/// <summary> /// 完成任务方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="taskID">任务id</param> void TaskDoneAsID(string taskID) { //任务表,需要服务器取到 taskTable yuan.YuanMemoryDB.YuanTable taskTable = new yuan.YuanMemoryDB.YuanTable("taskTable", "id"); foreach (yuan.YuanMemoryDB.YuanRow rows in taskTable.Rows) { if (rows["id"].YuanColumnText == taskID) { MainTask task = new MainTask(); task.taskName = rows["TaskName"].YuanColumnText; task.taskType = (MainTaskType)int.Parse(rows["TaskType"].YuanColumnText); task.id = rows["id"].YuanColumnText; task.needType = (MainTaskNeedType)int.Parse(rows["id"].YuanColumnText); task.needId = rows["TaskNeedInfo"].YuanColumnText; task.leixing = GetIntDBAsName("BranchType", 0, rows); task.jindu = 0; task.RewardItemMaster = getTaskReward(rows, task.RewardItemMaster, "RewardItemMaster"); task.RewardItemSoldier = getTaskReward(rows, task.RewardItemSoldier, "RewardItemSoldier"); task.RewardItemRobber = getTaskReward(rows, task.RewardItemRobber, "RewardItemRobber"); task.reward = getTaskReward(rows, task.RewardItemRobber, "RewardItemMaster"); task.doneType = rows["ConditonInfo"].YuanColumnText; task.ExcludeTask = rows["ExcludeTask"].YuanColumnText; if (task.taskType == (MainTaskType)4) { task.doneItem = task.doneType.Substring(15, 7); } string itemid2; if (task.reward.itemId.Length > 4) { itemid2 = task.reward.itemId.Substring(0, 2); if (itemid2 == "88") { //道具id // task.reward.itemId; } else if (itemid2 == "72") { //坐骑id //task.reward.itemId; } else { //装备id // task.reward.itemId; InRoom.GetInRoomInstantiate().SetSetPlayerBehavior(yuan.YuanPhoton.PlayerBehaviorType.GetItem, task.reward.itemId); } } //经验值 //task.reward.exp //增加的声望值,字段"Prestige" //20 //金币 //task.reward.gold //血石 //task.reward.rank //角色表,需要服务器取到 playerTable yuan.YuanMemoryDB.YuanTable playerTable = new yuan.YuanMemoryDB.YuanTable("playerTable", "id"); playerTable.Rows[0]["CompletTask"].YuanColumnText += taskID + ";"; string[] strArray; string[] taskStrs; int i; strArray = playerTable.Rows[0]["Task"].YuanColumnText.Split(';'); for (i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++) { taskStrs = strArray[i].Split(','); if (taskStrs.Length > 1 && taskStrs[0] == taskID) { strArray[i] = ""; } } for (i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++) { if (strArray[i] != "") { playerTable.Rows[0]["Task"].YuanColumnText += strArray[i] + ";"; } } } } }
public PresenceServiceInitializer(Container container) { ServiceCore.configure(container); MainTask.configure(); }
private void ButtonRun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MainTask task = new MainTask() { NeuroDirectory = TextBoxNeuroDirectory.Text }; task.ImageLimit = (int)NumericUpDownImageLimit.Value; task.ParseMethod(ComboBoxMethod.Text); if (sender == ButtonRunTraining) { task.Type = MainTaskType.Training; task.Inputs = GetFiles(TextBoxInputDirectory.Text); } else if(sender == ButtonRunForecast) { task.Type = MainTaskType.Forecast; task.Inputs = GetFiles(TextBoxForecast.Text); task.Outputs.Add(TextBoxForecastOutput.Text); } Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); if (task.Type == MainTaskType.None) return; EnableButtons(false); BackgroundWorkerMain.RunWorkerAsync(task); }
