Beispiel #1
        private static MLCell CreateCellArrayCustom(string name, string[] items)
            var cell = new MLCell(name, new int[] { items.Length, 1 });
            int i    = 0;

            foreach (var item in items)
                double ans = 0;
                if (double.TryParse(items[i], out ans))
                    cell[i] = new MLDouble(null, new double[] { ans }, 1);

                if (items[i].TrimStart().StartsWith("[") && items[i].TrimEnd().EndsWith("]"))
                    cell[i] = CreateCellArrayCustom("",
                                                    items[i].Split(new[] { ' ', '[', ']' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));

                cell[i] = new MLChar(null, (string)items[i].Trim());

Beispiel #2
        static void DoWrite(string fn, Dictionary <string, MatLab.DoubleList> data, Dictionary <string, List <MLCell> > dataCell, SortedDictionary <string, double> param,
                            List <MLArray> mlList, Hashtable seen)
            log.Info("DoWrite start " + (GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / 1024.0 / 1024.0));

            foreach (var item in data)
                double[][] temp    = item.Value.ToArray();
                MLArray    dbarray = new MLDouble(item.Key, temp);
                log.Info("DoWrite Double " + item.Key + " " + (GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / 1024.0 / 1024.0));

            // datacell contains rows
            foreach (var item in dataCell)
                // create msg table
                MLCell temp1 = new MLCell(item.Key + "1", new int[] { 1, item.Value.Count });
                int    a     = 0;
                // add rows to msg table
                foreach (var mlCell in item.Value)
                    temp1[a] = item.Value[a];
                // add table to masterlist
                log.Info("DoWrite Cell " + item.Key + " " + (GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / 1024.0 / 1024.0));

            log.Info("DoWrite mllist " + (GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / 1024.0 / 1024.0));

            MLCell cell = new MLCell("PARM", new int[] { param.Keys.Count, 2 });
            int    m    = 0;

            foreach (var item in param.Keys)
                cell[m, 0] = new MLChar(null, item.ToString());
                cell[m, 1] = new MLDouble(null, new double[] { (double)param[item] }, 1);


            MLArray seenmsg = CreateCellArray("Seen", seen.Keys.Cast <string>().ToArray());


                log.Info("write " + fn + ".mat");
                log.Info("DoWrite before" + (GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / 1024.0 / 1024.0));
                MatFileWriter mfw = new MatFileWriter(fn + ".mat", mlList, false);
                log.Info("DoWrite done" + (GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / 1024.0 / 1024.0));
            catch (Exception err)
                throw new Exception("There was an error when creating the MAT-file: \n" + err.ToString(), err);
Beispiel #3
        public WiderFaces(string pathImages, string pathMat)
            WiderFaces._pathMat = pathMat;
            this._pathImages    = pathImages;
            var mat = new MatFileReader(_pathMat);

            _allFiles = mat.Content["file_list"] as MLCell;
            _allBoxes = mat.Content["face_bbx_list"] as MLCell;
Beispiel #4
        private static MLArray CreateCellArray(string name, string[] names)
            MLCell cell = new MLCell(name, new int[] { names.Length, 1 });

            for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
                cell[i] = new MLChar(null, names[i]);
Beispiel #5
        static MLArray CreateCellArray()
            var names = new[] { "Hello", "World", "I am", "a", "MAT-file" };
            var cell  = new MLCell("Names", new[] { names.Length, 1 });

            for (var i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
                cell[i] = new MLChar(null, names[i]);
Beispiel #6
        private static MLArray CreateCellArray()
            string[] names = new string[] { "Hello", "World", "I am", "a", "MAT-file" };
            MLCell   cell  = new MLCell("Names", new int[] { names.Length, 1 });

            for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
                cell[i] = new MLChar(null, names[i]);
Beispiel #7
        static void DoWrite(string fn, Dictionary <string, DoubleList> data, SortedDictionary <string, double> param,
                            List <MLArray> mlList, Hashtable seen)
            log.Info("DoWrite start " + (GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / 1024.0 / 1024.0));

            foreach (var item in data)
                double[][] temp    = item.Value.ToArray();
                MLArray    dbarray = new MLDouble(item.Key, temp);
                log.Info("DoWrite " + item.Key + " " + (GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / 1024.0 / 1024.0));

            log.Info("DoWrite mllist " + (GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / 1024.0 / 1024.0));

