void PopulateDependentBuildModules(string config, string group, Project proj, ref string needRunCrossConfig, ref string pkgsNeedExploreCross, ref string indirectBuilddependents, string buildModules)
            string buildDependenciesProperty = "";
            string buildDependenciesPropertyPlatform = "";
            string selectedModulesProperty = "";
            string crossConfig = proj.Properties["config-cross"] + "-" + proj.Properties["config-name"];

            foreach(string bm in NantToVSTools.TrimAndSplit(buildModules))
                if(bm != string.Empty)
                    ManagedModule managedModule = _managedmodulelist.Find(proj.Properties["package.name"] + "*" + config + "*" + bm + "*" + group);
                    string groupname = group + "." + bm;
                    string dependentlist = "";
                    buildDependenciesProperty = group + "." + bm + ".builddependencies";
                        dependentlist = proj.Properties[buildDependenciesProperty];
                        buildDependenciesProperty = group + ".builddependencies";
                            groupname = group;
                            dependentlist = proj.Properties[buildDependenciesProperty];
                    buildDependenciesPropertyPlatform = group + "." + bm + ".builddependencies." + proj.Properties["config-system"];
                        dependentlist = CombineStrings(dependentlist, proj.Properties[buildDependenciesPropertyPlatform]);
                        buildDependenciesPropertyPlatform = group + ".builddependencies." + proj.Properties["config-system"];
                            dependentlist = CombineStrings(dependentlist, proj.Properties[buildDependenciesPropertyPlatform]);
                    // call per module vcproj prebuildtarget
                    CallPerModuleVcprojPrebuildTarget(proj, groupname);

                    foreach(string dependent in NantToVSTools.TrimAndSplit(dependentlist))
                        if(dependent != string.Empty)
                            bool hasSelectedModules = false;
                            bool singleModule = false;
                            selectedModulesProperty = group + "." + bm + "." + dependent + ".runtime.buildmodules";
                                hasSelectedModules = true;
                                selectedModulesProperty = group + "." + dependent + ".runtime.buildmodules";
                                    hasSelectedModules = true;
                                    singleModule = true;

                            bool dependentProjAlreadyExist = false;
                            Project dependentProj = null;
                            if (_projects.Contains(dependent + "_" + config))
                                dependentProjAlreadyExist = true;
                                dependentProj = (Project)_projects[dependent + "_" + config];
                            string newModules = "";
                            string modulesInSameConfig = "";
                            string modulesInDiffConfig = "";

                            if (!hasSelectedModules)// it means the current package depends on all modules of this dependent for this configuration
                                if (_properties.Contains(dependent + ".runtime.buildmodules." + config) && dependentProjAlreadyExist)
                                    // figure out the new modules
                                    string existingModules = (string)_properties[dependent + ".runtime.buildmodules." + config];
                                    if (existingModules != "")
                                        _properties[dependent + ".runtime.buildmodules." + config] = "";
                                        string allModules = GetUnProcessedBuildModules(dependentProj, "runtime", config);
                                        foreach (string sbm in NantToVSTools.TrimAndSplit(allModules))
                                            if (sbm != string.Empty)
                                                if (!ListContainsString(existingModules, sbm))
                                                    newModules = newModules + " " + sbm;
                                    _properties[dependent + ".runtime.buildmodules." + config] = "";

                                if (managedModule != null)
                                    managedModule.AddDependentModules(dependent, config, "", "runtime");
                            else // it has selected modules
                                string sModules = (string)proj.Properties[selectedModulesProperty];
                                foreach (string sbm in NantToVSTools.TrimAndSplit(sModules))
                                    if (sbm != string.Empty)
                                        if (sbm.StartsWith("cross-") && config.IndexOf("cross") == -1)
                                            modulesInDiffConfig = modulesInDiffConfig + " " + sbm;
                                            modulesInSameConfig = modulesInSameConfig + " " + sbm;
                                if (!_properties.Contains(dependent + ".runtime.buildmodules." + config))
                                    _properties[dependent + ".runtime.buildmodules." + config] = modulesInSameConfig;
                                    string modules = (string)_properties[dependent + ".runtime.buildmodules." + config];
                                    if (modules != "")
                                        foreach (string sbm in NantToVSTools.TrimAndSplit(modulesInSameConfig))
                                            if (sbm != string.Empty)
                                                if (!ListContainsString(modules, sbm))
                                                    newModules = newModules + " " + sbm;
                                    if (!dependentProjAlreadyExist)
                                        _properties[dependent + ".runtime.buildmodules." + config] = CombineStrings(modules, newModules);