public ActionResult Create(MainTask item, int[] ChuDe, int[] ChuDeVIP, string Type, HttpPostedFileBase Picture = null) { try { ChuDe = ChuDe ?? new int[] { }; ChuDeVIP = ChuDeVIP ?? new int[] { }; item.NgayDang = DateTime.Now; if (item.StartDate > item.FinishDate) { return(Json(new { TT = 1, Value = "Ngày kết thúc không được nhỏ hơn ngày bắt đầu" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } var file = SubmitFile(new List <HttpPostedFileBase> { Picture }); if (file.Count > 0) { item.Picture = file.FirstOrDefault(); } if (Type == Common.ConstTrangThai.CongKhai) { item.Status = Type; } else { item.Status = Common.ConstTrangThai.RiengTu; } item.Page = false; item.SeoUrl = Extentions.SeoUrl.SeoURL(item.TaskName); var nguoidung = (Planner2.Models.User)Session[Planner2.Controllers.LoginAuth.NameSession]; string noidungmail = ""; using (Models.Planner2Entities db = new Models.Planner2Entities()) { var ChudeDang = ChuDe.ToList(); ChudeDang.AddRange(ChuDeVIP.ToList()); double SoTienPhaiThanhToan = PhaiThanhToan(ChudeDang, item); var nd = db.Users.Where(c => c.Id == nguoidung.Id).FirstOrDefault(); nd.SoTien = nd.SoTien ?? 0; nd.SoTien = nd.SoTien.Value - (int)SoTienPhaiThanhToan; if (nd.SoTien < 0) { var dtr = "Bạn không đủ tiền để mua chuyên mục đăng bài"; return(Json(new { TT = 1, Value = dtr }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } db.SaveChanges(); Session[Planner2.Controllers.LoginAuth.NameSession] = nd; if (db.MainTasks.Where(v => v.SeoUrl == item.SeoUrl && v.Id != item.Id).Count() > 0) { return(Json(new { TT = 1, Value = "Tên tiêu đề đã tồn tại, không thể thêm được tiêu đề giống nhau" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } if (item.Id != 0) { var task = db.MainTasks.Where(z => z.Id == item.Id).FirstOrDefault(); // clone task để phục vụ so sánh thay đổi var TaskBK = Models.CompareClass.Clone <MainTask>(task); task.TinMuaBan = item.TinMuaBan; task.TaskName = item.TaskName; task.Description = item.Description; task.KhuVuc_TP = item.KhuVuc_TP; task.KhuVuc_Xa = item.KhuVuc_Xa; task.KhuVuc_Huyen = item.KhuVuc_Huyen; task.NgayDang = item.NgayDang; task.Gia = item.Gia; task.StartDate = item.StartDate; task.FinishDate = item.FinishDate; task.SeoUrl = item.SeoUrl; task.TyGia = item.TyGia; task.Map_LoaiBatDongSan = item.Map_LoaiBatDongSan; task.Map_Huong = item.Map_Huong; task.Map_SoPhongNgu = item.Map_SoPhongNgu; task.Map_DuAn = item.Map_DuAn; task.Map_TenLienLac = item.Map_TenLienLac; task.DienTich = item.DienTich; task.Map_Zalo = item.Map_Zalo; task.Map_DienThoai = item.Map_DienThoai; task.Map_Skyper = item.Map_Skyper; task.Page = item.Page; task.Status = item.Status; task.Map_Email = item.Map_Email; task.NgayDang = item.NgayDang; task.Youtube = item.Youtube; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Picture)) { task.Picture = item.Picture; } task.CategoryList = task.CategoryList + "," + string.Join(",", ChuDeVIP); // kiểm tra sự thay đổi var Change = Models.CompareClass.ClassWithClassToTableHTML <MainTask>(TaskBK, task); if (Change != null) { db.SaveChanges(); string process = nguoidung.StaffID + " - " + nguoidung.StaffName + " đã sửa đổi, bổ sung dữ liệu dữ liệu."; noidungmail = process + Change; // Thêm lịch sử AddHistory(item.Id, noidungmail, process); // Gửi mail SendMainTask(item.Id, noidungmail); } } if (item.Id == 0) { // thêm phòng ban vào đầu mã dữ liệu if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Picture)) { item.Picture = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6c/No_image_3x4.svg/1280px-No_image_3x4.svg.png"; } item.XetDuyet = 0; if (nguoidung.SupperAdmin == 1) { item.XetDuyet = 1; } item.CategoryList = string.Join(",", ChuDeVIP); item.Created = DateTime.Now; item.CreatedBy = nguoidung.UserName; item.AttendPerson = nguoidung.UserName; db.MainTasks.Add(item); db.SaveChanges(); noidungmail = nguoidung.StaffID + "-" + nguoidung.StaffName + " đã tạo mới dữ liệu." + TrangThaiTask(item); // Thêm lịch sử AddHistory(item.Id, noidungmail); // Gửi mail SendMainTask(item.Id, noidungmail); } db.MainTask_ChuDe.RemoveRange(db.MainTask_ChuDe.Where(v => v.TaskID == item.Id)); foreach (var it in ChuDe) { MainTask_ChuDe mcd = new MainTask_ChuDe(); mcd.TaskID = item.Id; mcd.CategoryRowID = it; db.MainTask_ChuDe.Add(mcd); } foreach (var it in ChuDeVIP) { MainTask_ChuDe mcd = new MainTask_ChuDe(); mcd.TaskID = item.Id; mcd.CategoryRowID = it; db.MainTask_ChuDe.Add(mcd); } item.UuTien = ChuDeVIP.Count(); db.SaveChanges(); SubmitFile(Request.Files, "MainTask", "FileDinhKem", item.Id); return(Json(new { TT = 0, Value = item.Id }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { TT = 1, Value = "Lỗi, vui lòng kiểm tra lại \n" + ex.ToString() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var openGUI = true; Version version = new Version(); // Review & parse command line arguments if (args != null && args.Length > 0) { #region Parse Arguments foreach (string arg in args) { #region Argument -nogui if (arg.Contains("-nogui")) { openGUI = false; Profile selectedProfile = new Profile(); Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Argument: -nogui"); if (!arg.Contains(":")) // Load Default Profile { #region Read bot settings if (File.Exists(GlobalVars.FileForProfiles)) { var Profiles = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Collection <Profile> >(File.ReadAllText(GlobalVars.FileForProfiles)); foreach (Profile _profile in Profiles) { if (_profile.IsDefault) { selectedProfile = _profile; break; } } if (selectedProfile != null) { GlobalVars.ProfileName = selectedProfile.ProfileName; selectedProfile.Settings = ProfileSettings.LoadFromFile(Path.Combine(GlobalVars.PathToConfigs, $"{selectedProfile.ProfileName}.json")); selectedProfile.Settings.SaveToGlobals(); } else { Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.Red, "Default Profile not found! You didn't setup the bot correctly by running it with -nogui."); Environment.Exit(-1); } } else { Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.Red, "You have not setup the bot yet. Run it without -nogui to Configure."); Environment.Exit(-1); } } else // Load selected profile { var givenProfile = arg.Split(':'); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(GlobalVars.PathToConfigs, givenProfile[1] + ".json"))) { selectedProfile.ProfileName = givenProfile[1]; GlobalVars.ProfileName = selectedProfile.ProfileName; selectedProfile.Settings = ProfileSettings.LoadFromFile(Path.Combine(GlobalVars.PathToConfigs, givenProfile[1] + ".json")); selectedProfile.Settings.SaveToGlobals(); } else { Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.Red, "Profile not found! You didn't setup the bot correctly by running it with -nogui."); Environment.Exit(-1); } } Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Argument: profile. Using " + GlobalVars.ProfileName + ". Check logs in this profile log folder."); CheckLogDirectories(Path.Combine(GlobalVars.PathToLogs, GlobalVars.ProfileName)); if (GlobalVars.UsePwdEncryption) { GlobalVars.Password = Encryption.Decrypt(GlobalVars.Password); } #endregion } #endregion #region Argument Coordinates if (arg.Contains(",")) { if (File.Exists(GlobalVars.FileForCoordinates)) { Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.Yellow, "Last coords file exists, trying to delete it"); File.Delete(GlobalVars.FileForCoordinates); } string[] crdParts = arg.Split(','); GlobalVars.latitude = double.Parse(crdParts[0].Replace(',', '.'), ConfigWindow.cords, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); GlobalVars.longitude = double.Parse(crdParts[1].Replace(',', '.'), ConfigWindow.cords, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.Cyan, $"Argument: coordinates. Starting at: {GlobalVars.latitude},{GlobalVars.longitude},{GlobalVars.altitude}"); //we