Beispiel #1
        public GeoTiffProvider(string tiffPath, List <Color>?noDataColors = null)
            if (!File.Exists(tiffPath))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Tiff file expected at {tiffPath}");

            var worldPath = GetPathWithoutExtension(tiffPath) + WorldExtension;

            if (!File.Exists(worldPath))
                throw new ArgumentException($"World file expected at {worldPath}");

            var tiffProperties  = LoadTiff(tiffPath);
            var worldProperties = LoadWorld(worldPath);

            _extent = CalculateExtent(tiffProperties, worldProperties);

            using var data = ReadImageAsStream(tiffPath, noDataColors);

            _mRaster = new MRaster(data.ToArray(), _extent);
            _feature = new RasterFeature(_mRaster);
            _feature.Styles.Add(new VectorStyle());
Beispiel #2
        private static List <RasterFeature> TileIndexToFeatures(TileIndex[] tileIndexes, ITileSource tileSource)
            var features = new List <RasterFeature>();

            foreach (var tileIndex in tileIndexes)
                var tileInfo = new TileInfo
                    Index  = tileIndex,
                    Extent = TileTransform.TileToWorld(
                        new TileRange(tileIndex.Col, tileIndex.Row), tileIndex.Level, tileSource.Schema)

                var raster = new MRaster(tileSource.GetTile(tileInfo), tileInfo.Extent.ToMRect());
                features.Add(new RasterFeature(raster));
Beispiel #3
        public bool TryGetMap(IViewport viewport, [NotNullWhen(true)] out MRaster?raster)
            int width;
            int height;

                width  = Convert.ToInt32(viewport.Width);
                height = Convert.ToInt32(viewport.Height);
            catch (OverflowException)
                Trace.Write("Could not convert double to int (ExportMap size)");
                raster = null;

            var url = GetRequestUrl(viewport.Extent, width, height);

                if (_getStreamAsync == null)
                    raster = null;

                using var task   = _getStreamAsync(url);
                using var result = task.Result;
                // PDD: This could be more efficient
                var bytes = StreamHelper.ReadFully(result);
                if (viewport.Extent == null)
                    raster = null;
                raster = new MRaster(bytes, viewport.Extent);   // This can throw exception
            catch (WebException webEx)
                if (!ContinueOnError)
                    throw (new RenderException(
                               "There was a problem connecting to the WMS server",
                Trace.Write("There was a problem connecting to the WMS server: " + webEx.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!ContinueOnError)
                    throw new RenderException("There was a problem while attempting to request the WMS", ex);
                Trace.Write("There was a problem while attempting to request the WMS" + ex.Message);

            raster = null;
Beispiel #4
        public async Task <(bool Success, MRaster?)> TryGetMapAsync(IViewport viewport)
            int width;
            int height;

                width  = Convert.ToInt32(viewport.Width);
                height = Convert.ToInt32(viewport.Height);
            catch (OverflowException)
                Trace.Write("Could not convert double to int (ExportMap size)");
                return(false, null);

            var url = GetRequestUrl(viewport.Extent, width, height);

                var bytes = _persistentCache?.Find(url);
                if (bytes == null)
                    if (_getStreamAsync == null)
                        return(false, null);

                    using var result = await _getStreamAsync(url);

                    // PDD: This could be more efficient
                    bytes = StreamHelper.ReadFully(result);
                    _persistentCache?.Add(url, bytes);

                if (viewport.Extent == null)
                    return(false, null);
                var raster = new MRaster(bytes, viewport.Extent);       // This can throw exception
                return(true, raster);
            catch (WebException webEx)
                if (!ContinueOnError)
                    throw (new RenderException(
                               "There was a problem connecting to the WMS server",
                Trace.Write("There was a problem connecting to the WMS server: " + webEx.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!ContinueOnError)
                    throw new RenderException("There was a problem while attempting to request the WMS", ex);
                Trace.Write("There was a problem while attempting to request the WMS" + ex.Message);

            return(false, null);