Beispiel #1
 public async static Task <bool> UpdateJournalIntegrationDataAsync(MSSQLDB db, long journalId, string integrationKey, IntegrationJournalData integrationJournalData)
     return((await db.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(
                 "UPDATE user_journal SET integration_data = JSON_MODIFY(ISNULL(integration_data, JSON_QUERY('{}')), '$.\"" + integrationKey + "\"', JSON_QUERY(@integration_data)) WHERE journal_id = @journal_id",
                 new SqlParameter("journal_id", journalId),
                 new SqlParameter("integration_data", JsonSerializer.Serialize(integrationJournalData))
                 )) > 0);
        public static async Task SendLoginNotification(MSSQLDB db, IConfiguration configuration, Profile user)
            var email = @"Hi there!

This is an automated email, since you have logged in to Journal Limpet at least once.

I'm sorry that I have to send you this email, but we need you to log in to Journal Limpet <> again.

.. at least if you want us to be able to continue:
- Storing your Elite: Dangerous journals
- Sync progress with other applications

And if you don't want us to sync your account any longer, we'll delete your account after 6 months from your last fetched journal.

This is the only email we will ever send you (every time that you need to login)

Journal Limpet";

            var htmlEmail = @"<html>
Hi there!<br />
<br />
This is an automated email, since you have logged in to <b>Journal Limpet</b> at least once.<br />
<br />
I'm sorry that I have to send you this email, but we need you to log in to <a href="""" target=""_blank"">Journal Limpet</a> again.<br />
<br />
.. at least if you want us to be able to continue:<br />
- Storing your Elite: Dangerous journals<br />
- Sync progress with other applications<br />
<br />
And if you don't want us to sync your account any longer, we'll delete your account after 6 months from your last fetched journal.<br />
<br />
This is the only email we will ever send you (every time that you need to login)<br />
<br />
Regards,<br />
NoLifeKing85<br />
<a href="""" target=""_blank"">Journal Limpet</a>

            var sendgridClient = new SendGridClient(configuration["SendGrid:ApiKey"]);
            var mail           = MailHelper.CreateSingleEmail(
                new EmailAddress("*****@*****.**", "Journal Limpet"),
                new EmailAddress(user.NotificationEmail),
                "Login needed for further journal storage",

            await sendgridClient.SendEmailAsync(mail);

            await db.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("UPDATE user_profile SET last_notification_mail = GETUTCDATE() WHERE user_identifier = @userIdentifier",
                                          new SqlParameter("@userIdentifier", user.UserIdentifier)
Beispiel #3
        public async Task InsertOrUpdateSystemAsync(EDSystemData systemData)
            var jsPos = JsonSerializer.Serialize(systemData.Coordinates);

            await _db.ExecuteNonQueryAsync($@"UPDATE EliteSystem WITH (UPDLOCK, SERIALIZABLE) SET StarSystem = @starSystem, StarPos = @starPos WHERE SystemAddress = @systemAddress;

  INSERT INTO EliteSystem (SystemAddress, StarSystem, StarPos) VALUES (@systemAddress, @starSystem, @starPos);
END;", new SqlParameter("systemAddress", systemData.Id64), new SqlParameter("starSystem", systemData.Name), new SqlParameter("starPos", jsPos));
Beispiel #4
        private static async Task ExecuteBatchInsert(List <string> batchInserts, MSSQLDB db)
            var batch = $@"BEGIN TRANSACTION;
INSERT INTO EliteSystem (SystemAddress, StarSystem, StarPos)
{string.Join(",\n", batchInserts)}

            await db.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(batch);

Beispiel #5
        public async Task OnPostAsync()
            var profile = await _db.ExecuteSingleRowAsync <Profile>("SELECT * FROM user_profile WHERE user_identifier = @user_identifier", new SqlParameter("user_identifier", User.Identity.Name));

            var integrationSettings = profile.IntegrationSettings;

            integrationSettings["EDSM"]       = EDSM.AsJsonElement();
            integrationSettings["Canonn R&D"] = CanonnRD.AsJsonElement();

            var integrationJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(integrationSettings);

            await _db.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(
                "UPDATE user_profile SET notification_email = @notification_email, integration_settings = @integration_settings, send_to_eddn = @send_to_eddn WHERE user_identifier = @user_identifier",
                new SqlParameter("user_identifier", User.Identity.Name),
                new SqlParameter("notification_email", NotificationEmail ?? string.Empty),
                new SqlParameter("integration_settings", integrationJson),
                new SqlParameter("send_to_eddn", EDDNEnabled)
Beispiel #6
        public async Task <IActionResult> Authenticate()
            var code  = Request.Query["code"];
            var state = Request.Query["state"];

