Beispiel #1
        private void btnLoadRawCSMSL_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                STimer = DateTime.Now;
                if (Path.GetExtension(openFileDialog1.FileName).ToLower() == ".raw")
                    raw = new ThermoRawReader(openFileDialog1.FileName);

                    lblRawInfo.Text = "Raw information\n" +
                                      "Last scan:" + raw.NumberOfScans.ToString() + "\n" +
                                      "Initial Time:" + DateTime.Now.Subtract(STimer).TotalSeconds.ToString("0.00") +
                                      " s";
                    btnBackward_CSMSL.Enabled = true;
                    btnForward_CSMSL.Enabled  = true;
                    btnRead_CSMSL.Enabled     = true;
                else if (Path.GetExtension(openFileDialog1.FileName).ToLower() == ".mzxml")
                    raw = new mzXMLRawReader(openFileDialog1.FileName);
                    DateTime starTime = DateTime.Now;
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++)
                        MSScan S1 = raw.ReadScan(i);
                    double Total = DateTime.Now.Subtract(starTime).TotalSeconds;
                    MessageBox.Show("File not supported");
Beispiel #2
        private static string SendScanViaNamedPipe(MSScan argMSScan)
            System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatter f = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
            MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();

            f.Serialize(memStream, argMSScan);
            byte[] WriteBuffer = memStream.ToArray();
            string responseMsg = "";

            CSNamedPipe.NativeNamedPipeClient.Run(@"\\.\pipe\MSScan", WriteBuffer, out responseMsg);
Beispiel #3
        private void btnReader_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RawReader raw = new RawReader(txtFileName.Text, enumRawDataType.raw);

            for (int i = 1; i < 2000; i++)
                MSScan s = raw.ReadScan(i);
            raw = null;
Beispiel #4
        private void btnRead_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (rawReader == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Load Raw data first");
            if (txtScanNo.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Input Scan number");
            txtPeaks.Text = "";
            int ScanNo = Convert.ToInt32(txtScanNo.Text);

            GlypID.Peaks.clsPeakProcessorParameters         _peakParameter       = new GlypID.Peaks.clsPeakProcessorParameters();
            GlypID.HornTransform.clsHornTransformParameters _transformParameters = new GlypID.HornTransform.clsHornTransformParameters();

            _transformParameters.UseAbsolutePeptideIntensity = chkPeptideMinAbso.Checked;
            _transformParameters.AbsolutePeptideIntensity    = 0.0;
            if (_transformParameters.UseAbsolutePeptideIntensity)
                _transformParameters.AbsolutePeptideIntensity = Convert.ToDouble(txtPeptideMinAbso.Text);
            _transformParameters.MaxCharge = Convert.ToInt16(txtMaxCharge.Text);
            _transformParameters.PeptideMinBackgroundRatio = Convert.ToDouble(txtPeptideMinRatio.Text);
            _peakParameter.SignalToNoiseThreshold          = Convert.ToDouble(txtSN.Text);
            _peakParameter.PeakBackgroundRatio             = Convert.ToDouble(txtPeakPeakBackgroundRatioRatio.Text);


            for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
                MSScan        GMSScan         = rawReader.ReadScan(ScanNo);
                List <MSPeak> deIsotopedPeaks = GMSScan.MSPeaks;
                txtPeaks.Text = "Scan Number" + ScanNo.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                txtPeaks.Text = txtPeaks.Text + "MSLevel:" + GMSScan.MsLevel.ToString() + "\t\tNumber Peaks" + deIsotopedPeaks.Count.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                txtPeaks.Text = txtPeaks.Text + "MonoisotopicMZ\tMonoIntensity\tCharge" + Environment.NewLine;
                foreach (MSPeak p in deIsotopedPeaks)
                    txtPeaks.Text = txtPeaks.Text + p.MonoisotopicMZ.ToString("0.0000") + "\t\t" + p.MonoIntensity.ToString() + "\t\t" + p.ChargeState.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
Beispiel #5
 private void ZedGraphDisplay(MSScan argScan)
     GraphPane GP = zedGraphControl1.GraphPane;
     GP.XAxis.Title.Text = "m/z";
     GP.YAxis.Title.Text = "Intensity";
     PointPairList pplRaw = new PointPairList();
     for (int i = 0; i < argScan.MZs.Length; i++)
         pplRaw.Add(argScan.MZs[i], argScan.Intensities[i]);
     PointPairList pplPeak = new PointPairList();
     for (int i = 0; i < argScan.MSPeaks.Count; i++)
     GP.AddBar("Raw", pplRaw, Color.Black);
     GP.AddBar("Peak", pplPeak, Color.Blue);
Beispiel #6
        private void ReadandDisplayScan(int argMSScan)
            if (raw != null)
                scan = raw.ReadScan(argMSScan);
                StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();
                SB.Append("Scan Num:" + scan.ScanNo + Environment.NewLine);
                SB.Append("Scan Time:" + scan.Time + Environment.NewLine);
                SB.Append("Scan header:" + scan.ScanHeader + Environment.NewLine);
                SB.Append("Scan range:" + scan.MinMZ + "~" + scan.MaxMZ + Environment.NewLine);
                SB.Append("Scan MS Level:" + scan.MsLevel + Environment.NewLine);
                SB.Append("Scan is FT Scan:" + scan.IsFTScan + Environment.NewLine);
                SB.Append("Scan is CID:" + scan.IsCIDScan + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
                if (scan.MsLevel == 2)
                    SB.Append("Parent Scan Num:" + scan.ParentScanNo + Environment.NewLine);
                    SB.Append("Precursor M/Z:" + scan.ParentMZ + Environment.NewLine);
                    SB.Append("Precursor Charge:" + scan.ParentCharge + Environment.NewLine);
                    SB.Append("Precursor mono mass:" + scan.ParentMonoMW + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
                if (scan.IsHCDScan)
                    HCDInfo HCD = ((ThermoRawReader) raw).GetHCDInfo(argMSScan);
                    SB.Append("HCD Score:" + HCD.HCDScore.ToString("0.00")+Environment.NewLine);
                    SB.Append("HCD Glycan Type:" + HCD.GlycanType + Environment.NewLine);
                SB.Append("MS Peaks:" + scan.MSPeaks.Count + Environment.NewLine);
                SB.Append("DeisotopeMZ\tPeak Intensity\tMost intense Mz\tMost intense int\t Cluster int"+Environment.NewLine);
                foreach (MSPeak peak in scan.MSPeaks)
                    SB.Append(peak.DeisotopeMz + "\t\t" + peak.MonoIntensity + "\t\t" + peak.MostIntenseMass + "\t\t" + peak.MostIntenseIntensity + "\t\t" + peak.ClusterIntensity + Environment.NewLine);

                SB.Append(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "MZs:" + scan.MZs.Length + Environment.NewLine);
                for (int i = 0; i < scan.MZs.Length; i++)
                    SB.Append("[" + i.ToString() + "]" + scan.MZs[i].ToString("0.0000") + "\t" + scan.Intensities[i].ToString("0.0000") + Environment.NewLine);
                txtPeaks_CSMSL.Text = SB.ToString();
Beispiel #7
 private void btnGetPeaks_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (raw != null)
         int ScanNo = 1;
         if (!int.TryParse(txtScanNo_CSMSL.Text, out ScanNo))
             MessageBox.Show("Fill number in Scan number");
         MSScan scan = raw.ReadScan(ScanNo);
         int ClosedIdx = MassUtility.GetClosestMassIdx(scan.MZs, Convert.ToSingle(txtTargetMZ.Text));
         List<int> Peaks = FindPeakIdx(scan.MZs, ClosedIdx, Convert.ToInt32(txtCharge.Text), Convert.ToSingle(txtPPM_CSMSL.Text));
         string optStr = "";
         for (int i = 0; i < Peaks.Count; i++)
             optStr = optStr + "[" + Peaks[i] + "]" + scan.MZs[Peaks[i]] + "\t   " + scan.Intensities[Peaks[i]] + Environment.NewLine;
         txtPeak.Text = optStr;
Beispiel #8
 public BackgroundFilter(MSScan argScan)
     _msScan = argScan;
Beispiel #9
        private static MSScan GetScanFromFile(int argScanNo, double argSingleToNoise, double argPeakBackground, double argPeptideBackground, short argMaxCharge, GlypID.Readers.clsRawData Raw)
            float[] _cidMzs                     = null;
            float[] _cidIntensities             = null;
            GlypID.Peaks.clsPeak[] _cidPeaks    = new GlypID.Peaks.clsPeak[1];
            GlypID.Peaks.clsPeak[] _parentPeaks = new GlypID.Peaks.clsPeak[1];

            GlypID.HornTransform.clsHornTransform           mobjTransform           = new GlypID.HornTransform.clsHornTransform();
            GlypID.HornTransform.clsHornTransformParameters mobjTransformParameters = new GlypID.HornTransform.clsHornTransformParameters();
            GlypID.HornTransform.clsHornTransformResults[]  _transformResult;

            GlypID.Peaks.clsPeakProcessor           cidPeakProcessor  = new GlypID.Peaks.clsPeakProcessor();
            GlypID.Peaks.clsPeakProcessorParameters cidPeakParameters = new GlypID.Peaks.clsPeakProcessorParameters();

            GlypID.Peaks.clsPeakProcessor           parentPeakProcessor  = new GlypID.Peaks.clsPeakProcessor();
            GlypID.Peaks.clsPeakProcessorParameters parentPeakParameters = new GlypID.Peaks.clsPeakProcessorParameters();

            //Start Read Scan
            MSScan scan = new MSScan(argScanNo);

            Raw.GetSpectrum(argScanNo, ref _cidMzs, ref _cidIntensities);
            scan.MsLevel = Raw.GetMSLevel(Convert.ToInt32(argScanNo));

            double min_peptide_intensity = 0;

            scan.Time       = Raw.GetScanTime(scan.ScanNo);
            scan.ScanHeader = Raw.GetScanDescription(scan.ScanNo);
            if (scan.MsLevel != 1)
                float[] _parentRawMzs        = null;
                float[] _parentRawIntensitys = null;

                string Header = Raw.GetScanDescription(argScanNo);
                cidPeakProcessor.ProfileType = GlypID.enmProfileType.CENTROIDED;
                if (Header.Substring(Header.IndexOf("+") + 1).Trim().StartsWith("p"))
                    cidPeakProcessor.ProfileType = GlypID.enmProfileType.PROFILE;

                // cidPeakProcessor.DiscoverPeaks(ref _cidMzs, ref _cidIntensities, ref _cidPeaks,
                //         Convert.ToSingle(mobjTransformParameters.MinMZ), Convert.ToSingle(mobjTransformParameters.MaxMZ), false);

                for (int chNum = 0; chNum < _cidMzs.Length; chNum++)
                    scan.MSPeaks.Add(new MSPeak(

                //for (int chNum = 0; chNum < _cidMzs.Length; chNum++)
                //    scan.MSPeaks.Add(new MSPeak(
                //        Convert.ToSingle(_cidMzs[chNum]),
                //        Convert.ToSingle(_cidIntensities[chNum])));

                // Get parent information
                scan.ParentScanNo = Raw.GetParentScan(scan.ScanNo);

                Raw.GetSpectrum(scan.ParentScanNo, ref _parentRawMzs, ref _parentRawIntensitys);
                parentPeakProcessor.ProfileType = GlypID.enmProfileType.PROFILE;
                parentPeakProcessor.DiscoverPeaks(ref _parentRawMzs, ref _parentRawIntensitys, ref _parentPeaks, Convert.ToSingle(mobjTransformParameters.MinMZ), Convert.ToSingle(mobjTransformParameters.MaxMZ), true);
                float _parentBackgroundIntensity = (float)parentPeakProcessor.GetBackgroundIntensity(ref _parentRawIntensitys);
                _transformResult = new GlypID.HornTransform.clsHornTransformResults[1];
                bool found = false;
                if (Raw.IsFTScan(scan.ParentScanNo))
                    // High resolution data
                    found = mobjTransform.FindPrecursorTransform(Convert.ToSingle(_parentBackgroundIntensity), Convert.ToSingle(min_peptide_intensity), ref _parentRawMzs, ref _parentRawIntensitys, ref _parentPeaks, Convert.ToSingle(scan.ParentMZ), ref _transformResult);
                if (!found)//de-isotope fail
                    // Low resolution data or bad high res spectra
                    short        cs        = Raw.GetMonoChargeFromHeader(scan.ScanNo);
                    double       monoMZ    = Raw.GetMonoMzFromHeader(scan.ScanNo);
                    List <float> ParentMzs = new List <float>(_parentRawMzs);
                    int          CloseIdx  = MassUtility.GetClosestMassIdx(ParentMzs, Convert.ToSingle(monoMZ));

                    if (cs > 0)
                        short[] charges = new short[1];
                        charges[0] = cs;
                        mobjTransform.AllocateValuesToTransform(Convert.ToSingle(scan.ParentMZ), Convert.ToInt32(_parentRawIntensitys[CloseIdx]), ref charges, ref _transformResult);
                        // instrument has no charge just store 2 and 3.
                        short[] charges = new short[2];
                        charges[0] = 2;
                        charges[1] = 3;
                        mobjTransform.AllocateValuesToTransform(Convert.ToSingle(scan.ParentMZ), Convert.ToInt32(_parentRawIntensitys[CloseIdx]), ref charges, ref _transformResult);

                if (_transformResult[0].mint_peak_index == -1) //De-isotope parent scan
                    //Get parent info
                    MSScan  _parentScan    = GetScanFromFile(scan.ParentScanNo, argSingleToNoise, argPeakBackground, argPeptideBackground, argMaxCharge, Raw);
                    float[] _MSMzs         = null;
                    float[] _MSIntensities = null;

                    Raw.GetSpectrum(scan.ParentScanNo, ref _MSMzs, ref _MSIntensities);
                    // Now find peaks
                    parentPeakParameters.SignalToNoiseThreshold = 0;
                    parentPeakParameters.PeakBackgroundRatio    = 0.01;
                    parentPeakProcessor.ProfileType = GlypID.enmProfileType.PROFILE;

                    parentPeakProcessor.DiscoverPeaks(ref _MSMzs, ref _MSIntensities, ref _cidPeaks,
                                                      Convert.ToSingle(mobjTransformParameters.MinMZ), Convert.ToSingle(mobjTransformParameters.MaxMZ), true);

                    //Look for charge and mono.

                    float[] monoandcharge = FindChargeAndMono(_cidPeaks, Convert.ToSingle(Raw.GetParentMz(scan.ScanNo)), scan.ScanNo, Raw);
                    //scan.ParentMonoMW = _parentScan.MSPeaks[ClosedIdx].MonoMass;
                    //scan.ParentAVGMonoMW = _parentScan.MSPeaks[ClosedIdx].;
                    scan.ParentMZ = monoandcharge[0];
                    if (monoandcharge[1] == 0.0f)
                        scan.ParentCharge = Convert.ToInt32(Raw.GetMonoChargeFromHeader(scan.ParentScanNo));
                        scan.ParentCharge = Convert.ToInt32(monoandcharge[1]);

                    scan.ParentMonoMW = (monoandcharge[0] - Atoms.ProtonMass) * monoandcharge[1];
                    scan.ParentMonoMW    = (float)_transformResult[0].mdbl_mono_mw;
                    scan.ParentAVGMonoMW = (float)_transformResult[0].mdbl_average_mw;
                    scan.ParentMZ        = (float)_transformResult[0].mdbl_mz;
                    scan.ParentCharge    = (int)_transformResult[0].mshort_cs;
                scan.IsCIDScan = Raw.IsCIDScan(argScanNo);
                scan.IsFTScan  = Raw.IsFTScan(argScanNo);

                Array.Clear(_transformResult, 0, _transformResult.Length);
                Array.Clear(_cidPeaks, 0, _cidPeaks.Length);
                Array.Clear(_cidMzs, 0, _cidMzs.Length);
                Array.Clear(_cidIntensities, 0, _cidIntensities.Length);
                Array.Clear(_parentRawMzs, 0, _parentRawMzs.Length);
                Array.Clear(_parentRawIntensitys, 0, _parentRawIntensitys.Length);
            else //MS Scan
                scan.ParentMZ = 0.0f;
                double mdbl_current_background_intensity = 0;

                // Now find peaks
                parentPeakParameters.SignalToNoiseThreshold = argSingleToNoise;
                parentPeakParameters.PeakBackgroundRatio    = argPeakBackground;
                parentPeakProcessor.ProfileType = GlypID.enmProfileType.PROFILE;

                parentPeakProcessor.DiscoverPeaks(ref _cidMzs, ref _cidIntensities, ref _cidPeaks,
                                                  Convert.ToSingle(mobjTransformParameters.MinMZ), Convert.ToSingle(mobjTransformParameters.MaxMZ), true);
                mdbl_current_background_intensity = parentPeakProcessor.GetBackgroundIntensity(ref _cidIntensities);

                // Settings
                min_peptide_intensity = mdbl_current_background_intensity * mobjTransformParameters.PeptideMinBackgroundRatio;
                if (mobjTransformParameters.UseAbsolutePeptideIntensity)
                    if (min_peptide_intensity < mobjTransformParameters.AbsolutePeptideIntensity)
                        min_peptide_intensity = mobjTransformParameters.AbsolutePeptideIntensity;
                mobjTransformParameters.PeptideMinBackgroundRatio = argPeptideBackground;
                mobjTransformParameters.MaxCharge = argMaxCharge;
                mobjTransform.TransformParameters = mobjTransformParameters;

                //  Now perform deisotoping
                _transformResult = new GlypID.HornTransform.clsHornTransformResults[1];
                mobjTransform.PerformTransform(Convert.ToSingle(mdbl_current_background_intensity), Convert.ToSingle(min_peptide_intensity), ref _cidMzs, ref _cidIntensities, ref _cidPeaks, ref _transformResult);
                // for getting results

                for (int chNum = 0; chNum < _transformResult.Length; chNum++)
                    double sumintensity         = 0.0;
                    double mostIntenseIntensity = 0.0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < _transformResult[chNum].marr_isotope_peak_indices.Length; i++)
                        sumintensity = sumintensity + _cidPeaks[_transformResult[chNum].marr_isotope_peak_indices[i]].mdbl_intensity;
                        if (Math.Abs(_transformResult[chNum].mdbl_most_intense_mw -
                                     (_cidPeaks[_transformResult[chNum].marr_isotope_peak_indices[i]].mdbl_mz * _transformResult[chNum].mshort_cs - Atoms.ProtonMass * _transformResult[chNum].mshort_cs))
                            < 1.0 / _transformResult[chNum].mshort_cs)
                            mostIntenseIntensity = _cidPeaks[_transformResult[chNum].mint_peak_index].mdbl_intensity;
                    scan.MSPeaks.Add(new MSPeak(
                Array.Clear(_transformResult, 0, _transformResult.Length);
                Array.Clear(_cidPeaks, 0, _cidPeaks.Length);
                Array.Clear(_cidMzs, 0, _cidMzs.Length);
                Array.Clear(_cidIntensities, 0, _cidIntensities.Length);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">
        /// Arg0: FilePath
        /// Arg1: FileType switch
        ///        raw
        ///        mzxml
        /// Arg2: Function switch
        ///        R:ReadScan
        ///        N:Number of Scan
        ///        H: Get HCD info
        ///        C: Checked if it is CID scan
        ///        S: Scan header Description
        ///        M: Get MS Level
        /// Arg3:
        ///      Switch R:  int scan number
        ///      Switch N:  none
        /// Arg4: PeakProcessorParameter  _singleToNoiseRatio
        /// Arg5: PeakProcessorParameter  _peakBackgroundRatio
        /// Arg6: TransformParameter  _peptideMinBackgroundRatio
        /// Arg7: TransformParameter _maxCharge
        /// </param>
        static int Main(string[] args)
            string FunctionSwitch;// = args[2].ToLower();

            GlypID.Readers.clsRawData Raw;

            //End Debug

                        "@@\nR:ReadScan\n" +
                        "N:Number of Scan\n" +
                        "H: Get HCD info\n" +
                        "C: Checked if it is CID scan\n" +
                        "S: Scan header Description\n" +
                        "M: Get MS Level\n" +
                        "Q: Quit\n" +
                        "Please select function:");
                    FunctionSwitch = Console.In.ReadLine().ToLower().Substring(0, 1);

                    if (FunctionSwitch == "q")
                        Console.WriteLine("Please input file location:");
                        string _fullFilePath = Console.In.ReadLine();
                        Console.WriteLine("FIle Type(r: Raw, x:mzXML)");
                        if (Console.In.ReadLine().ToLower().StartsWith("x"))
                            Raw = new GlypID.Readers.clsRawData(_fullFilePath, GlypID.Readers.FileType.MZXMLRAWDATA);
                            Raw = new GlypID.Readers.clsRawData(_fullFilePath, GlypID.Readers.FileType.FINNIGAN);

                        //PipeClient pipeClt = new PipeClient();
                        if (FunctionSwitch == "r")//Read Scan
                            Console.WriteLine("Please input scan num:");
                            int ScanNo = Convert.ToInt32(Console.In.ReadLine());

                            Console.WriteLine("Please input Single to Noise ratio (default:3.0):");
                            double parsedResult        = 3.0;
                            double _singleToNoiseRatio = 3.0;
                            if (double.TryParse(Console.In.ReadLine(), out parsedResult))
                                _singleToNoiseRatio = parsedResult;

                            Console.WriteLine("Please input Peak background ratio (default:5.0):");
                            parsedResult = 5.0;
                            double _peakBackgroundRatio = 5.0;
                            if (double.TryParse(Console.In.ReadLine(), out parsedResult))
                                _peakBackgroundRatio = parsedResult;

                            Console.WriteLine("Please input Minimum background ratio (default:5.0):");
                            parsedResult = 5.0;
                            double _peptideMinBackgroundRatio = 5.0;
                            if (double.TryParse(Console.In.ReadLine(), out parsedResult))
                                _peptideMinBackgroundRatio = parsedResult;

                            Console.WriteLine("Please input Max charge (defatlt:10):");
                            short paredCharge = 10;
                            short _maxCharge  = 10;
                            if (short.TryParse(Console.In.ReadLine(), out paredCharge))
                                _maxCharge = paredCharge;

                            Console.WriteLine("Reading Scan");
                            MSScan scan        = GetScanFromFile(ScanNo, _singleToNoiseRatio, _peakBackgroundRatio, _peptideMinBackgroundRatio, _maxCharge, Raw);
                            string responseMsg = SendScanViaNamedPipe(scan);

                            //scan = null;
                            //if (pipeClt.Connected)
                            //    while (!pipeClt.SendMessage(memStream.ToArray())) ;
                            //    Console.WriteLine("Named pipe sent");
                            //    pipeClt.Disconnect();
                            //    throw new Exception("Named Pipe not found");
                            Console.WriteLine("ANS:Read Scan: " + ScanNo + " finish;MSScan bytes-" + responseMsg);
                        else if (FunctionSwitch == "n") //Get total scans
                            Console.WriteLine("ANS:" + Raw.GetNumScans().ToString());
                        else if (FunctionSwitch == "h") //Check HCD
                            Console.WriteLine("Please input scan num:");
                            int     ScanNo  = Convert.ToInt32(Console.In.ReadLine());
                            HCDInfo HCDinfo = GetHCDInfo(Raw, ScanNo);
                            if (HCDinfo != null)
                                Console.WriteLine("ANS:" + HCDinfo.ScanNum.ToString() + ";" +
                                                  HCDinfo.GlycanType.ToString() + ";" +
                                Console.WriteLine("ANS:" + "false");
                        else if (FunctionSwitch == "c") //Check CID
                            Console.WriteLine("Please input scan num:");
                            int ScanNo = Convert.ToInt32(Console.In.ReadLine());
                            if (Raw.IsCIDScan(ScanNo) == true)
                                Console.WriteLine("ANS:" + "true");
                                Console.WriteLine("ANS:" + "false");
                        else if (FunctionSwitch == "s") //Check description
                            Console.WriteLine("Please input scan num:");
                            int    ScanNo      = Convert.ToInt32(Console.In.ReadLine());
                            string description = Raw.GetScanDescription(ScanNo);
                            Console.WriteLine("ANS:" + description);
                        else if (FunctionSwitch == "m")//Get MS Level
                            Console.WriteLine("Please input scan num:");
                            int ScanNo = Convert.ToInt32(Console.In.ReadLine());
                            Console.WriteLine("ANS:" + Raw.GetMSLevel(ScanNo));
                            Console.WriteLine("Function error");
                } while (true);
            catch (Exception e)

            //if (args == null || args.Length == 0)
            //    Console.WriteLine("args is null"); // Check for null array
            //    return -1;

            //if (FunctionSwitch == "r" && args.Length != 8)
            //    Console.WriteLine("args is not enough"); // Check for null array
            //    return -1;

            //    string _fullFilePath = Console.In.ReadLine();

            //    Console.WriteLine("Init GlypID");
            //    if (args[1].ToLower() == "raw")
            //    {
            //        Raw = new GlypID.Readers.clsRawData(_fullFilePath, GlypID.Readers.FileType.FINNIGAN);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        Raw = new GlypID.Readers.clsRawData(_fullFilePath, GlypID.Readers.FileType.MZXMLRAWDATA);
            //    }

            //    if (FunctionSwitch == "n") //Get Total scans
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine(Raw.GetNumScans().ToString());
            //        return Raw.GetNumScans();
            //    }
            //    else if (FunctionSwitch == "m")  //Get MS Level
            //    {
            //        int ScanNo = Convert.ToInt32(args[3]);
            //        return Raw.GetMSLevel(ScanNo);
            //    }
            //    else if (FunctionSwitch == "c") //IsCID Scan
            //    {
            //        int ScanNo = Convert.ToInt32(args[3]);
            //        if (Raw.IsCIDScan(ScanNo) == true)
            //        {
            //            return 1;
            //        }
            //        return 0;

            //    }
            //    else if (FunctionSwitch == "s") //Get Description
            //    {
            //        int ScanNo = Convert.ToInt32(args[3]);

            //        //Console.WriteLine("Get Description info");
            //        string description = Raw.GetScanDescription(ScanNo);
            //        Console.WriteLine(description);
            //        //System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatter f = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
            //        //MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
            //        //f.Serialize(memStream, description);
            //        //PipeClient pipeClt = new PipeClient();
            //        //pipeClt.Connect("\\\\.\\pipe\\GlypIDPipe");
            //        //if (pipeClt.Connected)
            //        //{
            //        //    while (!pipeClt.SendMessage(memStream.ToArray())) ;
            //        //    Console.WriteLine("Named pipe sent");
            //        //}
            //        //else
            //        //{
            //        //    throw new Exception("Named Pipe not found");
            //        //}

            //        return 1;
            //    }
            //    else if (FunctionSwitch == "h")  //Get HCD
            //    {
            //        int ScanNo = Convert.ToInt32(args[3]);
            //        HCDInfo HCDinfo = GetHCDInfo(Raw, ScanNo);

            //        //Console.WriteLine("Get HCD info");
            //        //System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatter f = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
            //        //PipeClient pipeClt = new PipeClient();
            //        //pipeClt.Connect("\\\\.\\pipe\\GlypIDPipeHCD");
            //        if (HCDinfo != null)
            //        {
            //            Console.WriteLine(HCDinfo.ScanNum.ToString() + ";" +
            //                              HCDinfo.GlycanType.ToString() + ";" +
            //                              HCDinfo.HCDScore.ToString());
            //            //MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
            //            //f.Serialize(memStream, HCDinfo);

            //            //if (pipeClt.Connected)
            //            //{
            //            //    while (!pipeClt.SendMessage(memStream.ToArray())) ;
            //            //    Console.WriteLine("Named pipe sent");
            //            //}
            //            //else
            //            //{
            //            //    throw new Exception("Named Pipe not found");
            //            //}
            //            return 1;
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {

            //            //if (pipeClt.Connected)
            //            //{

            //            //    while (!pipeClt.SendMessage(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("No HCD Info found"))) ;
            //            //    Console.WriteLine("Named pipe sent");
            //            //}
            //            //else
            //            //{
            //            //    throw new Exception("Named Pipe not found");
            //            //}
            //            return -1;
            //        }

            //    }
            //    else //ReadScan
            //    {
            //        int ScanNo = Convert.ToInt32(args[3]);
            //        double _singleToNoiseRatio = Convert.ToDouble(args[4]);
            //        double _peakBackgroundRatio = Convert.ToDouble(args[5]);
            //        double _peptideMinBackgroundRatio = Convert.ToDouble(args[6]);
            //        short _maxCharge = Convert.ToInt16(args[7]);

            //        Console.WriteLine("Read Scan");
            //        MSScan scan = GetScanFromFile(ScanNo, _singleToNoiseRatio, _peakBackgroundRatio, _peptideMinBackgroundRatio, _maxCharge);
            //        System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatter f = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
            //        MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
            //        f.Serialize(memStream, scan);
            //        PipeClient pipeClt = new PipeClient();
            //        pipeClt.Connect("\\\\.\\pipe\\GlypIDPipe");
            //        if (pipeClt.Connected)
            //        {
            //            while (!pipeClt.SendMessage(memStream.ToArray())) ;
            //            Console.WriteLine("Named pipe sent");
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            throw new Exception("Named Pipe not found");
            //        }

            //        /*NamedPipeClientStream PipeClient = new NamedPipeClientStream(".", "ReadMSScan", PipeDirection.Out);
            //        PipeClient.Connect();

            //        f.Serialize(PipeClient, scan);
            //        PipeClient.Close();*/
            //        Console.WriteLine("Read Scan: " + args[3] + " finish");

            //    }
            //    //End Read Scan

            //    return 1;
Beispiel #11
 public PeakPickingFilter(MSScan argScan)
     _msScan = argScan;
Beispiel #12
        private void bgWorker_Process_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            AAMW = new AminoAcidMass();
            this.lblStatus.SafeBeginInvoke(new Action(() => lblStatus.Text = "Begin initial raw file"));
            Raw = new ThermoRawReader(_rawFile);
            this.lblStatus.SafeBeginInvoke(new Action(() => lblStatus.Text = "Initial raw file completed"));
            List <GlycanSequencing> lstGS = new List <GlycanSequencing>();

            if (_UseGlycanList)
                _GlycanCompounds        = ReadGlycanListFromFile.ReadGlycanList(_glycanFile, false, _Human, false);
                _MassGlycanMapping      = new Dictionary <double, GlycanCompound>();
                _GlycanCompoundMassList = new List <float>();
                foreach (GlycanCompound G in _GlycanCompounds)
                    if (!_MassGlycanMapping.ContainsKey(G.AVGMass))
                        _MassGlycanMapping.Add(G.AVGMass, G);

            for (int i = 0; i < lstScans.Count; i++)
                int ScanNo = lstScans[i];
                if (Raw.GetMsLevel(ScanNo) == 1)
                    CurrentScan = ScanNo;
                    int ProcessReport = Convert.ToInt32((i / (float)lstScans.Count) * 100);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Scan:" + ScanNo.ToString()+"\t Peptide:" + Peptide + "  completed");
                    this.lblStatus.SafeBeginInvoke(new Action(() => lblStatus.Text = "MS scan pass:"******"Scan:" + ScanNo.ToString()+"\t Peptide:" + Peptide + "  completed");
                    this.lblStatus.SafeBeginInvoke(new Action(() => lblStatus.Text = "Not CID scan pass:"******"ms2")+4, _scan.ScanHeader.IndexOf("@") - _scan.ScanHeader.IndexOf("ms2")-3) + "hcd";
                        //    if (Raw.GlypIDReader.GetScanDescription(CheckScanNO).Contains(ScanHeader))
                        //    {
                        //        HCDScanNo = CheckScanNO;
                        //        HCD = new HCDInfo(Raw.GlypIDReader, HCDScanNo);
                        //        break;
                        //    }
                        if (Raw.GetHCDInfo(CheckScanNO) != null)
                            HCD = Raw.GetHCDInfo(CheckScanNO);
                    } while (Raw.GetMsLevel(CheckScanNO) != 1); //Check Until hit Next Full MS

                    //CA: Complex Asialyated, CS:Complex Sialylated, HM:High mannose, HY:Hybrid and NA
                if (HCD != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("CID Scan No:" + ScanNo.ToString() + "\tHCD Scan No:" + HCDScanNo.ToString() + "\tGlycanType:" + HCD.GlycanType.ToString());

                this.lblStatus.SafeBeginInvoke(new Action(() => lblStatus.Text = "Sequencing:" + ScanNo.ToString()));
                foreach (string Peptide in _Peptides)
                    float PeptideMass = AAMW.GetMonoMW(Peptide, true);
                    for (int j = PrecursorCharge - 1; j <= PrecursorCharge; j++)
                        int Y1ChargeSt = j;
                        if (j == 0)
                        float PredictedY1 = 0.0f;
                        PredictedY1 = (float)(PeptideMass + GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMass(Glycan.Type.HexNAc) + COL.MassLib.Atoms.ProtonMass * Y1ChargeSt) / Y1ChargeSt;
                        GlycanSequencing GS = null;
                        if (_UseGlycanList)
                            float GlycanMonoMass = (_scan.ParentMZ - Atoms.ProtonMass) * _scan.ParentCharge - AAMW.GetAVGMonoMW(Peptide, true);
                            float PrecursorMono  = _scan.ParentMonoMW;
                            //if (_scan.ParentAVGMonoMW != 0.0)
                            //    GlycanMonoMass = _scan.ParentAVGMonoMW - PeptideMass + (Atoms.HydrogenAVGMass * 2 + Atoms.OxygenAVGMass);
                            //    PrecursorMono = _scan.ParentAVGMonoMW;
                            //    GlycanMonoMass = (_scan.ParentMZ - Atoms.ProtonMass) * _scan.ParentCharge - PeptideMass + (Atoms.HydrogenAVGMass * 2 + Atoms.OxygenAVGMass);
                            //    PrecursorMono = _scan.ParentMonoMW;

                            List <GlycanCompound> ClosedGlycans = new List <GlycanCompound>();
                            foreach (float gMass in _GlycanCompoundMassList)
                                if (Math.Abs(gMass - GlycanMonoMass) < 100.0f)
                                    ClosedGlycans.Add(_GlycanCompounds[MassUtility.GetClosestMassIdx(_GlycanCompoundMassList, gMass)]);

                            //if (HCD != null)
                            //    if ((HCD.GlycanType == GlypID.enmGlycanType.CA && ClosedGlycan.NoOfSia>0) ||
                            //         (HCD.GlycanType == GlypID.enmGlycanType.HM && (ClosedGlycan.NoOfSia!=0||ClosedGlycan.NoOfHexNAc!=2 || ClosedGlycan.NoOfDeHex!=0) ) ||
                            //         (HCD.GlycanType == GlypID.enmGlycanType.CS && ClosedGlycan.NoOfSia==0))
                            //    {
                            //        continue;
                            //    }
                            //if (Math.Abs(ClosedGlycan.AVGMass - GlycanMonoMass) <= _MSMSTol)
                            foreach (GlycanCompound ClosedGlycan in ClosedGlycans)
                                if (_Human) //NeuAc
                                    int NoOfSia   = ClosedGlycan.NoOfSia;
                                    int NoOfDeHex = ClosedGlycan.NoOfDeHex;
                                    if (HCD != null && HCD.GlycanType == COL.MassLib.enumGlycanType.CA && ClosedGlycan.NoOfSia > 0)
                                        NoOfDeHex = NoOfDeHex + NoOfSia * 2;
                                        NoOfSia   = 0;
                                    GS = new GlycanSequencing(_scan, Peptide, true, Y1ChargeSt, ClosedGlycan.NoOfHex, ClosedGlycan.NoOfHexNAc, NoOfDeHex, NoOfSia, 0, @"d:\tmp", _NGlycan, _MSMSTol, _PrecursorTol);
                                else //NeuGc
                                    GS = new GlycanSequencing(_scan, Peptide, true, Y1ChargeSt, ClosedGlycan.NoOfHex, ClosedGlycan.NoOfHexNAc, ClosedGlycan.NoOfDeHex, 0, ClosedGlycan.NoOfSia, @"d:\tmp", _NGlycan, _MSMSTol, _PrecursorTol);
                                GS.NumbersOfPeaksForSequencing = 140;
                                GS.UseAVGMass        = _AverageMass;
                                GS.CreatePrecursotMZ = true;
                                if (!_CompletedOnly)
                                    GS.RewardForCompleteStructure = 0.0f;
                                if (HCD != null)
                                    GS.GlycanType = HCD.GlycanType;
                                if (_CompletedOnly && GS.FullSequencedStructures.Count == 0)
                                CurrentScan    = ScanNo;
                                CurrentPeptide = GS.PeptideSeq;
                                int ProcessReport = Convert.ToInt32((i / (float)lstScans.Count) * 100);
                                //Console.WriteLine("Scan:" + ScanNo.ToString()+"\t Peptide:" + Peptide + "  completed");
                        else // no list
                            if (_Human) //NeuAc
                                if (HCD != null)
                                    //CA: Complex Asialyated, CS:Complex Sialylated, HM:High mannose, HY:Hybrid and NA
                                    if (HCD.GlycanType == enumGlycanType.CA)
                                        GS = new GlycanSequencing(_scan, Peptide, true, Y1ChargeSt, _NoHex, _NoHexNAc, _NoDeHex, 0, 0, @"d:\tmp", _NGlycan, _MSMSTol, _PrecursorTol);
                                    else if (HCD.GlycanType == enumGlycanType.HM)
                                        GS = new GlycanSequencing(_scan, Peptide, true, Y1ChargeSt, _NoHex, 2, 0, 0, 0, @"d:\tmp", _NGlycan, _MSMSTol, _PrecursorTol);
                                        GS = new GlycanSequencing(_scan, Peptide, true, Y1ChargeSt, _NoHex, _NoHexNAc, _NoDeHex, _NoSia, 0, @"d:\tmp", _NGlycan, _MSMSTol, _PrecursorTol);
                                    GS = new GlycanSequencing(_scan, Peptide, true, Y1ChargeSt, _NoHex, _NoHexNAc, _NoDeHex, _NoSia, 0, @"d:\tmp", _NGlycan, _MSMSTol, _PrecursorTol);
                            else //NeuGc
                                if (HCD != null)
                                    //CA: Complex Asialyated, CS:Complex Sialylated, HM:High mannose, HY:Hybrid and NA
                                    if (HCD.GlycanType == enumGlycanType.CA)
                                        GS = new GlycanSequencing(_scan, Peptide, true, Y1ChargeSt, _NoHex, _NoHexNAc, _NoDeHex, 0, 0, @"d:\tmp", _NGlycan, _MSMSTol, _PrecursorTol);
                                    else if (HCD.GlycanType == enumGlycanType.HM)
                                        GS = new GlycanSequencing(_scan, Peptide, true, Y1ChargeSt, _NoHex, 2, 0, 0, 0, @"d:\tmp", _NGlycan, _MSMSTol, _PrecursorTol);
                                        GS = new GlycanSequencing(_scan, Peptide, true, Y1ChargeSt, _NoHex, _NoHexNAc, _NoDeHex, 0, _NoSia, @"d:\tmp", _NGlycan, _MSMSTol, _PrecursorTol);
                                    GS = new GlycanSequencing(_scan, Peptide, true, Y1ChargeSt, _NoHex, _NoHexNAc, _NoDeHex, 0, _NoSia, @"d:\tmp", _NGlycan, _MSMSTol, _PrecursorTol);
                            GS.NumbersOfPeaksForSequencing = 140;
                            GS.UseAVGMass        = _AverageMass;
                            GS.CreatePrecursotMZ = true;
                            if (!_CompletedOnly)
                                GS.RewardForCompleteStructure = 0.0f;
                            if (HCD != null)
                                GS.GlycanType = HCD.GlycanType;
                            if (_CompletedOnly && GS.FullSequencedStructures.Count == 0)
                            CurrentScan    = ScanNo;
                            CurrentPeptide = GS.PeptideSeq;
                            int ProcessReport = Convert.ToInt32((i / (float)lstScans.Count) * 100);
                            //Console.WriteLine("Scan:" + ScanNo.ToString()+"\t Peptide:" + Peptide + "  completed");
                    } //Foreach charge
                }     //Foreach peptide
                if (lstGS.Count > 0)
            }//Foreach Scan
Beispiel #13
        public static Image GetAnnotatedImage(string argPeptide, MSScan argScan, List <MSPoint> argPeaks, GlycanStructure argStructure)
            float MaxX = argStructure.Root.FetchAllGlycanNode().OrderByDescending(o => o.IDMass).ToList()[0].IDMass;