            MLCell cell = new MLCell("PARM", new int[] { param.Keys.Count, 2 });
            int    m    = 0;

            foreach (var item in param.Keys)
                cell[m, 0] = new MLChar(null, item.ToString());
                cell[m, 1] = new MLDouble(null, new double[] { (double)param[item] }, 1);


            MLArray seenmsg = CreateCellArray("Seen", seen.Keys.Cast <string>().ToArray());


                log.Info("write " + fn + ".mat");
                log.Info("DoWrite before" + (GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / 1024.0 / 1024.0));
                MatFileWriter mfw = new MatFileWriter(fn + ".mat", mlList, true);
                log.Info("DoWrite done" + (GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / 1024.0 / 1024.0));
            catch (Exception err)
                CustomMessageBox.Show("There was an error when creating the MAT-file: \n" + err.ToString(),
                                      "MAT-File Creation Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
Beispiel #8
        private static MLCell CreateCellArrayCustom(string name, string[] items)
            var cell = new MLCell(name, new int[] { items.Length, 1 });
            int i    = 0;

            foreach (var item in items)
                double ans = 0;
                if (double.TryParse(items[i], out ans))
                    cell[i] = new MLDouble(null, new double[] { ans }, 1);

                cell[i] = new MLChar(null, (string)items[i].Trim());

Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads <c>miMATRIX</c> from the input stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If reading was not finished (which is normal for filtered results)
        /// returns <c>null</c>.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="buf">The <c>BinaryReader</c> input stream.</param>
        /// <param name="isRoot">When <c>true</c> informs that if this is a top level
        /// matrix.</param>
        /// <returns><c>MLArray</c> or <c>null</c> if matrix does not match <c>filter</c></returns>
        private MLArray ReadMatrix(Stream buf, bool isRoot)
            // result
            MLArray  mlArray = null;
            ISMatTag tag;

            // read flags
            int[] flags      = ReadFlags(buf);
            int   attributes = (flags.Length != 0) ? flags[0] : 0;
            int   nzmax      = (flags.Length != 0) ? flags[1] : 0;
            int   type       = attributes & 0xff;

            // read Array dimension
            int[] dims = ReadDimension(buf);

            // read Array name
            string name = ReadName(buf);

            // If this array is filtered out return immediately
            if (isRoot && !_filter.Matches(name))

            // read data
            switch (type)
            case MLArray.mxSTRUCT_CLASS:
                MLStructure mlStruct = new MLStructure(name, dims, type, attributes);

                BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(buf);

                // field name length - this subelement always uses the compressed data element format
                tag = new ISMatTag(br.BaseStream);
                int maxlen = br.ReadInt32();

                // Read fields data as Int8
                tag = new ISMatTag(br.BaseStream);
                // calculate number of fields
                int numOfFields = tag.Size / maxlen;

                // padding after field names
                int padding = (tag.Size % 8) != 0 ? 8 - tag.Size % 8 : 0;

                string[] fieldNames = new string[numOfFields];
                for (int i = 0; i < numOfFields; i++)
                    byte[] names = new byte[maxlen];
                    br.Read(names, 0, names.Length);
                    fieldNames[i] = ZeroEndByteArrayToString(names);

                // read fields
                for (int index = 0; index < mlStruct.M * mlStruct.N; index++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numOfFields; i++)
                        // read matrix recursively
                        tag = new ISMatTag(br.BaseStream);
                        if (tag.Size > 0)
                            MLArray fieldValue = ReadMatrix(br.BaseStream, false);
                            mlStruct[fieldNames[i], index] = fieldValue;
                            mlStruct[fieldNames[i], index] = new MLEmptyArray();
                mlArray = mlStruct;

            case MLArray.mxCELL_CLASS:
                MLCell cell = new MLCell(name, dims, type, attributes);
                for (int i = 0; i < cell.M * cell.N; i++)
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    if (tag.Size > 0)
                        MLArray cellmatrix = ReadMatrix(buf, false);
                        cell[i] = cellmatrix;
                        cell[i] = new MLEmptyArray();
                mlArray = cell;

            case MLArray.mxDOUBLE_CLASS:
                mlArray = new MLDouble(name, dims, type, attributes);
                //read real
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <double>)mlArray).RealByteBuffer,

                // read complex
                if (mlArray.IsComplex)
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <double>)mlArray).ImaginaryByteBuffer,

            case MLArray.mxSINGLE_CLASS:
                mlArray = new MLSingle(name, dims, type, attributes);
                //read real
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <float>)mlArray).RealByteBuffer,