assume -nogui openGUI = false; } #endregion #region Argument -bypassversioncheck GlobalVars.BypassCheckCompatibilityVersion |= arg.ToLower().Contains("-bypassversioncheck"); #endregion #region Argument -bypasskillswitch GlobalVars.BypassKillSwitch |= arg.ToLower().Contains("-bypasskillswitch"); #endregion #region Argument -help if (arg.ToLower().Contains("-help")) { //Show Help System.Console.WriteLine($"Pokemon BOT C# v{Resources.BotVersion.ToString()} help" + Environment.NewLine); System.Console.WriteLine("Use:"); System.Console.WriteLine(" -nogui<:profile_name> <lat>,<long> Console mode only, starting on the indicated Profile , Latitude & Longitude "); System.Console.WriteLine(" -bypassversioncheck Do NOT check BOT & API compatibility (be careful with that option!)"); System.Console.WriteLine(" -bypasskillswitch Do NOT check the forced bot stop (this assures a more than probable ban of your account)"); System.Console.WriteLine(" -help This help" + Environment.NewLine); Environment.Exit(0); } #endregion } } #endregion // Checking if current BOT API implementation supports NIANTIC current API (unless there's an override command line switch) var currentAPIVersion = new CurrentAPIVersion(); Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, "_____________________________________________________________"); Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.White, "Attention: NO BOT IS SAFE - YOUR ACCOUNT MIGHT BE BANNED !!!"); Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.Gray, "----- You have been warned => Your decision, your risk -----"); Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, "_____________________________________________________________"); Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.Gray, $" Supported API version: {Resources.BotApiSupportedVersion}"); Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.Gray, $" Current API version: {currentAPIVersion.GetNianticAPIVersion()}"); Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, $"_____________________________________________________v{Resources.BotVersion}"); Resources.SetApiVars(currentAPIVersion.GetNianticAPIVersion()); // Check if a new version of BOT is available CheckForNewBotVersion(); if (!GlobalVars.BypassCheckCompatibilityVersion) { bool CurrentVersionsOK = currentAPIVersion.CheckAPIVersionCompatibility(GlobalVars.BotApiSupportedVersion); if (!CurrentVersionsOK) { Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.Red, $"Atention, current API version is new and still not supported by Bot."); Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.Red, $"Bot will now exit to keep your account safe."); Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.Red, $"---------- PRESS ANY KEY TO CLOSE ----------"); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(-1); } } // Check if Bot is deactivated at server level if (!GlobalVars.BypassKillSwitch) { StringUtils.CheckKillSwitch(); } if (openGUI) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new ConfigWindow()); Task.Run(() => { new Panels.SplashScreen().ShowDialog(); }); openGUI = GlobalVars.EnablePokeList; if (GlobalVars.EnableConsoleInTab) { Logger.type = 1; } // To open tabbed GUI to test programing /* * TabbedSystem.skipReadyToUse = true; * Application.Run( new TabbedSystem()); * Environment.Exit(0); */ } SleepHelper.PreventSleep(); // Ensure all log paths exists CheckLogDirectories(Path.Combine(GlobalVars.PathToLogs, GlobalVars.ProfileName)); GlobalVars.infoObservable.HandleNewHuntStats += SaveHuntStats; Task MainTask; MainTask = Task.Run(() => { do { try { DeviceSetup.SelectDevice(GlobalVars.DeviceTradeName, GlobalVars.DeviceID, GlobalVars.FileForDeviceData); new Logic.Logic(new Settings(), GlobalVars.infoObservable).Execute(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error($"Unhandled exception: {ex}"); } Logger.Error("Restarting in 20 Seconds."); Thread.Sleep(20000); }while (Logic.Logic.restartLogic); }); if (openGUI) { if (GlobalVars.simulatedPGO) { Application.Run(new GameAspectSimulator()); } else { if (GlobalVars.EnableConsoleInTab) { FreeConsole(); } Application.Run(new TabbedSystem()); } } MainTask.Wait(); SleepHelper.AllowSleep(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Update(Int32 id, [FromBody] MainTask model) { return(this.Ok("TaskController.Update(id, model)")); }
public TaskObject(MainTask task, ObservableCollection <TaskObject> taskObjects) { Task = task; SubTasks = taskObjects; }
public ActionResult Search(MainTask item, string key, string DienTich, int?page, string sort) { ViewBag.LEFTHIDEN = true; IQueryable <MainTask> data; List <MainTask> Localdata; using (Models.Planner2Entities db = new Planner2Entities()) { int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); int pageSize = 10; if (pageNumber != -1 && Session["dataSearch"] != null) { Localdata = (List <MainTask>)Session["dataSearch"]; goto End; } pageNumber = 1; var date = DateTime.Now.Date; data = db.MainTasks .Where(v => v.FinishDate >= date && v.StartDate <= date). Where(v => v.Page == false && v.Status == Common.ConstTrangThai.CongKhai); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { data = data.Where(z => z.TaskName != null && z.TaskName.ToUpper().Contains(key.ToUpper())); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Map_LoaiBatDongSan)) { data = data.Where(z => z.Map_LoaiBatDongSan == item.Map_LoaiBatDongSan); } if (item.KhuVuc_TP.HasValue) { data = data.Where(z => z.KhuVuc_TP == item.KhuVuc_TP); } if (item.KhuVuc_Huyen.HasValue) { data = data.Where(z => z.KhuVuc_Huyen == item.KhuVuc_Huyen); } if (item.KhuVuc_Xa.HasValue) { data = data.Where(z => z.KhuVuc_Xa == item.KhuVuc_Xa); } // dien tich if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DienTich)) { int start = 0; int end = 0; int.TryParse(DienTich.Split('-').FirstOrDefault(), out start); int.TryParse(DienTich.Split('-').LastOrDefault(), out end); if (start != 0) { data = data.Where(z => z.DienTich >= start); } if (end != 0) { data = data.Where(z => z.DienTich <= end); } } // muc gia if (item.Gia.HasValue) { switch (item.Gia) { case 1: data = data.Where(z => z.Gia == null || z.Gia == 0); break; case 2: data = data.Where(z => z.Gia < 500 && z.TyGia == Planner2.Common.ConstVal.TrieuDong); break; case 3: data = data.Where(z => z.Gia >= 500 && z.Gia < 1000 && z.TyGia == Planner2.Common.ConstVal.TrieuDong); break; case 4: data = data.Where(z => z.Gia >= 1 && z.Gia < 3 && z.TyGia == Planner2.Common.ConstVal.TyDong); break; case 5: data = data.Where(z => z.Gia >= 3 && z.Gia < 5 && z.TyGia == Planner2.Common.ConstVal.TyDong); break; case 6: data = data.Where(z => z.Gia >= 5); break; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Map_Huong)) { data = data.Where(z => z.Map_Huong == item.Map_Huong); } if (item.Map_SoPhongNgu.HasValue) { data = data.Where(z => z.Map_SoPhongNgu >= item.Map_SoPhongNgu); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Map_DuAn)) { data = data.Where(z => z.Map_DuAn == item.Map_DuAn); } Localdata = data.ToList(); Session["dataSearch"] = Localdata; End : ViewBag.sort = sort; ViewBag.page = page; ViewBag.key = key; ViewBag.DienTich = DienTich; ViewBag.itemSearch = item; ViewBag.action = "Search"; ViewBag.KhuVuc_TP = db.ThanhPhoes.Where(v => v.MaThanhPho == item.KhuVuc_TP).Select(z => z.TenThanhPho).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.KhuVuc_Huyen = db.ThanhPhoes.Where(v => v.MaThanhPho == item.KhuVuc_Huyen).Select(z => z.QuanHuyen).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.KhuVuc_Xa = db.ThanhPhoes.Where(v => v.MaThanhPho == item.KhuVuc_Xa).Select(z => z.PhuongXa).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.TitleChuDe = "Kết quả tìm kiếm"; Localdata = SortGrid(Localdata, sort); return(View(Localdata.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize))); } }
