// constructor public ControlsVisualHandler() { // get an instance of the MainWindow MWindow = Application.Current.Windows.OfType <MainWindow>().FirstOrDefault(); // get 'Base Configuration' button //RadioButton btnConfigBase = (RadioButton)MWindow.FindName("btnConfigBase"); // get settings panel WrapPanel wpControlLeftPane = (WrapPanel)MWindow.FindName("wpControlLeftPane"); // get config wrappanel ControlWrapPanel = (WrapPanel)MWindow.FindName("ControlWrapPanel"); // get all filter buttons from the Configs page List <RadioButton> _filterButtons = UIHandler.GetLogicalChildCollection <RadioButton>(wpControlLeftPane);//.Where(r => r.GroupName == "grpSettings").ToList(); FilterButtons = _filterButtons; // setting grid containing right hand content Grid controlGrid = (Grid)MWindow.FindName("controlGrid"); // get all right hand config panels that are dynamic var AllControlPanels = UIHandler.GetLogicalChildCollection <Border>(controlGrid).ToList(); AllDynamicControlPanels = (from a in AllControlPanels where (a.Name.Length > 1 && !a.Name.Contains("NONDYNAMIC")) select a).ToList(); GS = GlobalSettings.GetGlobals(); }
/// <summary> /// function to create window /// </summary> /// <param name="DisplayName">name of window</param> /// <returns>int (Window ID)</returns> private int CreateVerWindow(string DisplayName, string TabName) { // create new version window MWindow verWnd = new MWindow(GetCtx(), 0, Get_TrxName()); verWnd.SetName(DisplayName + "_" + TabName); verWnd.SetDisplayName(DisplayName); // set window as Query Only verWnd.SetWindowType("Q"); verWnd.SetDescription("Display version data"); verWnd.SetHelp("The window allows you to view past data versioning and future updation versions (if any)."); if (!verWnd.Save()) { ValueNamePair vnp = VLogger.RetrieveError(); string error = ""; if (vnp != null) { error = vnp.GetName(); if (error == "" && vnp.GetValue() != null) { error = vnp.GetValue(); } } if (error == "") { error = "Error in creating Version Window"; } log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Version Window not Created :: " + DisplayName + " :: " + error); Get_TrxName().Rollback(); return(0); } // Return Window ID return(verWnd.GetAD_Window_ID()); }
/// <summary> /// After Save. /// </summary> /// <param name="newRecord">new record</param> /// <param name="success">success</param> /// <returns>true if save complete (if not overwritten true)</returns> protected override bool AfterSave(bool newRecord, bool success) { log.Fine("Success=" + success); if (success && newRecord) { // save all nodes -- Creating new Workflow MWFNode[] nodes = GetNodesInOrder(0); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { nodes[i].Save(Get_Trx()); } } if (newRecord) { int AD_Role_ID = GetCtx().GetAD_Role_ID(); MWorkflowAccess wa = new MWorkflowAccess(this, AD_Role_ID); wa.Save(); } // Menu/Workflow else if (Is_ValueChanged("IsActive") || Is_ValueChanged("Name") || Is_ValueChanged("Description") || Is_ValueChanged("Help")) { MMenu[] menues = MMenu.Get(GetCtx(), "AD_Workflow_ID=" + GetAD_Workflow_ID()); for (int i = 0; i < menues.Length; i++) { menues[i].SetIsActive(IsActive()); menues[i].SetName(GetName()); menues[i].SetDescription(GetDescription()); menues[i].Save(); } X_AD_WF_Node[] nodes = MWindow.GetWFNodes(GetCtx(), "AD_Workflow_ID=" + GetAD_Workflow_ID()); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { bool changed = false; if (nodes[i].IsActive() != IsActive()) { nodes[i].SetIsActive(IsActive()); changed = true; } if (nodes[i].IsCentrallyMaintained()) { nodes[i].SetName(GetName()); nodes[i].SetDescription(GetDescription()); nodes[i].SetHelp(GetHelp()); changed = true; } if (changed) { nodes[i].Save(); } } } return(success); }
protected override string DoIt() { MModuleWindow mWindow = new MModuleWindow(GetCtx(), GetRecord_ID(), null); _windowNo = mWindow.GetAD_Window_ID(); if (_windowNo == 0) { return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_WindowNotFound")); } MWindow window = new MWindow(GetCtx(), _windowNo, null); MTab[] tabs = window.GetTabs(false, null); if (tabs == null || tabs.Length == 0) { return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_TabNotFound")); } string sql = "select AD_Tab_ID,AD_ModuleTab_ID FROM AD_ModuleTab WHERE isActive='Y' AND ad_modulewindow_id=" + mWindow.GetAD_ModuleWindow_ID(); IDataReader idr = DB.ExecuteReader(sql); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Load(idr); idr.Close(); Dictionary <int, int> existingTabs = new Dictionary <int, int>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { existingTabs[Convert.ToInt32(dr["AD_Tab_ID"])] = Convert.ToInt32(dr["AD_ModuleTab_ID"]); } for (int i = 0; i < tabs.Length; i++) { MModuleTab mTab = null; if (existingTabs.ContainsKey(tabs[i].GetAD_Tab_ID())) { mTab = new MModuleTab(GetCtx(), existingTabs[tabs[i].GetAD_Tab_ID()], null); InsertORUpdateFields(tabs[i].GetAD_Tab_ID(), mTab); } else { mTab = new MModuleTab(GetCtx(), 0, null); mTab.SetAD_Tab_ID(tabs[i].GetAD_Tab_ID()); mTab.SetAD_ModuleWindow_ID(GetRecord_ID()); if (mTab.Save()) { InsertORUpdateFields(tabs[i].GetAD_Tab_ID(), mTab); } } } return("Done"); }
