Beispiel #1
        public void OnSensorChanged(SensorEvent e)
            xView.Text = (accelData[0]).ToString();
            yView.Text = (accelData[1]).ToString();
            zView.Text = (accelData[2]).ToString();

            vx.Text = (v[0]).ToString();
            vy.Text = (v[1]).ToString();
            vz.Text = (v[2]).ToString();

            drx.Text = (dr[0]).ToString();
            dry.Text = (dr[1]).ToString();
            drz.Text = (dr[2]).ToString();

            if (giroscopeData != null)
                girox.Text = (giroscopeData[0]).ToString();
                giroy.Text = (giroscopeData[1]).ToString();
                giroz.Text = (giroscopeData[2]).ToString();
            if (giroscopeData != null && accelData != null)
                // MadgwickAHRS madgwick = new MadgwickAHRS(1f / 256f,1);
                AHRS.Update(deg2rad(giroscopeData[0]), deg2rad(giroscopeData[1]), deg2rad(giroscopeData[2]), accelData[0], accelData[1], accelData[2]);
                //выводим в текстовое поле значение кватерниона из свойства класса MadgwickAHRS {get;set}
                QuaterionField.Text = (AHRS.Quaternion).ToString();
        //        static void Main (string[] args) {
        //            var lsm9DS1 = new LSM9DS1 (false);
        //            lsm9DS1.GyroChanged += (sender, vector3) =>
        //            {
        //                Console.WriteLine($"Gyro X: {vector3.X} Y: {vector3.Y} Z: {vector3.Z}");
        //            };
        //            lsm9DS1.AccelerometerChanged += (sender, vector3) => {
        //                Console.WriteLine ($"Accelerometer  X: {vector3.X} Y: {vector3.Y} Z: {vector3.Z}");
        //            };
        //            lsm9DS1.StartInternalPolling ();
        //            Thread.Sleep (Timeout.Infinite);
        //        }

        //    static void Main(string[] args)
        //    {
        //        var lsm9DS1 = new LSM9DS1();

        //        lsm9DS1.Begin();

        //        while (true)
        //        {
        //            var acc = lsm9DS1.ReadAccelerometer();
        //            var gyro = lsm9DS1.ReadGyroscope();
        //            var mag = lsm9DS1.ReadMagnetometer();

        //            Console.WriteLine($"Accelerometer x {acc.X:N3}   y {acc.X:N3}   z {acc.Z:N3}");
        //            Console.WriteLine($"Gyroscope     x {gyro.X:N3}  y {gyro.X:N3}  z {gyro.Z:N3}");
        //            Console.WriteLine($"Magnetometer  x {mag.X:N3}   y {mag.X:N3}   z {mag.Z:N3}");
        //            Console.WriteLine();

        //            Thread.Sleep(50);
        //        }

        //        Thread.Sleep(Timeout.Infinite);
        //    }

        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            // This switch must be set before creating the GrpcChannel/HttpClient.
                "System.Net.Http.SocketsHttpHandler.Http2UnencryptedSupport", true);

            var channel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress("");
            var client  = new Location.LocationClient(channel);

            var degreesToRadiansFactor = Math.PI / 180;
            var radiansToDegreesFactor = 180.0f / Math.PI;
            var samplePeriod           = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50);

            // var ahrs = new MahonyAHRS(samplePeriod, 5f);
            var ahrs    = new MadgwickAHRS((float)samplePeriod.TotalSeconds, 0.1f);
            var lsm9DS1 = new LSM9DS1();


            while (true)
                // read fresh sensor data
                var acc  = lsm9DS1.ReadAccelerometer();
                var gyro = lsm9DS1.ReadGyroscope();
                var mag  = lsm9DS1.ReadMagnetometer();

                // convert gyro readings from dps to rad/s
                var gx = (float)(gyro.X * degreesToRadiansFactor);
                var gy = (float)(gyro.Y * degreesToRadiansFactor);
                var gz = (float)(gyro.Z * degreesToRadiansFactor);

                // update ahrs
                ahrs.Update(gx, gy, gz,
                            acc.X, acc.Y, acc.Z,
                            mag.X, mag.Y, mag.Z


                // output rol, pitch and yaw
                var rollDegrees  = ahrs.Roll * radiansToDegreesFactor;
                var pitchDegrees = ahrs.Pitch * radiansToDegreesFactor;
                var yawDegrees   = ahrs.Yaw * radiansToDegreesFactor;

                    new NewLocation {
                    Roll = rollDegrees, Pitch = pitchDegrees, Yaw = yawDegrees

