public ActionResult checkout()
            // checkout and done
            user = Session["user"] as Account;
            string deliveryMethod = Session["deliveryMethod"] as string;

             = user.firstName;
            ViewBag.userID         = user.userID;
            ViewBag.fullName       = user.firstName + " " + user.lastName;
            ViewBag.currentAddress = user.currentAddress;
            ViewBag.contactNumber  = user.phoneNo;
            ViewBag.placeOfBirth   = user.placeOfBirth;
            ViewBag.method         = deliveryMethod;

            MailingInformation  mail     = Session["mail"] as MailingInformation;
            DeliveryRate        deliv    = new DeliveryRate();
            DeliveryRateManager dmanager = new DeliveryRateManager();

            deliv                  = dmanager.getDeliveryRate(dmanager.getLocation(mail.locationID));
            ViewBag.mailingID      = mail.mailingID;
            ViewBag.mailingAddress = mail.streetname + " " + mail.addressline + " " + + " " + + " " + mail.zipcode;
            ViewBag.delivArea      = deliv.location;
            ViewBag.delivCharge    = deliv.price;
            ViewBag.dateNow        = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            ViewBag.dateCourier    = DateTime.Now.AddDays(5).ToString();
            ViewBag.dueDate        = DateTime.Now.AddDays(5 + deliv.delay).ToString();

        public ActionResult SaveInfo(string newAddress, string newZipCode, string newStreet, string newCity, string newCountry,
                                     string newDelivArea, string newContactNumber, string newContactPerson)
            var user = Session["user"] as Account;
            MailingInformation  mail         = new MailingInformation();
            DeliveryRateManager delivManager = new DeliveryRateManager();
            MailingInfoModel    manager      = new MailingInfoModel();

            mail.addressline    = newAddress;
             = newCity;
            mail.streetname     = newStreet;
            mail.zipcode        = newZipCode;
            mail.contactNumber  = newContactNumber;
            mail.contactPerson  = newContactPerson;
          = newCountry;
            mail.userID         = user.userID;
            mail.locationID     = delivManager.getLocationID(newDelivArea);
            ViewBag.mailDetails = mail.addressline + " " + + " " + mail.streetname + " " + mail.zipcode + " " + mail.contactNumber + " " + mail.contactPerson + " " + + " ";

            AccountManager aman = new AccountManager();
            Account        acc  = aman.getAccount(, user.password);

            Session["deliveryMethod"] = "shipping";
            Session["user"]           = acc;
            Session["mail"]           = mail;
            return(RedirectToAction("checkout", "Transaction")); // go to next step
            //return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
        public ActionResult exist(string existID)
            var user = Session["user"] as Account;
            MailingInfoModel manager = new MailingInfoModel();

            MailingInformation mail = manager.getMail(Int32.Parse(existID)); // eto yung mail

            Session["deliveryMethod"] = "shipping";
            Session["mail"]           = mail;
            return(RedirectToAction("checkout", "Transaction")); // go to next step
            //return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
        public ActionResult save(string email, string altEmail, string password,
                                 string lastName, string firstName, string middleName, string gender, string birthday, string citizenship, string birthPlace,
                                 string street, string city, string address, string country, string zipCode, string phoneNumber, string altPhoneNumber, string delivArea,
                                 string highSchool, string degreeLevel, string idNumber, string college, string degreeProgram, string gradRadio,
                                 string monthGraduate, string yearGraduate, string yrLvl, string lastTerm, string lastTermStart, string lastTermEnd,
                                 string admissionRadio, string admissionYear, string lastSchool, string campusAttended)
            Account            acc   = new Account();
            MailingInformation mail  = new MailingInformation();
            DeliveryRate       deliv = new DeliveryRate();
            Degree             deg   = new Degree();

            // account
            = email;
            acc.alternateEmail = altEmail;
            acc.password       = password;

            // personal
            acc.idNumber   = idNumber;
            acc.lastName   = lastName;
            acc.firstName  = firstName;
            acc.middleName = middleName;

            if (gender == "Male")
                acc.gender = 'M';
                acc.gender = 'F';

            string year  = birthday[0] + "" + birthday[1] + "" + birthday[2] + "" + birthday[3] + "";
            string month = birthday[5] + "" + birthday[6] + "";
            string day   = birthday[8] + "" + birthday[9] + "";

            acc.birthYear  = Int32.Parse(year);
            acc.birthMonth = Int32.Parse(month);
            acc.birthDay   = Int32.Parse(day);

            acc.citizenship      = citizenship;
            acc.placeOfBirth     = birthPlace;
            acc.currentAddress   = address;
            acc.phoneNo          = phoneNumber;
            acc.alternatePhoneNo = altPhoneNumber;
            acc.registeredDate   = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            acc = manager.saveAccount(acc);

            // mailing
            deliv = delivManager.getDeliveryRate(delivArea);

            mail.zipcode       = zipCode;
            mail.streetname    = street;
            = city;
         = country;
            mail.locationID    = deliv.locationId;
            mail.userID        = acc.userID;
            mail.addressline   = address;
            mail.contactPerson = firstName + " " + lastName;
            mail.contactNumber = phoneNumber;

            acc.mailInfos = mailManager.getMailInfos(acc.userID);

            // academic

            /*deg.degreeName = degreeProgram;
             * deg.level = degreeLevel;
             * deg.yearAdmitted = Int32.Parse(admissionYear);
             * deg.campusAttended = campusAttended;
             * deg.admittedAs = admissionRadio;
             * deg.graduated = gradRadio;
             * if(yrLvl != "")
             * {
             *  deg.yearLevel = Int32.Parse(yrLvl);
             * }
             * deg.userID = acc.userID;
             * if(lastSchool != "")
             * {
             *  deg.lastSchoolAttendedPrevDlsu = lastSchool;
             * }
             * if(yearGraduate != "")
             * {
             *  deg.graduatedYear = Int32.Parse(yearGraduate);
             * }
             * if(monthGraduate != "")
             * {
             *  deg.graduatedMonth = Int32.Parse(monthGraduate);
             * }
             * if(lastTerm != "")
             * {
             *  deg.term = Int32.Parse(lastTerm);
             * }
             * if(lastTermStart != "")
             * {
             *  int start = Int32.Parse(lastTermStart);
             *  deg.academicYear = (start + 2000) + "-" + (start + 1 + 2000);
             * }

            //acc.degrees = degManager.getDegree(acc.userID);

            Session["user"] = acc;
            return(RedirectToAction("Order", "Transaction")); // go to next step
            //return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");