Beispiel #1
 private void disposeArray(ref MWNumericArray m)
     m = null;
Beispiel #2
        //this will process chunks froom the samples, using a blocks of data using a divider
        //this version works better than FULL but still needs a 64bit version of the exe or else there will be out of memory errors.
        // will throw out of memory in several locations. use optimized.
        //32bit, dont use more than [100x190000]
        public void ProcessChunksFullMem()
                _oproblem.labels  = new double[_iproblem.labels.Length - K + 1];
                _oproblem.samples = new SortedDictionary <int, double> [_iproblem.samples.Length - K + 1];
                //_oproblem.samples = new SortedDictionary<int, double>[1];

                int[] _indices = getIndices();

                //get inverse model once
                MWArray[] invModel = new MWArray[1];
                invModel = Preferences.Instance.glm.getInverseModel(1, (MWArray)K);
                MWNumericArray invmodel = (MWNumericArray)invModel[0];
                double[,] invModelDoubleArray = (double[, ])invmodel.ToArray();

                //get maximum size of a dictionary inside the array
                int maxIndexDictionary = 0;
                int _size = 0;
                foreach (SortedDictionary <int, double> d in _iproblem.samples)
                    _size = d.Keys.Max();
                    if (_size > maxIndexDictionary)
                        maxIndexDictionary = _size;

                int MatrixBufSize = Preferences.Instance.glmBufferDivider; //matrix[100,196000]
                int fromSample    = 0;
                int toSample      = MatrixBufSize - 1;
                // if less than buffer size then we just need to process what there is. set lower limit on samples count
                if (toSample > _iproblem.samples.Length)
                    toSample = _iproblem.samples.Length - 1;

                while (fromSample < _iproblem.samples.Length - 1 - K)
                    //copy each dictionary to the matrix that is going inside the beta calculation function
                    float[,] matrix = new float[toSample - fromSample + 1, maxIndexDictionary];

                    /*int mx = 0;
                     * foreach (SortedDictionary<int, double> d in _iproblem.samples)
                     * {
                     *  foreach (int key in d.Keys)
                     *  {
                     *      matrix[mx, key - 1] = (float)d[key];
                     *  }
                     *  mx++;
                     * }*/

                    for (int i = fromSample; i <= toSample; i++)
                        SortedDictionary <int, double> d = _iproblem.samples[i];
                        foreach (int key in d.Keys)
                            matrix[i - fromSample, key - 1] = (float)d[key];

                    //beta function is calculating for all the samples matrix
                    MWArray[] Betas = new MWArray[1];

                    //calculate betas
                    //Preferences.Instance.glm = new glmDll.MatlabGLM();
                    Betas = Preferences.Instance.glm.Beta_calculation_indices(1, (MWNumericArray)_indices, (MWNumericArray)matrix, (MWNumericArray)K, (MWNumericArray)Preferences.Instance.glm.getInverseModel(1, (MWArray)K)[0]);

                    matrix = null;

                    MWNumericArray betas = (MWNumericArray)Betas[0];

                    //Betas = null;

                    double[,] betasArray = (double[, ])betas.ToArray();

                    Betas = null;
                    betas = null;

                    //Double[] betasArray = (Double[])betas.ToVector(MWArrayComponent.Real);
                    //double[] betasArray = (double[])betas.ToArray();

                    //stitch back betas and labels
                    for (int i = fromSample + K - 1; i <= toSample; i++)
                    //for (int i = 0; i < _iproblem.samples.Length - K + 1; i++)
                        double[] vec = new double[_indices.Length];
                        int      key = 0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < _indices.Length; j++)
                            vec[key] = betasArray[i - (fromSample + K - 1), j];
                        //_oproblem.samples[i].Keys = (SortedDictionary<int,double>.KeyCollection)_indices;

                        //convert to dictionary: zip array '0' indices and new beta values. and create a sorted dictionary
                        //SortedDictionary<int, double> dic = new SortedDictionary<int, double>(_indices.Zip(vec, (k, v) => new { k, v }).ToDictionary(x => x.k, x => x.v));
                        SortedDictionary <int, double> dic = new SortedDictionary <int, double>(_indices.Zip(vec, (k, v) => new { k, v }).ToDictionary(x => x.k, x => x.v));


                        _oproblem.samples[i - K + 1] = dic;
                        //GuiPreferences.Instance.setLog("resized from: " + _oproblem.samples.Length.ToString() + " to: " + (_oproblem.samples.Length + 1).ToString() + " " +PublicMethods.getRam().ToString());
                        //Array.Resize(ref _oproblem.samples, _oproblem.samples.Length + 1);

                        double _label    = _iproblem.labels[i];
                        int    iBackward = i;
                        while (_label == 1)
                            _label = _iproblem.labels[iBackward];
                        _oproblem.labels[i - K + 1] = _label; //!!! if baseline take the event that happened before
                    betasArray = null;

                    fromSample = toSample + 1 - K + 1;
                    toSample  += MatrixBufSize;
                    GuiPreferences.Instance.setLog("resized finished");
                    // if less than buffer size then we just need to process what there is. set lower limit on samples count
                    if (toSample > _iproblem.samples.Length)
                        toSample = _iproblem.samples.Length - 1;


                _indices = null;
            catch (Exception e)