                Console.WriteLine($"Roll    {rollDegrees:N3}    Pitch {pitchDegrees:N3}    Yaw {yawDegrees:N3}");


Beispiel #3
        public void AHRS_Test()
            MadgwickAHRS AHRS = new MadgwickAHRS(0.00000001f);

            AHRS.Update(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 1f, 0f);

            List <float> q = AHRS.Quaternion.ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, Math.Sqrt(q[0] * q[0] + q[1] * q[1] + q[2] * q[2] + q[3] * q[3]));
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Update sensor readings using Madgwick AHRS algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        public void Update()
            if (MagXAxis == 0 || MagYAxis == 0 || MagZAxis == 0)

            QuaternionWAxis = _ahrs.Quaternion[0];
            QuaternionXAxis = _ahrs.Quaternion[1];
            QuaternionYAxis = _ahrs.Quaternion[2];
            QuaternionZAxis = _ahrs.Quaternion[3];

            EulerRoll  = _ahrs.Euler[0];
            EulerPitch = _ahrs.Euler[1];
            EulerYaw   = _ahrs.Euler[2];
Beispiel #5
    private void UpdateAHRS()



    public float[] getEuler(float[][] matGyr, float[][] matAcc)
        //float[] matOut={0,0,0};
        float[] euler = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };
        //float seamplePeriod = 1 / 256f;
        float[, ][] R = new float[3, 3][];
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                R [i, j] = new float[matGyr.Length];
                for (int k = 0; k < matGyr.Length; k++)
                    R [i, j] [k] = 0f;

        MadgwickAHRS ahrs = new MadgwickAHRS(1 / 256f);

        for (int i = 0; i < matGyr.Length; i++)
            float imp = (float)3.14 / 180;
            //gyro in grade
            float gx = (matGyr [i] [0] * imp);
            float gy = matGyr [i] [1] * imp;
            float gz = matGyr [i] [2] * imp;

            float ax = matAcc [i] [0];
            float ay = matAcc [i] [1];
            float az = matAcc [i] [2];

            ahrs.Update(gx, gy, gz, ax, ay, az);

            euler = ahrs.QuaternToEuler();
Beispiel #7
        private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)


            textBox2.AppendText("x del acelerometro: " + afx.ToString("0.0000") + "\r\n");
            textBox2.AppendText("y del acelerometro: " + afy.ToString("0.0000") + "\r\n");
            textBox2.AppendText("z del acelerometro: " + afz.ToString("0.0000") + "\r\n");

            textBox3.AppendText("x del giroscopo" + gfx.ToString("0.0000") + "\r\n");
            textBox3.AppendText("y del giroscopo" + gfy.ToString("0.0000") + "\r\n");
            textBox3.AppendText("z del giroscopo" + gfz.ToString("0.0000") + "\r\n");

            textBox4.AppendText("x del magenetometro" + mfx.ToString("0.0000") + "\r\n");
            textBox4.AppendText("y del magenetometro" + mfy.ToString("0.0000") + "\r\n");
            textBox4.AppendText("z del magenetometro" + mfz.ToString("0.0000") + "\r\n");

            smooth[0] = (gfx * alpha + (1 - alpha) * smooth[0]);
            smooth[1] = (gfy * alpha + (1 - alpha) * smooth[1]);
            smooth[2] = (gfz * alpha + (1 - alpha) * smooth[2]);
            smooth[3] = (afx * alpha + (1 - alpha) * smooth[3]);
            smooth[4] = (afy * alpha + (1 - alpha) * smooth[4]);
            smooth[5] = (afz * alpha + (1 - alpha) * smooth[5]);
            smooth[6] = (mfx * alpha + (1 - alpha) * smooth[6]);
            smooth[7] = (mfy * alpha + (1 - alpha) * smooth[7]);
            smooth[8] = (mfz * alpha + (1 - alpha) * smooth[8]);

            gdfx = gfx * ((float)Math.PI / 180.0f);
            gdfy = gfx * ((float)Math.PI / 180.0f);
            gdfz = gfx * ((float)Math.PI / 180.0f);

            //  updatevalues.Update(gdfx, gdfy, gdfz, smooth[3], smooth[4], smooth[5], smooth[6], smooth[7], smooth[8]);//con filtro
            updatevalues.Update(gdfx, gdfy, gdfz, afx, afy, afz, mfx, mfy, mfz);//Sin filtro de medias
            Quaterniones(q, updatevalues);

            textBox7.AppendText("q0:" + updatevalues.Quaternion[0] + "\r\n");
            textBox7.AppendText("q1:" + updatevalues.Quaternion[1] + "\r\n");
            textBox7.AppendText("q2:" + updatevalues.Quaternion[2] + "\r\n");
            textBox7.AppendText("q3:" + updatevalues.Quaternion[3] + "\r\n");