                                if (managedModule != null)
                                    foreach (string m in NantToVSTools.TrimAndSplit(modulesInSameConfig))
                                        if (m == String.Empty) continue;
                                        // we add it to temporary store because we don't know if they are managed module yet at this point.
                                        managedModule.AddDependentModules(dependent, config, m, "runtime");

                            // if dependent proj already exist
                            if (dependentProjAlreadyExist && newModules != "")
                                if (dependentProj != null)
                                    Hashtable nmHash = new Hashtable();
                                    foreach (string nbm in NantToVSTools.TrimAndSplit(newModules))
                                        if (nbm == String.Empty) continue;
                                        if (IsModuleDefined(dependentProj, "runtime", nbm))
                                            // See if 'nbm' is a managed module or not.
                                            string basetype = "";
                                            if (IsModuleManaged(dependentProj, "runtime", nbm, ref basetype))
                                                bool csharpModule = false;
                                                if (basetype == "CSharp") csharpModule = true;
                                                bool copylocal = false;
                                                if (dependentProj.Properties.Contains("runtime." + nbm + ".copylocal"))
                                                    if (dependentProj.Properties["runtime." + nbm + ".copylocal"] == "true" || dependentProj.Properties["runtime." + nbm + ".copylocal"] == "slim")
                                                        copylocal = true;
                                                ManagedModule mm = new ManagedModule(dependent, config, nbm, "runtime", csharpModule, false, copylocal);
                                            // Explore all intermodule depependencies using the existing proj
                                            // and find possible native->cross inter-module dependencies.
                                            // also add this new module to the corresponding constraint buildmodule property
                                            bool foundNativeToCrossModuleDependency = FindInterModuleDependencies(dependentProj, "runtime", nbm, nmHash);
                                            if (foundNativeToCrossModuleDependency)
                                                pkgsNeedExploreCross = pkgsNeedExploreCross + " " + dependent;
                                            throw new BuildException("\nError: module '" + nbm + "' is not defined in 'runtime' group for package '" + dependent +
                                                    "' in '" + config + "' configuration!");

                                    string newCrossModules = "";
                                    foreach (string nm in nmHash.Keys)
                                        if (nm == string.Empty) continue;
                                        if (config.IndexOf("cross") != 1)
                                            newModules = CombineStrings(newModules, nm);
                                            if (nm.IndexOf("cross") != -1)
                                                newCrossModules = CombineStrings(newCrossModules, nm);
                                                newModules = CombineStrings(newModules, nm);
                                    // need to populate dependent buildmodules for this new module because we missed them when dependent runs.
                                    string tempFlag = ""; // useless passthrough variable
                                    string extrabuilddependentlist = "";
                                    PopulateDependentBuildModules(config, "runtime", dependentProj, ref tempFlag,
                                        ref pkgsNeedExploreCross, ref extrabuilddependentlist, newModules);
                                    indirectBuilddependents = CombineStrings(indirectBuilddependents, extrabuilddependentlist);
                                    string builddependentlist_deppackage = GetBuildDependentList(dependentProj, "runtime", newModules);
                                    indirectBuilddependents = CombineStrings(indirectBuilddependents, builddependentlist_deppackage);
                                    // examine all new explored build dependents' initialize.xml
                                    DoDependentTaskOnPackages(dependentProj, builddependentlist_deppackage);
                                    if (newCrossModules != "")
                                        // we know the cross proj will exist by now. otherwise we won't see this cross module.
                                        Project crossdependentproj = (Project)_projects[dependent + "_" + crossConfig];
                                        string bdlist = GetBuildDependentList(crossdependentproj, "runtime", newCrossModules);
                                        pkgsNeedExploreCross = CombineStrings(pkgsNeedExploreCross, bdlist);
                                        DoDependentTaskOnPackages(crossdependentproj, bdlist);
                                        PopulateDependentBuildModules(crossConfig, "runtime", crossdependentproj, ref tempFlag, ref pkgsNeedExploreCross, ref pkgsNeedExploreCross, newCrossModules);