                // read complex
                if (mlArray.IsComplex)
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <float>)mlArray).ImaginaryByteBuffer,

            case MLArray.mxUINT8_CLASS:
                mlArray = new MLUInt8(name, dims, type, attributes);
                //read real
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <byte>)mlArray).RealByteBuffer,

                // read complex
                if (mlArray.IsComplex)
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <byte>)mlArray).ImaginaryByteBuffer,

            case MLArray.mxINT8_CLASS:
                mlArray = new MLInt8(name, dims, type, attributes);
                //read real
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <sbyte>)mlArray).RealByteBuffer,

                // read complex
                if (mlArray.IsComplex)
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <sbyte>)mlArray).ImaginaryByteBuffer,

            case MLArray.mxUINT16_CLASS:
                mlArray = new MLUInt16(name, dims, type, attributes);
                //read real
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);

                tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <ushort>)mlArray).RealByteBuffer,

                // read complex
                if (mlArray.IsComplex)
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <ushort>)mlArray).ImaginaryByteBuffer,

            case MLArray.mxINT16_CLASS:
                mlArray = new MLInt16(name, dims, type, attributes);
                //read real
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <short>)mlArray).RealByteBuffer,

                // read complex
                if (mlArray.IsComplex)
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <short>)mlArray).ImaginaryByteBuffer,

            case MLArray.mxUINT32_CLASS:
                mlArray = new MLUInt32(name, dims, type, attributes);
                //read real
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);

                tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <uint>)mlArray).RealByteBuffer,

                // read complex
                if (mlArray.IsComplex)
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <uint>)mlArray).ImaginaryByteBuffer,

            case MLArray.mxINT32_CLASS:
                mlArray = new MLInt32(name, dims, type, attributes);
                //read real
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <int>)mlArray).RealByteBuffer,

                // read complex
                if (mlArray.IsComplex)
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <int>)mlArray).ImaginaryByteBuffer,

            case MLArray.mxUINT64_CLASS:
                mlArray = new MLUInt64(name, dims, type, attributes);
                //read real
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <ulong>)mlArray).RealByteBuffer,

                // read complex
                if (mlArray.IsComplex)
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <ulong>)mlArray).ImaginaryByteBuffer,

            case MLArray.mxINT64_CLASS:
                mlArray = new MLInt64(name, dims, type, attributes);
                //read real
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <long>)mlArray).RealByteBuffer,

                // read complex
                if (mlArray.IsComplex)
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    tag.ReadToByteBuffer(((MLNumericArray <long>)mlArray).ImaginaryByteBuffer,

            case MLArray.mxCHAR_CLASS:
                MLChar mlchar = new MLChar(name, dims, type, attributes);
                //read real
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                char[] ac = tag.ReadToCharArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < ac.Length; i++)
                    mlchar.SetChar(ac[i], i);
                mlArray = mlchar;

            case MLArray.mxSPARSE_CLASS:
                MLSparse sparse = new MLSparse(name, dims, attributes, nzmax);

                // read ir (row indices)
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                int[] ir = tag.ReadToIntArray();
                // read jc (column indices)
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                int[] jc = tag.ReadToIntArray();

                // read pr (real part)
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                double[] ad1 = tag.ReadToDoubleArray();
                int      n   = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < ir.Length; i++)
                    if (i < sparse.N)
                        n = jc[i];
                    sparse.SetReal(ad1[i], ir[i], n);

                //read pi (imaginary part)
                if (sparse.IsComplex)
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    double[] ad2 = tag.ReadToDoubleArray();

                    int n1 = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < ir.Length; i++)
                        if (i < sparse.N)
                            n1 = jc[i];
                        sparse.SetImaginary(ad2[i], ir[i], n1);
                mlArray = sparse;

                throw new MatlabIOException("Incorrect Matlab array class: " + MLArray.TypeToString(type));
Beispiel #10
        public static void log(string fn)
            string[] filelines;

            if (fn.ToLower().EndsWith(".bin"))
                filelines = BinaryLog.ReadLog(fn).ToArray();
                // read the file
                filelines = File.ReadAllLines(fn);

            // store all the arrays
            List <MLArray> mlList = new List <MLArray>();
            // store data to putinto the arrays
            Dictionary <string, List <double[]> > data = new Dictionary <string, List <double[]> >();
            // store line item lengths
            Hashtable len = new Hashtable();
            // store whats we have seen in the log
            Hashtable seen = new Hashtable();
            // store the params seen
            SortedDictionary <string, double> param = new SortedDictionary <string, double>();

