Beispiel #1
        public async Task ImportForeignMajorSubstations(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, string oracleConnStr, EntityWriteOption opt)
            MajorSubstationExtract        majorSSExtract  = new MajorSubstationExtract();
            List <MajorSubstationForeign> majorSSForeigns = majorSSExtract.ExtractMajorSubstationsForeign(oracleConnStr);

            LoadMajorSubstation loadMajorSS = new LoadMajorSubstation();

            foreach (MajorSubstationForeign majorSSForeign in majorSSForeigns)
                MajorSubstation insertedMajorSS = await loadMajorSS.LoadSingleAsync(_context, _log, majorSSForeign, opt);
Beispiel #2
        public async Task <Transformer> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, TransformerForeign trForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            Transformer existingTr = await _context.Transformers.SingleOrDefaultAsync(tr => tr.WebUatId == trForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingTr != null)

            // check if substation type is valid
            string ssTypeSubstation = "SubStation";
            string ssTypeGenStation = "Generating Station";

            if (!(trForeign.StationType == ssTypeSubstation || trForeign.StationType == ssTypeGenStation))
                _log.LogCritical($"substation type is not {ssTypeSubstation} or {ssTypeGenStation} while inserting Transformer with webUatId {trForeign.WebUatId} and name {trForeign.Name}");

            MajorSubstation hvSubstation         = null;
            int             hvSubstationWebUatId = -1;

            if (trForeign.StationType == ssTypeSubstation)
                // The transformer is in Substation
                hvSubstationWebUatId = trForeign.HVStationWebUatId;
                hvSubstation         = await _context.MajorSubstations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(hvss => hvss.WebUatId == hvSubstationWebUatId);

                if (hvSubstation == null)
                    _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find MajorSubstation with webUatId {hvSubstationWebUatId} while inserting Transformer with webUatId {trForeign.WebUatId} and name {trForeign.Name}");

            GeneratingStation hvGenStation = null;
            int hvGenstationWebUatId       = -1;

            if (trForeign.StationType == ssTypeGenStation)
                // The transformer is in GeneratingStation
                hvGenstationWebUatId = trForeign.HVStationWebUatId;
                hvGenStation         = await _context.GeneratingStations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(hvgt => hvgt.WebUatId == hvGenstationWebUatId);

                if (hvGenStation == null)
                    _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find GeneratingStation with webUatId {hvGenstationWebUatId} while inserting Transformer with webUatId {trForeign.WebUatId} and name {trForeign.Name}");

            // find the HV Voltage of the Transformer via the Voltage WebUatId
            int       hvVoltWebUatId = trForeign.HighVoltLevelWebUatId;
            VoltLevel hvVolt         = await _context.VoltLevels.SingleOrDefaultAsync(vl => vl.WebUatId == hvVoltWebUatId);

            // if voltage level doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (hvVolt == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find HV VoltLevel with webUatId {hvVoltWebUatId} while inserting Transformer with webUatId {trForeign.WebUatId} and name {trForeign.Name}");

            // find the LV Voltage of the Transformer via the Voltage WebUatId
            int       lvVoltWebUatId = trForeign.LowVoltLevelWebUatId;
            VoltLevel lvVolt         = await _context.VoltLevels.SingleOrDefaultAsync(vl => vl.WebUatId == lvVoltWebUatId);

            // if voltage level doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (lvVolt == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find LV VoltLevel with webUatId {lvVoltWebUatId} while inserting Transformer with webUatId {trForeign.WebUatId} and name {trForeign.Name}");
                // uncomment this after vendor complies for non null LV voltage types
                // return null;

            // find the State of the substation via the State WebUatId
            int   stateWebUatId = trForeign.StateWebUatId;
            State state         = await _context.States.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.WebUatId == stateWebUatId);

            // if state doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (state == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find State with webUatId {stateWebUatId} while inserting Transformer with webUatId {trForeign.WebUatId} and name {trForeign.Name}");

            // find the TransformerType of the Transformer via the TransformerTypeWebUatId
            int             trTypeWebUatId = trForeign.TransTypeWebUatId;
            TransformerType trType         = await _context.TransformerTypes.SingleOrDefaultAsync(trt => trt.WebUatId == trTypeWebUatId);

            // if TransformerType doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (trType == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find TransformerType with webUatId {trTypeWebUatId} while inserting Transformer with webUatId {trForeign.WebUatId} and name {trForeign.Name}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingTr != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingTr == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingTr != null))
                Transformer newTr = new Transformer();
                newTr.Name            = trForeign.Name;
                newTr.StationType     = trForeign.StationType;
                newTr.HighVoltLevelId = hvVolt.VoltLevelId;
                if (lvVolt != null)
                    newTr.LowVoltLevelId = lvVolt.VoltLevelId;
                newTr.TransformerNumber = trForeign.TransformerNumber;
                newTr.TransformerTypeId = trType.TransformerTypeId;
                newTr.StateId           = state.StateId;
                newTr.MVACapacity       = trForeign.MVACapacity;
                newTr.CodDate           = trForeign.CodDate;
                newTr.CommDate          = trForeign.CommDate;
                newTr.DecommDate        = trForeign.DecommDate;
                newTr.WebUatId          = trForeign.WebUatId;
                if (trForeign.StationType == ssTypeSubstation)
                    newTr.HvSubstationId = hvSubstation.MajorSubstationId;
                else if (trForeign.StationType == ssTypeGenStation)
                    newTr.HvGeneratingStationId = hvGenStation.GeneratingStationId;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingTr != null)
                existingTr.Name            = trForeign.Name;
                existingTr.StationType     = trForeign.StationType;
                existingTr.HighVoltLevelId = hvVolt.VoltLevelId;
                if (lvVolt != null)
                    existingTr.LowVoltLevelId = lvVolt.VoltLevelId;
                existingTr.TransformerNumber = trForeign.TransformerNumber;
                existingTr.TransformerTypeId = trType.TransformerTypeId;
                existingTr.StateId           = state.StateId;
                existingTr.MVACapacity       = trForeign.MVACapacity;
                existingTr.CodDate           = trForeign.CodDate;
                existingTr.CommDate          = trForeign.CommDate;
                existingTr.DecommDate        = trForeign.DecommDate;
                if (trForeign.StationType == ssTypeSubstation)
                    existingTr.HvSubstationId = hvSubstation.MajorSubstationId;
                else if (trForeign.StationType == ssTypeGenStation)
                    existingTr.HvGeneratingStationId = hvGenStation.GeneratingStationId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Beispiel #3
        public async Task <Substation> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, SubstationForeign ssForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            Substation existingSS = await _context.Substations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ss => ss.WebUatId == ssForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingSS != null)