                            // Found inter-package native to cross dependencies
                            if (modulesInDiffConfig != "")
                                // tell slnmaker this dependent is depended by a native module, so if the dependent is a cross only package
                                // and has zero-module in native config, slnmaker will still process it in native config
                                if (singleModule)
                                    _properties[group + "." + dependent + ".nativedependable." + config] = "true";
                                    _properties[group + "." + bm + "." + dependent + ".nativedependable." + config] = "true";
                                pkgsNeedExploreCross = pkgsNeedExploreCross + " " + dependent;

                                if (_properties.Contains(dependent + ".runtime.buildmodules." + crossConfig))
                                    string modules = (string)_properties[dependent + ".runtime.buildmodules." + crossConfig];
                                    if (modules != "")
                                        _properties[dependent + ".runtime.buildmodules." + crossConfig] = CombineStrings(modules, modulesInDiffConfig);
                                    _properties[dependent + ".runtime.buildmodules." + crossConfig] = modulesInDiffConfig;

                    Hashtable newModulesHash = new Hashtable();
                    bool ntrc = FindInterModuleDependencies(proj, group, bm, newModulesHash);
                    if(config.IndexOf("cross") != -1 && newModulesHash.Count != 0)
                        foreach(string ncm in newModulesHash.Keys)
                            if(ncm == string.Empty) continue;
                            if(ListContainsString(buildModules, ncm)) continue;
                            string ncmgroup = (string) newModulesHash[ncm];
                            if(ncmgroup != group) continue;
                            string tempflag = ""; // useless passthrough parameter
                            string bdlist = GetBuildDependentList(proj, ncmgroup, ncm);
                            indirectBuilddependents = CombineStrings(indirectBuilddependents, bdlist);
                            DoDependentTaskOnPackages(proj, bdlist);
                            PopulateDependentBuildModules(config, ncmgroup, proj, ref tempflag, ref pkgsNeedExploreCross, ref indirectBuilddependents, ncm);
                        foreach(string nm in newModulesHash.Keys)
                            if(nm == String.Empty) continue;
                            string nmgroup = (string) newModulesHash[nm];
                            if(nmgroup != group) continue;
                            string tempflag = ""; // useless passthrough parameter
                                // we know the cross proj will exist by now. otherwise we won't see this cross module.
                                Project crossproj = (Project) _projects[proj.Properties["package.name"] + "_" + crossConfig];
                                string bdlist = GetBuildDependentList(crossproj, nmgroup, nm);
                                pkgsNeedExploreCross = CombineStrings(pkgsNeedExploreCross, bdlist);
                                DoDependentTaskOnPackages(crossproj, bdlist);
                                PopulateDependentBuildModules(crossConfig, nmgroup, crossproj, ref tempflag, ref pkgsNeedExploreCross, ref pkgsNeedExploreCross, nm);
                                if(ListContainsString(buildModules, nm)) continue;
                                string bdlist = GetBuildDependentList(proj, nmgroup, nm);
                                indirectBuilddependents = CombineStrings(indirectBuilddependents, bdlist);
                                DoDependentTaskOnPackages(proj, bdlist);
                                PopulateDependentBuildModules(config, nmgroup, proj, ref tempflag, ref pkgsNeedExploreCross, ref indirectBuilddependents, nm);
                    if (needRunCrossConfig != "true")
                        if (ntrc)
                            needRunCrossConfig = "true";