            // keep track of line no
            int a = 0;

            foreach (var line in filelines)
                Console.Write(a + "\r");

                string strLine = line.Replace(", ", ",");
                strLine = strLine.Replace(": ", ":");

                string[] items = strLine.Split(',', ':');

                // process the fmt messages
                if (line.StartsWith("FMT"))
                    // +1 for line no
                    string[] names = new string[items.Length - 5 + 1];
                    names[0] = "LineNo";
                    Array.ConstrainedCopy(items, 5, names, 1, names.Length - 1);

                    MLArray format = CreateCellArray(items[3] + "_label", names);

                    if (items[3] == "PARM")

                    len[items[3]] = names.Length;
                } // process param messages
                else if (line.StartsWith("PARM"))
                        param[items[1]] = double.Parse(items[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    catch { }
                }// everyting else is generic
                    // make sure the line is long enough
                    if (items.Length < 2)
                    // check we have a valid fmt message for this message type
                    if (!len.ContainsKey(items[0]))
                    // check the fmt length matchs what the log has
                    if (items.Length != (int)len[items[0]])

                    // make it as being seen
                    seen[items[0]] = 1;

                    double[] dbarray = new double[items.Length];

                    // set line no
                    dbarray[0] = a;

                    for (int n = 1; n < items.Length; n++)
                            dbarray[n] = double.Parse(items[n], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        catch { }

                    if (!data.ContainsKey(items[0]))
                        data[items[0]] = new List <double[]>();


            foreach (var item in data)
                double[][] temp    = item.Value.ToArray();
                MLArray    dbarray = new MLDouble(item.Key, temp);

            MLCell cell = new MLCell("PARM", new int[] { param.Keys.Count, 2 });
            int    m    = 0;

            foreach (var item in param.Keys)
                cell[m, 0] = new MLChar(null, item.ToString());
                cell[m, 1] = new MLDouble(null, new double[] { (double)param[item] }, 1);


            MLArray seenmsg = CreateCellArray("Seen", seen.Keys.Cast <string>().ToArray());


                MatFileWriter mfw = new MatFileWriter(fn + ".mat", mlList, true);
            catch (Exception err)
                MessageBox.Show("There was an error when creating the MAT-file: \n" + err.ToString(),
                                "MAT-File Creation Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
Beispiel #11
        public static void writeDOTnirs(core.Data data, string filename, int startIdx = 0, int endIdx = Int32.MaxValue)
            // Store the data into the *.nirs matlab format
                int numsamples = data.numsamples;
                int numch      = data.probe.numChannels;
                int naux       = data.auxillaries.Length;

                numsamples = Math.Min(endIdx - startIdx, numsamples - startIdx);

                // save the structure as mat file using MatFileWriter
                List <MLArray> mlList = new List <MLArray>();

                double[][] d   = new double[numsamples][];
                double[][] t   = new double[numsamples][];
                double[][] aux = new double[numsamples][];

                for (int j = startIdx; j < startIdx + numsamples; j++)
                    double[] dloc = new double[numch];

                    for (int i = 0; i < numch; i++)
                        dloc[i] =[i][j];
                        if (naux > 0)
                            double[] aloc = new double[naux];
                            for (int ii = 0; ii < naux; ii++)
                                aloc[ii] = data.auxillaries[ii].data[j];
                            aux[j - startIdx] = aloc;
                            double[] aa = new double[1];
                            aa[0]             = 0;
                            aux[j - startIdx] = aa;
                        //  Console.WriteLine("error writing aux");
                        double[] aa = new double[1];
                        aa[0]             = 0;
                        aux[j - startIdx] = aa;
                    double[] tt = new double[1];
                    double[] ss = new double[1];
                    ss[0]           = 0;
                    tt[0]           = data.time[j];
                    t[j - startIdx] = tt;
                    d[j - startIdx] = dloc;

                MLDouble mldata = new MLDouble("d", d);
                MLDouble mlaux = new MLDouble("aux", aux);
                MLDouble mltime = new MLDouble("t", t);

                double[][] s = new double[numsamples][];

                for (int j = startIdx; j < startIdx + numsamples; j++)
                    double[] dloc     = new double[data.stimulus.Count];
                    double   thistime = data.time[j];
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.stimulus.Count; i++)
                        dloc[i] = 0;
                        for (int k = 0; k < data.stimulus[i].onsets.Count; k++)
                            double onset = data.stimulus[i].onsets[k];
                            double dur   = data.stimulus[i].duration[k];
                            if (thistime >= onset & thistime <= onset + dur)
                                dloc[i] = data.stimulus[i].amplitude[k];
                    s[j - startIdx] = dloc;

