild map tip
                    if (hoverResults != null)
                        if (ESRI.ArcGIS.Mapping.Core.LayerExtensions.GetIsMapTipDirty(graphicsLayer) &&
                            args.Graphic == hoverResults.Graphic)
                        //clear map tip dirty flag
                        ESRI.ArcGIS.Mapping.Core.LayerExtensions.SetIsMapTipDirty(graphicsLayer, false);
                    graphicsLayer.MapTip = null;
            else if (graphicsLayer.MapTip is HoverResults)
                graphicsLayer.MapTip = null;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether a layer is in a measurable state
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">The layer to check</param>
        /// <param name="map">The map containing the layer</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static bool IsMeasurable(this Layer layer, Map map)
            // Check whether the layer is visible, of a measurable type, has a defined layer name, and is not
            // hidden due to scale dependency
            bool measurable = layer.Visible &&
                              ((layer is ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer) ||
                               (layer is GraphicsLayer &&
                                ((GraphicsLayer)layer).GeometryType() != null &&
                                ((GraphicsLayer)layer).GeometryType() != ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Tasks.GeometryType.MultiPoint)) &&
                              !string.IsNullOrEmpty(MapApplication.GetLayerName(layer)) &&

            // For map service layers, make sure at least one sub-layer is visible
            if (measurable && layer is ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer)
                ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer dynLayer = (ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer)layer;
                // Check sub-layer visibility directly and as defined by the sub-layer's scale dependency
                measurable = dynLayer.Layers.Any(subLayer => dynLayer.GetLayerVisibility(subLayer.ID) &&

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the permanent layer from the results of the Query
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Permanent <see cref="ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureLayer"/></returns>
        /// <remarks>The permanent layer uses the default renderer of the layer.
        /// The permanent layer is visible in the Map Contents panel.</remarks>
        private FeatureLayer CreatePermanentLayer()
            // Check that the results layer is not null and use the results layer to create the permanent layer
            if (resultsLayer != null)
                permanentLayer = resultsLayer;

                // Create a layer ID for displaying the layer in the map contents and attribute table
                string permanentLayerID = string.Format(Strings.RelatedTo, permanentLayer.LayerInfo.Name, PopupInfo.PopupItem.Title);

                // If there is more than one layer with the same name, add a number to the end of the name
                int layerCountSuffix = 0;

                string layerName;
                // Verify the next number in the sequence hasn't been used. If layers are renamed after the name is generated, a scenario may occur where
                // the last number used in the name is actually greater than the number of existing layers with the same name. We don't want a number to
                // repeat, so we check the last number used.
                foreach (Layer layer in map.Layers)
                    layerName = MapApplication.GetLayerName(layer);
                    if (layerName != null && layerName.StartsWith(permanentLayerID))
                        if (layerName.EndsWith(")"))
                            // Split the layer name at the end to get the last number used (number contained within the parentheses)
                            string[] splitLayerName     = layerName.Split('(');
                            int      lastNumberAppended = Convert.ToInt32(splitLayerName.Last <string>().TrimEnd(')'));
                            // If the last number used is greater than the count of number of existing layers with the same name,
                            // set the count to the last number used.
                            if (lastNumberAppended > layerCountSuffix)
                                layerCountSuffix = lastNumberAppended;
                        else // Found a layer with the same name, but no (#) suffix.  This is the first layer added with this name.
                            // Only set the suffix based on this layer if the suffix has not yet been set (i.e. is still zero)
                            if (layerCountSuffix == 0)
                                layerCountSuffix = 1;

                if (layerCountSuffix != 0)
                    permanentLayerID += string.Format(" ({0})", layerCountSuffix + 1);

                MapApplication.SetLayerName(permanentLayer, permanentLayerID);

                // Create a unique ID for the layer.
                permanentLayer.ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                // If the results layer is a table, don't show it in the map contents.
                if (resultsLayer.LayerInfo.Type == "Table")
                    LayerProperties.SetIsVisibleInMapContents(permanentLayer, false);
                    LayerProperties.SetIsVisibleInMapContents(permanentLayer, true);

                // Set the layer renderer to the renderer of the original layer
                permanentLayer.Renderer = resultsLayer.LayerInfo.Renderer;

        /// <summary>
        /// Toggles the query UI on or off
        /// </summary>
        public void Execute(object parameter)
            ToolExecuting = true;

            // Updates tool DataContext with savedConfiguration.
            var toolViewModel = toolView.DataContext as QueryViewModel;

            if (toolViewModel == null)
                toolViewModel        = savedConfiguration != null ? new QueryViewModel(savedConfiguration) : new QueryViewModel();
                toolView.DataContext = toolViewModel;
            else if (savedConfiguration != null)

            // Sets map and proxy url based on application settings.
            if (MapApplication.Current != null)
                toolViewModel.Map = MapApplication.Current.Map;
                if (MapApplication.Current.Urls != null)
                    toolViewModel.ProxyUrl = MapApplication.Current.Urls.ProxyUrl;

            // Updates default/selection on each query expression.

            // Sets the result layer name.
            toolViewModel.SetLayerNameAction = (layer, title) =>
                if (layer != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                    var    index     = 1;
                    string layerName = title;
                    if (MapApplication.Current != null && MapApplication.Current.Map != null && MapApplication.Current.Map.Layers != null)
                        LayerCollection layers = MapApplication.Current.Map.Layers;
                        while (layers.Any(l => MapApplication.GetLayerName(l) == layerName))
                            layerName = string.Format("{0} ({1})", title, index);

                    MapApplication.SetLayerName(layer, layerName);

            // Adds result layer to map.
            toolViewModel.AddLayerAction = (layer) =>
                if (layer != null)
                    if (MapApplication.Current.Map != null && MapApplication.Current.Map.Layers != null)
                        if (!MapApplication.Current.Map.Layers.Contains(layer))

            // Removes result layer from map.
            toolViewModel.RemoveLayerAction = (layer) =>
                if (layer != null)
                    if (MapApplication.Current.Map != null && MapApplication.Current.Map.Layers != null)
                        if (MapApplication.Current.Map.Layers.Contains(layer))

            // Updates layer selection on map after query is executed.
            toolViewModel.SelectLayerAction = (layer) =>
                if (layer != null)
                    MapApplication.Current.SelectedLayer = layer;

            // Zooms to result layer.
            toolViewModel.ZoomToExtentAction = (geometry) =>
                if (geometry != null)
                    var env = geometry.Extent;
                    if (env.Width > 0 || env.Height > 0)
                        env = new Envelope(env.XMin - env.Width * EXPAND_EXTENT_RATIO, env.YMin - env.Height * EXPAND_EXTENT_RATIO,
                                           env.XMax + env.Width * EXPAND_EXTENT_RATIO, env.YMax + env.Height * EXPAND_EXTENT_RATIO);
                        if (MapApplication.Current.Map != null)
                        if (MapApplication.Current.Map != null)

            // Updates visibility of data grid after query is expecuted.
            toolViewModel.UpdateDataGridVisibility = (visibility) =>

            // Displays QueryToolView.
            MapApplication.Current.ShowWindow(toolViewModel.QueryTitle, toolView, false,
                                              (s, e) =>
                ToolExecuting = false;
                // Clears map of query results when done.

                foreach (ExpressionViewModel exp in toolViewModel.QueryExpressions)

            // Executes query on click when there are no visible expression.
            if (!toolViewModel.HasVisibleExpression)
                if (toolViewModel.Execute.CanExecute(null))