            // find the MajorSubstation of the substation via the MajorSubstation WebUatId
            int             majorSSWebUatId = ssForeign.MajorSubstationWebUatId;
            MajorSubstation majorSS         = await _context.MajorSubstations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(mss => mss.WebUatId == majorSSWebUatId);

            // if major Substation doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (majorSS == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find MajorSubstation with webUatId {majorSSWebUatId} while inserting Substation with webUatId {ssForeign.WebUatId} and name {ssForeign.Name}");
                // uncomment this if vendor obeys non nullable major ss foreign id
                // return null;

            // find the Voltage of the substation via the Voltage WebUatId
            int       voltWebUatId = (int)ssForeign.VoltLevelWebUatId;
            VoltLevel voltLevel    = await _context.VoltLevels.SingleOrDefaultAsync(vl => vl.WebUatId == voltWebUatId);

            // if voltage level doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (voltLevel == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find VoltLevel with webUatId {voltWebUatId} while inserting Substation with webUatId {ssForeign.WebUatId} and name {ssForeign.Name}");

            // find the State of the substation via the State WebUatId
            int stateWebUatId = -1;

            if (int.TryParse(ssForeign.StateWebUatId, out int j))
                stateWebUatId = j;
                Console.WriteLine($"Could not parse state WebUatId {ssForeign.StateWebUatId}");
            State state = await _context.States.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.WebUatId == stateWebUatId);

            // if state doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (state == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find State with webUatId {stateWebUatId} while inserting Substation with webUatId {ssForeign.WebUatId} and name {ssForeign.Name}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingSS != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingSS == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingSS != null))
                Substation newSS = new Substation();
                newSS.Name        = ssForeign.Name;
                newSS.VoltLevelId = voltLevel.VoltLevelId;
                if (majorSS != null)
                    newSS.MajorSubstationId = majorSS.MajorSubstationId;
                newSS.StateId        = state.StateId;
                newSS.Classification = ssForeign.Classification;
                newSS.BusbarScheme   = ssForeign.BusbarScheme;
                newSS.CodDate        = ssForeign.CodDate;
                newSS.CommDate       = ssForeign.CommDate;
                newSS.DecommDate     = ssForeign.DecommDate;
                newSS.WebUatId       = ssForeign.WebUatId;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingSS != null)
                existingSS.Name        = ssForeign.Name;
                existingSS.VoltLevelId = voltLevel.VoltLevelId;
                if (majorSS != null)
                    existingSS.MajorSubstationId = majorSS.MajorSubstationId;
                existingSS.StateId        = state.StateId;
                existingSS.Classification = ssForeign.Classification;
                if (ssForeign.BusbarScheme != null)
                    existingSS.BusbarScheme = ssForeign.BusbarScheme;
                existingSS.CodDate    = ssForeign.CodDate;
                existingSS.CommDate   = ssForeign.CommDate;
                existingSS.DecommDate = ssForeign.DecommDate;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Beispiel #4
        public async Task <MajorSubstation> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, MajorSubstationForeign majorSSForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            MajorSubstation existingMajorSS = await _context.MajorSubstations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(mss => mss.WebUatId == majorSSForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingMajorSS != null)

            // find the region of the state via the region WebUatId
            int   stateWebUatId = majorSSForeign.StateWebUatId;
            State majorSSState  = await _context.States.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.WebUatId == stateWebUatId);

            // if state doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (majorSSState == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find State with webUatId {stateWebUatId} while inserting MajorSubstation with webUatId {majorSSForeign.WebUatId} and name {majorSSForeign.Name}");

            // if entity is not present, then insert
            if (existingMajorSS == null)
                MajorSubstation newMajorSS = new MajorSubstation();
                newMajorSS.Name     = majorSSForeign.Name;
                newMajorSS.StateId  = majorSSState.StateId;
                newMajorSS.WebUatId = majorSSForeign.WebUatId;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingMajorSS != null)

                MajorSubstation newMajorSS = new MajorSubstation();
                newMajorSS.Name     = majorSSForeign.Name;
                newMajorSS.StateId  = majorSSState.StateId;
                newMajorSS.WebUatId = majorSSForeign.WebUatId;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingMajorSS != null)
                existingMajorSS.Name    = majorSSForeign.Name;
                existingMajorSS.StateId = majorSSState.StateId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
