Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of MTRansform
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathConstraint"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <MTransform> GetMTransformList(this MPathConstraint pathConstraint)
            //Create a list for storing the full trajectory
            List <MTransform> list = new List <MTransform>();

            foreach (MGeometryConstraint mg in pathConstraint.PolygonPoints)
                MTransform t = null;

                if (mg.ParentToConstraint != null)
                    t = new MTransform
                        ID       = "",
                        Position = mg.ParentToConstraint.Position,
                        Rotation = mg.ParentToConstraint.Rotation

                    t = new MTransform
                        ID       = "",
                        Position = mg.TranslationConstraint.GetVector3(),
                        Rotation = MQuaternionExtensions.FromEuler(mg.TranslationConstraint.GetVector3())


Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the path constraint to list of MVector2
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathConstraint"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <Vector2> GetVector2List(this MPathConstraint pathConstraint)
            //Create a list for storing the full trajectory
            List <Vector2> list = new List <Vector2>();

            foreach (MGeometryConstraint mg in pathConstraint.PolygonPoints)
                list.Add(new Vector2((float)mg.ParentToConstraint.Position.X, (float)mg.ParentToConstraint.Position.Z));

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the path constraint to list of MVector2
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathConstraint"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <MVector3> GetMVector3List(this MPathConstraint pathConstraint)
            //Create a list for storing the full trajectory
            List <MVector3> list = new List <MVector3>();

            foreach (MGeometryConstraint mg in pathConstraint.PolygonPoints)

Beispiel #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a trajectory constraint describing the 2D positions (x-z)
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public MConstraint GetPathConstraint()
        MConstraint constraint = new MConstraint(System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

        MPathConstraint pathConstraint = new MPathConstraint()
            PolygonPoints = new List <MGeometryConstraint>()

        foreach (Transform t in this.Points)
            pathConstraint.PolygonPoints.Add(new MGeometryConstraint()
                ParentObjectID     = "",
                ParentToConstraint = new MTransform("", new MVector3(t.position.x, 0, t.position.z), new MQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1))

        constraint.PathConstraint = pathConstraint;

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Methods parses the parameters defined in the MInstruction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instruction"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MBoolResponse ParseParameters(MInstruction instruction)
            //Extract the single shot ik parameter if defined
            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("SingleShotIK"))
                bool.TryParse(instruction.Properties["SingleShotIK"], out singleShotIK);

            //Extract the velocity if defined
            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("Velocity"))
                this.velocity = float.Parse(instruction.Properties["Velocity"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            //Extract the angular velocity
            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("AngularVelocity"))
                this.angularVelocity = float.Parse(instruction.Properties["AngularVelocity"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            //Extract the information with regard to the target
            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("TargetID"))
                //Use the constraint (if defined)
                if (instruction.Constraints != null && instruction.Constraints.Exists(s => s.ID == instruction.Properties["TargetID"]))
                    MConstraint match = instruction.Constraints.Find(s => s.ID == instruction.Properties["TargetID"]);
                    this.targetTransform = new MTransform()
                        ID       = "target",
                        Position = match.GeometryConstraint.GetGlobalPosition(this.SceneAccess),
                        Rotation = match.GeometryConstraint.GetGlobalRotation(this.SceneAccess)

                    MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_DEBUG, "Using MGeometryConstraint for target definition");

                //Gather from the scene
                    this.targetTransform = this.SceneAccess.GetTransformByID(instruction.Properties["TargetID"]);
            //Error id not available
                return(new MBoolResponse(false)
                    LogData = new List <string>()
                        "Required parameter Target ID not defined"

            //Get the target hand
            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("Hand"))
                if (instruction.Properties["Hand"] == "Left")
                    this.handJoint = MJointType.LeftWrist;

                if (instruction.Properties["Hand"] == "Right")
                    this.handJoint = MJointType.RightWrist;
            //Error target hand not specified
                return(new MBoolResponse(false)
                    LogData = new List <string>()
                        "Required parameter hand not defined"

            //First extract all parameters
            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("Trajectory"))
                string pathConstraintID = instruction.Properties["Trajectory"];

                if (instruction.Constraints != null || instruction.Constraints.Where(s => s.PathConstraint != null && s.ID == pathConstraintID).Count() == 0)
                    //Get the path constraint
                    MPathConstraint pathConstraint = instruction.Constraints.Find(s => s.PathConstraint != null && s.ID == pathConstraintID).PathConstraint;

                    //Extract the trajectory
                    this.trajectory = pathConstraint.GetMTransformList();

