Beispiel #1
        // This method is invoked when the application has loaded its UI and its ready to run
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
            _window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);

            MXTouchContainer.Initialize(new BestSellers.App(), this, _window);

            //Add some Views
            MXTouchContainer.AddView <CategoryList>(new Views.CategoryListView(), ViewPerspective.Read);
            MXTouchContainer.AddView <BookList>(new Views.BookListView(), ViewPerspective.Read);
            MXTouchContainer.AddView <Book>(new Views.BookView(), ViewPerspective.Read);

            MXTouchContainer.Navigate(null, MXContainer.Instance.App.NavigateOnLoad);

Beispiel #2
        // This method is invoked when the application has loaded its UI and its ready to run
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
            _window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);

            var theApp = new App();

            MXTouchContainer.Initialize(theApp, this, _window);

            //Add some Views
            MXTouchContainer.AddView <object>(new WelcomeScreenView());
            MXTouchContainer.AddView <DataSet>(new DashboardView());
            MXTouchContainer.AddView <DataSet>(new GenericDashboardView(), ViewPerspective.Create);


Beispiel #3
        // This method is invoked when the application has loaded and is ready to run. In this
        // method you should instantiate the window, load the UI into it and then make the window
        // visible.
        // You have 17 seconds to return from this method, or iOS will terminate your application.
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
            // create a new window instance based on the screen size
            window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);

            MXTouchContainer.Initialize(new CustomerManagement.App(), this, window);

            // Add Views
            MXTouchContainer.AddView <List <Customer> >(typeof(CustomerListView), ViewPerspective.Default);
            MXTouchContainer.AddView <Customer>(typeof(CustomerView), ViewPerspective.Default);
            MXTouchContainer.AddView <Customer>(typeof(CustomerEditView), ViewPerspective.Update);

            MXTouchContainer.Navigate(null, MXContainer.Instance.App.NavigateOnLoad);