                MLDouble mls = new MLDouble("s", s);

                MLCell condNames = new MLCell("CondNames", new int[] { 1, data.stimulus.Count });
                for (int i = 0; i < data.stimulus.Count; i++)
                    condNames[0, i] = new MLChar(null, data.stimulus[i].name);

                // Probe
                MLStructure mlSD = new MLStructure("SD", new int[] { 1, 1 });

                List <string> datasubtype = new List <string>();
                for (int i = 0; i < data.probe.numChannels; i++)
                    if (!datasubtype.Contains(data.probe.ChannelMap[i].datasubtype))
                double[] lambda = new double[datasubtype.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < data.probe.numChannels; i++)
                    lambda[datasubtype.IndexOf(data.probe.ChannelMap[i].datasubtype)] = data.probe.ChannelMap[i].wavelength;

                double[][] srcpos = new double[data.probe.numSrc][];
                for (int j = 0; j < data.probe.numSrc; j++)
                    double[] slo = new double[3];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        slo[i] = data.probe.SrcPos[j, i];
                    slo[2]    = 0;
                    srcpos[j] = slo;

                double[][] detpos = new double[data.probe.numDet][];
                for (int j = 0; j < data.probe.numDet; j++)
                    double[] dlo = new double[3];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        dlo[i] = data.probe.DetPos[j, i];
                    dlo[2]    = 0;
                    detpos[j] = dlo;

                mlSD["NumDet", 0] = new MLDouble("", new double[] { data.probe.numDet }, 1);
                mlSD["NumSrc", 0] = new MLDouble("", new double[] { data.probe.numSrc }, 1);
                mlSD["Lambda", 0] = new MLDouble("", lambda, 1);
                mlSD["SrcPos", 0] = new MLDouble("", srcpos);
                mlSD["DetPos", 0] = new MLDouble("", detpos);

                if (data.probe.isregistered)
                    double[][] srcpos3d = new double[data.probe.numSrc][];
                    for (int j = 0; j < data.probe.numSrc; j++)
                        double[] slo = new double[3];
                        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                            slo[i] = data.probe.SrcPos3D[j, i];
                        srcpos3d[j] = slo;

                    double[][] detpos3d = new double[data.probe.numDet][];
                    for (int j = 0; j < data.probe.numDet; j++)
                        double[] dlo = new double[3];
                        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                            dlo[i] = data.probe.DetPos3D[j, i];
                        detpos3d[j] = dlo;
                    mlSD["SrcPos3D", 0] = new MLDouble("", srcpos3d);
                    mlSD["DetPos3D", 0] = new MLDouble("", detpos3d);

                // fixes for HOMER2
                mlSD["SpatialUnit"] = new MLChar("", "mm");

                // Add demographics as a struct
                MLStructure demo = new MLStructure("demographics", new int[] { 1, 1 });
                for (int i = 0; i < data.demographics.Keys.Count; i++)
                    object val    = data.demographics.get(data.demographics.Keys[i]);
                    string valstr = string.Format("{0}", val);

                    demo[data.demographics.Keys[i], 0] = new MLChar("", valstr);

                double[][] ml = new double[data.probe.numChannels][];
                for (int i = 0; i < data.probe.numChannels; i++)
                    double[] m = new double[4];
                    m[0]  = data.probe.ChannelMap[i].sourceindex + 1;
                    m[1]  = data.probe.ChannelMap[i].detectorindex + 1;
                    m[2]  = 0;
                    m[3]  = 1 + datasubtype.IndexOf(data.probe.ChannelMap[i].datasubtype);
                    ml[i] = m;

                MLDouble mlml = new MLDouble("ml", ml);

                mlSD["MeasList", 0] = new MLDouble("", ml);

                MLStructure mlStim = new MLStructure("StimDesign", new int[] { data.stimulus.Count, 1 });
                for (int i = 0; i < data.stimulus.Count; i++)
                    mlStim["name", i] = new MLChar("", data.stimulus[i].name);

                    double[] onset = new double[data.stimulus[i].onsets.Count];
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < data.stimulus[i].onsets.Count; ii++)
                        onset[ii] = data.stimulus[i].onsets[ii];
                    double[] dur = new double[data.stimulus[i].duration.Count];
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < data.stimulus[i].duration.Count; ii++)
                        dur[ii] = data.stimulus[i].duration[ii];
                    double[] amp = new double[data.stimulus[i].amplitude.Count];
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < data.stimulus[i].amplitude.Count; ii++)
                        amp[ii] = data.stimulus[i].amplitude[ii];

                    mlStim["onset", i] = new MLDouble("", onset, 1);
                    mlStim["dur", i]   = new MLDouble("", dur, 1);
                    mlStim["amp", i]   = new MLDouble("", amp, 1);
                if (data.stimulus.Count > 0)

                new MatFileWriter(filename, mlList, false);
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to save .nirs file");
        public async static Task Export(String filename, Project project, ILogger logger = null, CancellationToken cancelletionToken = default(CancellationToken))
            logger?.WriteLineInfo("Saving project into MAT file!");
            logger?.WriteLineInfo("MAT file location: " + filename);

            List <MLArray> mlList = new List <MLArray>();
            int            pi     = 0;

            foreach (DataStream dataStream in project.DataStreams)

                logger?.WriteLineInfo("Exporting " + dataStream.ShortName + " datastream...");
                logger?.WriteProgress((double)pi / (double)project.DataStreams.Count() * 100.0);

                MLStructure structDataStream = new MLStructure(dataStream.ShortName, new int[] { 1, 1 });
                structDataStream["Name", 0]      = new MLChar(null, dataStream.Name);
                structDataStream["ShortName", 0] = new MLChar(null, dataStream.ShortName);

                if (dataStream.DataLines.Count > 0)
                    // DataLines
                    MLCell arrayDataLines = new MLCell("DataLines", new int[] { dataStream.DataLines.Count, 1 });
                    int    k = 0;
                    foreach (DataLine dataLine in dataStream.DataLines)
                        MLStructure structDataLine = new MLStructure(dataStream.ShortName, new int[] { 1, 1 });
                        structDataLine["Timestamp", 0]  = new MLDouble("", new double[] { Utils.ConvertToUnixTimestamp(dataLine.TimeStamp) }, 1);
                        structDataLine["TimestampC", 0] = ConvertDateTimeToMLDouble(dataLine.TimeStamp);

                        if (dataLine is ImageDataLine)
                            structDataLine["ImageFileName", 0] = new MLChar(null, (dataLine as ImageDataLine).ImageFileName);

                        if (dataLine is VideoDataLine)
                            structDataLine["VideoFileName", 0] = new MLChar(null, (dataLine as VideoDataLine).VideoFileName);

                        arrayDataLines[k] = structDataLine;
                    structDataStream["DataLines", 0] = arrayDataLines;

                if (dataStream is GPSDataStream)
                    GPSDataStream gpsDataStream = dataStream as GPSDataStream;

                    // Event Marker
                    if (gpsDataStream.MarkerEvents.Count > 0)
                        MLCell arrayMarkerEvents = new MLCell("MarkerEvents", new int[] { gpsDataStream.MarkerEvents.Count, 1 });
                        int    k = 0;
                        foreach (EvenMarkerDataLine evnt in gpsDataStream.MarkerEvents)
                            MLStructure structEventMarkers = new MLStructure(dataStream.ShortName, new int[] { 1, 1 });
                            structEventMarkers["Timestamp", 0]  = new MLDouble("", new double[] { (double)evnt.TimeStamp.Ticks }, 1);
                            structEventMarkers["TimestampC", 0] = ConvertDateTimeToMLDouble(evnt.TimeStamp);
                            structEventMarkers["Port", 0]       = new MLChar(null, evnt.Port.ToString());
                            arrayMarkerEvents[k] = structEventMarkers;
                        structDataStream["MarkerEvents", 0] = arrayMarkerEvents;

                    // Positions
                    if (gpsDataStream.Positions.Count > 0)
                        double[][] points = new double[gpsDataStream.Positions.Count][];
                        int        k      = 0;
                        foreach (GPSPositionDataLine pt in gpsDataStream.Positions)
                            points[k]    = new double[5];
                            points[k][0] = Utils.ConvertToUnixTimestamp(pt.TimeStamp);
                            points[k][1] = pt.Lat;
                            points[k][2] = pt.Lon;
                            points[k][3] = pt.Height;
                            points[k][4] = pt.Quality;
                        MLDouble arrayPoints = new MLDouble("Points", points);
                        structDataStream["Points", 0] = arrayPoints;


                MatFileWriter mfw = new MatFileWriter(filename, mlList, false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger?.WriteLineError("Error occured: " + ex.ToString());

            logger?.WriteLineInfo("MAT file location: " + filename);