                    MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_INFO, $"Assigned hand trajectory. Number elements: {trajectory.Count}, hand: {this.handJoint}");
                    MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_ERROR, $"Cannot assign trajectory of hand: {this.handJoint}. No suitable MPathConstraint available.");

            return(new MBoolResponse(true));
        /// <summary>
        /// Method parses the parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instruction"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MBoolResponse ParseParameters(MInstruction instruction)
            MBoolResponse response = new MBoolResponse(true);

            //Get the target hand
            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("Hand"))
                if (instruction.Properties["Hand"] == "Left")
                    this.handJoint = MJointType.LeftWrist;

                if (instruction.Properties["Hand"] == "Right")
                    this.handJoint = MJointType.RightWrist;
            //Error target hand not specified
                return(new MBoolResponse(false)
                    LogData = new List <string>()
                        "Required parameter hand not defined"

            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("Velocity"))
                this.velocity = float.Parse(instruction.Properties["Velocity"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("AngularVelocity"))
                this.angularVelocity = float.Parse(instruction.Properties["AngularVelocity"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("UseBlending"))
                bool.TryParse("UseBlending", out bool useBlending);
                this.useIK = !useBlending;

            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("EndBlendDuration"))
                this.endBlendDuration = float.Parse(instruction.Properties["EndBlendDuration"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            //First extract all parameters
            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("Trajectory"))
                string pathConstraintID = instruction.Properties["Trajectory"];

                if (instruction.Constraints != null || instruction.Constraints.Where(s => s.PathConstraint != null && s.ID == pathConstraintID).Count() == 0)
                    //Get the path constraint
                    MPathConstraint pathConstraint = instruction.Constraints.Find(s => s.PathConstraint != null && s.ID == pathConstraintID).PathConstraint;

                    //Extract the trajectory
                    this.trajectory = pathConstraint.GetMTransformList();

                    //Add the target transform
                    this.trajectory.Add(new MTransform("targetTransform", new MVector3(0, 0, 0), new MQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)));

                    MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_INFO, $"Assigned hand trajectory. Number elements: {trajectory.Count}, hand: {this.handJoint}");
                    MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_ERROR, $"Cannot assign trajectory of hand: {this.handJoint}. No suitable MPathConstraint available.");

Beispiel #7
    private void OnGUI()
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(300, 200, 200, 100), "Grasp object (trajectory)"))
            MPathConstraint pathConstraint = new MPathConstraint()
                PolygonPoints = new List <MGeometryConstraint>()

            foreach (Transform transform in this.TrajectoryPoints)
                MVector3 position      = transform.position.ToMVector3();
                MVector3 rotationEuler = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.ToMVector3();

                pathConstraint.PolygonPoints.Add(new MGeometryConstraint("")
                    TranslationConstraint = new MTranslationConstraint()
                        Type   = MTranslationConstraintType.BOX,
                        Limits = position.ToMInterval3(this.TranslationTolerance)
                    RotationConstraint = new MRotationConstraint()
                        Limits = rotationEuler.ToMInterval3(this.RotationTolerance)

            MConstraint moveConstraint = new MConstraint(System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
                PathConstraint = pathConstraint

            MInstruction idleInstruction = new MInstruction(MInstructionFactory.GenerateID(), "Idle", "idle");

            MInstruction reachRight = new MInstruction(MInstructionFactory.GenerateID(), "reach right", "Pose/Reach")
                Properties = PropertiesCreator.Create("TargetID", UnitySceneAccess.Instance["GraspTargetR"].ID, "Hand", "Right", "MinDistance", 2.0.ToString()),

            MInstruction moveRight = new MInstruction(MInstructionFactory.GenerateID(), "move right", "Object/Move")
                Properties = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "SubjectID", this.GetComponent <MMISceneObject>().MSceneObject.ID },
                    { "Hand", "Right" },
                    { "MinDistance", 2.0.ToString() },
                    { "trajectory", moveConstraint.ID }
                StartCondition = reachRight.ID + ":" + mmiConstants.MSimulationEvent_End,
                Constraints    = new List <MConstraint>()

            MMIAvatar avatar = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <MMIAvatar>();

            avatar.CoSimulator.AssignInstruction(idleInstruction, new MSimulationState()
                Initial = avatar.GetPosture(), Current = avatar.GetPosture()
            avatar.CoSimulator.AssignInstruction(reachRight, new MSimulationState()
                Initial = avatar.GetPosture(), Current = avatar.GetPosture()
            avatar.CoSimulator.AssignInstruction(moveRight, new MSimulationState()
                Initial = avatar.GetPosture(), Current = avatar.GetPosture()
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes a path given a start and end position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="filterSceneObjects"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MotionTrajectory2D ComputePath(Vector2 from, Vector2 target, bool filterSceneObjects = true)
            List <MTransform> computedPath = new List <MTransform>();

            //Only plan path if distance is above threshold
            if ((from - target).magnitude > 0.2f)
                    //Get all scene objects from the scene
                    List <MSceneObject> sceneObjects = this.SceneAccess.GetSceneObjects();

                    ///Remove scene objects in range if filtering is enabled
                    if (filterSceneObjects)
                        MVector3 hipPosition       = this.GetGlobalPosition(this.simulationState.Initial, MJointType.PelvisCentre);
                        MVector3 leftHandPosition  = this.GetGlobalPosition(this.simulationState.Initial, MJointType.LeftWrist);
                        MVector3 rightHandPosition = this.GetGlobalPosition(this.simulationState.Initial, MJointType.RightWrist);

                        for (int i = sceneObjects.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            MVector3 sceneObjectPosition = sceneObjects[i].Transform.Position;

                            float hipDist = (sceneObjectPosition.Subtract(hipPosition)).Magnitude();

                            float lhandDist = (leftHandPosition.Subtract(sceneObjectPosition)).Magnitude();
                            float rhandDist = (rightHandPosition.Subtract(sceneObjectPosition)).Magnitude();

                            if (lhandDist < 0.5f || rhandDist < 0.5f)
                                MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_DEBUG, $"Removing scene object {sceneObjects[i].Name}, that is not included in path planning.");

                    //Compute the path using the path planning service
                    MPathConstraint result = ServiceAccess.PathPlanningService.ComputePath(
                        new MVector()
                        Values = new List <double>()
                            from.x, from.y
                        new MVector()
                        Values = new List <double>()
                            target.x, target.y
                        new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "mode", "2D" },
                        { "time", Serialization.ToJsonString(1.0f) },
                        { "radius", Serialization.ToJsonString(0.3f) },
                        { "height", Serialization.ToJsonString(0.5f) },

                    //Get the computed path
                    if (result.PolygonPoints.Count > 0)
                        if (result.PolygonPoints[0].ParentToConstraint != null)
                            computedPath = result.PolygonPoints.Select(s => new MTransform()
                                Position = new MVector3(s.ParentToConstraint.Position.X, 0, s.ParentToConstraint.Position.Z)
                            // TODO: Legacy support. Remove in a future version
                            computedPath = result.PolygonPoints.Select(s => new MTransform()
                                Position = new MVector3(s.TranslationConstraint.X(), 0, s.TranslationConstraint.Z())
                catch (Exception e)
                    MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_ERROR, "Problem at computing path using service " + e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace);

                    //In case of an exception return the straight line
                    //To do use an optional flag to adjust the desired behavior, e.g. should an error be returned instead
                    if (this.useStraightLineIfNoPath)
                        computedPath = new List <MTransform>()
                            new MTransform()
                                Position = new MVector3(from.x, 0, from.y)
                            new MTransform()
                                Position = new MVector3((from.x + target.x) / 2, 0, (from.y + target.y) / 2)
                            new MTransform()
                                Position = new MVector3(target.x, 0, target.y)
                    if (this.useStraightLineIfNoPath && computedPath.Count == 0)
                        computedPath = new List <MTransform>()
                            new MTransform()
                                Position = new MVector3(from.x, 0, from.y)
                            new MTransform()
                                Position = new MVector3((from.x + target.x) / 2, 0, (from.y + target.y) / 2)
                            new MTransform()
                                Position = new MVector3(target.x, 0, target.y)
            //If really close to goal -> No detailed planning is required
                computedPath = new List <MTransform>()
                    new MTransform()
                        Position = new MVector3(from.x, 0, from.y)
                    new MTransform()
                        Position = new MVector3((from.x + target.x) / 2, 0, (from.y + target.y) / 2)
                    new MTransform()
                        Position = new MVector3(target.x, 0, target.y)

            MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_DEBUG, "Computed path elements: " + computedPath.Count);

            if (computedPath.Count == 0)

            //Create a motion trajectory from the path
            return(new MotionTrajectory2D(computedPath, this.Velocity));
        public override MBoolResponse AssignInstruction(MInstruction instruction, MSimulationState simulationState)
            //Create a response
            MBoolResponse response = new MBoolResponse(true);

            //Set default values
            this.abort = false;
            this.filterSceneObjects = true;

            //Assign the simulation state
            this.simulationState = simulationState;

            //Assign the instruction
            this.instruction = instruction;

            //Reset the elapsed time
            this.elapsedTime = TimeSpan.Zero;

            ///Parse the properties
            bool requiredPropertiesSet = this.ParseProperties(instruction);

            //Check if all required properties have been set
            if (!requiredPropertiesSet)
                response.LogData = new List <string>()
                    "Properties are not defined -> cannot start the MMU"

                response.Successful = false;

            //Get the target transform
            MTransform targetTransform = this.GetTarget();

            if (targetTransform == null)
                response.Successful = false;
                response.LogData    = new List <string>()
                    "Problem at fetching the target transform!"

            //Flag indicates wheather a predefined trajectory should be used
            bool usePredefinedTrajectory = false;

            //Execute instructions on main thread
            this.ExecuteOnMainThread(() =>
                //Set the channel data of the current simulation state

                //Get the root position and rotation
                MVector3 rootPosition    = this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointPosition(this.AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.PelvisCentre);
                MQuaternion rootRotation = this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointRotation(this.AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.PelvisCentre);

                //Extract the start position
                Vector2 startPosition = new Vector2((float)rootPosition.X, (float)rootPosition.Z);

                //Get the goal position
                this.goalPosition = new Vector2((float)targetTransform.Position.X, (float)targetTransform.Position.Z);

                this.lastGoalPosition = this.goalPosition;

                //Fetch the trajectory if available
                if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("Trajectory"))
                        //Get the path constraint
                        MPathConstraint pathConstraint = instruction.Constraints.Find(s => s.ID == instruction.Properties["Trajectory"]).PathConstraint;

                        //Get the actual trajectory from the path constraint
                        List <Vector2> pointList = pathConstraint.GetVector2List();

                        //Estimate the distance between the start point and first point of trajectory
                        float distance = (startPosition - pointList[0]).magnitude;

                        //If distance to first point of trajectory is below threshold -> Directly connect the start point with the first point of the trajectory
                        if (distance < 0.5)
                            pointList.Insert(0, startPosition);
                            trajectory = new MotionTrajectory2D(pointList, this.Velocity);

                            //Compute a path to the trajectory start location
                            this.trajectory = this.ComputePath(startPosition, pointList[0], this.filterSceneObjects);

                            //Add the defined trajectory

                            //Finally estimate the timestamps based on the velocity

                        //Set flag that no more planning is required
                        usePredefinedTrajectory = true;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_ERROR, "UnityLocomotionMMU: Cannot parse trajectory -> plan new one: " + e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace);

                //Only plan the path if no predefined trajectory should be used
                if (!usePredefinedTrajectory)
                    //Compute a path which considers the indivudal path goals and the constraints
                    this.trajectory = this.ComputePath(startPosition, this.goalPosition, filterSceneObjects);

                if (this.trajectory == null || this.trajectory.Poses.Count == 0)
                    this.abort = true;

                    MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_ERROR, $"No path found in assign instruction. Aborting MMU.");

                    response.LogData = new List <string>()
                        "No path found"

                    response.Successful = false;

                //Valid path found
                if (this.trajectory != null && this.trajectory.Poses.Count > 0)
                    //Create the visualization data for the trajectory (drawing calls)

                    //Set the speed of the animator
                    this.animator.speed = this.Velocity / 2.0f;

                    //Reset the goal direction
                    this.goalPosition = new Vector2();

                    //Update the animation
                    this.animator.SetFloat("Velocity", 0);
                    this.animator.SetFloat("Direction", 0.5f);

                    //Reset the current index
                    this.currentIndex = 0;

                    //Set the internal fields
                    this.transform.position = new Vector3((float)rootPosition.X, 0, (float)rootPosition.Z);

                    // In the new intermediate skeleton definition, x is pointing backwards, y up, z right.
                    this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, new Quaternion((float)rootRotation.X, (float)rootRotation.Y, (float)rootRotation.Z, (float)rootRotation.W).eulerAngles.y - 90.0f, 0);

                    //Get the discrete poses representing the trajectory
                    this.discretePoses = this.trajectory.SampleFrames(60);

                    //Set state to starting
                    this.state = WalkState.Starting;

                    //Set flag which indicates the start
                    this.firstFrame = true;

                    //Reset the foot trackers

Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Method is used to setup the parameters of one individual hand
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="instruction"></param>
        private void SetupHand(MJointType type, MInstruction instruction)
            HandContainer hand = this.activeHands.Find(s => s.Type == type);

            if (hand != null)