            /*textBox5.AppendText("timer: " + timervalue.ToString()+"us" + "\r\n");*/
            textBox5.AppendText("timer: " + timervalue.ToString() + "us" + "\r\n");

            getYawPitchRollRad(ypr, q);
            pitchb = -(float)Math.Atan(afx / ((afx * afx) + (afz * afz))); // ypr[1];
            rollb  = -(float)Math.Atan(afy / ((afz * afz) + (afy * afy))); //ypr[2];
            yawb   = ypr[0];

            differencepitch = pitch - pitchb;
            differenceroll  = roll - rollb;
            differenceyaw   = yaw - yawb;

            textBox6.AppendText("pitch:" + pitch + "\r\n");
            textBox6.AppendText("roll:" + roll + "\r\n");
            textBox6.AppendText("yaw:" + yaw + "\r\n");
            textBox6.AppendText("pitchb:" + pitchb + "\r\n");
            textBox6.AppendText("rollb:" + rollb + "\r\n");
            textBox6.AppendText("yawb:" + yawb + "\r\n");
            textBox6.AppendText("Longitud" + longitud + "\r\n");
            textBox6.AppendText("Latitud" + latitud + "\r\n");
            //Datos aplicacion c#
            chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum = nmin;
            chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum = nmax;
            chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = 2;
            chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum = -2;
            chart2.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum = nmin;
            chart2.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum = nmax;
            chart2.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = 4;
            chart3.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum = nmin;
            chart3.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum = nmax;
            chart3.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum = -2;
            chart3.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = 2;

            chart1.Series["Pitchb"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
            chart1.Series["Pitchb"].Color     = Color.Black;
            chart1.Series["Pitchb"].Points.AddXY(i, pitchb);

            /*  chart2.Series["Yawb"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
             * chart2.Series["Yawb"].Color = Color.Black;
             * chart2.Series["Yawb"].Points.AddXY(i, yawb);*/

            chart3.Series["Rollb"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
            chart3.Series["Rollb"].Color     = Color.Black;
            chart3.Series["Rollb"].Points.AddXY(i, rollb);

            //Datos Microcontrolador
            chart1.Series["Pitch"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
            chart1.Series["Pitch"].Color     = Color.Blue;
            chart1.Series["Pitch"].Points.AddXY(i, pitch);

            chart2.Series["Yaw"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
            chart2.Series["Yaw"].Color     = Color.Orange;
            chart2.Series["Yaw"].Points.AddXY(i, yaw);

            chart3.Series["Roll"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
            chart3.Series["Roll"].Color     = Color.Green;
            chart3.Series["Roll"].Points.AddXY(i, roll);


            /*   chart1.Series["Error"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
             * chart1.Series["Error"].Color = Color.Red;
             * chart1.Series["Error"].Points.AddXY(i, differencepitch);
             * chart2.Series["Error"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
             * chart2.Series["Error"].Color = Color.Red;
             * chart2.Series["Error"].Points.AddXY(i, differenceyaw);
             * chart3.Series["Error"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
             * chart3.Series["Error"].Color = Color.Red;
             * chart3.Series["Error"].Points.AddXY(i, differenceroll);*/
            if (i == nmax)
                nmin = nmax / 2;
                nmax =

                    (nmax + nmin);
Beispiel #8
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            //Load in data from sensor
            MLContext mlContext     = new MLContext();
            IDataView dataView      = mlContext.Data.LoadFromTextFile <SensorData>(path: linAccOriginal, hasHeader: true, separatorChar: ',');
            var       accelerations = mlContext.Data.CreateEnumerable <SensorData>(dataView, reuseRowObject: false).ToList();
            var       time          = accelerations.Select(x => x.Time).ToList();

            //load data from python export
            IDataView counts     = mlContext.Data.LoadFromTextFile <linnaccpy>(path: counts_path, hasHeader: true);
            var       acc_counts = mlContext.Data.CreateEnumerable <linnaccpy>(counts, reuseRowObject: false).ToList();
            //load data from wheel export
            IDataView wheelView = mlContext.Data.LoadFromTextFile <WheelD>(path: wheel_path, hasHeader: true, separatorChar: ',');
            var       wheeldata = mlContext.Data.CreateEnumerable <WheelD>(wheelView, reuseRowObject: false).ToList();

