/// <summary>
 /// Called when the manager leaves for the night
 /// </summary>
 private void finishLevel()
     state         = ManagerStates.Idle;
     setUpMovement = true;
     setUpLeaving  = true;
 public void stopMoving()
     moving             = false;
     state              = ManagerStates.Idle;
     rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.zero;
     animator.SetFloat("Velocity", 0);
Beispiel #3
    void Start()
        // modify engine speed
        Time.timeScale = 1.0f;

        ManagerState = ManagerStates.idle;
        hasFinishedRecording = false;
Beispiel #4
    // this function gets called every frame during the animation phase
    private void PlaybackPhase()
        // get current loop and compare to stored current loop
        // setup second (and onwards) loops
        // real current loop can be obtained by flooring normalized animation time because the first digit of the normaalized animation time is the amount of times the animation has looped
        // the fractioanl part represents the percentage of the way through the current loop
        int timesPlayed = Mathf.FloorToInt(normalizedAnimationTime);

        // current loop is a number we are creating and managing, where real current loop represents animation loops, so we can increment current loop but shouldnt modify real current loop directly.
        // so, this if statement should happen at the beginning of every animation loop.
        if (timesPlayed >= 1)
            ManagerState = ManagerStates.idle;
            // reset current section to 0
            // reset section type text and section time text
            CurrentSectionTypeText.text = "Section Type: ";
            CurrentSectionTimeText.text = "Section Time: ";
            // Destroy the ball
            // exit the playback phase
            PlaybackButton.interactable  = true;
            RecordingButton.interactable = true;
            PlaybackButton.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "Start Playback";

        else // this only happens while we're in a loop already
            // get total current runtime of current section
            float currentRunningTime = Time.time - currentStartTime;
            // update current time on this section
            CurrentSectionTimeText.text = $"Section Time: {(int)(currentRunningTime % 1 * 1000)}/{(int)(currentSection.duration % 1 * 1000)} ms";

            // update the current section we are on
            if (currentSection.duration <= currentRunningTime)
                bool shouldAnimate = SetCurrentSection(currentSectionIndex + 1);
                // animate next section
                // if (currentSectionIndex > sections.Count - 2)
                // {
                //     Debug.Log("Overflow");
                // }
                if (shouldAnimate)
Beispiel #5
 private void UpdateGUIState(ManagerStates managerStates)
     switch (managerStates)
         case ManagerStates.ConfigureConnection:
             MainPanel.Controls.Add(new ConfigureSNMPControl());
             MainPanel.Controls[0].Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
 void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
     if (other.tag.Contains("Watercooler"))
         genericTimer1 = Random.Range(1.0f, 2.0f);
         state         = ManagerStates.Distracted;
     else if (other.tag.Contains("Minion"))
         //If procrastinating, then wait longer than if productive
         genericTimer1 = Random.Range(1.0f, 2.0f);
         state         = ManagerStates.Distracted;
    public void startMoving()
        setUpMovement = false;
        moving        = true;
        state         = ManagerStates.Going;
        Vector3 startPosTrans = startPos;

        startPosTrans.z    = startPos.y;
        startPos.y         = 0.0f;
        transform.position = startPos;

        nextNode = AStar.solve();
        nextPos  = nextNode.generateVector3();
        animator.SetFloat("Velocity", movementSpeed);
Beispiel #8
    private void StartPlaybackClicked()
        // set state to playback
        ManagerState = ManagerStates.playback;
        TextMeshProUGUI buttonText = PlaybackButton.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>();

        buttonText.text = "playing...";
        RecordingButton.interactable = false;
        PlaybackButton.interactable  = false;
        // null out current section for sanity
        currentSection = null;
        // do initial setup before going to FIRST animation loop, e.g. create ball, set it to the position of the hand
        // Create virtual ball
        ball = Instantiate(BallPrefab);
        // set position of ball to hand position on first frame
        ball.transform.position = rightHand.position;
Beispiel #9
    private void StartRecordingClicked()
        hasFinishedRecording = false;
        // initialize list of sections
        sections = new List <Section>();
        AnimatorStateInfo animatorStateInfo = modelAnimator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);

        normalizedAnimationTime = animatorStateInfo.normalizedTime;
        currentSectionIndex     = 0;
        // Start the animation
        // Set current manager state to recording so state machine progresses on
        ManagerState = ManagerStates.recording;
        // Get a reference to the button text component in
        TextMeshProUGUI ButtonText = RecordingButton.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>();

