Beispiel #1
        public stockView()
            //when implementing this, just call whatever the onCLick calls, hopefully we wont crash and fail :))))

            FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
            WindowState     = FormWindowState.Maximized;
            t          = new Timer();
            t.Interval = 10;
            t.Tick    += t_Tick;

            InputPinConfiguration p = new InputPinConfiguration(ConnectorPin.P1Pin07.ToProcessor());
            GpioConnection        g = new GpioConnection(p);

            g.PinStatusChanged += g_Detected;

            this.Opacity = 0;

            MMirrorManager mmc = MMirrorManager.instance;

            List <Label> stockData = new List <Label>(40);
            var          c         = GetAll(this, typeof(Label));

            for (int i = 0; i < c.Count(); i++)
                c.ElementAt(i).Text = "";
            label42.Text = "No Internet Connection. Try again Later";

            label1.Text = mmc.getStock(0).stockName;
            label2.Text = mmc.getStock(1).stockName;
            label3.Text = mmc.getStock(2).stockName;
            label4.Text = mmc.getStock(3).stockName;
            //the ugly forward slashes below are because we were converting the settings from an html file and apparently couldnt remove all the tags

            if (mmc.getStock(4).stockName == "\"^FTSE\"")
                label5.Text = "FTSE 100";
            else if (mmc.getStock(4).stockName == "\"^FTMC\"")
                label5.Text = "FTSE 250";
            else if (mmc.getStock(4).stockName == "\"^N225\"")
                label5.Text = "NIKKEI";

            if (mmc.getStock(5).stockName == "\"BZZ15.NYM\"")
                label6.Text = "Brent Crude Oil";
            else if (mmc.getStock(5).stockName == "\"^GSPC\"")
                label6.Text = "S" + '&' + "P 500";
            else if (mmc.getStock(5).stockName == "\"WTI\"")
                label6.Text = "WTI";

            label9.Text  = mmc.getStock(0).closePrice + "";
            label10.Text = mmc.getStock(1).closePrice + "";
            label11.Text = mmc.getStock(2).closePrice + "";
            label12.Text = mmc.getStock(3).closePrice + "";
            label13.Text = mmc.getStock(4).closePrice + "";
            label14.Text = mmc.getStock(4).closePrice + "";

            label33.Text = mmc.getStock(0).volatility;
            label34.Text = mmc.getStock(1).volatility;
            label35.Text = mmc.getStock(2).volatility;
            label36.Text = mmc.getStock(3).volatility;
            label21.Text = mmc.getStock(4).volatility;
            label22.Text = mmc.getStock(5).volatility;

            catch (Exception)
Beispiel #2
        public void readStockInfo()
            Settings      smo       = Settings.instance;
            List <String> stockList = smo.stocks;
            string        input     = data;
            //string input = File.ReadAllText(@"../../Data/stockInfo.csv");

            int i = 0, j = 0;

            string[,] result = new string[stockList.Count, 5];

            foreach (var row in input.Split('\n'))
                j = 0;
                foreach (var col in row.Trim().Split(','))
                    result[i, j] = col.Trim();
                if (i == stockList.Count)

            MMirrorManager mmc = MMirrorManager.instance;

            //creating temp stock instance, populate with data from array
            //watch out for N/A

            for (i = 0; i < stockList.Count; i++)
                stocks temp = new stocks();
                temp.stockName = result[i, 0];
                if (result[i, 1] == "N/A")
                    temp.closePrice = mmc.getStock(i).closePrice;
                    temp.closePrice = Convert.ToDouble(result[i, 1]);

                /*   if (result[i, 2] == "N/A")
                 * {
                 *     temp.volume = mmc.getStock(i).volume;
                 * }else
                 *     temp.volume = Convert.ToDouble(result[i, 2]);
                 * if (result[i, 1] == "N/A")
                 * {
                 *     temp.avgVolume = mmc.getStock(i).avgVolume;
                 * }else
                 *     temp.avgVolume = Convert.ToDouble(result[i, 3]);
                if (result[i, 1] == "N/A")
                    temp.volatility = mmc.getStock(i).volatility;
                    result[i, 4] = result[i, 4].Replace(" -", " ,");
                    result[i, 4] = result[i, 4].Replace(" , ,", " , -");
                    result[i, 4] = result[i, 4].Replace("\"", "");

                    temp.volatility = result[i, 4];
                mmc.setStock(i, temp);

            // printing debugger :D
            string json        = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mmc);

            File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"../../Data/", "tempArray.json"), json);