public MTGSettings Load()
            MTGSettings MTGSettings = new MTGSettings();
            XMLhelper   XML         = new XMLhelper(UserSettings);

            MTGSettings.Directory = XML.XMLReadFile(xmlMTGNodeNameLocation, DirectoryKey);
            if (MTGSettings.Directory == "")
                MTGSettings.Directory = DefaultDirectory;
                XML.XMLWriteFile(xmlMTGNodeNameLocation, DirectoryKey, MTGSettings.Directory);

                MTGSettings.Export = Convert.ToBoolean(XML.XMLReadFile(xmlMTGNodeNameLocation, ExportKey).ToLower());
                MTGSettings.Export = false;
                XML.XMLWriteFile(xmlMTGNodeNameLocation, ExportKey, MTGSettings.Export.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));

                MTGSettings.Underscore = Convert.ToBoolean(XML.XMLReadFile(xmlMTGNodeNameLocation, UnderscoreKey).ToLower());
                MTGSettings.Underscore = true;
                XML.XMLWriteFile(xmlMTGNodeNameLocation, UnderscoreKey, MTGSettings.Underscore.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));

        public void Save(MTGSettings MTGSettings)
            XMLhelper XML = new XMLhelper(UserSettings);

            XML.XMLWriteFile(xmlMTGNodeNameLocation, DirectoryKey, MTGSettings.Directory);
            XML.XMLWriteFile(xmlMTGNodeNameLocation, ExportKey, MTGSettings.Export.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
            XML.XMLWriteFile(xmlMTGNodeNameLocation, UnderscoreKey, MTGSettings.Underscore.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
Beispiel #3
        public void Export(MTGSettings MTGSettings, UserSettings UserSettings, Courses myCourses)
            // IN: UserInfo  - user specific Options
            //     myCourses - contains the courses to export
            // Returns: Nothing - Events are raised to send status messages
            // DESCRIPTION
            //    This procedure exports to an Outlook Distribution list
            bool DeleteFileError;

            // Verify that MTG is to be exported
            if (!MTGSettings.Export)
            // Create Directory if it does not exist
            if (!Directory.Exists(MTGSettings.Directory))

                foreach (Course C in myCourses)
                    StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder(2880); // 72 character per student * 40 students

                    if (C.Export)
                        // Export to Making the grade output format
                        // Last,First,SID,Sex,GroupCode,Cit System,Counselor Name,Parent Name,
                        // Street Address,City,St,Zip Code,Book Number,Lock,,Home Phone,
                        // Custom Field 01,Custom Field 02,Custom Field 03,Custom Field 04,Custom Field 05,
                        // Custom Field 06,Custom Field 07,Custom Field 08,,,,,,,,,,
                        int StudentCount = C.Students.Length;  // this is a 1 dimensional array
                        for (int i = 0; i < StudentCount; i++)
                            Student S = C.Students[i];

                            SB.Append(S.LastName + ", ");   // Student Last Name
                            SB.Append(S.FirstName + ",");   // Student First Name
                            SB.Append(S.SID + ",");         // SID
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Sex
                            SB.Append(",");                 // GroupCode
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Grd Sys
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Cit Mark
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Counselor Name
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Parent Name
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Street Address
                            SB.Append(",");                 // City
                            SB.Append(",");                 // State
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Zip Code
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Book Number
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Locker Bin
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Birth Date
                            SB.Append(S.Phone + ",");       // Home or Work Phone
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Line Library Comments
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 01
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 02
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 03
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 04
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 05
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 06
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 07
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 08
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 09
                            SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 10
                            SB.Append(",");                 // MAT
                            SB.Append(",");                 // SPL
                            SB.Append(",");                 // LIT
                            SB.Append(",");                 // WRT
                            SB.Append(",");                 // ORL
                            SB.Append(",");                 // GRM
                            SB.Append(",");                 // COM
                            SB.Append(",");                 // PAR
                            SB.Append(",");                 // QFT
                            SB.Append(",");                 // CAT0
                            if (i < StudentCount)

                        if (MTGSettings.ExportWaitlist)
                            // Export to Making the grade output format
                            // Last,First,SID,Sex,GroupCode,Cit System,Counselor Name,Parent Name,
                            // Street Address,City,St,Zip Code,Book Number,Lock,,Home Phone,
                            // Custom Field 01,Custom Field 02,Custom Field 03,Custom Field 04,Custom Field 05,
                            // Custom Field 06,Custom Field 07,Custom Field 08,,,,,,,,,,
                            int WaitlistCount = C.Waitlist.Length;  // this is a 1 dimensional array
                            for (int i = 0; i < WaitlistCount; i++)
                                Student S = C.Waitlist[i];

                                SB.Append(S.LastName + ", ");   // Student Last Name
                                SB.Append(S.FirstName + ",");   // Student First Name
                                SB.Append(S.SID + ",");         // SID
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Sex
                                SB.Append(",");                 // GroupCode
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Grd Sys
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Cit Mark
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Counselor Name
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Parent Name
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Street Address
                                SB.Append(",");                 // City
                                SB.Append(",");                 // State
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Zip Code
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Book Number
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Locker Bin
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Birth Date
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Home or Work Phone
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Line Library Comments
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 01
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 02
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 03
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 04
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 05
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 06
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 07
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 08
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 09
                                SB.Append(",");                 // Custom Field 10
                                SB.Append(",");                 // MAT
                                SB.Append(",");                 // SPL
                                SB.Append(",");                 // LIT
                                SB.Append(",");                 // WRT
                                SB.Append(",");                 // ORL
                                SB.Append(",");                 // GRM
                                SB.Append(",");                 // COM
                                SB.Append(",");                 // PAR
                                SB.Append(",");                 // QFT
                                SB.Append(",");                 // CAT0
                                if (i < WaitlistCount)

                        string          DiskNames = C.DiskName(MTGSettings.Underscore) + ".txt";
                        FileInformation FE        = new FileInformation("The file " + DiskNames + " already exists.", MTGSettings.Directory, DiskNames);
                        DeleteFileError = false;

                        // check to see if file exists
                        SendMessage(this, new Information("Preparing " + DiskNames + "."));
                        if (File.Exists(FE.OldFileNameandPath))
                            SendMessage(this, new Information("File already exists."));
                            if (UserSettings.OverWriteAll)
                                    SendMessage(this, new Information("Attempting to replace."));
                                    DeleteFileError = true;
                                FileExistsMessage(this, FE);
                                UserSettings.OverWriteAll = FE.OverWriteAll;

                                if (FE.CancelALLExport)
                                    SendMessage(this, new Information("Canceling MTG export."));
                                if ((!FE.CancelExport) && (FE.OldFileNameandPath == FE.NewFileNameandPath))
                                        DeleteFileError = true;

                        if (FE.CancelExport)
                            SendMessage(this, new Information("User Canceled export for file."));
                        else if (DeleteFileError)
                            SendMessage(this, new Information("Unable to delete file!"));
                                SendMessage(this, new Information("Writing file to disk."));
                                File.WriteAllText(FE.NewFileNameandPath, SB.ToString());
                            catch (Exception Ex)
                                SendMessage(this, new Information("While trying to write " + FE.OldFileNameandPath + "An error occurred.\r\n" + Ex.Message));
            catch (Exception Ex)
                SendMessage(this, new Information("An unexpected error occurred - " + Ex.Message));