            if (MaxX + 100 > 2000.0)
                MaxX = 2000.0f;
                MaxX = MaxX + 100;
            ZedGraph.GraphPane Pane = new ZedGraph.GraphPane(new RectangleF(0.0f, 0.0f, 2000.0f, 1500.0f), argScan.ScanNo.ToString(), "Mass", "Intensity");
            //ZedGraph.MasterPane Pane = new ZedGraph.MasterPane(argTitle,new RectangleF(0.0f, 0.0f, 2400.0f, 1800.0f) );
            Pane.XAxis.MajorTic.IsInside = false;
            Pane.XAxis.MinorTic.IsInside = false;
            Pane.Legend.IsVisible        = false;
            ZedGraph.PointPairList Peaks = new ZedGraph.PointPairList();

            double MaxIntensity = 0.0;

            foreach (MSPoint p in argPeaks)
                if (p.Intensity > MaxIntensity && p.Mass <= MaxX)
                    MaxIntensity = p.Intensity;
            foreach (MSPoint p in argPeaks)
                if (p.Mass <= MaxX)
                    Peaks.Add(p.Mass, (p.Intensity / MaxIntensity) * 100.0);
            Pane.AddStick("Peaks", Peaks, Color.Red);

            //Y1 text object

            /* ZedGraph.TextObj txtY1 = new ZedGraph.TextObj("Y1", argStructure.Y1.MZ, 102);
             * txtY1.FontSpec.Size = txtY1.FontSpe.cSize*0.5f;
             * txtY1.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;
             * Pane.GraphObjList.Insert(0, txtY1);*/

            GlycansDrawer GS;
            double        previousBoundary = 0;

            foreach (GlycanTreeNode t in argStructure.Root.FetchAllGlycanNode().OrderBy(o => o.IDMass).ToList())
                GS = new GlycansDrawer(t.IUPACFromRoot, false);
                double glycopeptideMZ = t.IDMass;
                //double glycopeptideMZ =argStructure.Y1.Mass - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.HexNAc, FGS.Charge);
                //glycopeptideMZ = glycopeptideMZ +
                //                 FGS.NoOfHexNac * GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.HexNAc, FGS.Charge);
                //glycopeptideMZ = glycopeptideMZ +
                //                 FGS.NoOfHex*GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.Hex, FGS.Charge);
                //glycopeptideMZ = glycopeptideMZ +
                //                 FGS.NoOfDeHex * GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.DeHex, FGS.Charge);
                //glycopeptideMZ = glycopeptideMZ +
                //                 FGS.NoOfNeuAc * GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.NeuAc, FGS.Charge);
                //glycopeptideMZ = glycopeptideMZ +
                //                 FGS.NoOfNeuGc * GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.NeuGc, FGS.Charge);
                Image imgStructure = GlycanImage.RotateImage(GS.GetImage(), 270);

                ZedGraph.TextObj txtGlycanMz = new ZedGraph.TextObj(glycopeptideMZ.ToString("0.000"), 100, 131);

                double PositionX = glycopeptideMZ;

                if (previousBoundary >= PositionX)
                    PositionX = previousBoundary + 20;

                if (imgStructure.Width > txtGlycanMz.Location.Width)
                    previousBoundary = imgStructure.Width + PositionX;
                    previousBoundary = (float)txtGlycanMz.Location.Width + PositionX;
                ZedGraph.ImageObj glycan = new ZedGraph.ImageObj(imgStructure, PositionX, 130, imgStructure.Width + 20, imgStructure.Height);

                glycan.IsScaled        = false;
                glycan.Location.AlignV = ZedGraph.AlignV.Bottom;

                txtGlycanMz.Location.X                = glycan.Location.X + (float)glycan.Image.Width / 2 - (float)txtGlycanMz.Location.Width / 2;
                txtGlycanMz.FontSpec.Size             = txtGlycanMz.FontSpec.Size * 0.3f;
                txtGlycanMz.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;


                double interval = 100000;
                int    idx      = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Peaks.Count; i++)
                    if (Math.Abs(Peaks[i].X - glycopeptideMZ) < interval)
                        interval = Math.Abs((float)Peaks[i].X - glycopeptideMZ);
                        idx      = i;
                string           mzLabelwPPM = Peaks[idx].X.ToString("0.000");// + "\n(" + Math.Abs(glycopeptideMZ - (float)Peaks[idx].X).ToString("0") + "da)";
                ZedGraph.TextObj PeakLabel   = new ZedGraph.TextObj(mzLabelwPPM, Peaks[idx].X, Peaks[idx].Y + 3.0);
                PeakLabel.FontSpec.Size             = PeakLabel.FontSpec.Size * 0.3f;
                PeakLabel.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;
                PeakLabel.FontSpec.Fill.IsVisible   = false;

            Pane.YAxis.Scale.Max = 145;
            Pane.XAxis.Scale.Min = Convert.ToInt32(argStructure.Y1.Mass - 100);
            Pane.XAxis.Scale.Max = Peaks[Peaks.Count - 1].X + 100;
            //Glycan Structure
            GS = new GlycansDrawer(argStructure.IUPACString, false);
            Image imgStruc = RotateImage(GS.GetImage(), 180);

            ZedGraph.ImageObj fullStructure = new ZedGraph.ImageObj(imgStruc, Pane.XAxis.Scale.Min + 20, 140, imgStruc.Width + 20, imgStruc.Height);
            fullStructure.IsScaled = false;
            //Glycan M/Z
            double glycopeptidemz = GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(argStructure.Root.GlycanType, argStructure.Charge) + argStructure.Y1.Mass - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.HexNAc, argStructure.Charge);

            ZedGraph.TextObj txtGlycanMZ = new ZedGraph.TextObj("\n              Precursor:" + argScan.ParentMZ.ToString("0.000") + "(" + argScan.ParentCharge.ToString() + ")" +
                                                                "\nPeptide Sequence:" + argPeptide
                                                                , Pane.GraphObjList[Pane.GraphObjList.Count - 1].Location.X2, 140);
            txtGlycanMZ.FontSpec.Size             = txtGlycanMZ.FontSpec.Size * 0.3f;
            txtGlycanMZ.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;
            txtGlycanMZ.FontSpec.Fill.IsVisible   = false;
            Image tmp = (Image)Pane.GetImage();