public Loader(MWindow mainWindow) { this.mWindow = mainWindow; }
// Constructor public SettingsVisualHandler() { // get an instance of the MainWindow MWindow = Application.Current.Windows.OfType <MainWindow>().FirstOrDefault(); // get 'show all settings' button and click it RadioButton btnAllSettings = (RadioButton)MWindow.FindName("btnAllSettings"); //btnAllSettings.IsChecked = true; // get settings grid WrapPanel wpSettingsLeftPane = (WrapPanel)MWindow.FindName("wpSettingsLeftPane"); // get all filter buttons from the settings page List <RadioButton> _filterButtons = UIHandler.GetLogicalChildCollection <RadioButton>(wpSettingsLeftPane);//.Where(r => r.GroupName == "grpSettings").ToList(); FilterButtons = _filterButtons; // setting grid containing right hand content Grid SettingGrid = (Grid)MWindow.FindName("SettingGrid"); // get all settings panels //AllSettingPanels = UIHandler.GetLogicalChildCollection<Border>("SettingGrid").ToList(); AllSettingPanels = UIHandler.GetLogicalChildCollection <Border>(SettingGrid).ToList(); // iterate through each panel and match the border x:name to the class property name foreach (Border b in AllSettingPanels) { // remove any trailing numerals from the control name string name = StripTrailingNumerals(b.Name); // if the control name matches a property name in this class, add it to that list PropertyInfo property = typeof(SettingsVisualHandler).GetProperty(name); if (property == null) { // no property matched continue; } // add the border control to the correct List switch (property.Name) { case "MednafenPaths": MednafenPaths.Add(b); break; case "GameFolders": GameFolders.Add(b); break; case "SystemBios": SystemBios.Add(b); break; case "Netplay": Netplay.Add(b); break; case "Emulator": Emulator.Add(b); break; case "MedLaunch": MedLaunch.Add(b); break; case "Library": Library.Add(b); break; case "ScrapingSettings": ScrapingSettings.Add(b); break; default: // do nothing break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Assign/UnAssign windows from group to role /// </summary> /// <param name="AD_Group_ID"></param> /// <param name="AD_Role_ID"></param> /// <param name="grantAccess"></param> private void ProvideWindowAccessToRole(int AD_Group_ID, int AD_Role_ID, bool grantAccess) { string sql = "SELECT AD_Window_ID from AD_Group_Window WHERE IsActive='Y' AND AD_GroupInfo_ID=" + AD_Group_ID; DataSet ds = DB.ExecuteDataset(sql); List <int> groupWindowIDs = new List <int>(); // will contains all windows of group Dictionary <int, bool> roleWindowIDsDictinary = new Dictionary <int, bool>(); // this will contain all windows access for current role... StringBuilder winIDs = new StringBuilder(); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["AD_Window_ID"] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["AD_Window_ID"] != DBNull.Value) { if (winIDs.Length > 0) { winIDs.Append(","); } winIDs.Append(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["AD_Window_ID"].ToString()); groupWindowIDs.Add(Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["AD_Window_ID"])); } } groupWindowIDs.Sort(); // get windowsID from WIndow Access for current role and windows in group sql = "SELECT AD_Window_ID,IsReadWrite FROM AD_Window_Access WHERE AD_Role_ID=" + AD_Role_ID + " AND AD_Window_ID IN(" + winIDs.ToString() + ")"; ds = DB.ExecuteDataset(sql); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { roleWindowIDsDictinary[Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["AD_Window_ID"])] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["IsReadWrite"].ToString() == "Y" ? true : false; } } for (int i = 0; i < groupWindowIDs.Count(); i++) { if (roleWindowIDsDictinary.ContainsKey(groupWindowIDs[i])) // if Role window access already have current window then set window active/ inactive in window access. { if (roleWindowIDsDictinary[groupWindowIDs[i]] != grantAccess) { //wAccess.SetIsReadWrite(grantAccess); //bool savenew = wAccess.Save(); if (grantAccess) { sql = "UPDATE AD_Window_Access Set IsReadWrite='Y',IsActive='Y' WHERE AD_Window_ID=" + groupWindowIDs[i] + " AND AD_Role_ID=" + AD_Role_ID; } else { sql = "UPDATE AD_Window_Access Set IsReadWrite='N',IsActive='N' WHERE AD_Window_ID=" + groupWindowIDs[i] + " AND AD_Role_ID=" + AD_Role_ID; } DB.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, null); } } else // Else create new entry.... { MWindow wind = new MWindow(ctx, groupWindowIDs[i], null); MWindowAccess wAccess = new MWindowAccess(wind, AD_Role_ID); wAccess.SetAD_Client_ID(ctx.GetAD_Client_ID()); wAccess.SetAD_Org_ID(ctx.GetAD_Org_ID()); wAccess.SetAD_Role_ID(AD_Role_ID); wAccess.SetAD_Window_ID(groupWindowIDs[i]); wAccess.SetIsReadWrite(grantAccess); bool savenew = wAccess.Save(); } } } }
public Refresher(MWindow mWindow) { this.mWindow = mWindow; }