Beispiel #1
        public async Task CreateElementsAsync()
            if (MainSql.UserHasOffice())
                OreOfficeButton.IsVisible = true;

            _elements = await StandardElements.CreateAsync(new GetDate());

        private void FormMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PictureBox[,] pb = new PictureBox[11, 11]
                { pictureBox1_1, pictureBox1_2, pictureBox1_3, pictureBox1_4, pictureBox1_5, pictureBox1_6, pictureBox1_7, pictureBox1_8, pictureBox1_9, pictureBox1_10, pictureBox1_11 },
                { pictureBox2_1, pictureBox2_2, pictureBox2_3, pictureBox2_4, pictureBox2_5, pictureBox2_6, pictureBox2_7, pictureBox2_8, pictureBox2_9, pictureBox2_10, pictureBox2_11 },
                { pictureBox3_1, pictureBox3_2, pictureBox3_3, pictureBox3_4, pictureBox3_5, pictureBox3_6, pictureBox3_7, pictureBox3_8, pictureBox3_9, pictureBox3_10, pictureBox3_11 },
                { pictureBox4_1, pictureBox4_2, pictureBox4_3, pictureBox4_4, pictureBox4_5, pictureBox4_6, pictureBox4_7, pictureBox4_8, pictureBox4_9, pictureBox4_10, pictureBox4_11 },
                { pictureBox5_1, pictureBox5_2, pictureBox5_3, pictureBox5_4, pictureBox5_5, pictureBox5_6, pictureBox5_7, pictureBox5_8, pictureBox5_9, pictureBox5_10, pictureBox5_11 },
                { pictureBox6_1, pictureBox6_2, pictureBox6_3, pictureBox6_4, pictureBox6_5, pictureBox6_6, pictureBox6_7, pictureBox6_8, pictureBox6_9, pictureBox6_10, pictureBox6_11 },
                { pictureBox7_1, pictureBox7_2, pictureBox7_3, pictureBox7_4, pictureBox7_5, pictureBox7_6, pictureBox7_7, pictureBox7_8, pictureBox7_9, pictureBox7_10, pictureBox7_11 },
                { pictureBox8_1, pictureBox8_2, pictureBox8_3, pictureBox8_4, pictureBox8_5, pictureBox8_6, pictureBox8_7, pictureBox8_8, pictureBox8_9, pictureBox8_10, pictureBox8_11 },
                { pictureBox9_1, pictureBox9_2, pictureBox9_3, pictureBox9_4, pictureBox9_5, pictureBox9_6, pictureBox9_7, pictureBox9_8, pictureBox9_9, pictureBox9_10, pictureBox9_11 },
                { pictureBox10_1, pictureBox10_2, pictureBox10_3, pictureBox10_4, pictureBox10_5, pictureBox10_6, pictureBox10_7, pictureBox10_8, pictureBox10_9, pictureBox10_10, pictureBox10_11 },
                { pictureBox11_1, pictureBox11_2, pictureBox11_3, pictureBox11_4, pictureBox11_5, pictureBox11_6, pictureBox11_7, pictureBox11_8, pictureBox11_9, pictureBox11_10, pictureBox11_11 }
            Label[] label = new Label[] { labelChenshu, labelLV, labelShenming, labelGongji, labelFangyu, labelJingyan, labelJingbi, labelKeyYellow, labelKeyBlue, labelKeyRed, labelKeyQin, label3, label11 };

            for (int j = 0; j <= 18; j++)
                string map = "map" + j;
                MainSql.mapxytable(j, map);
                for (int i = 0; i < Int32.Parse(MyMeans.dt.Rows.Count.ToString()); i++)
                    pb[Int32.Parse(MyMeans.dt.Rows[i][1].ToString()) - 1, Int32.Parse(MyMeans.dt.Rows[i][0].ToString()) - 1].Image = imageList1.Images[j];
            int uid = User.Id;