public void Insert(MainTask mainTask) { _db.MainTasks.Add(mainTask); }
public async Task <MainTask> Update(MainTask model) { return(await this.repositories.Update(model)); }
public string TrangThaiTask(MainTask task) { return(task.Status); }
public string CheckTrangThai(MainTask task) { return(task.Status); }
public List <string> GetPeopleOfTask(MainTask task) { List <string> People = (task.AttendPerson + "").Split(',').Where(v => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(v)).ToList(); return(People); }
public bool Add(MainTask mainTask) { return(_mainTaskRepository.Add(mainTask) > 0); }
public bool Update(MainTask mainTask) { return(_mainTaskService.Update(mainTask)); }
public bool Update(MainTask mainTask) { return(_mainTaskRepository.Update(mainTask) > 0); }
private void backgroundTaskWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker; WorkerArguments taskArguments = (WorkerArguments)e.Argument; lastScheduledTask = taskArguments.scheduledTask; if (taskArguments.scheduledTask == MainTask.OpenDirectory) { bool clear = (bool) taskArguments.taskArgs[0]; DataGenerator.UpdateList(clear, worker, e); } else if (taskArguments.scheduledTask == MainTask.DownloadData) { DataGenerator.GetAllTitles(worker, e); } else if (taskArguments.scheduledTask == MainTask.CreateRelations) { DataGenerator.GetAllRelations(worker, e); } else if (taskArguments.scheduledTask == MainTask.Rename) { MediaFileManager.Instance.Rename(worker, e); } }
public List <Package> GetAllowedPackagesForMainTask(MainTask iMainTask) { var result = new List <Package>(); var affectedPackageIsLocked = false; if (iMainTask != null) { //Package déjà affecté à la tâche var originalMainTask = GetMainTaskById(iMainTask.MainTaskId, GranularityEnum.Nude); if (originalMainTask.PackageId != null) { var affectedPackage = GetPackageById((long)originalMainTask.PackageId, GranularityEnum.Full); result.Add(affectedPackage); if (affectedPackage.IsLocked) { affectedPackageIsLocked = true; } } } if (affectedPackageIsLocked) { //Retourne seulement le package affecté locké return(result); } else { //Récupération des packages non ouvert déverrouillé var unopenUnlockPackages = DBReleaseDataService.GetQuery <T_E_Package>(null).Where(x => !x.IsLocked && x.StatusRef == (short)PackageStatusEnum.Waiting).Enum().ToList().Select(x => GetPackageById(x.PackageId, GranularityEnum.Full)).Enum().ToList(); result.AddRange(unopenUnlockPackages.Enum()); } if (iMainTask != null) { //Récupération des packages ouvert déverrouillé var openUnlockPackages = DBReleaseDataService.GetQuery <T_E_Package>(null).Where(x => !x.IsLocked && x.StatusRef == (short)PackageStatusEnum.Developpement).Enum().ToList().Select(x => GetPackageById(x.PackageId, GranularityEnum.Full)).Enum().ToList(); //Garde les packages ouvert dont les projets sont commun var packageWithCommonProject = new List <Package>(); foreach (var item in openUnlockPackages.Enum()) { if (item.SubTasks.Exists(x => iMainTask.SubTasks.Exists(y => y.ProjectGUID == x.ProjectGUID))) { packageWithCommonProject.Add(item); } } //Si un seul projet alors seule solution if (packageWithCommonProject.Count == 1) { result.Add(packageWithCommonProject.Single()); } //Si aucun package de projet en commun alors tous les projets sont possibles else if (packageWithCommonProject.Count == 0) { result.AddRange(openUnlockPackages.Enum()); } } else { var openUnlockPackages = DBReleaseDataService.GetQuery <T_E_Package>(null).Where(x => !x.IsLocked && x.StatusRef == (short)PackageStatusEnum.Developpement).Enum().ToList().Select(x => GetPackageById(x.PackageId, GranularityEnum.Full)).Enum().ToList(); result.AddRange(openUnlockPackages.Enum()); } //Suppression des doublons return(result.Enum().GroupBy(x => x.PackageId).Select(x => x.First()).ToList()); }
private void UpdateMainTask(MainTask iMainTask) { DisplayEditMainTaskMode(); this.ucMainTaskEdit.EditMainTask(iMainTask); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([FromBody] MainTask model) { return(this.Ok("TaskController.Create(model)")); }
private void MainTaskSelected(MainTask iMainTask) { ucMainTaskEdit.Show(); ucMainTaskEdit.EditMainTask(iMainTask); ucSubTaskManager.LoadControl(iMainTask); }
public JsonResult CreateTask([FromBody] MainTask taskDetails) { var json = taskDetails; return(null); }
private void CreateSubTask(MainTask iMainTask) { DisplayEditSubTaskMode(); ucSubTaskEdit.Visible = true; this.ucSubTaskEdit.CreateProjectTask(iMainTask); }
public long AddMainTask(MainTask iMainTask) { if (iMainTask == null) { throw new Exception("La tâche principale est null"); } if (iMainTask.TaskType == MainTaskTypeEnum.ProjectDeveloppement && iMainTask.ExternalProjectId == null) { throw new Exception("Une tâche de type projet requiert un numéro de projet"); } if (iMainTask.Status != MainTaskStatusEnum.Requested && iMainTask.Status != MainTaskStatusEnum.Waiting) { throw new Exception("Le statut ne permet pas la création de la tâche"); } if (iMainTask.Status == MainTaskStatusEnum.Requested && iMainTask.PackageId != null) { throw new Exception("Le statut requested ne permet l'attachement à un package"); } long newMainTaskId = 0; using (var ts = new TransactionScope()) { if (iMainTask.PackageId != null) { var affectedPackage = GetPackageById((long)iMainTask.PackageId, GranularityEnum.Nude); if (affectedPackage.Status == PackageStatusEnum.Developpement) { iMainTask.Status = MainTaskStatusEnum.Dev; iMainTask.OpenedDate = DateTime.Now; } else if (affectedPackage.Status == PackageStatusEnum.Canceled || affectedPackage.Status == PackageStatusEnum.Production || affectedPackage.Status == PackageStatusEnum.Staging) { throw new Exception("Il n'est pas possible d'affecter une tâche au package avec ce status"); } else if (affectedPackage.Status == PackageStatusEnum.Waiting) { //ne rien faire } else { throw new Exception(affectedPackage.Status.ToStringWithEnumName()); } } var entity = new T_E_MainTask(); entity.Merge(iMainTask); newMainTaskId = DBReleaseDataService.AddMainTask(entity); //SubTask foreach (var subTaskItem in iMainTask.SubTasks.Enum()) { subTaskItem.MainTaskId = newMainTaskId; AddSubTask(subTaskItem); } //ProductLine foreach (var productLineItem in iMainTask.ProductLines.Enum()) { var productLineTaskEntity = new T_E_ProductLineTask(); productLineTaskEntity.ProductLineTaskId = -1; productLineTaskEntity.MainTaskId = newMainTaskId; productLineTaskEntity.ProductLineId = productLineItem.ProductLineId; DBProductDataService.Add <T_E_ProductLineTask>(productLineTaskEntity); } ts.Complete(); } return(newMainTaskId); }
public ActionResult GetPhaiThanhToan(List <int> ThanhToan, MainTask item) { var st = PhaiThanhToan(ThanhToan, item); return(Json(st.ToString("#,####"), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }