public override void Initialize()
            if ((GearBox != null) && (GearBoxController == null))
                if (!GearBox.IsInitialized)
                    GearBox = null;
                    foreach (DieselEngine de in DieselEngines)
                        if (de.GearBox == null)
                            de.GearBox = new GearBox(GearBox, de);
                        //if (this.Train.TrainType == Train.TRAINTYPE.AI)
                        //    de.GearBox.GearBoxOperation = GearBoxOperation.Automatic;
                    GearBoxController = new MSTSNotchController(DieselEngines[0].GearBox.NumOfGears + 1);


Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the controller which refills from the matching pickup point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">Pickup type</param>
        /// <returns>Matching controller or null</returns>
        public override MSTSNotchController GetRefillController(uint type)
            MSTSNotchController controller = null;

            if (type == (uint)PickupType.FuelDiesel)
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This initializer is called when we are making a new copy of a locomotive already
        /// loaded in memory.  We use this one to speed up loading by eliminating the
        /// need to parse the wag file multiple times.
        /// NOTE:  you must initialize all the same variables as you parsed above
        /// </summary>
        public override void Copy(MSTSWagon copy)
            base.Copy(copy);  // each derived level initializes its own variables

            MSTSDieselLocomotive locoCopy = (MSTSDieselLocomotive)copy;

            EngineRPM                     = locoCopy.EngineRPM;
            IdleRPM                       = locoCopy.IdleRPM;
            MaxRPM                        = locoCopy.MaxRPM;
            MaxRPMChangeRate              = locoCopy.MaxRPMChangeRate;
            MaximumDieselEnginePowerW     = locoCopy.MaximumDieselEnginePowerW;
            PercentChangePerSec           = locoCopy.PercentChangePerSec;
            LocomotiveMaxRailOutputPowerW = locoCopy.LocomotiveMaxRailOutputPowerW;

            EngineRPMderivation = locoCopy.EngineRPMderivation;
            EngineRPMold        = locoCopy.EngineRPMold;

            MaxDieselLevelL = locoCopy.MaxDieselLevelL;
            DieselUsedPerHourAtMaxPowerL = locoCopy.DieselUsedPerHourAtMaxPowerL;
            DieselUsedPerHourAtIdleL     = locoCopy.DieselUsedPerHourAtIdleL;

            DieselFlowLps = 0.0f;
            InitialMassKg = MassKG;

            if (this.CarID.StartsWith("0"))
                DieselLevelL = locoCopy.DieselLevelL;
                DieselLevelL = locoCopy.MaxDieselLevelL;

            if (locoCopy.GearBoxController != null)
                GearBoxController = new MSTSNotchController(locoCopy.GearBoxController);

            DieselEngines = new DieselEngines(locoCopy.DieselEngines, this);
            if (DieselEngines[0].GearBox != null)
                GearBox = DieselEngines[0].GearBox;
            for (int i = 1; i < DieselEngines.Count; i++)
                if (DieselEngines[i].GearBox == null && locoCopy.DieselEngines[i].GearBox != null)
                    DieselEngines[i].GearBox = new GearBox(GearBox, DieselEngines[i]);
            foreach (DieselEngine de in DieselEngines)
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Ends a continuous increase in controlled value.
        /// </summary>
        public void StopRefillingFromTrough(CommandLog log)
            MSTSWagon.RefillProcess.OkToRefill            = false;
            MSTSWagon.RefillProcess.ActivePickupObjectUID = 0;
            SteamLocomotive.RefillingFromTrough           = false;
            var controller = new MSTSNotchController();

            controller = SteamLocomotive.GetRefillController((uint)MSTSWagon.PickupType.FuelWater);

            new RefillCommand(log, controller.CurrentValue, controller.CommandStartTime);  // for Replay to use
Beispiel #5
        public override void LoadFromWagFile(string wagFilePath)


            if (DieselEngines == null)
                DieselEngines = new DieselEngines(this);

            if (DieselEngines.Count == 0)
                DieselEngines.Add(new DieselEngine());


            if (GearBox != null && GearBox.IsInitialized)
                if (DieselEngines[0].GearBox == null)
                    DieselEngines[0].GearBox = GearBox;
                for (int i = 1; i < DieselEngines.Count; i++)
                    if (DieselEngines[i].GearBox == null)
                        DieselEngines[i].GearBox = new GearBox(GearBox, DieselEngines[i]);

                if (GearBoxController == null)
                    GearBoxController = new MSTSNotchController(GearBox.NumOfGears + 1);

            InitialMassKg = MassKG;
Beispiel #6
        public override void LoadFromWagFile(string wagFilePath)

            if (Simulator.Settings.VerboseConfigurationMessages)  // Display locomotivve name for verbose error messaging
                Trace.TraceInformation("\n\n ================================================= {0} =================================================", LocomotiveName);


            // Check to see if Speed of Max Tractive Force has been set - use ORTS value as first priority, if not use MSTS, last resort use an arbitary value.
            if (SpeedOfMaxContinuousForceMpS == 0)
                if (MSTSSpeedOfMaxContinuousForceMpS != 0)
                    SpeedOfMaxContinuousForceMpS = MSTSSpeedOfMaxContinuousForceMpS; // Use MSTS value if present

                    if (Simulator.Settings.VerboseConfigurationMessages)
                        Trace.TraceInformation("Speed Of Max Continuous Force: set to default value {0}", FormatStrings.FormatSpeedDisplay(SpeedOfMaxContinuousForceMpS, IsMetric));
                else if (MaxPowerW != 0 && MaxContinuousForceN != 0)
                    SpeedOfMaxContinuousForceMpS = MaxPowerW / MaxContinuousForceN;

                    if (Simulator.Settings.VerboseConfigurationMessages)
                        Trace.TraceInformation("Speed Of Max Continuous Force: set to 'calculated' value {0}", FormatStrings.FormatSpeedDisplay(SpeedOfMaxContinuousForceMpS, IsMetric));
                    SpeedOfMaxContinuousForceMpS = 10.0f; // If not defined then set at an "arbitary" value of 22mph

                    if (Simulator.Settings.VerboseConfigurationMessages)
                        Trace.TraceInformation("Speed Of Max Continuous Force: set to 'arbitary' value {0}", FormatStrings.FormatSpeedDisplay(SpeedOfMaxContinuousForceMpS, IsMetric));

            if (DieselEngines == null)
                DieselEngines = new DieselEngines(this);

            // Create a diesel engine block if none exits, typically for a MSTS or BASIC configuration
            if (DieselEngines.Count == 0)
                DieselEngines.Add(new DieselEngine());


            // Check initialization of power values for diesel engines
            for (int i = 0; i < DieselEngines.Count; i++)

            if (GearBox != null && GearBox.IsInitialized)
                if (DieselEngines[0].GearBox == null)
                    DieselEngines[0].GearBox = GearBox;
                for (int i = 1; i < DieselEngines.Count; i++)
                    if (DieselEngines[i].GearBox == null)
                        DieselEngines[i].GearBox = new GearBox(GearBox, DieselEngines[i]);

                if (GearBoxController == null)
                    GearBoxController = new MSTSNotchController(GearBox.NumOfGears + 1);

            InitialMassKg = MassKG;

            // If traction force curves not set (BASIC configuration) then check that power values are set, otherwise locomotive will not move.
            if (TractiveForceCurves == null && LocomotiveMaxRailOutputPowerW == 0)
                if (MaxPowerW != 0)
                    LocomotiveMaxRailOutputPowerW = MaxPowerW;  // Set to default power value

                    if (Simulator.Settings.VerboseConfigurationMessages)
                        Trace.TraceInformation("MaxRailOutputPower (BASIC Config): set to default value = {0}", FormatStrings.FormatPower(LocomotiveMaxRailOutputPowerW, IsMetric, false, false));
                    LocomotiveMaxRailOutputPowerW = 2500000.0f; // If no default value then set to arbitary value

                    if (Simulator.Settings.VerboseConfigurationMessages)
                        Trace.TraceInformation("MaxRailOutputPower (BASIC Config): set at arbitary value = {0}", FormatStrings.FormatPower(LocomotiveMaxRailOutputPowerW, IsMetric, false, false));

                if (MaximumDieselEnginePowerW == 0)
                    MaximumDieselEnginePowerW = LocomotiveMaxRailOutputPowerW;  // If no value set in ENG file, then set the Prime Mover power to same as RailOutputPower (typically the MaxPower value)

                    if (Simulator.Settings.VerboseConfigurationMessages)
                        Trace.TraceInformation("Maximum Diesel Engine Prime Mover Power set the same as MaxRailOutputPower {0} value", FormatStrings.FormatPower(MaximumDieselEnginePowerW, IsMetric, false, false));

