Beispiel #1
        private void ProcessMessages()
            var incomingMessage = new byte[BufferSize];


            try {
                // tell others that we are indeed processing messages.

                    // we need to wait for the buffer to become available.

                    // now we claim the buffer
                    Task <int> readTask;
                    readTask = _pipe.ReadAsync(incomingMessage, 0, BufferSize);

                        antecedent => {
                        if (antecedent.IsCanceled || antecedent.IsFaulted || !IsConnected)
                            if (antecedent.IsCanceled)
                                Logger.Message("Client/Session ReadTask is Cancelled");
                            if (antecedent.IsFaulted)
                                Logger.Message("Client/Session ReadTask is Faulted : {0}", antecedent.Exception.GetType());
                        if (antecedent.Result > 0)
                            var rawMessage      = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(incomingMessage, 0, antecedent.Result);
                            var responseMessage = new UrlEncodedMessage(rawMessage);
                            var rqid            = responseMessage["rqid"].ToInt32();

                            // lazy log the response (since we're at the end of this task)
                            Logger.Message("Response:[{0}]{1}".format(rqid, responseMessage.ToSmallerString()));

                            try {
                                var queue = ManualEventQueue.GetQueue(rqid);
                                if (queue != null)
                                //else {
                                // GS01 : Need to put in protocol version detection.
                            } catch {
                        // it's ok to let the next readTask use the buffer, we've got the data out & queued.

                    // this wait just makes sure that we're only asking for one message at a time
                    // but does not throttle the messages themselves.
                    // readTask.Wait();
                } while (IsConnected);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Logger.Message("Connection Terminating with Exception {0}/{1}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
            } finally {
                Logger.Message("In ProcessMessages/Finally");