Beispiel #14
 // Use this for initialization
 void Awake()
     radius    = 80;
     mInstance = this;
     mMatList  = new List <byte>();
        public static void Processing(ref MultiGlycanESI argMultiGlycan)
                List <string> identifiedGlycan = argMultiGlycan.IdentifiedGlycanCompounds.Select(x => x.GlycanKey).Distinct().ToList();
                Dictionary <string, List <int> > dictGlycanKeySearchRange = new Dictionary <string, List <int> >();

                int LastScan = argMultiGlycan.RawReader.NumberOfScans;
                foreach (string glycanKey in identifiedGlycan)
                    List <int> identifedScans =
                        argMultiGlycan.MatchedPeakInScan.Where(x => x.GlycanComposition.GlycanKey == glycanKey)
                        .Select(y => y.ScanNum)

                    int    frontEdge           = identifedScans[0];
                    double FirstIdentifiedTime = argMultiGlycan.RawReader.ReadScan(frontEdge).Time;
                    while (frontEdge > 1)
                        frontEdge -= 1;
                        if (argMultiGlycan.RawReader.GetMsLevel(frontEdge) != 1)
                        MSScan s = argMultiGlycan.RawReader.ReadScan(frontEdge);
                        if (FirstIdentifiedTime - s.Time > 5)
                    int    backEdge          = identifedScans[identifedScans.Count - 1];
                    double LastIdentifedTime = argMultiGlycan.RawReader.ReadScan(backEdge).Time;

                    while (backEdge < LastScan)
                        backEdge += 1;
                        if (argMultiGlycan.RawReader.GetMsLevel(backEdge) != 1)
                        MSScan s = argMultiGlycan.RawReader.ReadScan(backEdge);
                        if (s.Time - LastIdentifedTime > 5)
                    dictGlycanKeySearchRange.Add(glycanKey, new List <int>()
                        frontEdge, backEdge

                List <MSScan> msScans           = new List <MSScan>();
                string        previousGlycanKey = "";
                foreach (GlycanCompound g in argMultiGlycan.GlycanList.OrderBy(x => x.GlycanKey))
                    if (!identifiedGlycan.Contains(g.GlycanKey))
                    if (previousGlycanKey != g.GlycanKey)
                        //Read Scans
                        int startScan = dictGlycanKeySearchRange[g.GlycanKey][0] >= 1 ? dictGlycanKeySearchRange[g.GlycanKey][0] : 1;
                        int endScan   = dictGlycanKeySearchRange[g.GlycanKey][1] <= LastScan ? dictGlycanKeySearchRange[g.GlycanKey][1] : LastScan;
                        msScans.AddRange(argMultiGlycan.RawReader.ReadScanWMSLevel(startScan, endScan, 1));
                        previousGlycanKey = g.GlycanKey;

                    int charge = g.Charge;
                    List <List <MSScan> > scanSectionsContainPeaks = new List <List <MSScan> >();
                    for (int i = 0; i < msScans.Count; i++)
                        MSScan scan      = msScans[i];
                        int    closedIdx = MassUtility.GetClosestMassIdx(scan.MZs, (float)g.MZ);
                        if (MassUtility.GetMassPPM(scan.MZs[closedIdx], g.MZ) <= argMultiGlycan.MassPPM)
                            List <int> peaks = FindPeakIdx(scan.MZs, closedIdx, charge, argMultiGlycan.IsotopePPM);
                            if (peaks.Count - peaks.IndexOf(closedIdx) < argMultiGlycan.MininumIsotopePeakCount)
                            //Found peaks
                            if (scanSectionsContainPeaks.Count > 0)
                                MSScan lastSectionLastScan = scanSectionsContainPeaks.Last().Last();
                                if (scan.Time - lastSectionLastScan.Time > 2.5)
                                    scanSectionsContainPeaks.Add(new List <MSScan>()
                                scanSectionsContainPeaks.Add(new List <MSScan>()

                    //If scans can form an elution profile add to identifed result;

                    foreach (List <MSScan> sectionScans in scanSectionsContainPeaks)
                        if (sectionScans.Count < 3)
                            //Add matched peak
                            foreach (MSScan s in sectionScans)
                                int PeakIdx             = MassUtility.GetClosestMassIdx(s.MZs, (float)g.MZ);
                                MatchedGlycanPeak mPeak = new MatchedGlycanPeak(s.ScanNo, s.Time, s.MSPeaks[PeakIdx], g);

                                List <int>     peaks       = FindPeakIdx(s.MZs, PeakIdx, charge, argMultiGlycan.IsotopePPM);
                                int            startIdx    = peaks.IndexOf(PeakIdx);
                                List <MSPoint> lstIsotopes = new List <MSPoint>();
                                for (int i = startIdx; i < peaks.Count; i++)
                                    lstIsotopes.Add(new MSPoint(s.MZs[peaks[i]], s.Intensities[peaks[i]]));
                                mPeak.MSPoints = lstIsotopes;
                                if (!argMultiGlycan.MatchedPeakInScan.Contains(mPeak))