            //Create a new hand
            hand = new HandContainer(type, instruction, true);

            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("Velocity"))
                hand.Velocity = float.Parse(instruction.Properties["Velocity"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("AngularVelocity"))
                hand.AngularVelocity = float.Parse(instruction.Properties["AngularVelocity"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("Acceleration"))
                hand.Acceleration = float.Parse(instruction.Properties["Acceleration"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("HoldDuration"))
                hand.HoldTime = float.Parse(instruction.Properties["HoldDuration"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("CollisionAvoidance"))
                hand.CollisionAvoidance = bool.Parse(instruction.Properties["CollisionAvoidance"]);

                if (hand.CollisionAvoidance)
                    MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_INFO, $"Using local collision avoidance, hand: {hand.Type}");

            //First extract all parameters
            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("Trajectory"))
                string pathConstraintID = instruction.Properties["Trajectory"];

                if (instruction.Constraints != null || instruction.Constraints.Where(s => s.PathConstraint != null && s.ID == pathConstraintID).Count() == 0)
                    //Get the path constraint
                    MPathConstraint pathConstraint = instruction.Constraints.Find(s => s.PathConstraint != null && s.ID == pathConstraintID).PathConstraint;

                    //Extract the trajectory
                    hand.Trajectory = pathConstraint.GetMTransformList();

                    MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_INFO, $"Assigned hand trajectory. Number elements: {hand.Trajectory.Count}, hand: {hand.Type}");
                    MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_ERROR, $"Cannot assign trajectory of hand: {hand.Type}. No suitable MPathConstraint available.");

Beispiel #11
        public override MBoolResponse AssignInstruction(MInstruction instruction, MSimulationState simulationState)
            //Reset all values
            this.hasTrajectory = false;

            // Initialize IK Service
            this.ServiceAccess.IKService.Setup(this.AvatarDescription, new Dictionary <string, string>());

            //Assign the instruction
            this.instruction = instruction;

            bool hasTarget = false;

            String targetID;

            //Get the target id using all synonyms
            if (instruction.Properties.GetValue(out targetID, "targetID", "TargetID", "objectID"))
                this.targetObjectTransform = this.SceneAccess.GetTransformByID(targetID);
                hasTarget = true;

            //Error id not available
            if (!hasTarget)
                return(new MBoolResponse(false)
                    LogData = new List <string>()
                        "Required parameter Target ID not defined"

            bool hasSubject = false;

            String subjectID;

            //Get the subject id using all synonyms
            if (instruction.Properties.GetValue(out subjectID, "subjectID", "SubjectID"))
                this.subjectTransform = this.SceneAccess.GetTransformByID(subjectID);
                hasSubject            = true;

            //Error id not available
            if (!hasSubject)
                return(new MBoolResponse(false)
                    LogData = new List <string>()
                        "Required parameter Target ID not defined"

            //Get the target hand
            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("Hand"))
                if (instruction.Properties["Hand"] == "Left")
                    this.handJoint = MJointType.LeftWrist;

                if (instruction.Properties["Hand"] == "Right")
                    this.handJoint = MJointType.RightWrist;
            //Error target hand not specified
                return(new MBoolResponse(false)
                    LogData = new List <string>()
                        "Required parameter hand not defined"

            //Handle the trajectory constraint (if defined)
            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("trajectory"))
                string trajectoryID = instruction.Properties["trajectory"];

                if (instruction.Constraints != null)
                    MConstraint constraint = instruction.Constraints.Find(s => s.ID == trajectoryID);

                    if (constraint.PathConstraint != null)
                        this.trajectory    = constraint.PathConstraint;
                        this.hasTrajectory = true;

            //Compute the relative position and rotation
            MVector3    currentHandPosition = this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointPosition(simulationState.Current.AvatarID, this.handJoint);
            MQuaternion currentHandRotation = this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointRotation(simulationState.Current.AvatarID, this.handJoint);

            /* Old system could access joint positions from MAvatarPosture directly, now we have to use the intermediate skeleton.
             * MVector3 currentHandPosition = simulationState.Initial.GetGlobalPosition(this.handJoint);
             * MQuaternion currentHandRotation = simulationState.Initial.GetGlobalRotation(this.handJoint);

            //Compute the offsets between hand <-> object
            this.handPositionOffset = this.subjectTransform.InverseTransformPoint(currentHandPosition);
            this.handRotationOffset = this.subjectTransform.InverseTransformRotation(currentHandRotation);

            return(new MBoolResponse(true));