        // Change button text to recording
        ButtonText.text = "Recording...";
        // disable the buttons (leaving it on screen)
        RecordingButton.interactable = false;
        PlaybackButton.interactable  = false;
Beispiel #10
    // this function gets called every frame during the recording phase
    private void RecordingPhase()
        if (normalizedAnimationTime >= 1 && !hasFinishedRecording)
            // we have this so we make sure we never come in here twice
            hasFinishedRecording = true;
            // we're no longer on the first animation loop
            // Close out last section
            if (!(currentSection is null))
                // set the Y position to be equal to the current right hand y position
                currentSection.endPosition = rightHand.position;
                // set if its an upwards or downards section
                currentSection.isUpwardSection = isCurrentSectionUpwards;
                // set current section's duration
                currentSection.duration = Time.time - currentStartTime;
                // push the final section into the list

            // Switch back to idle state, enable both buttons now
            RecordingButton.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "Start Recording";
            ManagerState = ManagerStates.idle;
            RecordingButton.interactable = true;
            PlaybackButton.interactable  = true;
            // this part of the if statement/update loop happens when
            // the animation loop is definitely still going on
            if (currentSection is null) // this is the beginning of a new section
                // create new section, using starting position as the current right haand y position
                currentSection = new Section()
                    startPosition = rightHand.position
                // set max and min positions to the right hand Y position
                currentSectionMax = rightHand.position.y;
                currentSectionMin = rightHand.position.y;
                // set state time to current time
                currentStartTime = Time.time;
            else // we already have a current section, which means this isn't the beginning of a new section
                // set new max and min
                if (rightHand.position.y > currentSectionMax)
                    // set this to be an upwards section
                    isCurrentSectionUpwards = true;
                    // set the current max to the right hand Y position
                    currentSectionMax = rightHand.position.y;
                else if (rightHand.position.y < currentSectionMin)
                    // set this to be a downwards sections
                    isCurrentSectionUpwards = false;
                    // set the current min to the right hand Y position
                    currentSectionMin = rightHand.position.y;

                // start new section if the right hand has changed directions
                if ((isCurrentSectionUpwards && rightHand.position.y < currentSectionMax) || (!isCurrentSectionUpwards && rightHand.position.y > currentSectionMin))
                    // set remaining values in the section object
                    currentSection.isUpwardSection = isCurrentSectionUpwards;
                    // this is technically one frame late but it shouldn't really matter:
                    currentSection.endPosition = rightHand.position;
                    currentSection.duration    = Time.time - currentStartTime;
                    // push the current section into the list
                    // set currentSection to null
                    currentSection = null;
 void FixedUpdate()
     if (LevelState.cur.currentLevelState.Equals(LevelState.LevelStates.Workday))
         if (setUpMovement)
             animator.SetFloat("Velocity", movementSpeed);
             if (state.Equals(ManagerStates.Going))
                 Vector3 direction = transform.position - nextPos;
                 direction.y = 0;
                 if (direction.sqrMagnitude < 0.05f)
                     if (nextNode.child != null)
                         nextNode = nextNode.child;
                         nextPos  = nextNode.generateVector3();
                         if (nextNode.child == null)
                         // print("Done");
                 //print(nextPos + " : " + direction);
                 rigidbody.velocity = -direction * movementSpeed;
                 if (direction.x < -0.5)
                     transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0);
                 else if (direction.x > 0.5)
                     transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, -90, 0);
                 else if (direction.z < -0.5)
                     transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0);
                     transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 180, 0);
             else if (state.Equals(ManagerStates.Distracted))
                 rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.zero;
                 genericTimer1     -= Time.fixedDeltaTime;
                 if (genericTimer1 <= 0)
                     state = ManagerStates.Going;
                 rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.zero;
                 animator.SetFloat("Velocity", 0);
     else if (LevelState.cur.currentLevelState.Equals(LevelState.LevelStates.Build))
     else if (LevelState.cur.currentLevelState.Equals(LevelState.LevelStates.Night))
         if (setUpLeaving)
             animator.SetFloat("Velocity", movementSpeed);
             state        = ManagerStates.Leaving;
             setUpLeaving = false;
             if (state.Equals(ManagerStates.Leaving))
                 Vector3 direction = transform.position - nextPos;
                 direction.y = 0;
                 if (direction.sqrMagnitude < 0.05f)
                     if (nextNode.parent != null)
                         nextNode = nextNode.parent;
                         nextPos  = nextNode.generateVector3();
                 //print(nextPos + " : " + direction);
                 rigidbody.velocity = -direction * movementSpeed;
                 if (direction.x < -0.01)
                     transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0);
                 else if (direction.x > 0.01)
                     transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, -90, 0);
                 else if (direction.z < -0.01)
                     transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0);
                     transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 180, 0);
             else if (state.Equals(ManagerStates.Distracted))
                 rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.zero;
                 genericTimer1     -= Time.fixedDeltaTime;
                 if (genericTimer1 <= 0)
                     state = ManagerStates.Going;
                 rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.zero;
                 animator.SetFloat("Velocity", 0);