                //foreach (GlycanCompound g in argMultiGlycan.IdentifiedGlycanCompounds)
                //    processed = g;
                //    //Search Peak in front of the peak
                //    ThermoRawReader raw = (ThermoRawReader)argMultiGlycan.RawReader;
                //    List<int> identifedScans = argMultiGlycan.MatchedPeakInScan.Where(x => x.GlycanComposition == g).Select(y => y.ScanNum).ToList();
                //    for (int i = 0; i < identifedScans.Count; i++)
                //    {
                //        int identifiedScanNum = identifedScans[i];
                //        while (true)
                //        {
                //            identifiedScanNum -= 1;
                //            if (identifiedScanNum < 1 || raw.GetRetentionTime(identifedScans[i]) - raw.GetRetentionTime(identifiedScanNum) > argMultiGlycan.MaxLCFrontMin)
                //            {
                //                break;
                //            }
                //            if (raw.GetMsLevel((identifiedScanNum)) != 1)
                //            {
                //                continue;
                //            }
                //            MSScan scan = raw.ReadScan(identifiedScanNum);
                //            int PeakIdx = MassUtility.GetClosestMassIdx(scan.MZs, (float)g.MZ);
                //            if (MassUtility.GetMassPPM(scan.MZs[PeakIdx], g.MZ) > argMultiGlycan.MassPPM)
                //            {
                //                continue;
                //            }
                //            //Find isotope cluster
                //            List<MSPoint> lstIsotopes = new List<MSPoint>();
                //            lstIsotopes.Add(new MSPoint(scan.MZs[PeakIdx],scan.Intensities[PeakIdx]));
                //            float targetMZ = (float)g.MZ;
                //            do
                //            {
                //                targetMZ += 1.0f/g.Charge;
                //                PeakIdx = MassUtility.GetClosestMassIdx(scan.MZs, targetMZ);
                //                if (MassUtility.GetMassPPM(scan.MZs[PeakIdx], targetMZ) <= argMultiGlycan.MassPPM)
                //                {
                //                    lstIsotopes.Add(new MSPoint(scan.MZs[PeakIdx],scan.Intensities[PeakIdx]));
                //                }
                //                else
                //                {
                //                    break;
                //                }
                //            } while (true);
                //            if (lstIsotopes.Count < argMultiGlycan.MininumIsotopePeakCount)
                //            {
                //                continue;
                //            }
                //            MatchedGlycanPeak mPeak = new MatchedGlycanPeak(scan.ScanNo, scan.Time, scan.MSPeaks[PeakIdx], g);
                //            mPeak.MSPoints = lstIsotopes;
                //            if (!argMultiGlycan.MatchedPeakInScan.Contains(mPeak))
                //            {
                //                argMultiGlycan.MatchedPeakInScan.Add(mPeak);
                //            }
                //        }
                //        identifiedScanNum = identifedScans[i];
                //        while (true)
                //        {
                //            identifiedScanNum += 1;
                //            if (identifiedScanNum > raw.NumberOfScans || raw.GetRetentionTime(identifiedScanNum) - raw.GetRetentionTime(identifedScans[i]) > argMultiGlycan.MaxLCBackMin)
                //            {
                //                break;
                //            }
                //            if (raw.GetMsLevel((identifiedScanNum)) != 1)
                //            {
                //                continue;
                //            }
                //            MSScan scan = raw.ReadScan(identifiedScanNum);
                //            int PeakIdx = MassUtility.GetClosestMassIdx(scan.MZs, (float)g.MZ);
                //            if (MassUtility.GetMassPPM(scan.MZs[PeakIdx], g.MZ) > argMultiGlycan.MassPPM)
                //            {
                //                continue;
                //            }
                //            //Find isotope cluster
                //            List<MSPoint> lstIsotopes = new List<MSPoint>();
                //            lstIsotopes.Add(new MSPoint(scan.MZs[PeakIdx], scan.Intensities[PeakIdx]));
                //            float targetMZ = (float)g.MZ;
                //            do
                //            {
                //                targetMZ += 1.0f / g.Charge;
                //                PeakIdx = MassUtility.GetClosestMassIdx(scan.MZs, targetMZ);
                //                if (MassUtility.GetMassPPM(scan.MZs[PeakIdx], targetMZ) <= argMultiGlycan.MassPPM)
                //                {
                //                    lstIsotopes.Add(new MSPoint(scan.MZs[PeakIdx], scan.Intensities[PeakIdx]));
                //                }
                //                else
                //                {
                //                    break;
                //                }
                //            } while (true);
                //            if (lstIsotopes.Count < argMultiGlycan.MininumIsotopePeakCount)
                //            {
                //                continue;
                //            }
                //            MatchedGlycanPeak mPeak = new MatchedGlycanPeak(scan.ScanNo, scan.Time, scan.MSPeaks[PeakIdx], g);
                //            mPeak.MSPoints = lstIsotopes;
                //            if (!argMultiGlycan.MatchedPeakInScan.Contains(mPeak))
                //            {
                //                argMultiGlycan.MatchedPeakInScan.Add(mPeak);
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Beispiel #16
 public PeakPickingFilter(MSScan argScan)
     _msScan = argScan;
Beispiel #17
 public BackgroundFilter(MSScan argScan)
     _msScan = argScan;
Beispiel #18
    public override void Start()

        _msScaner = gameObject.AddComponent <MSScan> ();
Beispiel #19
 public YxList(MSScan argScan, List <ProteinInfo> argProtInfo, float argTorelance)
     _scan      = argScan;
     _pInfo     = argProtInfo;
     _torelance = argTorelance;
Beispiel #20
        private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            openFileDialog1.Filter           = "Raw files (*.RAW,*.mzXML)|*.RAW;*.mzXML";
            openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true;
            if (txtScanNo.Text == "" || txtPeptideSeq.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please fill the information");
            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                _torelance          = Convert.ToSingle(txtPeaKTol.Text);
                _precursorTorelance = Convert.ToSingle(txtPrecusorTol.Text);
                int ScanNo = 0;
                if (Int32.TryParse(txtScanNo.Text, out ScanNo) == false)
                    MessageBox.Show("Input Scan Number Error");

                if (Path.GetExtension(openFileDialog1.FileName).ToLower() == ".raw")
                    ThermoRawReader RawReader = new COL.MassLib.ThermoRawReader(openFileDialog1.FileName);

                    /*GlypID.Peaks.clsPeakProcessorParameters clsParameters = new GlypID.Peaks.clsPeakProcessorParameters();
                     * clsParameters.SignalToNoiseThreshold = 0.0f;
                     * clsParameters.PeakBackgroundRatio = 0.01f;*/
                    //RawReader.SetPeakProcessorParameter(2, 2);
                    scan = RawReader.ReadScan(ScanNo);
                    //scan = new mzXMLReader(openFileDialog1.FileName).ReadScan(ScanNo);

                int NoNeuAc = 0;
                int NoNeuGc = 0;
                if (rdoNeuAc.Checked)
                    NoNeuAc = Convert.ToInt32(txtSia.Text);
                    NoNeuGc = Convert.ToInt32(txtSia.Text);

                List <int> SequenceParameters = new List <int>();

                GS = new GlycanSequencing_MultipleScoring(scan, scan.ParentCharge, Convert.ToInt32(txtHex.Text), Convert.ToInt32(txtHexNAc.Text), Convert.ToInt32(txtdeHex.Text), NoNeuAc, NoNeuGc, @"D:\tmp", true, 0.8f, 10, SequenceParameters, Peptides.ReadFastaFile(txtPeptideSeq.Text));
                GS.NumbersOfPeaksForSequencing = 140;
                GS.UseAVGMass = true;
                GS.CreatePrecursotMZ          = true;
                GS.RewardForCompleteStructure = 3;

                //lstPeak.Items.Add("Top " + GS.FilteredPeaks.Count.ToString() + "  peaks");
                //lstPeak.Items.Add("m/z / normailzed intensity ");
                //foreach (MSPoint p in GS.FilteredPeaks)
                //    lstPeak.Items.Add(p.Mass.ToString("0.0000") +"/" + p.Intensity.ToString("0.0000"));

                bool isFullSeq = false;
                ReportStructure = GS.SequencedStructures;
                if (ReportStructure.Count == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("No Structure Found");
                if (GS.FullSequencedStructures.Count != 0)
                    ReportStructure = GS.FullSequencedStructures;
                    isFullSeq       = true;
                AminoAcidMass AA = new AminoAcidMass();
                for (int i = 0; i < ReportStructure.Count; i++)
                    GlycanStructure gt  = ReportStructure[i];
                    DataRow         row = dtTrees.NewRow();
                    //row.Add(new Object[] (gt.Mass.ToString("0.0000"), gt.Score.ToString("0.0000"),gt.GetIUPACString()));
                    row["ID"]                  = i.ToString();
                    row["Glycan Mass"]         = gt.GlycanAVGMonoMass.ToString("0.0000");
                    row["Y1"]                  = gt.Y1.Mass.ToString("0.0000");;
                    row["Core Score"]          = Convert.ToSingle((gt.CoreScore).ToString("0.00"));
                    row["Branch Score"]        = Convert.ToSingle((gt.BranchScore).ToString("0.00"));
                    row["Append Glycan Score"] = Convert.ToSingle((gt.InCompleteScore).ToString("0.00"));
                    if (gt.IsCompleteByPrecursorDifference)
                        row["PPM"] =
                                    gt.GlycanMonoMass + AA.GetMonoMW(gt.PeptideSequence, true) +
                                    GetGlycanMassByGlycanString(gt.RestGlycanString), GS.PrecusorMonoMass)
                        row["PPM"] =
                                    gt.GlycanMonoMass + AA.GetMonoMW(gt.PeptideSequence, true), GS.PrecusorMonoMass).ToString("0.00"));
                    row["Peptide"]       = gt.PeptideSequence;
                    row["Append Glycan"] = gt.RestGlycanString;
                    row["IUPAC"]         = gt.IUPACString;

                    GlycansDrawer GDRaw  = new GlycansDrawer(gt.IUPACString, false);
                    Image         tmpImg = GDRaw.GetImage();
                    row["Structure"] = tmpImg;
                dtTrees.DefaultView.Sort = "Glycan Mass DESC";

                for (int i = 0; i < dgView.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (Convert.ToSingle(dgView.Rows[i].Cells["PPM"].Value) <= Convert.ToSingle(txtPrecusorTol.Text))
                        dgView.Rows[i].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Red;