            MyMeans.sqlstr = "select number,lv,life,attack,defense,experience,gold,keyyellow,keyblue,keyred,keyqing,x,y from tb_game where uid ='" + uid + "'";
            if (MyMeans.reader.HasRows)
                if (MyMeans.reader.Read())
                    for (int m = 0; m < 13; m++)
                        label[m].Text = MyMeans.reader.GetInt32(m).ToString();
                    pictureBoxPeople.Left = pictureBoxPeople.Left + ((People.X - 1) * 45);
                    pictureBoxPeople.Top  = pictureBoxPeople.Top - ((People.Y - 1) * 45);
Beispiel #3
 public override string ToString()
Beispiel #4
        public ActionResult PackagesPartialView(ServiceTypeEnum?st, IEnumerable <int> CatID, IEnumerable <int> ActID, int?Gsize, int?diff, int?dur, int?GuideLanguageID, IEnumerable <int> AttractID, IEnumerable <int> FacilityID, decimal?maxPrice, decimal?minPrice, int?NoPax, int?large, int?small, int?hasAc, int?HasCarrier, IEnumerable <int> DestIds, int?IsBike)
            string Dests = "";

            if (DestIds != null)
                Dests = string.Join(",", DestIds.ToArray());

            PetaPoco.Sql MainSql  = new PetaPoco.Sql();
            PetaPoco.Sql FromSql  = new PetaPoco.Sql();
            PetaPoco.Sql WhereSql = new PetaPoco.Sql();

   = st;
            if (st == ServiceTypeEnum.Accomodation)
                ViewBag.ServiceTitle = "Accomodations";
                MainSql = new PetaPoco.Sql(" Select Count(rv.ReviewID) as TotalReview,Avg(rv.Value) as AvgReview,a.AccomodationID as ServiceId,@0 as ServiceTypeId, " +
                                           "a.AccomName as ServiceName, substring(a.Description, 0, 100) + '...' as ServiceDescription," +
                                           "g.geoName as ServiceGeoName, min(pr.price) as price ", (int)ServiceTypeEnum.Accomodation);
                FromSql = new PetaPoco.Sql("from Accomodation a left join Review rv on rv.ServiceID = a.AccomodationID  " +
                                           $"left join GeoTree g on a.geoTreeId = g.GeoTreeId and a.GeoTreeID in (SELECT GeoTreeID FROM STRING_SPLIT('{Dests}', ',') CROSS APPLY dbo.GetChildGeos(value))" +
                                           "left join Prices pr on pr.PriceID = (select top 1 PriceID from Prices where a.AccomodationID = Prices.ServiceID  and Prices.WEF < GetDate() order by Prices.WEF desc) " +
                                           "left join OptionType ot on ot.OptionTypeID = pr.OptionTypeID " +
                                           "left join Facility_Accomodation fa on a.AccomodationID = fa.AccomodationID " +
                                           "left join Facility f on f.FacilityID = fa.FacilityID ");
                WhereSql = new PetaPoco.Sql($"where ot.ServiceTypeID=@0 ", ServiceTypeEnum.Accomodation);
                if (maxPrice != null && minPrice != null)
                    WhereSql.Append(" and Price Between @0 and @1", minPrice, maxPrice);
                if (FacilityID != null)
                    WhereSql.Append(" and fa.FacilityID in (@0)", FacilityID.ToArray());

                MainSql.Append(" Group by a.AccomodationID, a.AccomName, [Description], g.geoName  ");
                var accom = db.Query <AccomodationDets>(MainSql);
                accom = accom.OrderBy(a => a.AccomName);
            if (st == ServiceTypeEnum.CarBike)
                ViewBag.ServiceTitle = "Car And Bikes Rental";
                MainSql = new PetaPoco.Sql("Select Count(rv.ReviewID) as TotalReview,Avg(rv.Value) as AvgReview,[CarBikeID] as ServiceId, [CarBikeName] as ServiceName,@0 as ServiceTypeId, g.geoName as ServiceGeoName, " +
                                           "substring(description, 0, 100) + '...' as ServiceDescription, min(pr.price) as price ", (int)ServiceTypeEnum.CarBike);
                FromSql = new PetaPoco.Sql("From CarBike c left join Review rv on rv.ServiceID = c.CarBikeID " +
                                           "left join GeoTree g on c.geoTreeId=c.GeoTreeId " +
                                           "left join Prices pr on pr.PriceID = (select top 1 PriceID from Prices where c.CarBikeID = Prices.ServiceID  " +
                                           "and Prices.WEF < GetDate() order by Prices.WEF desc) " +
                                           "left join OptionType ot on ot.OptionTypeID = pr.OptionTypeID ");
                WhereSql = new PetaPoco.Sql($"where ot.ServiceTypeID=@0 and c.GeoTreeID in (SELECT GeoTreeID " +
                                            $"FROM STRING_SPLIT('{Dests}', ',') CROSS APPLY dbo.GetChildGeos(value)) ", ServiceTypeEnum.CarBike);
                if (maxPrice != null && minPrice != null)
                    WhereSql.Append(" and Price Between @0 and @1 ", minPrice, maxPrice);
                if (NoPax != null)
                    WhereSql.Append(" and c.NoPax<=@0", NoPax);
                if (large != null)
                    WhereSql.Append(" and c.NoLargeBags<=@0", large);
                if (small != null)
                    WhereSql.Append(" and c.NoSmallBags<=@0", small);
                if (hasAc != null)
                    WhereSql.Append(" and c.HasAc=@0", hasAc);