            /// START: TO BE REMOVED
            // For backwards compatibility we still need to suppor this hack:
            // A Hack to model the group module dependencies other than 'runtime' moduledependencies.
            // Need to be removed once we have the other group moduledependencies support in eaconfig
            if (proj.NamedOptionSets.Contains("config.targetoverrides"))
                if (proj.NamedOptionSets["config.targetoverrides"].Options.Contains("sln" + group + "-slnmaker"))
                    if (!proj.Properties.Contains("sln" + group + "-slnmaker.checked"))
                        string excludeFlag = proj.NamedOptionSets["config.targetoverrides"].Options["sln" + group + "-slnmaker"];
                        if (excludeFlag == "exclude" && proj.Properties.Contains("rwconfig-exclude-" + "sln" + group + "-slnmaker"))
                            if (proj.Targets.Find("sln" + group + "-slnmaker") != null)
                                string targetfile = proj.Targets.Find("sln" + group + "-slnmaker").Location.FileName;
                                XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
                                    string xpath = "//target[@name = \"" + "sln" + group + "-slnmaker\"]/slnmaker";
                                    XmlNode xmlNode = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode(xpath);
                                    GatherModuleDpdFromCustmizedSlnMaker(proj, config, group, xmlNode, ref needRunCrossConfig);
                                    proj.Properties.Add("sln" + group + "-slnmaker.checked", "");
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    string error = e.ToString();
            /// END: TO BE REMOVED
        private bool FindInterModuleDependencies(Project proj, string group, string module, Hashtable newmodules)
            string currentPackageName = proj.Properties["package.name"];
            string config = proj.Properties["config"];
            string bmConstrainProp = currentPackageName + "." + group + ".buildmodules." + config;
            ManagedModule managedModule = _managedmodulelist.Find(currentPackageName + "*" + config + "*" + module + "*" + group);
            if (_properties.Contains(bmConstrainProp))
                string existingbmConstrain = (string)_properties[bmConstrainProp];
                if (existingbmConstrain != "")
                    _properties[bmConstrainProp] = CombineStrings(existingbmConstrain, module);
                if (Project.Properties["package.name"] == currentPackageName)
                    _properties[bmConstrainProp] = "";
                    _properties[bmConstrainProp] = module;

            bool foundNative2CrossModuleDependency = false;
            string[] targetGroups = new String[] { "runtime", group };
            if (group == "runtime")
                targetGroups = new String[] { "runtime" };
            foreach (string dgroup in targetGroups)
                string moduleDependenciesProperty = group + "." + module + "." + dgroup + ".moduledependencies";
                string moduleDependenciesPropertyPlatform = group + "." + module + "." + dgroup + ".moduledependencies." + proj.Properties["config-system"];
                string moduledependentlist = "";
                if (!proj.Properties.Contains(moduleDependenciesProperty))
                    // check for singleModule
                    if (group != dgroup && proj.Properties.Contains(group + "." + dgroup + ".moduledependencies"))
                        moduledependentlist = proj.Properties[group + "." + dgroup + ".moduledependencies"];
                    moduledependentlist = proj.Properties[moduleDependenciesProperty];

                    moduledependentlist = CombineStrings(moduledependentlist, proj.Properties[moduleDependenciesPropertyPlatform]);
                    moduleDependenciesPropertyPlatform = group + "." + dgroup + ".moduledependencies." + proj.Properties["config-system"];
                        moduledependentlist = CombineStrings(moduledependentlist, proj.Properties[moduleDependenciesPropertyPlatform]);
                if (moduledependentlist != "")
                    foreach (string mdependent in NantToVSTools.TrimAndSplit(moduledependentlist))
                        if(mdependent == String.Empty) continue;
                        // found cross -> native, error!
                        if (config.IndexOf("cross") != -1 && mdependent.IndexOf("cross") == -1)
                            throw new BuildException("\nError: cross module '" + module + "' can not depend on native module '" + mdependent +
                                "' in package '" + currentPackageName + "'\n\n" +
                                "If '" + mdependent + "' is a legitimate cross module, please prefix its name with 'cross-'!");

                        if (IsModuleDefined(proj, dgroup, mdependent)) // normal case, native->native cross->cross
                            newmodules[mdependent] = dgroup;
                            if (_managedmodulelist.Find(currentPackageName + "*" + config + "*" +  mdependent + "*" + dgroup) == null)
                                // See if 'nbm' is a managed module or not.
                                string basetype = "";
                                if (IsModuleManaged(proj, dgroup, mdependent, ref basetype))
                                    bool csharpModule = false;
                                    if (basetype == "CSharp") csharpModule = true;
                                    bool copylocal = false;
                                    if (proj.Properties.Contains(dgroup + "." + mdependent + ".copylocal"))
                                        if (proj.Properties[dgroup + "." + mdependent + ".copylocal"] == "true" || proj.Properties[dgroup + "." + mdependent + ".copylocal"] == "slim")
                                            copylocal = true;
                                    ManagedModule mm = new ManagedModule(currentPackageName, config, mdependent, dgroup, csharpModule, false, copylocal);
                                    if (managedModule != null)
                                        managedModule.AddDependentModules(currentPackageName, config, mdependent, dgroup);
                                if (managedModule != null)
                                    managedModule.AddDependentModules(currentPackageName, config, mdependent, dgroup);