            if (!_memoryCache.TryGetValue("frontierLogin-" + HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString(), out string storedState))
                return(BadRequest("Could not find login token, try again"));

            if (state != storedState)
                return(Unauthorized("Invalid state, please relogin"));

            var redirectUrl = string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}", Request.Scheme, Request.Host, Url.Content("~/api/journal/authenticate"));

            using var c = new HttpClient();

            var formData = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            formData.Add("grant_type", "authorization_code");
            formData.Add("code", code);
            formData.Add("client_id", _configuration["EliteDangerous:ClientId"]);
            formData.Add("client_secret", _configuration["EliteDangerous:ClientSecret"]);
            formData.Add("state", state);
            formData.Add("redirect_uri", redirectUrl);

            var result = await c.PostAsync("", new FormUrlEncodedContent(formData));

            var tokenInfo = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <OAuth2Response>(await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());

            if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                c.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", tokenInfo.AccessToken);

                result = await c.GetAsync("");

                var profile = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <FrontierProfile>(await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());

                var settings = new Settings
                    AuthToken       = tokenInfo.AccessToken,
                    TokenExpiration = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddSeconds(tokenInfo.ExpiresIn),
                    RefreshToken    = tokenInfo.RefreshToken,
                    FrontierProfile = profile

                // Move this so a service later
                var matchingUser = (await _db.ExecuteListAsync <Profile>(@"
FROM user_profile
WHERE JSON_VALUE(user_settings, '$.FrontierProfile.customer_id') = @customerId",
                                                                         new SqlParameter("customerId", profile.CustomerId))

                if (matchingUser != null)
                    // Update user with new token info
                    await _db.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("UPDATE user_profile SET user_settings = @settings, last_notification_mail = NULL, skip_download = 0 WHERE user_identifier = @userIdentifier",
                                                   new SqlParameter("settings", JsonSerializer.Serialize(settings)),
                                                   new SqlParameter("userIdentifier", matchingUser.UserIdentifier)

                    matchingUser.UserSettings = settings;
                    // Create new user
                    matchingUser = await _db.ExecuteSingleRowAsync <Profile>("INSERT INTO user_profile (user_settings) OUTPUT INSERTED.* VALUES (@settings)",
                                                                             new SqlParameter("settings", JsonSerializer.Serialize(settings))

                    var userCount = await _db.ExecuteScalarAsync <long>("SELECT COUNT_BIG(user_identifier) FROM user_profile WHERE deleted = 0");

                    await SSEActivitySender.SendGlobalActivityAsync("A new user has registered!", $"We now have {userCount:N0} users registered!");

                    await SSEActivitySender.SendStatsActivityAsync(_db);

                    BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => JournalDownloader.DownloadJournalAsync(matchingUser.UserIdentifier, null));

                var claims = new List <Claim>()
                    new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, matchingUser.UserIdentifier.ToString())

                var claimsIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(claims, CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);

                var authProperties = new AuthenticationProperties
                    AllowRefresh = true,
                    IsPersistent = false,
                    IssuedUtc    = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow

                await HttpContext.SignInAsync(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, new ClaimsPrincipal(claimsIdentity), authProperties);

                return(new JsonResult(await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()));
Beispiel #7
        public static async Task RefreshUserTokensAsync(PerformContext context)
            context.WriteLine("Looking for tokens to refresh!");
            using (var scope = Startup.ServiceProvider.CreateScope())
                MSSQLDB db = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <MSSQLDB>();

                IConfiguration configuration = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IConfiguration>();

                var soonExpiringUsers = await db.ExecuteListAsync <Shared.Models.User.Profile>(
                    @"SELECT *
FROM user_profile
AND last_notification_mail IS NULL
AND deleted = 0"

                context.WriteLine($"Found {soonExpiringUsers.Count} user(s) to refresh tokens for");

                IHttpClientFactory _hcf = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IHttpClientFactory>();

                var hc = _hcf.CreateClient();

                foreach (var user in soonExpiringUsers.WithProgress(context))
                    var res = await hc.PostAsync("",
                                                 new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary <string, string>
                        { "grant_type", "refresh_token" },
                        { "refresh_token", user.UserSettings.RefreshToken.ToString() },
                        { "client_id", configuration["EliteDangerous:ClientId"] }

                    if (!res.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        // The user is not authorized to perform more automatic refreshes of the token
                        // Send notification to the user that they need to re-login if they want to keep getting their journals stored

                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.NotificationEmail))
                            await SendLoginNotificationMethod.SendLoginNotification(db, configuration, user);
                        // We managed to grab a new token, lets save it!