            // Check force assumptions set for diesel
            if (Simulator.Settings.VerboseConfigurationMessages)
                float ThrottleSetting = 1.0f;    // Must be at full throttle for these calculations
                if (TractiveForceCurves == null) // Basic configuration - ie no force and Power tables, etc
                    float CalculatedMaxContinuousForceN = ThrottleSetting * LocomotiveMaxRailOutputPowerW / SpeedOfMaxContinuousForceMpS;
                    Trace.TraceInformation("Diesel Force Settings (BASIC Config): Max Starting Force {0}, Calculated Max Continuous Force {1} @ speed of {2}", FormatStrings.FormatForce(MaxForceN, IsMetric), FormatStrings.FormatForce(CalculatedMaxContinuousForceN, IsMetric), FormatStrings.FormatSpeedDisplay(SpeedOfMaxContinuousForceMpS, IsMetric));
                    Trace.TraceInformation("Diesel Power Settings (BASIC Config): Prime Mover {0}, Max Rail Output Power {1}", FormatStrings.FormatPower(MaximumDieselEnginePowerW, IsMetric, false, false), FormatStrings.FormatPower(LocomotiveMaxRailOutputPowerW, IsMetric, false, false));

                    if (MaxForceN < MaxContinuousForceN)
                        Trace.TraceInformation("!!!! Warning: Starting Tractive force {0} is less then Calculated Continuous force {1}, please check !!!!", FormatStrings.FormatForce(MaxForceN, IsMetric), FormatStrings.FormatForce(CalculatedMaxContinuousForceN, IsMetric), FormatStrings.FormatSpeedDisplay(SpeedOfMaxContinuousForceMpS, IsMetric));
                else // Advanced configuration -
                    float StartingSpeedMpS = 0.1f; // Assumed starting speed for diesel - can't be zero otherwise error will occurr
                    float StartingForceN   = (float)TractiveForceCurves.Get(ThrottleSetting, StartingSpeedMpS);
                    float CalculatedMaxContinuousForceN = (float)TractiveForceCurves.Get(ThrottleSetting, SpeedOfMaxContinuousForceMpS);
                    Trace.TraceInformation("Diesel Force Settings (ADVANCED Config): Max Starting Force {0} Calculated Max Continuous Force {1}, @ speed of {2}", FormatStrings.FormatForce(StartingForceN, IsMetric), FormatStrings.FormatForce(CalculatedMaxContinuousForceN, IsMetric), FormatStrings.FormatSpeedDisplay(SpeedOfMaxContinuousForceMpS, IsMetric));
                    Trace.TraceInformation("Diesel Power Settings (ADVANCED Config): Prime Mover {0}, Max Rail Output Power {1} @ {2} rpm", FormatStrings.FormatPower(DieselEngines.MaxPowerW, IsMetric, false, false), FormatStrings.FormatPower(DieselEngines.MaximumRailOutputPowerW, IsMetric, false, false), MaxRPM);

                    if (StartingForceN < MaxContinuousForceN)
                        Trace.TraceInformation("!!!! Warning: Calculated Starting Tractive force {0} is less then Calculated Continuous force {1}, please check !!!!", FormatStrings.FormatForce(StartingForceN, IsMetric), FormatStrings.FormatForce(CalculatedMaxContinuousForceN, IsMetric), FormatStrings.FormatSpeedDisplay(SpeedOfMaxContinuousForceMpS, IsMetric));

                // Check that MaxPower value is realistic - Calculate power - metric - P = F x V
                float CalculatedContinuousPowerW = MaxContinuousForceN * SpeedOfMaxContinuousForceMpS;
                if (MaxPowerW < CalculatedContinuousPowerW)
                    Trace.TraceInformation("!!!! Warning: MaxPower {0} is less then continuous force calculated power {1} @ speed of {2}, please check !!!!", FormatStrings.FormatPower(MaxPowerW, IsMetric, false, false), FormatStrings.FormatPower(CalculatedContinuousPowerW, IsMetric, false, false), FormatStrings.FormatSpeedDisplay(SpeedOfMaxContinuousForceMpS, IsMetric));