                if (HasCarrier != null)
                    WhereSql.Append(" and c.Hascarrier=@0", HasCarrier);
                if (IsBike != null)
                    WhereSql.Append(" and c.IsBike=@0", IsBike);
                MainSql.Append(" Group by c.CarBikeID, c.CarBikeName, [Description], g.geoName  ");
            if (st == ServiceTypeEnum.Packages || st == ServiceTypeEnum.SightSeeing || st == ServiceTypeEnum.Cruise)
                ViewBag.ServiceTitle = "Our Best Tours And Excursions";

                MainSql = new PetaPoco.Sql("Select Count(rv.ReviewID) as TotalReview,Avg(rv.Value) as AvgReview," +
                                           " pv.PackageID as ServiceId,pv.ServiceTypeID ,pv.PackageName as ServiceName, " +
                                           "substring(pv.Description, 0, 100) + '...' as ServiceDescription, min(coalesce(pr.price, 0)) as price ");
                FromSql = new PetaPoco.Sql("from Package pv left join Review rv on rv.ServiceID = pv.PackageID " +
                                           "left join Prices pr on pr.PriceID = (select top 1 PriceID from Prices " +
                                           "where pv.PackageID = Prices.ServiceID and Prices.WEF < GetDate() order by Prices.WEF desc) " +
                                           "left join OptionType ot on ot.OptionTypeID = pr.OptionTypeID " +
                                           "left join Package_Category pc on pc.PackageID = pv.PackageID " +
                                           "left join Category c on c.CategoryID = pc.CategoryID " +
                                           "left join Package_Activity pa on pa.PackageID = pv.PackageID " +
                                           "left join Activity a on a.ActivityID = pa.ActivityID " +
                                           "left join Package_Attraction pat on pat.PackageID = pv.PackageID " +
                                           "left join Attraaction at on at.AttractionID = pat.AttractionID " +
                                           "left join Package_Language pl on pl.PackageId = pv.PackageID " +
                                           "left join GuideLanguage gl on gl.GuideLanguageID = pl.GuideLanguageId " +
                                           "left join Package_GeoTree pg on pg.PackageID = pv.PackageID");
                WhereSql = new PetaPoco.Sql(" where pv.ServiceTypeID=@0", (int)st);
                //WhereSql.Append(" and p.PackageID = pr.ServiceID and ot.OptionTypeID = pr.OptionTypeID  and pr.PriceID = (select top 1 PriceID from Prices where p.PackageID = Prices.ServiceID and ot.OptionTypeID = Prices.OptionTypeID  and Prices.WEF<GetDate() order by Prices.WEF desc) ");
                if (maxPrice != null && minPrice != null)
                    WhereSql.Append(" and Price Between @0 and @1 ", minPrice, maxPrice);
                if (CatID != null)
                    WhereSql.Append(" and pc.CategoryID in (@0)", CatID.ToArray());

                if (ActID != null)
                    WhereSql.Append(" and pa.ActivityID in (@0)", ActID.ToArray());
                if (AttractID != null)
                    WhereSql.Append(" and pat.AttractionID in (@0)", AttractID.ToArray());
                if (Gsize != null)
                    WhereSql.Append(" and pv.GroupSize <= @0", Gsize);
                if (diff != null)
                    WhereSql.Append(" and pv.Dificulty <= @0", diff);
                if (dur != null)
                    WhereSql.Append(" and pv.Duration <= @0", dur);
                if (GuideLanguageID != null)
                    WhereSql.Append(" and pl.GuideLanguageId =@0 ", GuideLanguageID);