                        var tokenInfo = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <OAuth2Response>(await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());

                        var settings = new Settings
                            AuthToken       = tokenInfo.AccessToken,
                            TokenExpiration = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddSeconds(tokenInfo.ExpiresIn),
                            RefreshToken    = tokenInfo.RefreshToken,
                            FrontierProfile = user.UserSettings.FrontierProfile

                        // Update user with new token info
                        await db.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("UPDATE user_profile SET user_settings = @settings, last_notification_mail = NULL WHERE user_identifier = @userIdentifier",
                                                      new SqlParameter("@settings", JsonSerializer.Serialize(settings)),
                                                      new SqlParameter("@userIdentifier", user.UserIdentifier)
        static async Task <(HttpStatusCode code, HttpResponseMessage message)> GetJournalAsync(DateTime journalDate, Shared.Models.User.Profile user, MSSQLDB db, HttpClient hc, MinioClient minioClient, DiscordWebhook discord)
            var oldJournalRow = await db.ExecuteListAsync <UserJournal>(
                "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM user_journal WHERE user_identifier = @user_identifier AND journal_date = @journal_date",
                new SqlParameter("user_identifier", user.UserIdentifier),
                new SqlParameter("journal_date", journalDate)

            if (oldJournalRow.Count > 1)
                throw new TooManyOldJournalItemsException(journalDate, user.UserIdentifier);

            var previousRow = oldJournalRow.FirstOrDefault();

            if (previousRow?.CompleteEntry ?? false)
                return(HttpStatusCode.OK, null);

            var pollicy = Policy <HttpResponseMessage>
                          .Handle <HttpRequestException>()
                          .OrResult(r => !r.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                          .OrResult(r => r.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.PartialContent)
                          .WaitAndRetryAsync(100, attempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

            var journalRequest = await pollicy.ExecuteAsync(() => hc.GetAsync($"/journal/{journalDate.Year}/{journalDate.Month}/{journalDate.Day}"));

            var journalContent = await journalRequest.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            if (!journalRequest.IsSuccessStatusCode || journalRequest.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.PartialContent)
                return(journalRequest.StatusCode, journalRequest);

            var journalRows = journalContent.Trim().Split('\n', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            bool updateFileOnS3 = (previousRow?.LastProcessedLineNumber ?? 0) != journalRows.Length && (previousRow?.LastProcessedLine != (journalRows.LastOrDefault() ?? string.Empty)) && journalContent.Trim() != "{}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(journalContent) && journalContent.Trim() != "{}")
                var firstValidRow = string.Empty;

                foreach (var row in journalRows)
                        _             = JsonDocument.Parse(row).RootElement;
                        firstValidRow = row;

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(firstValidRow))
                        var row = JsonDocument.Parse(firstValidRow).RootElement;

                        var apiFileHeader = new
                            Timestamp   = row.GetProperty("timestamp").GetString(),
                            Event       = "JournalLimpetFileheader",
                            Description = "Missing fileheader from cAPI journal"

                        var serializedApiFileHeader = JsonSerializer.Serialize(apiFileHeader, new JsonSerializerOptions {
                            PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase
                        serializedApiFileHeader = serializedApiFileHeader.Insert(serializedApiFileHeader.Length - 1, " ").Insert(1, " ");

                        journalContent =
                            serializedApiFileHeader +
                            "\n" +
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (ex.ToString().Contains("Json"))
                            var errorMessage = "Line failed: " + firstValidRow;

                            await SendAdminNotification(discord,
                                                        "**[JOURNAL]** JSON Reader Exception while fetching first item",

