Beispiel #1
    public static IEnumerator PulseMkGlow(MKGlow glow, float startAlpha, float endAlpha, float duration)
        // keep track of when the fading started, when it should finish, and how long it has been running</p> <p>&a
        var startTime   = Time.time;
        var endTime     = Time.time + duration;
        var elapsedTime = 0f;

        // set the canvas to the start alpha – this ensures that the canvas is ‘reset’ if you fade it multiple times
        glow.bloomScattering = startAlpha;
        // loop repeatedly until the previously calculated end time
        while (Time.time <= endTime)
            elapsedTime = Time.time - startTime;                                          // update the elapsed time
            var percentage = 1 / (duration / elapsedTime);                                // calculate how far along the timeline we are
            if (Time.time <= (endTime / 2))                                               // if we are fading up
                glow.bloomScattering = startAlpha + (endAlpha - startAlpha) * percentage; // calculate the new alpha
                Debug.Log(endTime / 2);
            else // if we are fading down
                glow.bloomScattering = endAlpha - (endAlpha - startAlpha) * percentage; // calculate the new alpha

            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); // wait for the next frame before continuing the loop
        Debug.Log(endTime / 2);
        glow.bloomScattering = startAlpha; // force the alpha to the end alpha before finishing – this is here to mitigate any rounding errors, e.g. leaving the alpha at 0.01 instead of 0
 void Start()
     tmp         = gameObject.GetComponent <MKGlow>();
     time        = 0;
     blurGap     = tmp.BlurSpread - blurMiddle;
     blurBegin   = tmp.BlurSpread;
     intensGap   = tmp.GlowIntensity - intensityEnd;
     intensBegin = tmp.GlowIntensity;
    void Start()
        obstaclePrevPos =;        //init position of obstacle spawned
        rot0            = speed.localRotation; //init rotation of speed needle

        foreach (Transform t in driverCam.transform)
            if ("Center"))
                t.GetComponent <Camera>().allowHDR = true;
                MKGlow mkg = t.gameObject.AddComponent <MKGlow>();
                mkg.GlowType  = MKGlowType.Selective;
                mkg.GlowLayer = LayerMask.GetMask("Graphics");
        //linesUtils.LineRend = linesUtils.CreateLineRenderer(linesUtils.LineRendererEmpty, "LineRenderer", 2.5f, new Color32(0x3A, 0xC1, 0xAA, 0xFF), mats[2], () => linesUtils.InitGlowTexture());
        //linesUtils.LineRend2 = linesUtils.CreateLineRenderer(linesUtils.CenterLineRendererEmpty, "centerLineRenderer", 0.5f, new Color32(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), mats[2], () => linesUtils.InitGlowTexture2());
 void Awake()
     mkGlow = this.GetComponent <MKGlow>();
Beispiel #5
 void Awake()
     mkGlow = this.GetComponent <MKGlow>();
     skin.horizontalSlider.fixedHeight = 25f;
Beispiel #6
    private void Start()
        mkGlow = masterCamera.GetComponent <MKGlow>();

Beispiel #7
 private void Start()
     mkGlow = GetComponent <MKGlow>();