                //Filter for destination
                WhereSql.Append($" and pg.GeoTreeId in (SELECT GeoTreeID FROM STRING_SPLIT('{Dests}', ',') CROSS APPLY dbo.GetChildGeos(value))");

                MainSql.Append(" Group by pv.PackageID, pv.ServiceTypeID,pv.PackageName, pv.[Description] ");

            MainSql.Append(" order by min(pr.price)");
            var apc = db.Fetch <AccomPackCarBike>(MainSql);

            foreach (var i in apc)
                i.ServicePic = db.FirstOrDefault <PictureDets>("Select Top 1 * From Picture Where ServiceID=@0 and ServiceTypeID=@1", i.ServiceID, i.ServiceTypeID)?.PictureName ?? "";
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(i.ServiceGeoName))
                    i.ServiceGeoName = db.First <string>("Select GeoName From GeoTree g,Package_GeoTree pg  where pg.PackageID=@0 and g.GeoTreeID = pg.GeoTreeID", i.ServiceID);
                i.Attributes = db.Fetch <Attribute>("Select * from Attribute a, Package_attribute pa where a.attributeID=pa.attributeID and pa.packageID=@0 and pa.serviceTypeId=@1", i.ServiceID, i.ServiceTypeID);
                i.Icons      = db.Fetch <string>("select IconPath from Icons where ServiceId=@0 and ServiceTypeId=@1", i.ServiceID, i.ServiceTypeID);


        private void buttonRight_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //右
            PictureBox[,] pb = new PictureBox[11, 11]
                { pictureBox1_1, pictureBox1_2, pictureBox1_3, pictureBox1_4, pictureBox1_5, pictureBox1_6, pictureBox1_7, pictureBox1_8, pictureBox1_9, pictureBox1_10, pictureBox1_11 },
                { pictureBox2_1, pictureBox2_2, pictureBox2_3, pictureBox2_4, pictureBox2_5, pictureBox2_6, pictureBox2_7, pictureBox2_8, pictureBox2_9, pictureBox2_10, pictureBox2_11 },
                { pictureBox3_1, pictureBox3_2, pictureBox3_3, pictureBox3_4, pictureBox3_5, pictureBox3_6, pictureBox3_7, pictureBox3_8, pictureBox3_9, pictureBox3_10, pictureBox3_11 },
                { pictureBox4_1, pictureBox4_2, pictureBox4_3, pictureBox4_4, pictureBox4_5, pictureBox4_6, pictureBox4_7, pictureBox4_8, pictureBox4_9, pictureBox4_10, pictureBox4_11 },
                { pictureBox5_1, pictureBox5_2, pictureBox5_3, pictureBox5_4, pictureBox5_5, pictureBox5_6, pictureBox5_7, pictureBox5_8, pictureBox5_9, pictureBox5_10, pictureBox5_11 },
                { pictureBox6_1, pictureBox6_2, pictureBox6_3, pictureBox6_4, pictureBox6_5, pictureBox6_6, pictureBox6_7, pictureBox6_8, pictureBox6_9, pictureBox6_10, pictureBox6_11 },
                { pictureBox7_1, pictureBox7_2, pictureBox7_3, pictureBox7_4, pictureBox7_5, pictureBox7_6, pictureBox7_7, pictureBox7_8, pictureBox7_9, pictureBox7_10, pictureBox7_11 },
                { pictureBox8_1, pictureBox8_2, pictureBox8_3, pictureBox8_4, pictureBox8_5, pictureBox8_6, pictureBox8_7, pictureBox8_8, pictureBox8_9, pictureBox8_10, pictureBox8_11 },
                { pictureBox9_1, pictureBox9_2, pictureBox9_3, pictureBox9_4, pictureBox9_5, pictureBox9_6, pictureBox9_7, pictureBox9_8, pictureBox9_9, pictureBox9_10, pictureBox9_11 },
                { pictureBox10_1, pictureBox10_2, pictureBox10_3, pictureBox10_4, pictureBox10_5, pictureBox10_6, pictureBox10_7, pictureBox10_8, pictureBox10_9, pictureBox10_10, pictureBox10_11 },
                { pictureBox11_1, pictureBox11_2, pictureBox11_3, pictureBox11_4, pictureBox11_5, pictureBox11_6, pictureBox11_7, pictureBox11_8, pictureBox11_9, pictureBox11_10, pictureBox11_11 }
            Label[] lb = new Label[4] {
                labelKeyYellow, labelKeyBlue, labelKeyRed, labelKeyQin
            int x = People.X + 1;

            MainSql.mapxy(18, x, People.Y);
            if (Int32.Parse(labelShenming.Text) > 0)    //生命大于0
                pb[People.Y - 1, People.X - 1].Image = imageList1.Images[15];
                for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++)
                    string map = "map" + j;
                    MainSql.mapxytable(j, map);
                    for (int i = 0; i < Int32.Parse(MyMeans.dt.Rows.Count.ToString()); i++)
                        if (People.X + 1 == Int32.Parse(MyMeans.dt.Rows[i][0].ToString()) & People.Y == Int32.Parse(MyMeans.dt.Rows[i][1].ToString()))
                            if (Count.Cs[People.Y - 1, People.X - 1] == 0)
                                if (j < 11)
                                    labelShenming.Text  = (Int32.Parse(labelShenming.Text) + ClassShuXing.Sx[j, 0]).ToString();
                                    labelGongji.Text    = (Int32.Parse(labelGongji.Text) + ClassShuXing.Sx[j, 1]).ToString();
                                    labelFangyu.Text    = (Int32.Parse(labelFangyu.Text) + ClassShuXing.Sx[j, 2]).ToString();
                                    labelJingyan.Text   = (Int32.Parse(labelJingyan.Text) + ClassShuXing.Sx[j, 3]).ToString();
                                    labelJingbi.Text    = (Int32.Parse(labelJingbi.Text) + ClassShuXing.Sx[j, 4]).ToString();
                                    labelKeyYellow.Text = (Int32.Parse(labelKeyYellow.Text) + ClassShuXing.Sx[j, 5]).ToString();
                                    labelKeyBlue.Text   = (Int32.Parse(labelKeyBlue.Text) + ClassShuXing.Sx[j, 6]).ToString();
                                    labelKeyRed.Text    = (Int32.Parse(labelKeyRed.Text) + ClassShuXing.Sx[j, 7]).ToString();
                                    labelKeyQin.Text    = (Int32.Parse(labelKeyQin.Text) + ClassShuXing.Sx[j, 8]).ToString();
                                    Count.Cs[People.Y - 1, People.X - 1] = 1;
                                    if (Int32.Parse(lb[j - 11].Text) > 0)
                                        labelShenming.Text  = (Int32.Parse(labelShenming.Text) + ClassShuXing.Sx[j, 0]).ToString();
                                        labelGongji.Text    = (Int32.Parse(labelGongji.Text) + ClassShuXing.Sx[j, 1]).ToString();
                                        labelFangyu.Text    = (Int32.Parse(labelFangyu.Text) + ClassShuXing.Sx[j, 2]).ToString();
                                        labelJingyan.Text   = (Int32.Parse(labelJingyan.Text) + ClassShuXing.Sx[j, 3]).ToString();
                                        labelJingbi.Text    = (Int32.Parse(labelJingbi.Text) + ClassShuXing.Sx[j, 4]).ToString();
                                        labelKeyYellow.Text = (Int32.Parse(labelKeyYellow.Text) + ClassShuXing.Sx[j, 5]).ToString();
                                        labelKeyBlue.Text   = (Int32.Parse(labelKeyBlue.Text) + ClassShuXing.Sx[j, 6]).ToString();
                                        labelKeyRed.Text    = (Int32.Parse(labelKeyRed.Text) + ClassShuXing.Sx[j, 7]).ToString();
                                        labelKeyQin.Text    = (Int32.Parse(labelKeyQin.Text) + ClassShuXing.Sx[j, 8]).ToString();
                                        Count.Cs[People.Y - 1, People.X - 1] = 1;
                                        People.X = People.X - 1;
                                        pictureBoxPeople.Left = pictureBoxPeople.Left - 45;
                if (People.X + 1 >= 12)  //不能超过右边界
                    if (MyMeans.reader.HasRows)   //不能通过墙
                        People.X = People.X + 1;
                        pictureBoxPeople.Left = pictureBoxPeople.Left + 45;
                MessageBox.Show("game over");
            label3.Text  = People.X.ToString();
            label11.Text = People.Y.ToString();