Beispiel #1
    /// <summary>
    /// 设置翻页控件的属性,并且添加CustomInfo
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pager"></param>
    /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
    /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
    public static void SetMagicPager(MagicPager pager, int pageSize, int pageIndex)
        pager.Visible             = true;
        pager.AlwaysShow          = true;
        pager.PageSize            = pageSize;
        pager.CurrentPageIndex    = pageIndex;
        pager.CustomInfoText      = "";
        pager.ShowMaxPageCountBox = false;
        pager.ShowPageSizeBox     = false;

        //pager.CustomInfoText += string.Format("<span class='pager_text'>记录总数:</span><span style='font-weight:bold;' class='pager_text'>{0}</span>", pager.RecordCount);
        if (pager.RecordCount > 0)
            pager.CustomInfoText += string.Format("<span style='font-weight:bold;' class='pager_text'>{1}</span><span class='pager_text'>/{0}&nbsp;</span>", pager.PageCount, pageIndex);
        pager.Layout                 = LayoutType.Div;
        pager.PagingButtonType       = PagingButtonType.Text;
        pager.PagingButtonSpacing    = 2;
        pager.FirstPageText          = "首页";
        pager.PrevPageText           = "上一页";
        pager.NextPageText           = "下一页";
        pager.LastPageText           = "尾页";
        pager.TextBeforeInputBox     = "";
        pager.TextAfterInputBox      = "&nbsp;页&nbsp;";
        pager.ShowPageIndex          = false;
        pager.CustomInfoTextAlign    = HorizontalAlign.Right;
        pager.ShowInputBox           = ShowInputBox.Always;
        pager.CustomInfoSectionWidth = Unit.Pixel(280);
Beispiel #2
    //MagicToolbar's MagicItem OnClick Event Handler, it's for both the top one and the bottom one.
    protected void MagicItemCommand(object sender, MagicItemEventArgs e)
            Repeater   rpt     = null;
            MagicPager pager   = null;
            bool       isGroup = false;;
            if (e.CommandName == "DeleteUser")
            {             // do delete
                rpt     = this.rptSubscribeUser;
                pager   = this.magicPagerUser;
                isGroup = false;
            else if (e.CommandName == "DeleteGroup")
                rpt     = this.rptSubscribeGroup;
                pager   = this.magicPagerGroup;
                isGroup = true;
            if (rpt != null)
                using (_session = new Session())
                    foreach (RepeaterItem item in rpt.Items)
                        HtmlInputCheckBox chk = item.FindControl("checkbox") as HtmlInputCheckBox;
                        if (chk != null && chk.Checked)
                            int subscriberId = Cast.Int(chk.Attributes["subscriberId"]);

                            MsgSubscriber.Delete(_session, subscriberId);

                    QueryAndBindData(rpt, pager, isGroup, 1, pager.PageSize, true);

        catch (UnauthorizedException ex)
            WebUtil.ShowMsg(this, ex.Message, "警告");
        catch (ApplicationException ex)
            WebUtil.ShowMsg(this, ex.Message, "提示");
        catch (Exception ex)
            logger.Info("删除MsgSubscriber", ex);
            WebUtil.ShowMsg(this, "发生未处理的异常,请刷新页面重新操作,或者联系系统管理员");
Beispiel #3
    protected virtual void BindPager(int currentPageIndex)
        if (PagerIDArray != null && PagerIDArray.Length > 0)
            MagicPager pager = this.FindControl(PagerIDArray[0]) as MagicPager;

            int pageSize   = 0;
            int iPageCount = 0;
            if (pager != null)
                pageSize   = pager.PageSize;
                iPageCount = pager.MaxPageCount;

            if (iPageCount < 0)
                iPageCount = 20;

            int maxdatacount = iPageCount * pageSize;

            int fromIndex = (currentPageIndex - 1) * pageSize;
            int toIndex   = pageSize;//(currentPageIndex * pageSize);

            int datacount = DoQuery(fromIndex, pageSize, maxdatacount);

            maxdatacount = (maxdatacount > datacount) ? datacount : maxdatacount;