                            bool fn2cmd = FindInterModuleDependencies(proj, dgroup, mdependent, newmodules);
                            if (!foundNative2CrossModuleDependency)
                                foundNative2CrossModuleDependency = fn2cmd;
                        else if (config.IndexOf("cross") == -1 && mdependent.IndexOf("cross") != -1) // native -> cross
                            string crossConfig = proj.Properties["config-cross"] + "-" + proj.Properties["config-name"];
                            string bmConstrainProperty = currentPackageName + "." + dgroup + ".buildmodules." + crossConfig;
                            bool moduleAlreadyExist = false;
                            if (_properties.Contains(bmConstrainProperty))
                                string existingbmConstrain = (string)_properties[bmConstrainProperty];
                                if (existingbmConstrain != "")
                                    if(ListContainsString(existingbmConstrain, mdependent))
                                        moduleAlreadyExist = true;
                                        _properties[bmConstrainProperty] = existingbmConstrain + " " + mdependent;
                                    moduleAlreadyExist = true;
                                if (Project.Properties["package.name"] == currentPackageName)
                                    _properties[bmConstrainProperty] = "";
                                    _properties[bmConstrainProperty] = mdependent;
                            // if the cross project is already created, then we dont need to explore it anymore
                            if (_projects.Contains(currentPackageName + "_" + crossConfig) && _projects[currentPackageName + "_" + crossConfig] != null)
                                Project crossProj = (Project)_projects[currentPackageName + "_" + crossConfig];
                                // Since cross config is already run, we can not rely on FindBuildDependencies to explore the dependents module info.
                                // Instead we need to return this new cross module to the caller so that the caller can explore its dependents module info.
                                if(! moduleAlreadyExist)
                                    newmodules[mdependent] = dgroup;
                                FindInterModuleDependencies(crossProj, dgroup, mdependent, newmodules);
                            else // if the cross project is not created yet, we need to tell parents to auto explore it.
                                foundNative2CrossModuleDependency = true;
                            throw new BuildException("\nError: module '" + mdependent + "' is not defined in '" + dgroup + "' group for package '" + currentPackageName +
                                "' in '" + config + "' configuration!");
            return foundNative2CrossModuleDependency;
        private string GetUnProcessedBuildModules(Project proj, string group, string config)
            string buildModules = "";
            bool singleModule = false;
            string packagename = proj.Properties["package.name"];
            if (proj.Properties.Contains(group + ".buildmodules"))
                buildModules = proj.Properties[group + ".buildmodules"];
                if (group.Equals("runtime"))
                    _properties[packagename + ".runtime.buildmodules.all." + config + ".vsproj"] = buildModules;

            else if (proj.Properties.Contains(group + ".buildtype") || proj.Properties.Contains(group + ".builddependencies"))
                buildModules = packagename;
                singleModule = true;

            if(PackageList == "" || (! ListContainsString(PackageList, packagename)))
                // Get the constraint build modules if the property exists
                if (_properties.Contains(packagename + "." + group + ".buildmodules." + config))
                    string constraintBuildModules = (string)_properties[packagename + "." + group + ".buildmodules." + config];
                    if (constraintBuildModules != "")
                        buildModules = constraintBuildModules;
                        if(! singleModule)
                            _properties[packagename + "." + group + ".buildmodules." + config] = buildModules;
                    _properties[packagename + "." + group + ".buildmodules." + config] = "";
                _properties[packagename + "." + group + ".buildmodules." + config] = "";

            // Find Managed Modules
            foreach (string bm in NantToVSTools.TrimAndSplit(buildModules))
                if (bm == String.Empty) continue;
                string basetype = "";
                if (IsModuleManaged(proj, group, bm, ref basetype))
                    bool csharpModule = false;
                    if (basetype == "CSharp") csharpModule = true;
                    bool copylocal = false;
                    string copyLocalProperty = group + "." + bm + ".copylocal";
                    if (singleModule) copyLocalProperty = group + ".copylocal";
                    if (proj.Properties.Contains(copyLocalProperty))
                        if (proj.Properties[copyLocalProperty] == "true" || proj.Properties[copyLocalProperty] == "slim")
                            copylocal = true;

                    ManagedModule mm = new ManagedModule(packagename, config, bm, group, csharpModule, singleModule, copylocal);

            return buildModules;
Beispiel #4
        internal PdbFile(ManagedModule module, bool isWow64)
            _module = module;

            Symbols = ParseSymbols(isWow64).Result;