            //Apply filter
            List <double> difference = new List <double>();

            for (int k = 1; k < accelerations.Count; k++)
                difference.Add(accelerations[k].Time - accelerations[k - 1].Time);
            var average = difference.Sum(x => x) / difference.Count();
            var filteredAcceleration = Butterworth(accelerations.Select(x => x.Acceleration_x).ToArray(), average, 0.5);
            var jerk = Derivative(filteredAcceleration.ToList(), average);
            List <CustomDouble> accelerationRoots = new List <CustomDouble>();

            bisection(1, filteredAcceleration.ToList().Count - 1, filteredAcceleration.ToList());
            accelerationRoots = foundRoots.ToList();
            exportdata(filteredAcceleration.ToList(), "versnelling_filtered", "m/s^2", true, foundRoots.Select(x => x.countInArray).ToList());
            List <CustomDouble> max = new List <CustomDouble>();

            for (int k = 0; k < foundRoots.Count; k++)
                //Find all max: //f'(t+h) < 0 and f'(t-h) > 0
                int h      = 5;
                int tminh  = foundRoots[k].countInArray - h;
                int tplush = foundRoots[k].countInArray + h;
                if (foundRoots[k].countInArray - h < 0)
                    tminh = foundRoots[k].countInArray;
                if (foundRoots[k].countInArray + h > foundRoots.Count - 1)
                    tplush = foundRoots[k].countInArray + h;
                if (jerk[tminh] > 0 && jerk[tplush] < 0)

            difference = new List <double>();
            for (int k = 1; k < wheeldata.Count; k++)
                difference.Add(wheeldata[k].Time - wheeldata[k - 1].Time);
            var           averageWheelPeriod = difference.Sum(x => x) / difference.Count();
            MadgwickAHRS  AHRS        = new MadgwickAHRS((float)averageWheelPeriod, 1f);
            List <string> eulerAngles = new List <string>(); //Z,Y,X

            for (int i = 0; i < wheeldata.Count - 2; i++)
                var     k = wheeldata[i];
                float[] a = { (float)k.Accy / (float)9.81, (float)k.Accz / (float)9.81, (float)k.Accx / (float)9.81 };
                float[] g = { (float)k.GyroY, (float)k.GyorZ, (float)k.GyorX };
                float[] B = { (float)k.By, (float)k.Bz, (float)k.Bx };
                var     e = new MagData(g, a, B);
                AHRS.Update((e.Gyroscope[0]), (e.Gyroscope[1]), (e.Gyroscope[2]), e.Accelerometer[0], e.Accelerometer[1], e.Accelerometer[2]);
                var z = (new QuaternionData(AHRS.Quaternion)).ConvertToConjugate().ConvertToEulerAnglesCSVstring();
            System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            foreach (var item in eulerAngles)
            string eulerAnglespath = Path.Combine("/D/", "acc_export", $"euler_angles.csv");


            //rotatie om y-as dus...
            //load data from wheel export
            IDataView eulerView  = mlContext.Data.LoadFromTextFile <EulerData>(path: eulerAnglespath, hasHeader: true, separatorChar: ',');
            var       AnglesData = mlContext.Data.CreateEnumerable <EulerData>(eulerView, reuseRowObject: false).ToList(); // in deg

            exportdata(AnglesData.Select(x => x.Z).ToList(), "z-theta", "deg", true);
            exportdata(AnglesData.Select(x => x.Y).ToList(), "y-theta", "deg", true);
            exportdata(AnglesData.Select(x => x.X).ToList(), "x-theta", "deg", true);

            //perform bisection
            var           y2         = Butterworth(wheeldata.Select(x => x.GyroY).ToArray(), averageWheelPeriod, 0.5);
            List <double> angleTimes = new List <double>();

            for (int k = 0; k < AnglesData.Count; k++)
                angleTimes.Add(k * averageWheelPeriod);
            bisection(1, y2.ToList().Count - 1, y2.ToList());
            exportdata(y2.ToList(), "gyro", "rad/s", true, foundRoots.Select(x => x.countInArray).ToList());

            bisection(1, jerk.ToList().Count - 1, jerk.ToList());
            exportdata(jerk.ToList(), "jerk", "m/s^3", true);