            foreach (string pagerId in PagerIDArray)
                pager = this.FindControl(pagerId) as MagicPager;
                WebUtil.SetMagicPager(pager, pageSize, maxdatacount, currentPageIndex);
            DoQuery(-1, -1, -1);
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pager"></param>
 /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
 /// <param name="recordCount"></param>
 /// <param name="currentIndex"></param>
 public static void SetMagicPager(MagicPager pager, int pageSize, int recordCount, int currentIndex)
     pager.RecordCount = recordCount;
     SetMagicPager(pager, pageSize, currentIndex);
    /// <summary>
    /// Get query conditions from page , and query data from db, then bind the query result to Repeater
    /// </summary>
    private void QueryAndBindData(Repeater rpt, MagicPager pager, bool isGroup, int pageIndex, int pageSize, bool fetchRecordCount)
        string tmplCode = txtTmplCode.Text.Trim();
        DataTable dtMsgBuscriber = null;

        int recordCount = 0;
        string oql = "";
        if (!isGroup)
            oql = @"select s.SubscriberId as SubscriberId,
                                      s.TmplCode as TmplCode,
                                       s.UserId as UserId,
                                        u.UserName as UserName,
                                        u.FullName as FullName,
                                        s.SubscribeTime as SubscribeTime
                            from MsgSubscriber s inner join User u on s.UserId=u.UserId and s.IsGroup=0";
            oql = @" select s.SubscriberId as SubscriberId,
                                    s.TmplCode as TmplCode,
                                       s.UserId as UserId,
                                        s.GroupId as GroupId,
                                        g.Name as GroupName,
                                        g.Description as Description,
                                s.SubscribeTime as SubscribeTime
                            from MsgSubscriber s inner join UserGroup g on s.GroupId=g.GroupId and s.IsGroup=1";

        using (Session session = new Session())
            ObjectQuery query = session.CreateObjectQuery(oql);

            if (isGroup)

            query.And(Exp.Eq("s.TmplCode", tmplCode));

            query.SetPage(pageIndex, pageSize);

            dtMsgBuscriber = query.DataSet().Tables[0];

            if (fetchRecordCount)
                recordCount = query.Count();

        rpt.DataSource = dtMsgBuscriber;

        if (fetchRecordCount)
           pager.RecordCount = recordCount;

        WebUtil.SetMagicPager(pager, pageSize, pageIndex);
Beispiel #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Get query conditions from page , and query data from db, then bind the query result to Repeater
    /// </summary>
    private void QueryAndBindData(Repeater rpt, MagicPager pager, bool isGroup, int pageIndex, int pageSize, bool fetchRecordCount)
        string    tmplCode       = txtTmplCode.Text.Trim();
        DataTable dtMsgBuscriber = null;

        int    recordCount = 0;
        string oql         = "";

        if (!isGroup)
            oql = @"select s.SubscriberId as SubscriberId,
                                      s.TmplCode as TmplCode,
                                       s.UserId as UserId,
                                        u.UserName as UserName,
                                        u.FullName as FullName,
                                        s.SubscribeTime as SubscribeTime
                            from MsgSubscriber s inner join User u on s.UserId=u.UserId and s.IsGroup=0";
            oql = @" select s.SubscriberId as SubscriberId,
                                    s.TmplCode as TmplCode,
                                       s.UserId as UserId,
                                        s.GroupId as GroupId,
                                        g.Name as GroupName,
                                        g.Description as Description,
                                s.SubscribeTime as SubscribeTime
                            from MsgSubscriber s inner join UserGroup g on s.GroupId=g.GroupId and s.IsGroup=1";

        using (Session session = new Session())
            ObjectQuery query = session.CreateObjectQuery(oql);

            if (isGroup)

            query.And(Exp.Eq("s.TmplCode", tmplCode));

            query.SetPage(pageIndex, pageSize);

            dtMsgBuscriber = query.DataSet().Tables[0];

            if (fetchRecordCount)
                recordCount = query.Count();

        rpt.DataSource = dtMsgBuscriber;

        if (fetchRecordCount)
            pager.RecordCount = recordCount;

        WebUtil.SetMagicPager(pager, pageSize, pageIndex);