Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 在给定的点下,查询所有的活动的shapefile层
        /// Queries all of the active shapefile layers for any within the specified tolerance of the given point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ProjX">要查询的相对于地图的x点坐标</param>
        /// <param name="ProjY">要查询的相对于地图的y点坐标</param>
        /// <param name="Tolerance">在所查询点坐标周围,允许的距离</param>
        /// <returns>Returns an <c>IdentifiedLayers</c> object containing query results.</returns>
        public MapWinGIS.Interfaces.IdentifiedLayers Identify(double ProjX, double ProjY, double Tolerance)
            MainProgram.IdentifiedShapes identifyshpfile;
            MainProgram.IdentifiedLayers ilyr = new MainProgram.IdentifiedLayers();
            int i, j;

            MapWinGIS.Shapefile shpfile;
            object o, res = null;

            MapWinGIS.Extents box;
            int count = Program.frmMain.MapMain.NumLayers;

            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) //遍历每一个图层
                int lyrHandle = Program.frmMain.MapMain.get_LayerHandle(i);
                if (Program.frmMain.MapMain.get_LayerVisible(lyrHandle)) //是可见的图层
                    o = Program.frmMain.MapMain.get_GetObject(lyrHandle);
                    if (o is MapWinGIS.Shapefile) //获取是shapefile类型的图层
                        shpfile = (MapWinGIS.Shapefile)o;
                        o       = null;
                        box     = new MapWinGIS.Extents();
                        box.SetBounds(ProjX, ProjY, 0, ProjX, ProjY, 0);
                        if (shpfile.SelectShapes(box, Tolerance, MapWinGIS.SelectMode.INTERSECTION, ref res)) //搜索该点,结果存在res中
                            identifyshpfile = new MainProgram.IdentifiedShapes();
                            Array arr;
                            arr = (Array)res; //得到在该点下的所有shape的索引集合
                            for (j = 0; j < arr.Length; j++)
                            ilyr.Add(identifyshpfile, lyrHandle);