                            return(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
                                Content = new StringContent("faulty row: " + firstValidRow)

            var journalLineCount = journalContent.Trim().Split('\n', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length;

            var    journalBytes = ZipManager.Zip(journalContent.Trim());
            string fileName     = $"{user.UserIdentifier}/journal/{journalDate.Year}/{journalDate.Month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')}/{journalDate.Day.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')}.journal";

            if (updateFileOnS3)
                using (var ms = new MemoryStream(journalBytes))
                    var policy = Policy
                                 .Handle <ConnectionException>()
                                 .WaitAndRetryAsync(new[] {

                    await policy.ExecuteAsync(() => minioClient.PutObjectAsync("journal-limpet", fileName, ms, ms.Length, "application/gzip"));

                await SSEActivitySender.SendUserActivityAsync(user.UserIdentifier,
                                                              $"Downloaded journals for {journalDate:yyyy-MM-dd}",
                                                              $"We downloaded {journalLineCount:N0} lines of journal for this day",

                await SSEActivitySender.SendStatsActivityAsync(db);

            if (previousRow == null)
                await db.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"INSERT INTO user_journal (user_identifier, journal_date, s3_path, last_processed_line, last_processed_line_number, complete_entry, last_update)
VALUES (@user_identifier, @journal_date, @s3_path, @last_processed_line, @last_processed_line_number, @complete_entry, GETUTCDATE())",
                                              new SqlParameter("user_identifier", user.UserIdentifier),
                                              new SqlParameter("journal_date", journalDate),
                                              new SqlParameter("s3_path", fileName),
                                              new SqlParameter("last_processed_line", journalRows.LastOrDefault() ?? string.Empty),
                                              new SqlParameter("last_processed_line_number", journalLineCount),
                                              new SqlParameter("complete_entry", DateTime.UtcNow.Date > journalDate.Date)
                await db.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"UPDATE user_journal SET
last_processed_line = @last_processed_line,
last_processed_line_number = @last_processed_line_number,
complete_entry = @complete_entry,
last_update = GETUTCDATE()
WHERE journal_id = @journal_id AND user_identifier = @user_identifier",
                                              new SqlParameter("journal_id", previousRow.JournalId),
                                              new SqlParameter("user_identifier", user.UserIdentifier),
                                              new SqlParameter("last_processed_line", journalRows.LastOrDefault() ?? string.Empty),
                                              new SqlParameter("last_processed_line_number", journalLineCount),
                                              new SqlParameter("complete_entry", DateTime.UtcNow.Date > journalDate.Date)

            return(HttpStatusCode.OK, journalRequest);
        static async Task <(bool failedRequest, bool shouldBail)> TryGetJournalAsync(DiscordWebhook discord, DateTime journalDate, Shared.Models.User.Profile user, MSSQLDB db, HttpClient hc, MinioClient minioClient, PerformContext context)
                var res = await GetJournalAsync(journalDate, user, db, hc, minioClient, discord);

                int loop_counter = 0;

                while (res.code != HttpStatusCode.OK)

                    var content = await res.message.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    if (content.Contains("to purchase Elite: Dangerous"))
                        await db.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("UPDATE user_profile SET skip_download = 1 WHERE user_identifier = @user_identifier", new SqlParameter("user_identifier", user.UserIdentifier));
                        await SendAdminNotification(
                            "Failed to download journal, cannot access cAPI",
                            "User probably has a Epic Games account",
                            new Dictionary <string, string>
                            { "Response code", res.code.ToString() },
                            { "Content", content },
                            { "User identifier", user.UserIdentifier.ToString() },
                            { "Journal date", journalDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") }

                        return(false, true);

                    if (loop_counter > 10)
                        await SendAdminNotification(
                            "Failed to download journal",
                            "Encountered an error too many times",
                            new Dictionary <string, string>
                            { "Response code", res.code.ToString() },
                            { "Content", content },
                            { "User identifier", user.UserIdentifier.ToString() },
                            { "Journal date", journalDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") }

                        return(false, false);

                    switch (res.code)
                    case HttpStatusCode.PartialContent:
                        res = await GetJournalAsync(journalDate, user, db, hc, minioClient, discord);

            catch (TooManyOldJournalItemsException ex)
                await SendAdminNotification(discord,
                                            "**[JOURNAL]** Exception: Too many old journal items",
                                            "The user somehow has duplicates of journals stored for a single date",
                                            new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "Exception", ex.ToString() },
                    { "User identifier", user.UserIdentifier.ToString() }

                return(false, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var errorMessage = ex.ToString() + "\n\n" + JsonSerializer.Serialize(user, new JsonSerializerOptions()
                    WriteIndented = true

                await SendAdminNotification(discord,
                                            "**[JOURNAL]** Unhandled exception while downloading journals",

                return(false, false);

            return(true, false);