            List <CustomBool> maxOrMins = new List <CustomBool>();

            for (int j = 0; j < foundRoots.Count; j++)
                //f'(t-h) >0 en f'(t+h) < 0 , waar h een klein getal is. (maxima)
                int  h            = 5;
                int  k            = foundRoots[j].countInArray;
                bool IsMax        = false;
                int  indexForPlus = k + h;
                int  indexForMin  = k - h;
                if (k + h > jerk.Count)
                    indexForPlus = k;
                else if (k - h < 0)
                    indexForMin = k;
                var jj = jerk[indexForPlus];
                if (jerk[indexForMin] > 0 && jerk[indexForPlus] < 0)
                    IsMax = true;
                maxOrMins.Add(new CustomBool {
                    index = k, Max = IsMax
            exportdata(filteredAcceleration.ToList(), "acc", "m/s^2", true, maxOrMins.Select(x => (int)x.index).ToList());
            List <double> t = new List <double>();

            for (int k = 0; k < accelerationRoots.Count - 1; k++)
                double averageXroot  = (accelerationRoots[k + 1].countInArray + accelerationRoots[k].countInArray) / 2.0;
                var    nearestMaxima = maxOrMins.OrderBy(x => Math.Abs((int)x.index - (int)averageXroot)).First();
                if (nearestMaxima.Max)
                    var dt = (accelerationRoots[k + 1].countInArray - accelerationRoots[k].countInArray) * average;
            var    countsmin = 5413.7;                       // 7.242048 kilometers per hour/TO CHANGE WHEN WE GET WRIST ACCELERATIONS!
            double m         = 80;                           // 80 kg
            double r         = 0.35;                         // wheel radius 35 cm
            double EE  = (0.0022 * countsmin + 3.13) / 1000; // V02 (L min-1 kg-1)
            double EEm = EE * m * 5 * (t.Sum() / 60.0);

            Console.WriteLine("Number of revolutions: " + (int)(foundRoots.Count / 2.0));
            Console.WriteLine("Distance traveled: " + (int)((foundRoots.Count / 2.0) * 2 * Math.PI * r) + " m");
            Console.WriteLine("Burned kcal: " + EEm);
Beispiel #9

        void ParseSensorData(IBuffer characteristicValue)
            if (eventData.Length != characteristicValue.Length)
                eventData = new byte[characteristicValue.Length];


            var buffer = characteristicValue.ToArray();

            if (buffer.Length < 3)


            var accelerometer = new List <float> {
                getAccelerometerFloatWithOffsetFromArrayBufferAtIndex(buffer, 4, 0),
                getAccelerometerFloatWithOffsetFromArrayBufferAtIndex(buffer, 6, 0),
                getAccelerometerFloatWithOffsetFromArrayBufferAtIndex(buffer, 8, 0)
            }.Select(x => x * ACCEL_FACTOR).ToList();

            var gyro = new List <float> {
                getGyroscopeFloatWithOffsetFromArrayBufferAtIndex(buffer, 10, 0),
                getGyroscopeFloatWithOffsetFromArrayBufferAtIndex(buffer, 12, 0),
                getGyroscopeFloatWithOffsetFromArrayBufferAtIndex(buffer, 14, 0)
            }.Select(x => x * GYRO_FACTOR).ToList();

            var mag = new List <float> {
                getMagnetometerFloatWithOffsetFromArrayBufferAtIndex(buffer, 0),
                getMagnetometerFloatWithOffsetFromArrayBufferAtIndex(buffer, 2),
                getMagnetometerFloatWithOffsetFromArrayBufferAtIndex(buffer, 4)


            // change quaternion format to Unity one
            _latestTrackingData.quaternion = new float[] {

            _latestTrackingData.touchpadX = (
                ((eventData[54] & 0xF) << 6) +
                ((eventData[55] & 0xFC) >> 2)
                ) & 0x3FF;

            // Max observed value = 315
            _latestTrackingData.touchpadY = (
                ((eventData[55] & 0x3) << 8) +
                ((eventData[56] & 0xFF) >> 0)
                ) & 0x3FF;

            _latestTrackingData.triggerButton    = 0 != (eventData[58] & (1 << 0));
            _latestTrackingData.homeButton       = 0 != (eventData[58] & (1 << 1));
            _latestTrackingData.backButton       = 0 != (eventData[58] & (1 << 2));
            _latestTrackingData.touchpadButton   = 0 != (eventData[58] & (1 << 3));
            _latestTrackingData.volumeDownButton = 0 != (eventData[58] & (1 << 4));
            _latestTrackingData.volumeUpButton   = 0 != (eventData[58] & (1 << 5));
            _latestTrackingData.touchpadPressed  = _latestTrackingData.touchpadX != 0 && _latestTrackingData.touchpadY != 0;

            var temperature = eventData[57];

            //Log($"Touchpad: ({trackingData.touchpadX}, {trackingData.touchpadY})");

            //Log($"trigger: {triggerButton}, home: {homeButton}, back: {backButton}, Q: {string.Join(", ", _ahrs.Quaternion)}");